#had fun sending photoshoots to geddon and thought ' hey. why not just make my own post lmao. '
its-paperd · 10 months
CROSS OUT IN THE WILD; HIDE & SEEK ( @unkownarmageddon @psycho-chair )
( —-—-— )
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* hey, cross.
* mm?
* let's play some hide n seek.
* wh
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* gh, cmon, the table can't be THAT big-
* kehehehe...
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* really.
* i mean. it was high up so.
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* okay, where are you now...
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* GAH-
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* mother fucker.
* hehe, looks like i've won this time crossy~
* yeah yeah, okay whatever. but you better bet i'd beat your ass next time.
* mhm, sure.
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* gimme a prize already, criss cross
* mH
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