#feel free to reblog/reply with your own thoughts; I'm open for discussion!
Words we didn't mean (Lewis Hamilton)
There are some words exchanged that you didn't mean and Lewis feels bad when Angela told him you had called her for help
Note: english is not my first language
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated, and while I'm not actively taking requests, I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: reader accidentally cuts herself while cooking (mentions hospital, blood, medication)
"Lew, please, we need to see about this", you said for what felt like the umpteenth time as you watched your boyfriend pack his laptop and the last minute things on his backpack, "I don't have time right now, and I told you already how I feel about it", he replied rather harshly for his usual tone and before you could even react, he did the zipper and grabbed his coat, "You're not leaving like this, are you?", you asked, the nervousness installing itself on your chest, "what do you want me to do? It's not like either of us are going to bend on this, is it?", he said and that stung. While it wasn't common for you and Lewis to disagree on things, whenever it happened, you two talked it out, hearing the other's ideas and finding a way to make it work for both of you, but it seemed today he wasn't drawn to take that time, especially when his ride to the factory meeting is nearly at the door, "I'll be home later", he said dryly before heading out of the door. Roscoe must have sensed something wrong, his paws the only noise you heard in the house as he came to stand by you, his paw tapping your leg slightly as he asked for scratches, "Daddy is a bit off today, I guess", you said as you compiled with his request.
After tidying the bedroom up, you put the clothes and sheets in the laundry basket and then into the washing machine, taking the opportunity to dry them quickly as the sun was shining brightly outside. Roscoe followed you like the little shadow he always is, and while you were making lunch for you you fed him a little bit of what you were preparing when the knife slipped from your hand and made you cut your other hand, the slit already bloody when you looked at it, "shoot, shoot, shoot", you said as you looked for a clean kitchen towell to wrap around it, next looking for you phone as you thought of how to proceed, "call Angela", you said outloud, never more thankful about these new technologies, watching the call begin on the screen, "Morning, beautiful! How are you?", her usually cheery voice cam through, "hii, how are you? I have a bit of a situation", you gulped, "I have cut myself whilst making lunch, It's in my hand, seems deep too, and while I can still move it" you hissed, "I don't think it is a good idea to change the gears or to turn the steering wheel, I'm afraid I'll open up the wound even more", you said as you tried to squeeze the fabric around your hand, "you're right, dear. I'll be at your place in 5 minutest take you to the hospital, okay?", Angela said before she hang up. While you waited for her, you got your documents to bring to the ER and a small crossbody bag to put all your belongings in just in time for the car to beep outside, "No, no, don't push too much", said Angela as she saw you try to close the front door on your own, helping you while looking at your hand, "that is indeed a nasty cut, let's see what they can do to it. You'll be good as new", she conforted.
While you were in the waiting room, you sensed that Angela had a question she wanted to ask, "instead of wondering, just ask it, please", you said gently while you kept applying pressure on the cut like the doctor who did your triage told you to do, "I haven't seen you call or text Lewis any updates, nor did you even mention him, is everything alright?", she mused, "we had a fight, I guess. We were discussing how I was going to attend a few more races next year and I have a new project at work that will maybe keep me from going and it all spiralled from there, I said things I didn't mean, he did the same. And then it was time for him to leave and we didn't get any conclusion. And he doesn't need anymore on his plate, especially something like this", you mumbled before your name was called. The doctor did what he had to do, suturing the skin, wrapping it safely and ultimately deciding to play it safe and prescribe some medication to fight off any infections as well as to promote a better healing process, also scheduling with you the days where you would come to change the bandages.
Angela drove you home after the hectic day, "thank you so much again, and I apologise for calling you like that and ruining your day", you said as she set the bag of medications on the counter, "No need for that, I'm glad I could be of help. Do you need anything else from me? Anything I can help with?", she wondered and you caved in, seeing as you were alone in the house, "can you heat me the leftovers that are in the fridge, please? I need to eat to take my medication", you said as you watched comply, bringing you the tray of food, water and meds to the bedroom where you managed to put your pyjamas on by yourself, "are you sure you don't need anything else?", Angela asked before she left after your negative answer, letting you rest as all the different medications were keeping you a bit drowsy and sleepy.
Lewis was leaving the Mercedes AMG F1 HQ with the same thoughts in his mind, how you two had handled things. How he had handled it and not let you talk it out like usual, grabbing his phone to see a text from Angela, "Y/N had to pop to the ER today and I took her. She's at home resting now, the cut on her hand should heal soon and her meds and food have been taken care of. She didn't ask me to send you this but I love you both too much to see you two like this. Whatever it is, I'm sure you can sort it out".
ER? Cut on your hand? Medications? What had happened in the span of time he was gone? Dialing Angela's number, Lewis entered the car that had brought him in the morning, greeting the driver briefly as his trainer picked up, "what happened, Angela? And why am I only finding out about this now?", he asked, the stress evident on his voice, "Y/N was making lunch and the knife slipped from her grasp, but doctor said she would be good as new soon", she explained, "I took her there because she called me. And she didn't tell you anything because... Well, I don't know why, she just said that you had a rough morning", she said, knowing that those details mattered the least to him at that moment, "Why didn't she call me? I would've gone straight home", he said as his voice tone started trailing away, realising ad he spoke that given how the morning went, he too wouldn't be calling himself after you got injured, "nevermind, thank you again. For helping Y/N today and for calling me, will speak soon!", he said before he hang up, his finger going straight to dial your number before he refrained from doing so, nor actually knowing how to approach the situation. You had and accident in the kitchen and injured yourself, and didn't think to call him or tell him about it to not bother him maybe. He had made you believe something like this was not worthy to tell him to come and help you or at least that he wouldn't want to hear about it, and that was not acceptable. Thanking his driver again, he retrieved his keys from the pocket and entered your shared home, no sign of Roscoe, who would usually greet him at the door, making him drop all his belongings on the office as he made his way into the bedroom to see you asleep on the bed, Roscoe by your feet that, sensing someone else, woke up and greeted Lewis, him leaving his spot making you move in your sleep as you turned to face your boyfriend, who didn't miss the wrapped hand as he watched you, "Hey, sorry, I didn't hear you come in", you said as you adjusted your position as best as you could, your boyfriend helping you sit up before he carefully took your injured hand in his, inspecting it, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have come to help", he said gently, not wanting to belittle you in any way, "I thought you'd be busy and, well, this morning wasn't the best either", you began, "we don't usually leave things like that. We always talk it through and, and I thought I'd just let you cool down from it all", you explained, "I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't count on me, darling. We should have talked about it in the morning", he said before kissing your knuckles that were in show, "I love having you there for races, it motivates me to go harder and be better and I enjoy your company there. Yes, it upset me that you're not going to be there as much, especially this year, but I understand that you have your things too. I should have never said what I said", he gulped as you could see the guilt in his eyes, "I would love for you to join me, but I'm also so fucking proud of you, of your achievements and dedication. I'm so sorry for how I reacted", he stressed again. Smiling slightly, you cradled his face on your hand, "I'm sorry too, said things I didn't mean and they only set out to aggravate what we were doing. I'll see what I can do about it, maybe remotely I can do things too. Just, promise we'll be better at this, okay?", you said as you both nodded, Lewis opening his arms for you to rest against him, "how is this?", he pointed to your hand, "doctor said it should heal well, have the meds there too. Just a silly accident, really, I have to be careful with how I take care of it", you said before he kissed your forehead, "I'm here now, I'll take care of you".
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brella-boi · 10 months
Hey yall, we already been discussing this on my discord server (and still are!) but I wanted to raise the the question of...
It has been crawling on my mind recently that I would love to open a Sticker Club! Monthly stickers coming right to your doorstep. The initial plan was to have it set up that you will get a big sticker (3-4in in size!) supplemented by two smaller stickers once a month, however the question of it being changed to every two or three months is also very much up for debate (it would lower the monthly cost!) (And increase amount of stickers.)
The designs would be poll voted each month. However, to make this work the club would need to be between €7-10 a month (€3.50 of which is postage), or €5-6 every 2-3 months. Postage isn't cheap unfortunately and I would also be producing the stickers myself on my own printer and cutting them out with my own hands (because I love you guys so much.)
The last remaining question is what platform you think is the best! Patreon takes a bigger cut, but is more popular with people, Ko-fi is more creator friendly and essentially does the same thing, but it's not as popularly used.
Now you can vote!
Do tell me your thoughts in replies/asks if you'd to as well! Let's have a discussion!!
Feel free to reblog <3
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atypical-irritant · 1 year
Pinned Intro
I've noticed people have been making these cute little info posts. It's been a while since I've gone around with a target plastered to my back, so why not.
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About Me
You can call me Rose. I am an agender, sex positive aroace individual. Singular they/them pronouns are preferred.
My interests include psychology, horror/gore, reading, gardening, and watching documentaries (yes, I'm a blast at parties). Sarcasm aside, though I do prefer solitary activities, I'm not entirely devoid of social needs. They're just not my forte, I suppose. My generally apathetic nature is typically ill-received. I'm also mute, so that tends to complicate things.
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This blog is my way of expressing the thoughts and opinions I otherwise wouldn't have the chance to voice. Mainly I focus on topics involving mental illness and neurodivergency, especially those I have personal experience with such as autism, DID, and SzPD. Occasionally, I'll reblog memes as well. They help split up all the heavy shit.
I'm open to civil disagreements and am more than happy to hear oppositional sides to most topics. That said, if you in no way intend to be respectful or you view any attribute about me as inherently immoral, predatory, or any other stereotypes one can think up, then by all means try me. Just know I don't value your opinions whatsoever and will respond accordingly. It's only fair, seeing as you don't value my existence.
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Tags aren't my strong suit but I will occasionally use them when I see fit, mostly for my own organizational purposes. You may ask me to tag something but, considering this blog's usual content, I suggest more sensitive people simply steer clear. Unless you're intending to use social media as a form of self harm, it's doubtful this blog will do you much good.
That said, my personal tags are:
#my post - Posts I've written.
#tag tangents - Commentary was added in the tags rather than the post itself. Get digging.
#reblog reply rebuttal - Additions and responses to previous posts.
#age is a chronological construct - Discussions about the complicated dynamics of different life stages or what parts age plays in society.
#hate never changes - Discussions about hate groups or the act of bigotry and prejudice-inspired behavior or thoughts.
#the kids are not alright - Topics pertaining to the struggles children endure and what damage trauma and mistreatment have on future behavior.
#fighting fire with fire - Counter discourse and general aggressive backlash against inflammatory posts.
I do try to use community tags whenever applicable. Tags will be added to this list as needed.
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As for my stances and general opinions in relation to discourse discussions, I made a separate post summarizing each point which you can find here, but in summary;
Pro Consanguinamory
Pro Paraphilia
Pro Self-diagnosis
Pro Kink
Radqueer/TransID Neutral
Endo Safe
Anti Syscourse
More will be added as I come across other debated topics that catch my interest. Feel free to mention anything not listed and I'll look into it.
Lastly, I don't, nor will I ever, have a DNI. To me, they just paint a target on your back for anyone to know precisely what will upset you, nothing more. As welcoming as I am towards hate mail, it's much more satisfying to me if it's fueled by something I've said rather than some silly list.
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bonedujour · 5 years
So I finished Dragon Quest XI and I have some Thoughts™
Spoilers for everything past Act I. Warning for longer-than-anticipated length.
I wish the story of Act III didn’t come at the expense of overwriting Act II.
The events of the Last Bastion were perhaps my favorite in the entire game. You’re now in a world of ruin -- the direct consequence of the Luminary being unable to protect the Sword of Light. The only person keeping humanity from completely succumbing to despair is the same guy who spent much of Act I hunting you down. And the man who sentenced you to eternal imprisonment, ordered your hometown razed, and was Mordegon’s freakin’ puppet for nearly 2 decades... now wants you to work alongside your past pursuer. 
It’s all great and necessary drama and sets up some amazing character development for Hendrik. His joining felt like a natural progression of his character arc. He even helps give some desperately needed definition for Jasper by giving us insights into the other’s character and providing the player with a motive for Jasper’s behavior. The whole spiel about him being our sword, shield, and unswerving companion doesn’t feel like some forced one-liner because it was earned through our world-changing teamwork.
..... Act III basically kills Jasper off immediately, so RIP his chances at becoming something more. Like, Hendrik is shook for all of 2 seconds and just kind of shrugs off that he saw his brother-in-arms get cut down in front of him based on testimony he couldn’t confirm. (Though to be fair, his display of blind loyalty and trust in Carnelian is very in-character).
But when Hendrik decides to ally with the Luminary, it doesn’t feel as earnest as it did in Act II. Act III Hendrik sees Mordegon’s evil firsthand, yes, but his motives for siding with us include revenge for his homeland and to simply investigate the fallen Lantern -- not acknowledgment of the Luminary’s true role in the world and a newfound desire to support it. No, Hendrik -- you don’t get to say you’re my unswerving companion anymore, ya cheese block.
And can I just say poor freakin’ Serena???
Killing off Veronica was the ballsiest thing this game did and up until the very moment of the reveal, I was waiting for a fake-out lol. I'm normally not a fan of the “character dies to help another character develop”, but I like how this was handled. Even though they were twins with equal responsibilities, you could tell that Veronica was always the more proactive half. But as evidenced in their tent conversation, she wanted Serena to grow more independent because Veronica acknowledge the unpleasant possibility that they might not always be together forever.
Veronica dies (womp), Serena understands the weight of her sister’s sacrifice, and makes a promise to herself to become someone the Luminary can count on. We get a culturally-significant scene of her cutting off her hair and she basically becomes Serenica re-reborn. It’s all very awesome and badass, and I think having her show such resilience in the face of her sister’s death but finally succumbing to her sadness when alone with the Luminary was a beautiful moment.
But in Act III, Veronica is alive! :))) So all of those developments just gets completely undone!! And what’s worst, Act II Serena knows that the Luminary will get to see Veronica again, but she won’t!!! That’s fucked up, guv!!!!
These two instances aren’t nearly everything I had umbrage with during this part of the game so here’s the TLDR version: ACT III made meaningless nearly every emotionally impactful scene experienced in the prior two Acts.
But I get it. I get the logistics of why things were done in Act III the way they were. I understand that because Act III is a different timeline, rather than a hard overwrite, all of the events experienced in Act II are technically canon. And I understand that Act III is a completely optional endeavor covering a different type of story.
I guess ultimately my gripes come from how deeply Act III “undid” the progress of Act II. It made me feel cheated out of all the hard work I did to relocate my friends and bring back light to the world. It’s not a shallow change say like... in Dragon Quest VIII, where the post-game does nothing more than give an origin story for the Hero and one extra detail within the ending.
So despite what I just wrote, this isn’t to say I don’t think Act III should not have happened at all. I love expanded gameplay opportunities and actually had a lot of fun with all the new trials and seeing an Act I.5 world. Shoutout to Act III Jade having an actual -- albeit completely optional -- development moment that was robbed from her in Act II! And Serenica’s tale was satisfying to see through to its happy ending.
I’d do it all again. <3
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