#dru!riddle i'm sorry... your suffering is crucial to the plot
merakiui · 4 months
I already gushed about your riddle-fic when i reblogged it, but i am still thinking about it - you promised a W for Riddle and you delivered, he deserves it
Reader's idea of having a strawberry garden took me back to the posts about baking pies and gardening with Riddle, the cottagecore-style suits Riddle-fantasies, after all that stress he's gone through
Your writing was so good, but I don't want to leave another lengthy text gushing about the writing, because I could go on for a long time lol
I cannot thank you enough for your reblog and the kind comments you left in it!!! (∩˃o˂∩)♡ I read it with such a happy smile!!!!!!! The merakiui guarantee is essentially: if a character is allowed a W, it will be the best W of their life. If they are condemned to an L (looking directly, DISRESPECTFULLY at glomas Azul), it will be the most suffering L ever. I'm happy to give Riddle a W!!!!!! A long Riddle fic with a good ending was much overdue.
:O omg yes!!!! Baking pies and gardening.... the cottagecore lifestyle is so wonderful for Riddle. It's just him and his horsegirl in a quaint home in the countryside. Growing strawberries as nature intended. <3 I like to imagine Rook stops by on occasion just to check in. He's the second human you learn to not fear. But then maybe it's good practice to be wary around Rook Hunt. ^^;;;;
Thank you for reading and enjoying this fic!!!! ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ sending you all of my love. xoxoxoxoxo!!!!!!!
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