#feeling meh about this but maybe just bc i'm out of practice writing renga idk
zukkaoru · 7 months
hiiiiiiiiii for the writing prompt thing: renga, “we’ll never get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that”
also have not written them in ages so i hope this is alright🙏 featuring reki with tourette's bc. obviously.
word count: 464
(prompt requests are still open)
Reki has had sleepovers before. Langa is not his first friend, though Reki’s list of current friends extends to three adults he knows from an underground skateboarding ring, one middle schooler, his boss, and Langa himself. Reki has spent the night at friends’ houses, and he’s had friends spend the night at his house too. He isn’t even a stranger to sharing a bed with a friend.
But this— this is different.
Reki has had sleepovers with friends, but he’s never had a sleepover with a boyfriend. And though, functionally, it doesn’t have to be any different, that knowledge does nothing to quell the anxiety building in Reki’s chest.
He’s fluffed his pillow about six times in the past four minutes, he’s fiddled with his phone charger, he’s gone to the bathroom, he’s done about everything he can to delay the inevitable, and Langa has patiently sat with his back against the headboard, allowing Reki to make sure everything is in order before they sleep. But Reki is out of things to check and the lights are off and…
He adjusts the blankets as Langa sinks down, laying on his side, facing Reki. Reki doesn’t know why he’s so worried. He clicks his tongue, then begins picking at a stray thread on his sleeve.
“Reki,” Langa whispers softly. “We’ll never get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that.”
Reki purses his lips. His fingers flex of their own accord.
“Is something wrong?”
Reki shakes his head. He slides down, beneath the blankets, lying on his back and looking up at the ceiling. “I’m just a little anxious. It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid.” Langa reaches over, placing his hand on Reki’s shoulder. “I can sleep on the floor, if you want.”
“No!” Reki replies, a touch too quickly. “No, no— I don’t want to make you do that. I’ll…” he swallows. “I’ll be fine, I think. It’s just… You’re sure my tics won’t keep you awake?”
Langa chuckles. “Reki, you’ve told me yourself that I could sleep through the end of the world. It’ll be fine.”
Reki exhales slowly. Langa is right—once he’s asleep, he’s nearly impossible to wake up. Everything will be fine.
Carefully, Reki peels Langa’s hand from his shoulder, entwining their fingers instead. He presses his lips against Langa’s knuckles. “Yeah…yeah, okay.” There’s still an uncomfortable twist in Reki’s stomach, but it’s lessened significantly now, and his eyelids are growing heavy. He knows there’s no reason to worry—that no nighttime ticcing or fidgeting will be enough to make Langa leave him—but he needs to make it through the night to fully believe as much.
Luckily, he knows Langa will be there for him even when his stupid anxiety is acting up. Langa will hold his hand, and they’ll both be okay.
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