#enjoy reading this while scrolling your show's tag terry
trillgutterbug · 3 years
ellic 4.0?
Tbh I'm like, there is Tanis fic?!?! Which, of course there is, it just never occurred to me to look for it 😅
there BARELY is tbh, and only one good nic/ellis fic (this one), which is really too bad because i ship it ferociously!!!! and i would love it if anyone wanted to come talk to me about it 👀👀 i really hope i finish this fic someday, but unfortunately doing so will require actually listening to tanis again lmao. i just did a whole relisten and barely survived it. (to be fair, i could just totally halfass the rest of this fic and that'd be about as canon-compliant as i could get, but i can't bring myself to do that.) anyway, it's set in season..... idk, 2...? whenever nic is working at pacifica, and so far it's all just ust.
(tw: aftermath of animal death)
At the end of Nic’s first break, Ellis stopped him on his way out the door. He was wearing his jacket again, zipped to the neck. His cheeks were flushed with exertion and he smelled of bright, fresh air. 
“Nic,” he said, hands tucked in his pockets. “I’d like to show you something, if you have a moment.” 
Nic hesitated, already gripping the door handle. “Okay… I’m just going out for my second period, though.”
“I know. What you need to see is in the woods. A discovery an employee just made.”
Something began squirming in Nic’s chest. A fluttering dread. “What is it?”
“I would prefer to show you.” Despite its gentleness, there was no room for negotiation in Ellis’ tone. His gaze was very direct, the position of his body next to the door as clear a message as the bright red EXIT sign above it.
Nic chewed the inside of his cheek, weighing his options. Without any surprise, he found the scales entirely unequal. As usual. “Alright,” he said at last. “Sure.” Taking his hand off the handle, he gestured Ellis forward. “After you.”
It wasn’t a long walk - seven minutes by Nic’s watch. Still, that was a third of his shift. He’d never known twenty-two minutes could fly by so quickly until he started this job. Ellis said very little, leading Nic down a winding series of trails that were vaguely familiar in the way every trail in these woods was familiar. The shades of dirt and trees, the shape of the land, were as recognizable to Nic as the quality of light in a Rembrandt.
“Where are we going?” he finally asked, when the quiet and the briskness of Ellis’ pace had worn through his last nerve. He'd turned on his voice recorder as soon as they left the facility, but so far it had mostly recorded dead air and a few birdsongs. 
“Just up ahead,” Ellis replied without looking back. 
“But what is it?”
“You’ll see.”
That was hardly a satisfactory answer, but, as it turned out, it was an accurate one. Nic knew what was coming before he even saw the clearing. Between one step and the next, he knew. His whole body seized. His muscles clenched like the hard involuntary shudder of incipient hypothermia. His feet dragged, slowed, and stopped. The Blur rushed up on him, snatching him under its thick cotton cloud before he could even consider fighting it. Distantly, through a high-pitched haze, he watched Ellis turn around. 
Ellis didn’t seem surprised he’d stopped. He regarded Nic with a calm, curious expression. “Nic? What’s wrong?” 
“I don't want to,” Nic heard himself say. His voice was low, firm. “I don't want to do this.”
Ellis took a step toward him. “What don't you want to do?”
“I don't want to see.”
Ellis watched him without speaking. It was unbearable, the inescapability of his gaze. Nic’s fists clenched. His heart began to pound. He thought about turning and running with an urgency so visceral his breath caught. If he was fast, if he was smart about it, he could get back to the facility before Ellis could stop him. He could get back to the road. He could run all the way back to his car, he could -
“It's alright,” Ellis said. “There's nothing here that can harm you.”
Nic shook his head. His chest hurt like his heart was going to burst through it. “You don't know that.”
Ellis came closer. He took his hands out of his jacket pockets. “Nic, what do you think I'm about to show you? What do you think is out here?”
Tears stung the back of Nic’s eyes. His mouth filled with the taste of salt.  “I don't know,” he whispered.
Another step. “Are you sure about that?”
Nic shut his eyes. “I don’t want to know.”
“I think it's important that you do.” Ellis touched Nic’s wrist. “May I?” 
Nic tried to say No, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. His throat had shut tight.
Ellis drew him forward with a warm, unyielding grip. “I'm right here with you,” he said. “I won't let anything happen.”
That was bullshit, of course. Even if Ellis had been trustworthy, he didn’t understand what the Blur was capable of, what Tanis could do. He just didn’t understand. But Nic obeyed the tug of his hand anyway. He followed, blind. 
It was only around the next corner. Nic nearly walked into Ellis’ back when he stopped, then stood as still as he could, holding his breath. If he didn’t move, it wouldn’t see him. It wouldn’t catch him. 
“Nic?” Ellis’ voice was very quiet. “Open your eyes.”
He didn’t want to. But he did as he was told. 
Ellis was standing between Nic and the clearing, but Nic could see it over his shoulder. He could see the corpses, the piles of fur and feathers, the guts and the bones. He could smell rot. And, as if that seeing and smelling was an inoculation, an exorcism, the Blur receded. It drew away like a wave sucked back down a long beach. Nic was left standing cold and sick in the woods with dead animals at his feet and Cameron Ellis next to him, alone in his own mind. 
“I didn't do this,” he said, before Ellis could speak. “I didn't.”
Ellis took a moment to respond. His hand, still on Nic’s, tightened. His thumb touched the bone of Nic’s wrist. “I’m afraid evidence suggests otherwise.”
The smell roiled in the back of Nic throat, churning his stomach. He turned his head to gag, but nothing came up except some sour spit. He breathed fast and ragged until he thought he could speak again. “What evidence?” he asked. It emerged as a croak. 
“The test results for the blood swabbed from you on Friday,” said Ellis. “It's all animal. Birds and small mammals, some reptiles. The scraping from under your nails contained fur and feather keratin.” 
Ellis’ soft words permitted no misunderstanding, even though Nic very badly wanted to misunderstand. He chanced another glance over Ellis’ shoulder. It was no less horrific this time, but he forced himself to keep looking, to comprehend what he was seeing. The eviscerated birds dangling from branches, the heaps of sticky flesh among the roots. Flashes of white bone, piles of feathers, torn flesh and fur. The flies. The flies were buzzing so loud. 
“I couldn't do this,” he said. Even to himself, it sounded more like a question, a plea for agreement. “How could anyone do this?”
Ellis didn’t reply. He was looking at Nic, not the carnage around them. 
Nic swallowed, twice and then three times. He began to shiver. “You don't think I did this. You can't think that.”
“I think…” said Ellis, measuring his words, “that you were not in your right mind when you were involved in what happened here. Whatever that was.” There was nothing judgmental in his gaze, only concern. Nic wanted to shrivel beneath the weight of it, recoil like something delicate and wet withdrawing from the sun, scalded by perception. “Do you remember anything at all?”
Nic shook his head. “No. No, I -” He trailed off, distracted again, aghast. “How would someone do this?” He felt like a broken record, the needle of his mind trapped in this one deep, gouged groove. “How would someone even catch…” There were crows, sparrows, squirrels. He saw the dull stretch of something spotted and leathery, a frog or salamander skin. A rabbit’s head, attached to the stump of its spine by a thin string of flesh. Was that the bloody, disembodied leg of a wolf, or was it... 
His voice cracked. “How would I even catch all these animals?” 
“I don't know, Nic,” Ellis said. “That's what we were hoping you could tell us."
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
I was tagged by @humandisasterbuckybarnes (I totally didn’t even notice at first because I’ve been away from Tumblr, sorrryyyy!)
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
OOH. Well. This actually goes back a long way! The ‘tott’ part of TottWriter is really an acronym for the title of a series of fantasy novels I started writing in my teens. (They’ve undergone a lot of revisions since then.) I picked TotTWriter as a username when I joined a forum in 2006 because it summed up how I saw myself at that time, and it just sorta...stuck. As for what the acronym actually is? Gotta wait and see. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
Ohgosh. Well, I think that one’s gotta be my Digimon fic Hope’s Fire, on pretty much all fronts. It’s my oldest, longest fic, and it’s posted on both Ao3 and ff, so it’s had plenty of time to accrue attention. 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
My Ao3 icon is a picture of a pen and paper roleplaying character I rolled a few years ago. (And was drawn by @iddstar, not me, because I am Not An Artist and Vic very much is.)
After finishing this I’m dropping the rest of it beneath a readmore, because it got a teensy bit long, and I complain bitterly if these hog my own dash.)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
You know, I feel bad talking about regular commenters, given how irregularly I actually manage to post anything these days. I feel like it’s more appropriate for me to grovel and thank those people who have stuck with me this long. (I’m particularly grateful to @ittybittymattycommittee​ because it has been A While. You’re wonderful.)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I’m...I mean, there isn’t really a particular one? I have a few which I’ve read multiple times, but I tend to read the really long fics, which make regular re-reads a bit trickier. I absolutely want to go back over fics I’ve loved and enjoyed and experience that again, but it’s tricky when they take so long, and I have so little time. 
...Actually, probably my most re-read fic is a YoI one called Rumble In Detroit. It’s a goddamn masterpiece which appeals exactly to my sense of humour. (Also only 6.4k, so totally readable in one go if you’re me.)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I’m really bad at bookmarking. I’ll read a fic, think, “This was awesome!” and then just...forget to bookmark it and pull my hair out later wondering what the hell it was. I scroll through my history to find stuff entirely too often. I have 53 bookmarked fics, and it should be way more. 
Conversely, I am very prone to hitting that subscribe button. I have ten pages of the dratted things apparently, and okay, some of those are now completed fics, but...every now and then I get an update notification and can’t remember what the actual fic was. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
...I mean, angsty ones? I don’t really have a preferred setting tbh, although more often than not there is something fantastical about what I write. Generally with my fanfiction I try to mix things up a lot more than my original fic. I make a point of trying to do as many different types of story as I can. Statistically though, Apocalypse/Dystopia scenarios and (surprisingly!) Soulmate AUs work out as the most common though. 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
25 brave souls have signed up for my infrequent update notifications (bless all of you), and the stats page shows me as having 201 bookmarks. 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I mean, I’m pretty sure people judge me for what I already write. I’ve got fics tagged with MCD, after all, and I’m probably straying into shipping wars with at least one of my stories. I’m plenty nervous about the reaction people will have to the end of some of my fics, but I figure...ehh. I write these stories because I love them, and I share them because someone out there is bound to find them passable. 
The only thing I won’t write under this name is explicit NSFW stuff, which is because, hey, I’m hoping to get YA fiction published someday, you know? I don’t want an underage reader looking my name up (see question 1 for why they might know it) and finding something like that.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
It’s funny, because this is something I technically am better at than I used to be in years past, but the main thing is actually sitting down and writing more regularly. Despite appearances, I’ve actually written a lot of fanfic recently (Secret Santas mostly), but I could have done more than that if I’d been able to manage my time better. Also if Life hadn’t come along to mess up my day, but, hey. Go figure.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I guess it’s a bit of both? I never used to set out to write ships at all, because for me, relationships are secondary to plot when writing, but they do seem to happen more than they used to. I’m a big multishipper though so I like to mix it up.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I have 33 works on Ao3 in total. Of those...some are oneshots, 12 are in-progress multichapter fics and...um...one is a complete multichapter fic. Whoops.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
*coughs and moves on*
For real though, I posted about this recently and it’s...including original fiction, we’re talking more than thirty, possibly over 40 by now. I very deliberately don’t keep track.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
It’s a bit of both really. Sometimes I get an idea, and it’s too fragmentary to really do anything with, so I just sorta leave it in my head to fester and ferment. If I forget it, it probably wasn’t worth saving, but if it gets to the mindworm stage I write it down in my nearest notebook at the time and expand on it a bit.
...If it’s a really fun idea, I then track down that notebook later on and copy it out onto the computer where I can actually find it again.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Not for yeeeears! My sister and I started co-authoring a story back when we were teenagers, but we never actually finished the project. I really enjoyed collaborating though - it’s fun to combine forces and see what each person brings to the table!
16. How did you discover AO3?
I honestly cannot remember.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Hahahahaha...no. It’s okay though, I’m not doing this for fame or attention. I just get these stories in my head and the only way to remove them is to write them out.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
I don’t! I...honestly can’t think of a name, tbh. Names are my nemesis, why would I add more to my life?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember. Probably since I was 6 or 7 (I can remember stapling paper together at school to make a “book” to write in). Probably I was doomed from the start, but the works of Tamora Pierce, Brian Jacques, Tolkien, John Wyndham and Sir Terry Pratchett are what shaped me from my teens onward. Those are the books I read which make me want to write my own. 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Look, it’s really tempting I know, but don’t share online just yet. If you’re just starting out, you really are far better off keeping your work between you and trusted friends. I always look back and marvel at how damn lucky I am not to have had regular internet access until I was 18.  
You see, it meant that all my early stories - from when I was figuring out who I was as a writer, and how I wanted to write - are tucked safely away where no one can shit on them. And people do. Not everyone of course, but some, and those first few years as a writer are the most fragile.
Every author builds up a thick skin over time, because trolls are gonna troll. But it’s hard, when you work on something and do your best, and someone leaves a shitty comment about it. To my mind, the most important thing you can do as a beginner is to shield yourself from that nonsense until you’ve found your feet. There will be time yet to post your stories. Wait until you can leave it to one side for a week and come back and not despise it. (Some level of “ohgodno” is expected for your own work pretty much forever, but you should at least feel some level of pride in your work first)
...it’s hard and it’s pretty unrewarding at first, I won’t lie. But think about it like this: beginner violinists often sound awful. No one wants to hear that. But if a musician can stick it through; work past the squeaking and the cringe-worthy missed notes... What you end up with is something which can reach right into someone’s heartstrings and leave a permanent impression. 
And that is every bit worth the slog.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
A bit of both! I have at the least a rough outline (sometimes a lot more than that) for almost all my stories before starting, but I generally add to and amend it as I go. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I think maybe once? It really wasn’t too bad though, so I just left it be. I’ve been stupidly lucky with my readers and love all of you.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
I was about to say NSFW stuff, and then I remembered confession scenes, which differ from NSFW in that I actually write those sometimes, and they take approximately five hundred times longer than literally anything else, including the smut which I hate writing so bad I practically never do it. Confession scenes are freaking hard.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
TOO MANY. For real though, I have 3 secret santas, 3/4 active HQ fics, Hope’s Fire, and more which are sorta lurking in semi-activity beyond that. I have zero chill.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
...I mean it’d be great if I could finish an ongoing story, NGL.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nope! I try to stick to one during NaNo, but outside that life just sorta gets in the way too often.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
I mean, the answer is yes either way, but I tend to distinguish the various phases of my writing? age 6-12 was half-arsed writing. Just sorta jotting down stories and not really thinking too much about them. From 13-16 I was so preoccupied with writing and finishing my novel that I didn’t leave room for such trifles as quality control. 16-24/5 was slow but steady improvements. 
At 25 I realised hot damn, I have a lot to learn, and that is the point at which I consider that I started getting better for real.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
You know, it sorta depends? Assuming we’re talking fanfic only (or, sorry, but my novel beats them all), I actually...really like the Trinacrifom series? 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
It was for a telephone prompt, it’s less than 600 words, nope, I’m not sharing it XD
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I mean I’d like to say something like “getting paid for it”, but we all know I’m still gonna be here writing fanfic instead of my original work.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
For me it’s actually the ideas! I keep getting them pop into my head.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
…Actually finishing things.
33. Why do you write?
At this point, writing is a little like breathing for me. It’s my identity. It’s who I am. I have so many ideas in my head and the only way to get them out is to write them, so I do. I hope that people enjoy them, certainly, and I want to think my words have an effect of some kind, but ultimately storytelling is hardwired into me and I don’t know how to stop.
Oh! Tagging. Right, after that textwall how about I pass the buck to someone else, hehe. @draculasstrawhat, @lethesomething, @iddstar and @quinnlocke as well as anyone else...if you wanna, you know? (No one’s obligated tho)
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Spotlight #15 - Queenofcats17 (Fiona)
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Tell us a bit about yourself: I’m Fiona, just an awkward potato trying to navigate the world now that I’ve graduated high school. I really like science fiction, fantasy, and anything to do with gods/angels and demons appeals to me, hence why I’m involved in this fandom. I’m a writer and an artist and those two things are my favorite things to do in the world. Although I appear small and adorable, I know I can have a bit of a temper and a less than clean vocabulary. But I try my best to be friendly and inviting, because I believe most everyone deserves kindness.
When did you get into the fandom and how did you stumble upon it?     I think I’ve been here since the very beginning. I found the comic when I was scrolling on Tumblr and found the original thing Orange did. After that I was pretty much sold, because demon and forcefully cheery girl? That’s my jam right there. I didn’t get into the fandom until recently when I discovered the fanworks blog. After that I immersed myself in all the fanfiction and art. The people in this fandom are so talented and have such amazing ideas. Then I wrote a fanfic and people seemed to like that, so I continued. Who are your favorite characters/pairings? Like pretty much everyone, I think, I ship Natan. My favorite character is probably Natalie, due to how much I relate to her. Uriel is also a favorite, as is poor Michael Pangakos. I find I like the whole cast, with the exception of Jericho because fuck that guy. Oh, and other pairings I like are probably Kristi/Michael, Laila/Felix, Ganthea, Uriel/Raphael, Zadkiel/Yup in a cute platonic family way. If anyone can make Zadkiel less stabby it’s probably that child. Favorite moment in the comic? My favorite moment was probably when Natalie freed Luci from Hell’s grasp and he was just so damn happy. I just loved seeing that big smile on his face and how absolutely giddy he was. For once he seemed genuinely happy. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I do enjoy the occasional warm fuzzy in between bouts of soul crushing despair. What is your biggest inspiration as far as your art (and/or) writing goes?Probably the books I read for writing and a lot of mangas for art. Not to mention the various Tumblr artists that make me want to get better. But books and everyday life always give me so many ideas and I can’t get them out of my head until I have them written down. A lot of my ideas come from books where other people depict angels or demons or gods, or I start thinking about something random and it suddenly makes sense to make it a part of my story. What would you say is your favorite piece that you’ve done so far? I’ve only done two pieces so far, but Valentine’s Day was by far the most popular. I was really pretty surprised when I saw it had gotten 32 notes. It might be more now. I do like my bootlegger fanfic though. Even if I never finished it. ^^” But I love both of them equally. V-Day was more lighthearted, meant to be a pick-me-up from the emotional trauma of the recent update. What would you say is one of your favorite things to draw/write? The things I love to write the most generally pertain to angels, demons, gods and the like. All those things tend to fascinate me, and I enjoy seeing just how human I can make them. For drawing, I tend to draw my characters, and even then it’s mostly girls. I find girls a lot easier to draw than guys for some reason. I taught myself to draw using Tokyo Mew Mew so my style is anime. What do you think influences your art/writing style? For art, I’d definitely say the mangas I read. Since I taught myself to draw using manga, like Tokyo Mew Mew, my art tends to be influenced by it. I often use mangas to practice different styles or different eye shapes or something. They’ve also been helpful in figuring out proportions and the like. As for writing, I’m definitely influence by writers like Jim Butcher, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchett, because they’re what I grew up reading. I think I learned and adapted my style based on what they wrote and what I thought sounded good in what they did. I want to immerse people in my work, I want to be descriptive. I want people to enjoy my work and be just as excited about it as I am. What are some of your hobbies you enjoy? I like writing, drawing, reading, swimming, and of course anything to do with cats. My current blog is actually one I made after making an RP blog for one of my OC’s, (askthedemonhunter), who happens to be Jack the Ripper as a girl and a demon hunter. I’m weird, I know. I also like watching crime dramas in my spare time, like Bones, Criminal Minds, Elementary, Major Crimes. I especially like Criminal Minds because it goes inside the minds of these people and figures out what makes them do what they do. I love a good mystery. While watching these shows my cat will often just jump on me and sit there, so I will generally pet him so he won’t meow at me. He’s a whiny baby. Before joining SaM, what was a fandom you were part of and are there any fandoms you’re into outside of SaM? I was into Gravity Falls, Pokemon, D. Gray-Man, and D N Angel prior to SaM. Also Supernatural, but that was in middle school and the less we talk about my middle school time the better. I’m still into Gravity Falls and Pokemon, but I’ve also gotten into Miraculous Ladybug, FFXV, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia, Undertale, and a lot of others. A LOT. ^^” Is there anything else you’d like the fandom to know about you or anything you’d like to say to the fandom as a whole? I think this fandom is just so talented, and I’m really happy to be among such amazing and creative people. Not to mention it’s awesome to have an excuse to be able to explore my fascination with demons and angels and compare how other people’s interpretations compare to my own of these creatures. You guys are great and I appreciate all the support you give to writers and artists.  Check out their writing tag below for other awesome pieces! http://queenofcats17.tumblr.com/tagged/fanfiction
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funface2 · 5 years
10 Most Heavenly Good Omens Quotes | ScreenRant – Screen Rant
If we can thank the Amazon Prime miniseries Good Omens for anything, it’s for giving the Internet Michael Sheen as its new boyfriend and providing the world with more scenes of David Tennant, period. The two steal every scene they’re in together and truly make the show, prompting Neil Gaiman fans to wish for him to write more material just so they can get more airtime with one another.
RELATED: MBTI® Of Good Omens Characters
While fans can thank both Gaiman and Terry Pratchett for some of the best lines of the show, many were added to add even more entertainment value. Luckily Prime subscribers can revisit these quotes as often as they like, but for everyone else, here are some of the best quotes from the book and show.
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10 “Funny If We Both Got It Wrong, Eh?”
It’s the quote that started it all. When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden and Crowley (Crawly at this point in the book) puts the entire situation into perspective: what if they both do right by their beliefs but wrong by their orders–that is to say, by angel and demon standards?
Crowley asked Aziraphale, “Funny thing is, I keep wondering whether the apple thing wasn’t the right thing to do, as well. A demon can get into real trouble, doing the right thing. Funny if we both got it wrong, eh? Funny if I did the good thing and you did the bad one, eh?” Aziraphale did NOT find it funny.
9 “Don’t Let Me Tempt You”
There are so many flirty moments in both the Good Omens book and miniseries that it’s no wonder the Internet has taken to referring to the world’s most genteel angel and lackadaisical demon as “Ineffable Husbands.” One prime example happens when Crowley tells Azirphale that he’s never eaten an oyster in the series.
Aziraphale looks delighted at the prospect of introducing his friend to a new food and responds, “Oh well, let me tempt you to… Oh, no, that’s, that’s your job, isn’t it.” Not only is it a flirty quip, but it’s about an aphrodisiac and it points out yet another way the lines between their jobs are so blurry.
8 “Just Canceling Each Other Out”
When Crowley and Aziraphale finally realize that no matter what they do, they will always be canceled out by one another, it’s one of the most hilarious moments of the show. Crowley points out, “So we are both working very hard in damp places and just canceling each other out.” This is a big turning point as they begin to make decisions that go against their orders, realizing that they don’t even matter in the larger scheme of things. Why not trade their misery for pleasure, like human food and music?
RELATED: Good Omens: 5 Differences Between The Book And Mini Series Adaptation (And 5 Things They Kept The Same)
It’s made clear that the humans are far more capable of messing things up for themselves than the demons are and that they usually only need a nudge, if anything.
7 “We Are Here To Lick Some Serious Butt”
There have been a number of comparisons drawn between Supernatural and Good Omens, from the inclusion of a demon named Crowley to similar themes like the end of the world and ambiguous relationships between main characters. When Aziraphale, while inhabiting the body of Madame Tracy, says, “We are here to lick some serious butt!” it brings us back to the time the angel Castiel tried his hand at cursing while doing some butt-kicking, too.
The line is hilarious, and Crowley, as usual, is disgusted that the angel can’t master the simple human phrase and responds, “Kick, Aziraphale, it’s kick butt! For heaven’s sake.”
6 “I Like Pears”
While Aziraphale didn’t say that he liked turtles, he might as well have as popular as he’s become across the Internet. His love of good food, whether it’s simple pears or grapes or something more complex like sushi, brioche or “decent” crepes, makes him even more endearing, and he has a number of food quotes scattered throughout the miniseries.
The most adorable quote is when he simply remarks, “I like pears,” which isn’t only a straightforward declaration of his love of something earthly, but a fun nod to David Tennant’s speech as The Doctor about how much he hated the fruit.
5 “It’s On The Street, It Knows The Risks”
Crowley’s mad driving is a contention between the odd couple, even though, as they both acknowledge, an accident would only cause an inconvenience for both their forms rather than either of their demise. As Crowley careens down the street, Aziraphale warns him to watch out for the pedestrians that he could hit.
RELATED: Good Omens: 5 Things The TV Series Missed From The Book (& 5 Things We’re Glad They Kept In)
Crowley scoffs, “It’s on the street, it knows the risks it’s taking.” This dismissive comment about humans is funny, but it also demonstrates that Crowley is still looking out for number one after all of this time. Even when it comes to the end of the world, it’s more about him being able to enjoy the planet – and the company of his best friend – than saving humans.
4 “Perhaps We Should Wait”
When taxed with the horrible task of destroying the Antichrist, Adam, before the kid takes out the Earth and all of its books and foods that he loves so dearly, Aziraphale, again in the host body of Madame Tracy, hesitates and says, “Perhaps we should wait.” This is in direct juxtaposition to his aiding with the flood that took out all of the children on Earth, which Crowley had a big issue with earlier in their history.
This time it’s Crowley egging him on, saying, “What, til he grows up? Shoot him, Aziraphale!” Luckily Adam makes better choices than either of them expect.
3 “I Would Always Know The Stain Was There”
Fans of the book will always remember the moment Crowley and Aziraphale got shot and how their breaths stuck in their throats as they worried whether or not the two would be alright. In the miniseries, it was quickly evident that aside from bursts of paint, they are fine, save for Aziraphale lamenting over the stain on his 180-year-old jacket, which he’s kept in tip-top condition.
When the demon asks his friend why he doesn’t just miracle the stain away, Aziraphale sadly says, “Yes, but I would always know the stain was there.” It’s a hilarious testament to just how refined this angel has become while living among the humans.
2 “What Are They Putting In Bananas These Days?”
The scene in which Aziraphale and Crowley get drunk is hilarious in both the book and the film, and watching Crowley demand, “What are they putting in bananas these days?” is comedic gold. Aziraphale sounding out, “Kraken… great big bugger…” while making a face is also a delight.
Of course, it’s not limited to just this. Crowley’s “My point is… dolphins. That’s my point,” and his trying to sound out just what kind of stew the ocean will be once it’s bubbling and boiling cracks fans up. The entire scene is just one to re-watch, which is why fans have uploaded it on YouTube for this purpose.
1 “I’ll Never Talk To You Again”
When Satan approaches to convince Adam to complete Armageddon, Aziraphale makes a desperate plea to Crowley, hoping the demon will come up with one of his many schemes to save them both. “Come up with something or I’ll never talk to you again!”
This quote is beloved by fans because it acknowledges so much, from the angel’s reliance upon his friend to continually bail him out of trouble to their many relationship quirks. How many partners threaten to never talk to one another again if some silly condition isn’t met? It’s also just a really funny line that Sheen delivers perfectly.
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