#dona's uni life
donaidk · 2 years
External hard drive died while copying my semester worth of work from my laptop onto it. Devil thought he will get me today, but I was smart enough to use ctrl+c and not ctrl+x, so suck it 😎
that's pretty much what 2 years of it engineering taught me 😂
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The Vampire Laws (according to the Children of Darkness).
Total of one hundred.
Written in Latin. The main coven was based in Rome, and Armand was sent from there to Paris. Is Latin his third language? ("French my fourth and poorest language").
They largely use the term "lamiae" for vampires (which makes sense given the part of the world), but not always.
The Five Great Laws
1. Quisque suum thalamum debet habere ducem e ... ponat ... doli.
(my translation) Each coven (literally „inner room“) must have its leader ... order ... Trick.
(used in the show) Each coven must have its leader and only he might order the working of the Dark Trick upon a mortal.
2. Dona tenebrosa numquam debilesdebile.. ... er.. aut iis qui necum potestatibus quidem obscuris suis vivere possunt debent.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the weak ... or to those who cannot (in fact) live with their dark powers.
The Dark Gifts must never be given to the crippled, the maimed or to children.
3. Nullus lamia vampiris debet scribere historiam lamiae vel quamlibet veram cognitionem lamiorum netalis historia inveniatura mortalibus et credatur.
No vampire should commit to writing the history of the vampires, or any true knowledge of vampires, lest such a story be discovered and believed by mortals.
No vampire must commit to writing the history of the vampires.
4. Nemo lamia suamveram naturammortalibus unquam patefaciet et mortale vivat.
No vampire will ever reveal his true nature to mortals and lives as a mortal.
No vampire shall ever reveal his or her true nature to a mortal and let the mortal live.
5. Nullus lamia potestalium lamia destruere nisi quod dominus copuluspotestatemhabetvitae et necis super totum gregem suum.
No vampire can destroy another vampire except for the coven master who holds the power of life and death over his whole flock.
No vampire may ever destroy another vampire except that the coven master has the power of life and death over all his flock.
Other laws that are at least a little bit readable:
51. Lamia semper ad sep... re...bit vel uni simillimum.
A vampire is always ... or very similar to one.
52. Lamia non cognoscet gaudium.
A vampire will not know joy.
53. Non cognoscet lamia felicitatem.
A vampire will not know happiness.
54. Leges magnae lamiae ...olasse iudicatus exs... ... morte punietur.
The laws of the great vampire* ... judged ... will be punished by death.
*or more likely the great laws of the vampires.
55. Lamia(e) exilia punienda ...buntur in terra tumulanda.
Exiled vampires to be punished ... buried in the ground.
56. Lamia non ambulabit in locis lucis.
A vampire will not walk in places of light.
57. Vampires praedam e consortio rapient ...s profuxis[?] et vagi.
Vampires will snatch prey from the group  ... runaways and vagrants.
58. Lamia nunquam cognoscet delicias vitae vanitates saeculi.
A vampire will never know the pleasures of life and the vanities of the world/age.
59. Lamia non requiret solatium foci[?].
A vampire will not require the comfort of a family.
60. Vampires nunquam carnalem delectationem cum mortalibus requirent.
Vampires will never seek carnal pleasure with mortals.
61. Vampires nunquam mortalium consortia quaerunt.
Vampires never seek the company of mortals.
62. Vivere inter homines ....nt labentibus annis lamia ad insaniam.
To live among humans .... the passing years ... a vampire to madness.
63. Vivere inter homines alios videre senescere ac mori sicut lamia nunquam sequila[?] lamia ad insaniam impellet.
To live among humans and see others grow old and die, like vampires would never, will drive vampires to insanity.
64. Lamia non ....patem quaerunt.
A vampire not ... seek.
65. Vampires in choro[?] delectationem non reg...rent.
Vampires do not ... delight in dance.
66. Vampires in musica non quaerunt ....tem.
Vampires do not seek .... in music.
67. Lamia(e) non[?] actibus[?] delectationem quaerunt,
Vampires do not seek pleasure in perfomances.
68. Vampires litterae** voluptatem non requirent.
Vampires do not seek pleasure in books.
**thank you lilium-in-blue
69. Vampires magicae non ....ionem requirent.
Vampires do not seek .... magic.
81. Factor amittit fac....diendi f.lli sui cogitationes ..c ...tium est donum obscurae largi...
The maker loses .... his thoughts ... is Dark Gift ...
82. Lamia in alias formas inc..sa europaea mutare poterit sed numquam in ...rundom africanum vertere poteris.
A vampire in other forms ... European ... will be able to change but never in ... African ... will be able to turn.***
*** I have no idea what this means. Words are missing and the whole sentence can have a completely different meaning than what it looks like now. My first thought was that it was some kind of reference to Akasha and Enkil. Please don't jump to conclusions.
83. Veri filii dei potestatibus eam ...per fidem resistere possunt s.... ....e sunt creaturae infidelis damnatorum.
True children of God .... powers ... can resist faith ... are the creatures ... damned unfaithful.
84. Lamia corpora aquae salsae in aestus maximo et infimo .a.tum transibunt.
A vampire will cross bodies of salt water ... at high and low tides.
85. Ut tempus mortale depopulatur corpus lamia depopulabitur tempus ut anni decennia vertuntur in saecula millennii corpus petrificat et lamia volvitur in saxum.
As time destroys the mortal body, so the vampire will be destroyed over time, as the decades turn into the centuries of the millennium, the body petrifies and the vampire turns to stone.
86. Vampires victimas non relinquent ubi a mortalibus cognosci possint nisi tales dolores fuerint ut mors non sit causa praeternaturalia.
Vampires will not leave their victims where they can be recognized by mortals unless they are wounded in such a way that their death does not seem supernatural.
87. Lamia vera loquetur scobe[?] domino.
The vampire will speak the truth ... to the master.
88. Lamia domino suo asse obediet eique exhibebit quantum tale officium postulat.
A vampire will obey his master and will give him as much as such a duty demands.
89. Lamia ad omnes casus paretur.
A vampire is prepared for everything.
90. Lamia paratus ad immolandum se ad bonum testudinis.
A vampire is willing to sacrifice himself/herself for the good of the coven.
91. Paratus lamia paratus erit suum testudinum et dominum suum ab omnibusiminis externis et domesticis defendere.
A prepared vampire will be ready to defend his/her coven and his/her master from external and internal threats.
92. Super omnia custodiatte.
Above all, be vigilant.
93. Nullam lamia eg... posuere eget t.n.idunt quam.
No vampire ... needs to put ...
94. Si lamia in...niret socium lamia fractam testudinis regulas tali de..sta domino cousco referentur.
If a vampire ... vampire breaks the rules of the coven, such ... they will be reported to the coven master.
95. Defectum de .ae...is membris certi... facere faciet ..os criminum facitos[?] lamia ac s ... .a... miserit.
The failure of ... members ... will make ... crimes ... vampire ... will be killed/released.
96. Ignorantia testament.. regulae non erit acceptabile defensionem contra regulas praevaricationis.
Ignorance ... of the rules will not be an acceptable defense against breaking the rules.
97. Admissa in cr..am un ... via exeundi ...
Admitted ... way ... avoid ...
98. Pactum lamia s... et pacem[?] praesedit.
A vampire pact ... and presides over peace.
TL;DR: Very cult-like rules, calling for restraint, moderation, obedience. Lots of little callbacks.
Let me know if you spot any mistakes or can add anything. I'm used to translating from Latin, but not into English. Latin is a bit tricky, mainly because of the crazy word order.
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donaeis · 4 years
10 Questions Tag
Rules: Answer ten questions, then come up with ten of your own.
i was tagged by @silverspringsimmer. thank you! 🌹
1. How did you come up with your url? 
i took it from the latin phrase dona eis requiem, where i initially thought it would be all smart and shit to use donaeis for my url, and requiem for my blog name. then i decided to go with shitty blog names like chinless and blue grimy instead, so now im left with just donaies. 
2. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Would you ever consider becoming one? 
im not a true vegetarian or vegan.. i do make sure to buy green/bio dairy and i dont buy meat for my own groceries. but, when i go out with friends or family or eat with them, i do still eat meat. id definitely consider becoming one... ive tried so many times to go full vegan but i just cant afford it right now. once i have the money to do so, however... i really do want to.
3. What is your pet peeve? 
oh, man... im an irritable bitch so i got a whole load of these lmao. my current pet peeve, though, id say... when my customers lean in to read my name tag and then proceed to use my name in just the creepiest fucking way possible. “hello, fig. ;) ;) how are you, fig? ;) thank you, fig ;)”
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
night owl... definitely. i dont go to bed before 2am if i can at all help it, hehe.
5. Would you like to be 18 again (if you are older) / would you like to be already 18 (if you are younger)? If you just turned 18, can you feel any difference when it comes to your life? 
im not sure, man. i do feel like life was easier at 18. not as many responsibilities, uni was MUCH easier back when i was still an undergraduate lmfao, your friends are closer... on the other hand, i was so insecure at 18. so ultimately, considering everything... im fine being 23. 
6. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? 
7. What other countries than your own one have you been to?
i absolutely love traveling, so uhhh... let’s see... ive been to germany, belgium, france, switzerland, austria, hungary, poland, bulgaria, greece, gran canaria (canary islands), st. martin and curaçao (caribbean), mexico, the united states, canada, and nepal. 
somehow, though, ive never been to spain or italy. 😂 
8. The game you want to play so bad, but don’t have an opportunity now. 
GTA V, but only irl with friends so we can fuck around
9. Favourite perfume scent 
y’all are gonna laugh at me for this one but i had this playboy parfum and it was fucking GOOD. whenever id wear it id get so many compliments. i had play it sexy and play it lovely, but i think the uhh, former got me the most success. 🙊😂
10. Describe your favourite pizza
prosciutto with mozarella and uhh rucola and some pine nuts and maybe some pesto. 
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my questions for y’all: 
1. if you could travel anywhere right now, where would you want to go?
2. do you have any tattoos or (non-earring) piercings?
3. your favorite place in all the world?
4. what is the first thing you’re planning to do once all quarantine/self-isolation recommendations are lifted?
5. what is your favorite animal to own?
6. your favorite plant or flower?
7. do you prefer summer or winter, and why?
8. something that always manages to calm you down/bring you peace?
9. out of all sims you have ever created in any iteration, who was your most memorable sim and why?
10. your favorite movie of all time?
im tagging @simscognito​ @merrymomo @gloomyplumbob @delta-simmer @simbians @descendantdragfi @melloncollieme @nyteroseshadowthorn @micrathene-w @starry-eyed-simss @nessiesim  @meekraincloud @outfishingbebacknever @forests-sim-stories @whyhellosims and anyone else who wants to do it! also feel free to ignore if you’ve already done it and/or just don’t feel like doing it. 😊
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taeyeohn · 6 years
well dang miss thing it’s been a hot minute since you’ve been on
ughh rite i know :/// uni is fucking me up like i cant pass this 2nd year exam for the 4th time now and im like kjadjhaksd ?????????? realllyyyyyyyyy dona wtf and then high life i just forget to use social network lmao
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donaidk · 3 years
Do I think Daniel's win and Lando's P2 in Monza powered me through today's exam to reach the passing grade? Abso-fucking-lutely
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donaidk · 3 years
Did I just realize we have University Racing Championships where uni teams build cars and all the softwares around it? Yes. Did I just literally spend two hours reading up on it? Yes. Did I just find a team that's looking for new members and applied? Well... I don't wanna scream but YEEEESSSS. Now to wait for if they actually take my application or not 😭
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donaidk · 3 years
Superliminal was always one of my fave puzzle games. However, seeing it again after two years of it's releas, and now with one full year of uni behind my back that did teach me a lot more than just programming... holy mother of god that game is epic. All the work behind it and the programming they had to do... My mind is literally blown. It makes such a difference when you start to understand how many hours of work and the quality of work must be behind one thing that you literally play for just 2 hours. I now appreciate that game even more.
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donaidk · 3 years
When you feel stupid after an exam, but literally 23 from the 30 fails it... I can't even be mad at myself for not getting ready well enough. This was literally Mission Impossible.
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donaidk · 3 years
Fear the times when computers become brats and talk back at you like moody teenagers 😂
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donaidk · 3 years
Uni profs not correcting our reports even after 6 weeks my absolute fucking behated...
Just tell me if I failed or not. I don't even give a crap about the grade.
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donaidk · 2 years
Others: You start every new semester with way more ease than you did the previous one. That's progress. It gets easier.
Me: Nah, I just learned to not give a fuck quicker than have a nervous breakdown.
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donaidk · 2 years
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Hello darkness* my old friend 🤦‍♀️
*Code Blocks and graphic coding
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donaidk · 3 years
Guess who just shut herself out of her own library on the uni server 🙃
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donaidk · 2 years
Me a year ago: I can't imagine failing a class, no that just can't happen. hell will open up and swallow me immediately if that happens.
Me now: Welp, class #1 of suspected 2 failed officially now. *takes a bite of her merci waiting for anything to happen* Yeah, guess the world isn't ending.
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donaidk · 2 years
I wish every uni student a prof like mine in this class. Literally had my best ever exam experience where we both laughed at my mistakes and got me there in the end with everyday examples. Also excused my dog's horrendous snores that my mic caught fully... God, the smile I have on my face right now.
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donaidk · 3 years
I was about to give up on my assignment, but the fact that Lando and Jon played the same game in the new McLaren vid, that I choose to make a bit different pc version of for my programming class pushed me to get myself together. So, thank you McLaren 🧡 Again
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