#fyi 'rome wasn't built in one day' was the first be fanfic to make me sob my eyes out. i'm still not over it tbh
tiffanylamps · 2 years
A Beyond Evil fic rec list: General and Teen
[So, apparently, you can break Tumblr when you write too much or include too many links, or I don't know, are just too much. So, I'm splitting this rec list into two or three posts.]
So, I was meant to do this about a month ago but a lot of life happened. But now, I'm doing it. I'm just doing it, I can't be stopped and I won't because y'all deserve recognition and for your work to be shared. This first post only includes fic with a General or Teen rating.
FYI: This will be an ever-growing list and will be updated semi-regularly
Rating: General
on my tip toes by therandompasserby “You said that, but you keep avoiding my touch,” the words escape from Dongsik’s lips faster than he can think of.
Juwon squints at him and finishes up his last plate to put in the drying rack.
“What, are you ashamed of me?” Dongsik asks jokingly, hoping it will hide the nervousness vibrating his skin. His palm feels damp, but not from washing the dishes.
Or: in which Dongsik is befuddled trying to navigate his relationship with Juwon after they kissed.
picture perfect by therandompasserby “Do you want to have a child?”
“What—you mean a living, breathing, human kid?” Dongsik tosses the words lightly as a joke, his eyes crinkling with mirth as if expecting Juwon to bolt out at the idea. As if the idea of being responsible for one sticky little human – the ultimate form of attachment – will deter him.
“…You do realize neither of us has the right organ for it, right?”
Or: Juwon thinks Dongsik really is too old to run at the topic of children (not to say Juwon himself didn't freak out or anything).
With the twirl of a finger by Namless When he’s done, Juwon fishes a handkerchief from the back pocket of his jeans, wiping the sweat away from Dongsik’s shoulders. Then he gets down to the coolbox and grabs the bottles inside. Dongsik is still admiring their garden, the mountain not so far, all covered in green in this season.
“You like my mane though.” There’s a slight appreciative hiss to his voice when Juwon slides the beer bottle against his spine and then the side of his throat.
“Of course I do.” Juwon replies, index finger twirling the end of the ponytail absent-mindedly. “It still needs a trim. Your mane will be all the more glorious.” he teases.
Partners by Namless "Embarrassing? Do you hate your boyfriend giving you a piggyback ride that much?"
Dongsik could practically hear Juwon's eyeroll behind him and it made him chuckle once more.
The stubbornness of the sleepyhead by Namless "Juwon-ah."
Juwon squeezed his midriff in protestation, voice still laced with tendrils of slumber.
"It's my only weekend off. Don't go."
a second to breathe by whir Juwon gets into an accident. Dongsik loses his shit.
the matchmaking ahjummas and halmeonis of manyang by little_roo “Ohhh, look it’s our Inspector Han!”
Dong Sik’s ears perk up at this and he turns to see two ahjummas hurrying towards them. One is tall and thin, hair just becoming speckled with gray and the other is petite, Dong Sik remembers her from a few grades above him in school. He glances over at the stoic inspector just to see a small smile on his face and Dong Sik has to do a double take just to make sure his brain didn’t make it up.
“Are you here buying dinner for your sweetheart again?”
Joo Won chokes suddenly and Dong Sik lets out a surprised laugh, turning fully to look at Joo Won with raised eyebrows and a wide grin.
Or more affectionately known as the fic where joo won gets showered in love by every older woman in manyang even though he really just wants one specific ahjussi to like him.
Happy to have you near by bluetrees Joo Won and Dong Sik attend a wedding of a former colleague, for the first time as a couple. What happens next will warm your heart!
It's a Dog Life by bluetrees What says 'pretty much married' more than adopting a dog together? It's only logical, according to Lee Dong Sik. Han Joo Won begs to differ.
with paper rings by Katierosefun “Two years,” Soo Jin said brightly. “How nice.”
“Like us,” Gwang Young said with a bright smile of his own—then paused. “Well, technically…just without the married bit…”
Dong Sik felt another stir at his shoulder. He instinctively pried a hand free, patting Joo Won’s head just once—go back to sleep, no need to get back into conversation, but the younger man was already shaking himself awake.
“But it’s…” Joo Won blinked a few times, one hand rubbing his eyes. “But it’s basically the same.”
[or: the topic of marriage comes up. joo won apparently has some thoughts.]
one good movie kiss by Katierosefun Lighting her cigarette, Ji Hwa continues, “People tell when you don’t mean it. Kissing, I mean.”
Dong Sik thinks about that for a little while.
[or: five times lee dong sik kissed people (or got kissed) for the hell of it, and the one time he kissed someone because he genuinely meant it.]
anyways, don't be a stranger by katierosefun “Sorry for being a few minutes late,” Ji Hwa says cheerfully, walking up to a stool. “Had to pick this one up from the hotel.”
There are cheers and yells of surprise from all around, none of which include words that Dong Sik actually processes, but he does process that there is a very distinct someone standing across the room from him, and that very distinct someone has his hands in his coat pockets, and that very distinct someone is brushing the rainwater off his just barely curling hair, and that very distinct someone’s eyes are already curling a little bit at the edges, which strikes Dong Sik dumb because he realizes that this very distinct someone’s eyes actually have the finest of wrinkles and that’s when he realizes that it is
Han Joo Won.
Joo Won looks up and smiles, and Dong Sik is sure that this is when the world caves for good.
[or: twenty years ago, han joo won and lee dong sik saved each other. twenty years later, they save each other again in ways that neither actually expected (though they hoped for it. god, they hoped for it).]
Kissing by EttelwenAilinon Their breaths are turning into vapor as soon as they leave their mouths. It's really cold. His nose and cheeks sting a little. Dong Sik takes his hand and puts it into his pocket. And oh, that has become a thing too now. Hand holding. Soft, tender, wordless. And Han Joo Won likes it very much too, it makes him feel cared for. He looks over at the man walking beside him. He has longer hair now, even longer than when they first met. He likes it that way and secretly hopes he'll never cut it off again. He wants to run his fingers through it, to feel the silkiness. And he wants to kiss him and he hates the idea of it.
fit perfectly by kittychi (bojangler) People speak of lover’s gazes and lover’s kisses, but no one has told him of lover’s hand winding through his own.
their love is understated but here dongsik is, holding his hand in the middle of a street.
From The Place The World Forgot by Stitch_Me_Not Han Joo-Won falls into the galaxy that is Lee Dong-Sik. Lee Dong-Sik makes sure he doesn't get too lost.
Truth Is A Point Of View by capitalismwasamistake After everything that went down in Manyang and the aftermath, Han Juwon and Lee Dongsik are comfortable never being in the spotlight again and instead are doing the less flashy but important work of finding missing people in Gangwon-do.
The professionalism they display at work leads their Chief and colleagues to believe they aren't close and even dislike each other, demonstrating once again that reality is not what it seems at first glance.
Trying to work through their burdens and heal, they encounter a stray white Husky in need of a home.
Life has a way of working out after that.
Rating: Teen
but you could make me a drink (or a latte) by Katierosefun “That’s all, thank you.” A quick look to Joo Won’s nametag, then a little smile. “Han Joo Won.”
And, it turned out that this nut job said Joo Won’s name nicely. Voice light and teasing, partial drawl and partial laugh—which Joo Won didn’t get, because it wasn’t like his own name was funny by any means, but all the same, something in him twitched at the tone.
“Can I get a name?”
“Lee Dong Sik.”
[or: the coffee shop jwds au]
make it last by Katierosefun “Are you saying that you would miss me, Lee Dong Sik?” Joo Won asked quietly. He could have sworn he saw Dong Sik’s eyes flick down to his own mouth too.
“Hm.” Dong Sik’s gaze locked onto Joo Won’s. “Maybe. I have yet to figure that out.”
i carry my love for you like my teeth by 2ndstartotheright “Do you want me to say that I drove all this way because I wanted to see you, Han Joowon?”
The kettle clicks off loudly in the silence. Joowon lets out a shuddering breath.
“Just–,” Joowon starts, even as he feels his heart clench wetly inside his chest. “Don’t say things you don’t mean. I hate when people do that.”
Dongsik presses his hands against Joowon’s spine, and his ribs against Joowon’s own, pushing, and pushing until the dirt on Dongsik’s hands start to polish all of the sharp points of his bones.
we accept the love we think we deserve by ceramide (StrawberrySpring) Han Ju Won doesn't think he deserves to be kissed.
Tinted chapstick by Sukie_Kagamine "What's that?" He asked as he stepped closer to Juwon, who was in front of the hallway mirror, all ready for work.
"Oh, this?" The man turned to look at him, and gave him a small smile. He held out a tube of lipstick towards Dongsik. It looked brand new. "It's this tinted chapstick Jihoon gave me as a gift the other day. It's quite nice actually."
Blue Blood On Your Hands by bluetrees Han Joo Won gets stabbed and Dong Sik finds that he can't do this anymore.
Cold Like a Driven Nail by SummerTeaPrince Han Juwon decides, when his car breaks down in the reed beds, that he should walk to Manyang. As a city boy he underestimates the weather.
Cleaned up thread fic
Peloton Peril by SummerTeaPrince Juwon falls off his exercise bike, gets pneumonia and the fever leads to an awful lot of confusion.
A cleaned up threadfic from twitter.
to unhaunt a home by reqvicm “Joowon-ah...” he called once more, somewhere between concerned and slightly annoyed, then grabbed him by the arm to stop Joowon. “Don't be like this now. I'll handle things, I promise. I mean, we're basically like family now, right?”
Joowon turned back around, perplexed. “What?”
Hyuk nodded innocently, “Yeah. The three of us. So just let me-”
“You're out of your mind,” Joowon hissed, forcefully pulling himself out of the grip the older still had on his arm. “We'll never be family, so just cut the crap.”
5 times Hyuk regards them as family and the 1 time Joowon finally has the heart to return the sentiment.
rome wasn't built in one day. by AconitumPrimula Dongsik rarely ever shows it, but he too is scared to lose.
Kind of five times and one-time trope but also not, just very angsty, I am sorry in advance. (Minor edits will happen in the next two days for links and such!)
infinite realms contain its past by readingnotes He raised his eyes to meet Dong Sik’s in the mirror and paused. There was a crease between his eyebrows, an indication of a hypothesis confirmed, and it brought Joo Won back to the night in the rain, the revelation and heartbreak in Dong Sik’s eyes as he found Lee Yoo Yeon’s murderer. This was a similar devastation wrapped in glass-like eyes, and it shattered Joo Won. He shuddered, and his fingers shook because, because, because: Lee Dong Sik stared at his bare back, eyes flickering across scars and history, taking in a crime scene and solving it within seconds.
In the mirror, their eyes met. Understanding passed through his gaze before a cold, closed look settled. “Yah, Han Joo Won.”
Joo Won whirled around, pressed his back against the sink. “Don’t.”
or: How the Manyang gang unraveled Han Joo Won’s shitty childhood slowly, then all at once.
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