#everyone else is asleep so I've only told one person but eeee my chest hurts
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
this is so stupid but i just got notified about like,, being nominated for a Really Cool Big Deal Academic Thing I'm gonna be vague about and it involves an application and I'm like aa eee waow that's so cool I'm such a big shot and then i look at the deadline and it's the day after ishin drops,, oh,,
like hmm,, potentially life-changing opportunity vs some video game samurai,, seem about equal.. i guess.
i canNOT procrastinate on this so it's probably gonna be done before ishin anyway but I'm worried they're gonna butt heads for some reason,, like my sense of scheduling and time management is so bad i feel like I'm gonna mess something up simply by them being next to each other on the calendar jfddhk
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