#every time one of my posts gets 500+ notes there's a minimum of 3 clowns in the notes misinterpreting my every word so they-
gamercock · 2 years
while i agree that twitter users are massively irritating, it's really funny watching people go so far as to say that tumblr users are less so, or even not annoying whatsoever. idk what site YOU'RE using but it's definitely not tunglr dot hell
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List Of Reason Why *I* Need To Be Skinny just a list cause lists are fun and so I can look back on this for motivation. pls note that I don’t apply my sickly standards on anyone but myself, and that you are beautiful and I hope you can all love yourselves and be safe. - for the thigh gap - to become my own thinspo - to be picked up instead of the one picking people up - feeling weightless when I walk - for giant sweaters and skinny jeans, looking like I’m drowning in my sweater while my teeny legs poke out - to fold up tiny into a chair in front of the fireplace - to look delicate and fragile, so people will be afraid of breaking me at the touch - jawline!!! - collarbones - chest bones - ribs - hipbones - knees together thighs apart - to not be ashamed or afraid to have fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, tofu and veggies for dinner. sounds like paradise - also those beautiful fruit/vegan yogurt/granola bowls you see that are so gorgeous and yummy looking but I’m too fat to maintain weight right now - to actually look okay when others take photos of me - for the sweatpants and no shirt look - for the big shirt and no pants look - for the no clothes at all look - to trace my bones with delicate fingers as I lay comfortably in bed - to prove to myself that I can be in control - for perfect tiny wrists and fingers - so that my clothes now will fall off my body in a couple months - to buy new skinny jeans, and not in a large - for the cute dressing room photos! - to do drag in cute dresses and actually feel good in makeup instead of like a clown - for sexy lingerie - for leggings and boots, to show my teeny legs - confidently post shirtless photos ------------------------------------------------------ AFTER SCHOOL THINSPO *dont read if you get triggered easily* stay safe Right now you are probably hungry, bored, or just feel like eating. Before going into the kitchen or thinking about stuff you can eat, please read all of this. You have started looking at thinspo for years, that is years you have wished to be skinny. You can’t take back those years, but you can make the next years much better. You have had endless nights of crying and just wishing you were 40 pounds lighter. You go to sleep almost every night after looking at thousands of perfect bodies scattered around Tumblr. Now I want you to go to your mirror. Look at yourself. Take off your shirt and examine your stomach. Look at all the spots you want to change. Now say out loud food is not worth it. Take off your pants and look at your legs. Squeeze all the fat on your leg and shake all the fat on your calves. Do you like it? No. Now say out loud food does not control me. Look at your arms, ugh, your fat arms, and ask yourself is the flavor of that food I’m craving really better than thin arms. Shake all the fat around then say I don’t need food. Pinch all the fat you have on your body. Look at all that disgusting fat. You don’t even deserve food. Make a small list about 5 things better than food. Better yet, go on shopping website and pick out clothes you will wear when you are skinny. Now you might still be hungry. Get a drink of water, put two ice cubes in it and drink the whole thing, yum. Still hungry? Fill up another cup. Do some sit ups, push ups, and squats. Now take a shower, put on a face mask, do your nails, watch a YouTube video. Do anything other than eat. Now that you got yourself away from food, go on tumblr, look at the beautiful bodies you will have in no time. Just imagine all the photos you will take. All the clothes you will wear. All the confidence you will have. Drink a cup of water Stay in your room now, you don’t need food. Bring some water or tea. Wrap yourself up in cozy blankets and watch some shows. Now go to bed Remember, you will be thinner in the morning ------------------------------------------------------ perfect girl rules 1- never go over 500 calories a day. if you do, fast the next. 2- excerise a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 3- if you do go over calories, NEVER go over 1,000. that’d be more then two days worth of food. 4- hair and makeup must be done perfectly and with care. how are you supposed to be perfect if you look trashy? 5- outfits must always be clean and fresh, no wrinkles, stains, etc. don’t wear the same outfit more than once per week. 6- be on time. 7- your bedroom/(house if you have your own) must be cleaned perfectly. messy rooms belong to slobs. 8- study for at least 45 minutes a day. smart is sexy, and it’ll pay off when you can get better grades and even tutor people for extra money since you know the material so well. 9- don’t ever be lazy with haircare or skincare. you want to glow, don’t you? 10- shave every two to three days, depending on how often your hair grows back. 11- bathe yourself daily. it’s better if it’s cold to burn calories, and if it’s cold it’s better for your hair. 12- don’t put stuff off. 13- no sweets unless it’s an important holiday or birthday. even then, restrict yourself. 14- write down everything you do. 15- you can replace meals with cigarettes or gum. 16- coffee, smokes, and diet cokes are what pretty girls are made of. 17- grades must be at A’s. 18- you have to have a job. you have to. 19- don’t look frazzled, or rushed. you shouldn’t anyways if you follow rule number #6 and be on time. 20- keep your stuff clean. devices, cars, etc. 21- 8 hours of sleep per night. helps you lose weight, feel regenerated, and focus. 22- wake up before the world. 5am, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. 23- don’t complain. 24- be grateful. 25- smile a lot. also, take care of your smile. brush your teeth and if you feel their yellow use whitening strips/ toothpaste. 26- carry a waterbottle. 27- tell your family you love them. 28- don’t burden anyone. 29- hunger is your best friend. 30- no drinks over 90 cal more than three times a week. (( a quick way out of that is to get it diet. literally 0 calories man)) 31- return calls, messages, dms, texts, emails from friends, family, teachers, etc. promptly. 32- drink water 24/7 33- don’t tell anyone about your eating habits except for your ana buddies. 34- don’t cry in front of people. 35- be a mystery. 36- sweats are not an outfit. don’t wear it like it is. 37- wear jeans or leggings three times a week. anything else is dresses and skirts. 38- treat your valuable items preciously, (phones, cars, memory-holders such as a gift or stuffed animal) 39- swearing is trashy. not at all or at a minimum. make it a rarity for people to hear you swear. 40- remember your safe foods. 41- have goals. 42- achieve them. 43- treat teachers nicely. perfect people are likable. 44- read books. choose a series or a few good books. you’ll feel more accomplished. 45- go out with friends and enjoy the things your town has to offer. go dancing and flirt with boys, but remember the rules. 46- update your blog. put in effort. 47- keep your life organized. keep everything organized. 48- lotion!!!!! you don’t want to feel dry do you? why not smooth, like silk. 49- keep it together. 50- even if you don’t have it together, act it. no one will no the difference. feel free to add on to the list. Cw: 130
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