#he's a pessimistic realist sooo he finds no reason to protect anyone's feelings from his own
wyllaztopia · 2 months
Hey but...Nightmare also To hide things from his brother, he hid the fact that he was being harassed! Wait, we have to agree: Nightmare is angry with Dream because Dream forced himself to go well and so he hid his problems from Nightmare by telling him nothing, but on the other hand we also have Nightmareb who hid from Dream the fact that he was being harassed so he too lied to his brother, right???
oh nah, nightmare was pretty upfront about it. that's why dream would try to convince the others nightmare isn't a bad person but that would make some kids misunderstand and start doubting dream - which is what lead to dream getting bullied.
nightmare describes the harassment towards himself really goofily though, something along the lines of "oh btw dream, some kids tried to insult me but used the wrong grammar lol" "but nightmare! that's awful D:"
i should clarify the kids who mistreated both of them aren't that stupid though. the way they bullied each brother is different.
nightmare's was pretty straightforward, he got called suspicious, untrustworthy, a bad omen, etc.
dream's on the other hand, was more sneaky. they took advantage of his kindness and dream thought it was okay because he's the guardian of positivity. that sense of duty to keep being optimistic and happy is why dream hid his feelings.
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