#get behind me koschei pookie i'll protect you
something I find really fascinating and heartbreaking and also not really talkes about is how different (OR ARE THEY) the master's disguises are to himself.
I present to you professor Yana - a delightful, optimistic, endlessly kind old man, fascinated with creativity, hope and science, sounds familiar? pretty similar with the doctor, isn't it?
and if you know the big finish audio story "master", the master ends up AGAIN as a human with no memories or recollection of what he is. and what does he do? he takes the name John Smith and becomes a doctor and is described by his friends as the "kindest man". he's gentle and he worries about his friends and, self-described, even if totally fascinated by the prospect of death and evil, couldn't actually harm anyone.
and O - yes, I know he was actively tricking the doctor then, bear with me - he was so cute and eager to please and happy to be there and nice to people.
simm!master was a little shit in every way, but he ended up saving the doctor.
and we all cried over missy long enough (as is proper).
I just think of how the doctor is right, that deep down, when it comes to it, the master IS his best, oldest friend. soulmates in every way, in every reincarnation, in any combination.
to quote oscar wilde, "give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth". it's truly infinitely fascinating and borderline tragic how, everytime he acts (voluntarily or not) as someone else, the master is so strikingly a copy of all the goodness in the doctor.
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