#he's about as Un-Gamerly as one can get
monster-noises · 2 years
7, 23, 28 & 29 (for whomever is haunting your dreams)
oo hoo hoo! I am still thinkin about my Webcomic quiet a bit so this time I'll be answering for Haggarty(R) and his twin brother Rantham(L)!
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First! A brief introduction: Haggarty is the main character of the webcomic I'm writing, he's a sweet and quiet young man with a friendly and loving disposition but he's a little awkward and not the most confident. He loves to go on adventures with his friends and brother, but is often a bit of the odd one out and so spends an equal amount of time just on his own. He herds fluffy pigs on his families farm and is happy to spend the day tending to them all on his lonesome. Rantham is Haggarty's twin brother (though most people they meet are surprised by this, Rantham has very Youngest Sibling energy). In contrast Rantham is boisterous and rambunctious, a little wild and a little mischievous, trouble always seems to find him some how some way. But he has the same good heart as his twin and never truly means to cause anyone harm. He's a potter and a sculptor with his own private tent/shed set up at the back of the family farm.
Do they have any unusual fears?
Both of them are at least a lil bit superstitious, so their most unusual fears are all like.. creatures from folk stories that may or may not be real. Haggarty particularly is easy to rile up with one or two spooky stories or "first hand accounts" and has oft been the victim of jokes and pranks because of it. But Rantham takes the cake on this one for being Genuinely convinced and terrified of a creature called the "Reed Worm" that supposedly lives in old loose hay. To be clear this thing Definitely doesn't exist, their older sister Clements assumes he's playing it up to get out of barn cleaning, but the fear and belief is 100% real.
How would they want to die?
Ideally I think both of them would want to die peacefully at home, but Rantham has said if he dies doing some kind of extremely rad Stunt he'd be okay with it. And secretly Haggarty would be happy to go out in service of protecting someone/something, but he keeps that to himself.
Are they a #gamer?
Haggarty is the type to get really into a fun casual puzzle game (2048, peggle, flow, that kind of thing!) and occasionally be convinced to play through an interesting emotional single player experience, as long as the controls aren't too complicated. (journey, superliminal, what remains of edith finch etc.) Where as Rantham would absolutely be involved in multiple MMO's or online multiplayer games.. (Destiny, Overwatch, Hearthstone, WoW) Truly a #gamer. He'd be the guy who's just there to have fun, jumping into a server/game and being Silly in a harmless and genuinely entertaining way. (very ed-sheeran-but-it's-about-toe-sucking energy)
not that either of them has or would get to play games because they live in a rural fantasy village without modern technology sdkjhfd...
If they were real would you be friends with them?
I'd like to think so! A lot of my creations fall into "I love this little bastard with all my heart but if they were real? oh my God no." But these guys??? Genuinely chill and kind and good of heart. Though I'd probably get along better with Haggarty because Rantham's very Big energy would probably get a lil' overwhelming.
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