#gillion has his destiny and big prophecy he was trained for
the0retically · 4 months
Fish n Chips has invaded my mind today and “Just Like the Sea” by PigPen Theatre Co. just fits them perfectly:
“Isn't it just like the sea to come between you and me, out on the water you'd be as I watched with anxiety”
Gill seeing the Big Chipper for the first time, being convinced that where he was was hell and his punishment for attacking the RAFT officer
“You'd say ‘Don't hate the sea from the shore, the ocean was here long before the land. Take my hand, come out here with me.’”
Their meeting, Gill joining the crew and leaving the ocean, Zero, the start of the adventure, Chip reaching his hand out to grab onto Gillion’s
“But of course I'd never leave and you'd float out to sea.”
Gill is destined for a grand prophecy, he has a destiny, while Chip is just Chip. Gill is destined to leave, to fulfill what he was trained to do, Chip is not destined for anything, he is just looking for his family, and he finds it along the way, but he isn’t destined to leave like Gill is
“Isn't it just like the sea to come between you and me out on the water you'd be as I watched with anxiety. You'd say ‘Don't hate the sea from the sand, the ocean was here long before the land, take my hand.’”
They are from completely different worlds, but they came together, even when one has to leave, the other watches and worries until they can come back together. As long as they’re able to take the other’s hand, it’ll be ok. They just have to be able to hold the other’s hand
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