#game master bee didn't lie when they said that there's over 200 possible tablet locations
sso-moonchild · 6 months
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So just FYI, the Stone Carvers Inspiration will make it impossible for you to get ANYTHING done, because already at lvl one (=lvl5, but it's lvl1 for the skill) it's a constant struggle of trying to go places but being stopped every 5 seconds because ''Oooh! Look! A rune carving puzzle!!! :) Might as well do it'' and then you finish it and you're ready to move on but wait! What's that there on the ground? You're right! Another rune carving puzzle! Well it couldn't hurt to do this, but after I really need to focus on whatever I was doing before... Oh that's another one right next to it, weeellll might as well since I'm stopping anyway :) I'm in ADHD hell.
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