#emma's girlfriend's name is summer blakely btw
coffeeanddimlights · 11 months
Emma Bloom HCs
- She has a heart locket with a picture of herself and Abe inside. She couldn’t bring herself to replace his picture or put it away when she started to date Jacob. Only after she finally began to get over him (post TDoDA) she put it in a keepsake box in her closet and hasn’t thought of it since.
- Her breakup with Jacob made her reflect a lot on how obsessed she was with Abe which is how she began to finally get over him. She ended up discovering she was pan after falling in love with a preppy popular girl at Jacob’s school who she’s been dating ever since.
- She became a professional photographer in both the modern and peculiar world, making a living in both worlds. Her girlfriend helped her set up a social media account to get more traction; her first photos that went viral were of photoshoots of her girlfriend and she’s been living off commission since. In the peculiar world she helps document fellow peculiars.
- Emma was always in charge of Miss Peregrine’s photo album and was the one who took photos of all the children (Abe took the photo of herself for her).
- When she fled home she didn’t have any belongings, therefore nothing to remember her sister by. After all these years she’s forgotten her voice and her face, and she sometimes cries at night trying to piece her back together in her mind. She and Millard once tried to find records or any information of Julia but they never found anything, which plagues her mind.
- Noor and Emma’s girlfriend drastically helped Emma warm up to modern fashion. She finally developed her own fashion sense, mostly consisting of sundresses, floral crop tops and baggy jeans. She’s a fan of the preppy-hipster style of dress to her girlfriend’s more bra top and leggings style of preppy.
- As often as they fight, she sees Enoch as the younger brother she never had and loves him dearly. It never occurred to her that he felt the same until she realized how concerned he was over her (towards the end of TCoTB) and she started to be more patient with his attitude (though she never hesitates to call him out on bs).
- She loves birds and owned a pet canary once, but after she accidentally burned his wing with her pinky, she decided that all pets were off the table and set him free, though she still misses him dearly and loves all animals in general.
- While she disliked and felt very jealous towards Noor at first, after they began to hangout, she grew to saw Noor as a good friend. The two, along with Bronwyn, Fiona, (and later Emma’s girlfriend), all hang out together as often as they can, usually shopping or going on walks (or pranking the boys). They love having girl’s nights with Claire and Olive (Horace tags along occasionally) and sleepovers in each other’s rooms (though Miss Peregrine makes sure Emma and her girlfriend sleep separately much to Emma’s annoyance).
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