#he's completely uninterested in that and it's actually kinda refreshing when media is still so heteronormative
wereh0gz · 8 months
Begging for ppl to understand sonamy isn't canon
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lethesomething · 4 years
An otome lover’s guide to A3
So. A3.
Not an actual otome, but the actor management game and anime from Cybird (of Ikemen All the Things fame) has a bunch of boys. Ok, so a Lot of Boys. All the Boys, in fact. And men. Some of them are like thirty. Which is refreshing.
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Where do you even begin telling them apart? Here is an Attempt, based on the first season of the game.
Spring troupe: The Vanilla boys
Bright, youthful, mostly kinda normal. This troupe stands out  for its overall lack of experience and its anime protag willingness to overcome hurdles. Most resembles the main team in a sports anime.
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Sakuya Is baby. This boy is a golden retriever puppy that has yet to realize he's ended up in human form. Orphan street urchin with a heart of gold. He's kinda useless as an actor but he will ganba all the way until he makes it. Protect him. Mostly from himself.
Masumi A Giant Friggin Red Flag. Weirdly obsessed with MC. His personality apart from stalker syndrome is what I like to call 'the Kageyama Tobio': genius at one thing and uninterested or terrible at everything else. He is seemingly incapable of social interactions and at best uninterested in any of them apart from MC. Also really harsh on people who don't perform to his standards, which is almost everyone.
Tzuzuru The Self Sacrificing One. Look, this dude gave up most of his dreams to look after his siblings, and he literally joined you because otherwise he'd be sleeping in a cardboard box (Why are all these dudes street urchins?) Wants to be a playwright so he foregoes any semblance of sleep to finish scripts. Has the spinal cord of a jellyfish unless in Very Specific Cases. Cute when he pouts. Pouts a lot. Someone save him.
Itaru Jekyll and XxHydexX. Super cordial professional by day, game addict that will murder you for messing up his kill streak by night. He's So Friggin Pretty why is he a dick?? Doesn't really know if he's even into this theatre thing. You know he is. Of course he is. Calms down tremendously over the course of the arc, just don't, you know, get between him and his gamer score I guess.
Citron What the Foreigner. Mysterious foreign prince possibly on the run from his parents/the cops. Your theatre is a convenient hiding place for him, because obviously getting into showbiz is what you do when you want to remain anonymous. Speaks Japanese in a weird way. In fact, he sounds Exactly Like Utapri's Cecil despite having a different VA.  Quirky to a fault. Has potentially been trained as some kind of covert operative but is surprisingly cheerful about everything.
Summer Troupe: The Diva's
A group of highly talented dudes with varying degrees of social issues. Most resembles the cast of a smaller indie otome game.
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Tenma The Arrogant One. A child actor from tv wanting to learn stage work. Has zero social skills. He's brash, completely full of himself and extremely critical of everyone else. Needs to learn the Power of Friendship which, spoiler, he obviously does, albeit in a very tsun kindof way. Can't let them know you care, ever.
Yuki Salt Personified. This kid is friggin 14 years old and wears dresses but he will rip you to shreds with his words. Winner of the most deadpan delivery of burns. He's in middle school ffs. Really into fashion. Resident costume designer. Potentially serves as a representation on gender roles in theatre, but the whole thing is fairly lowkey. The team, bless them, just accept him for who he is, sharp tongue and all.
Muku The Soft One. Another middle schooler, this one is way less sharp with his words. Into shoujou manga. Has severe insecurities and a propensity to start sentences with 'um'. Shaking leaf, what is he doing on a friggin stage. He actually has pink hair, could he BE any more squishy. Protecc.
Misumi The Weird One. I realize several characters fit that description, but Misumi is obsessed with triangles and lives in a  liminal space between realities so I don't know what to tell you. Also he's like… spiderman. Inhuman amount of acrobatics. Another homeless street urchin (Tokyo - is it Tokyo??? - appears to have an issue, guys). Sweet dude though. Chill and positive about everything, as long as it is triangular.
Kazunari The Influencer. Resident designer and bigshot on social media. He's down with Literally Everything. Likes everyone, is cool about every instance. Unerringly positive to an unhealthy degree. Really, Really conflict averse, even. You could call him painfully insecure, but that's like most of the cast. Wearer of hats in a non-ironic way.
Autumn Troupe: The Delinquents
This troupe consists almost entirely out of (ex) violent delinquents and (ex) criminals. The tough guys, no one here is totally innocent. Most resembles the cast of a beat-em-up.
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Banri The Number One. Hotshot teenager who's never tasted defeat in his life. Good at anything without trying, so he never tries. Obsessed with outperforming Juza because he's like the one dude Banri can't beat at fisticuffs. Honestly kinda insufferable for most of their arc.
Juza The Lone Wolf. Cursed with a resting bitch face and an inability to perform in social settings. Considered a delinquent and constantly challenged to fights. Is actually sweet lamb, just with lots of muscles. Cripplingly low self esteem. Wants to act to be someone else. Protect at all costs.
Omi The Responsible one. Wait, that was an option?? Big brother type. Perfect son in law. A keeper. This guy is mature and he cooks and it makes me wonder what's wrong with him. There's probably a dark secret (narrator voice: there was a dark secret).
Taichi The Sunshine Child. Really into yoyo's. Like the toy, not the male subspecies. Has the hair colour and the vocal volume of a shonen jump protag. Bouncy and very loud. Feels way younger than the middle schoolers, though he's in high school.
Sakyo The Debt Collector. Actual yakuza agent. The one the theatre owes a lot of money too. Secretly really loves the performing arts, because of course he does. Massive tsun. I wasn't looking at you, baka. Should have been an accounting professor in another life. Wordy.
Winter troupe:The Drama Team.
No really, most of them have drama and angst written all over them. Only team that consists entirely out of actual adults. Angsty adults, but still. Most resemble the cast of a daytime soap opera.
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Tasuku The Defector. The top actor from the rival gang troupe that joined Mankai instead. Fitness buff. Pretty clear about his boundaries for right and wrong. Sweet bean, really. Has a lot of emotions about his childhood friend Tsumugi. Seems to have a lot of feelings in general. Red oni type.
Tsumugi The Subdued one. Talks like a wallflower, looks like he got his fashion choices out of a high end french magazine from the eighties. One of the boring ones. Cinnamon roll. Blue oni. Massive self esteem issues due to past trauma. Weird relationship with his childhood friend Tasuku. They'll work it out, you know they will.
Hisoka The Narcoleptic. Literally washed up and adopted by the  theatre group that found him. Weirdly good at acting. Sleeps about 80 percent of the day. Needs to be poked and cajoled with treats. Might actually be a cat. Has no recollection of his life before he was picked off the street by a desperate director.
Homare The 'Extra AF'. A poet who dresses in loud costumes and has really stupid hair. Loud, overtly confident in his bad poetry and just generally confusing to watch. A Gentleman. Flamboyant. Kinda gay coded. Hisoka's crutch and the only reason that man is able to perform like a human being.
Azuma The Flirty One. A Cuddling Professional, because this is a teen rated game and we can't put in an actual prostitute or host. Unnaturally pretty. Indeterminate age. Sensitive. At least one of these dudes has empathetic abilities, may as well be the cute one. Extremely flirty and Experienced (tm) at life.
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
Insecurities shmunsecurities - Bruce Wayne x Insecure!Reader
Summary : Bruce Wayne, your boyfriend, is decided to help you overcome every single insecurities you’ve ever had. 
This is a very, VERY self-indulgent fic. As usual, I was feeling extremely insecure about my writing and..What do I do in those instances ? Well, I write (but of course). This is the result. It’s fucking long. Hope you’ll like my poor writing :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Bruce Wayne was curing your insecurities one by one. 
Ten months ago, when you first met him, you would have never thought he would be the one to do such a thing.
He looked so full of himself, so confident, so so sure of everything, so at ease in social situations...How could a man like that, better than you in every ways, could pay any attention to you ? 
And yet, at that charity ball you organized, he was instantly drawn to you. 
It was such a small thing, that charity of yours (you had created it to give better access to books to the disadvantages people of GC), happening in one of the poorest neighborhood in Gotham. 
When you sent an invitation to Bruce fucking Wayne, it was as an inside joke you had with your colleagues helping you organizing everything...”Oh, let’s sent a formal invitation to Bruce Wayne, the most powerful and richest man in Gotham, he’ll totally come to our shitty little charity ball right ? Haha hahaha hahaha !!”...You were all quite shocked when he actually showed up, accompanied by all the big name in town. 
Needless to say, you exploded the goal you wanted to achieve by raising a shit ton of money ! 
Yes, at that small little insignificant ball you had organized, expecting only a few middle classed people to come, he was instantly drawn to you, even though he had one of the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen glued to his arm (she was so rude to you...and yet, she was incapable to grasp “Brucie”’s attention like you were !). 
Bruce was pretty sure (though at the time he was in total denial) that he fell desperately in love with you when he heard you say : “Do I look like the champagne police lady ?!” to an old and extremely rich woman who was complaining about the low quality of the drinks that were served. 
Hell, he realized he was doomed as soon as his eyes laid on you and you shyly and awkwardly smiled at him, waving your hand at him, and in the process, throwing the platter that a waiter was holding into the air, making a huge mess once it hit the floor...
He loved the way you didn’t care he was Bruce Wayne, and talked to him like you would to any other person ! He loved the ways you were so...unimpressed with him. The way you looked so out of place amongst the rich and powerful of Gotham. Not that you were les worthy than them, oh no, just...You were so uninterested in power and money and appearances, it was so refreshing ! 
Bruce always smiles when he remembers your reaction when he asked for your number. The way you furrowed your brow, narrowed your eyes at him and said : “I don’t play games Mr. Wayne”, pointing at him accusingly. 
And the way your cute eyebrows raised in surprised when he told you that he wasn’t playing any games, trying to pour all the honesty available in him in his words so you’d believe him (he was really telling the truth !). 
He must have been convincing because, ten months ago, you gave him your number, totally stunned that a great man like Bruce Waybe would even talk to you...and since then, he made it his mission to show you that you weren’t as worthless as you thought, quite the contrary ! 
The first insecurities he cured was in regards of a certain “Catwoman”. 
After you gave him your number, it didn't take long for the both of you to actually date, and though at the time things were still kept secret (his way to preserve you from unwanted attention, wether it was medias or villains), it was getting quite serious. 
You had discovered he was the Batman quite early on...before dating him in fact, you already had strong suspicions (only Bruce Wayne made sense, though he was covering his tracks quite well with his fake playboy persona and with his public “money” support to the bat). 
He didn’t know yet that you knew, but given how understanding you were when he suddenly had to go, or when he didn’t spend the night...He kinda guessed you must have known. But he wasn’t quite ready to tell you, to let you enter his dark World, he had to “preserve” you you know ? 
Yes. You knew he was Batman and it wasn’t a problem. You had absolutely no intention to stop him, on the contrary, you were certain Gotham City desperately needed him. 
You were worried, sure, but it was so important, you really understood (another reason he fell in love with you...you understood him so completely). 
No, what kinda bothered you about this all thing were the rumors about him and Catwoman (that you knew was Selina Kyle, of course). 
Now you couldn’t outright ask him could you ? You weren’t suppose to know he was Batman and you wanted him to tell you ! It was important that he did, it would mean that he really trusted you (he already did but again, he wanted to preserve you from the complicated side of his life as much as he could). 
No, you couldn’t just ask him, you had to be smart about it. 
One night, one of the rare ones he stayed with you (Batwoman, his cousin, was on duty...later, Alfred would say that he knew you were the one because only for you would he skip patrol) and, with your most innocent look, you casually asked him, as you were cuddling against him after an amazing love making session : 
-So hum...D’you ever have a serious relationship before ? 
Bruce smiled at your tone that you’d try to be as casual as possible without quite succeeding, and at the way you didn’t look up at him, your face kinda buried in his chest..He knew you were blushing and that it took you a lot of courage to ask him that. 
You wanted to make it sound like it wasn’t a big deal, but he knew better. 
With a bit of a mocking voice, he said : 
-A serious relationship “before” ? Before what ? 
Your head snapped up and the hurt look he spotted in your eyes made his heart drop and he instantly regretted his joke. 
By instinct, his fingers tangled in your hair and he caressed your scalp soothingly. You didn’t say anything, as your eyes bore into his deeply, and he felt so disarmed in front of you right now...It should have frightened him, how you made him so vulnerable so easily, but it did the opposite. 
It made him love you more, if that was even possible. 
In a soft and low voice he says : 
-Yes. Yes I had a  somewhat serious thing with a woman before you...but let me tell you right now that nothing even compares to what I feel for you now. 
You don’t look too convinced and, still looking at him, you just murmur : 
-Selina Kyle ? 
If he’s surprised that you guessed that right, he doesn’t show it (another reason he loves you...you’re a smart cookie). 
He wrapped his free arm around you, as his other hand still ran through your hair and he answered : 
-Yes. Selina Kyle. But believe me honey, you eclipse her in every way ! 
Bruce knew you didn’t believe him, but he couldn’t find the right words, in that moment, to reassure you...
It’s about a week after that, at a gala, that he cured fully this insecurity of yours. 
You hate being alone at one of those little soirée, but you understand...he went to get some drinks, and he always mingle with people on his way. 
You’ve been going out together publicly for a few months now, and it’s not as bad as you thought...
Sure, tabloid magazines keep releasing articles trying to guess how long it would last (none of them had the right answer. They were all talking about “a few months at most”, while you’d be together until your death decades later), but most people (though extremely jealous of you or of Bruce to have you), couldn’t deny that you made a great and well assorted couple (though you thought you weren’t beautiful enough for him...how wrong you were, especially since your natural aura made you just so damn charming and attractive). 
You had found a somewhat hidden spot in a corner of the room, while Bruce wad doing what he had to do, when you first met her. 
-So you’re the famous (Y/N) (Y/L/N) everyone is talking about uh ? 
You turned around and...There she was. 
Selina Kyle. 
Your breath caught in your throat, and your eyes widened a bit...She was so...so...so much “more” than you. 
More talented, more mysterious, smarter, sexier, funnier, her hair were better, her eyes brighter, her legs thinner...Everything about her was outplaying you. 
You smile shyly at her and you’re surprised by the warm smile she gives you back, you were definitely not expecting that...Selina had wanted to be a bitch to you, after all, it was because of you that her “on and off” relationship with Bruce was now definitely “off”...But you were just too cute. 
-Famous I don’t know but...yeah, it’s me. 
It takes all of the will in you not to back away when Selina walk straight to you and stops mere inches from you, staring you up and down. 
You’re usually witty and sarcastic, fearless in front of people but...there’s something in Selina Kyle that intimidates the Hell out of you...She’s just so much better than you ! 
With a smile that would have seduced anyone (and oh man was she attractive ! Yummy !) she says : 
-Oh you’re famous alright. Not just because you’re dating Bruce by the way. I heard you were...How did they put it again ? Oh right, “The Comeback Queen”. Apparently, you’re quite a quick thinker and don’t let any of them -she points at the people around you- walk on your feet. Oh don’t blush sweetheart, I like it !
Her last words make you blush even more and you look around a bit desperately, hoping Bruce would come back soon. 
You know she sees you’re uncomfortable and you know she thrives because of it...but you can’t help it, she’s so...UGH ! 
You can definitely see what Bruce saw in her. 
Little did you know that, as she looks at you intently, she was thinking exactly the same thing about you. She could see what Bat saw in you...You don’t say anything and she continues : 
-So...it’s because of you uh, that Ba...Bruce doesn’t want to sleep with me anymore ? 
Your blush is gone in an instant, and Selina realizes she must have awaken “The Comeback Queen”...But you still don’t say anything. Oh no. You do worst. 
You just turn around slightly away from her and ignore her utterly. 
You understood what she was doing, and she made one mistake : talking about Bruce and sleeping with him (you’d never admit it but it filled you with happiness to know he refused her because of you...you’d discover later that Bruce wasn’t the cheating kind at all, he could never inflict such pain to someone he cared about, he’d leave them if he wasn’t in love anymore...Just like he told Selina it was over right after your first kiss with him...)
Yes, Selina Kyle made a mistake talking about him. 
You had understood quickly she came over to “test” you, to tease you a little bit...And it was working, but she should have continued talking about you, and not utter a word about him. 
Because it awakened something in you, the part that couldn’t help but fight back, even when it knew its adversary was better...And here you were, ignoring her. It completely stunned her...she wasn’t used to be ignored. 
But before she could say something else (you could see her preparing to say something in your peripheral vision), you felt a protective hand wrap around your waist. 
He had a worried look on his face, his eyes switching between you and Selina...He knew how iffy you were about Catwoman, knowing it was his only other serious relationship...He knew you felt inferior to her, though he didn’t understand why. 
You were so perfect to him. Selina was great but you...Oh you were something else entirely. It tore his heart apart to know that you didn’t even know it...
-Good evening Selina. 
He says, a bit on edge, as you turn to him. But you smile brightly at him, which reassures him a bit. He says : 
-So...I see you’ve met (Y/N). 
You don’t leave her time to respond as you go : 
-Oh yeah, we’ve met -you turn to Selina an obvious and exaggerated fake smile on your face-, Selina Kyle, the woman you’ve stop sleeping with because of me apparently. 
It’s quite satisfying, really, to see all color leave her face like that. And the severe, almost angry look Bruce gives her ? Priceless. In a cold voice he says : 
-What did I say, Selina ?
But the woman, momentarily disarmed in front of your fake-smile (you changed mood so fast !) was back once again in her normal self and nonchalantly says : 
-Well to be honest, your speech was so long and disgustingly cheesy that I don’t recall everything really...Oh fine fine don’t make that face Bruce, it makes you look ugly. You said to leave her alone, because you love her -she turns to you- really sweetheart I’m making it short, because it was really long and boring. 
You’re a bit stunned by her word, and you’re so glad Bruce talks first because you just didn’t know what to say : 
-Let me refresh your memory. I said that I would appreciate if you left my girlfriend, (Y/N) here, alone. If you wouldn’t do to her what you do to everyone, which is toying with her. Don’t interrupt me please Selina, I know you don’t always toy with people, I know what we had was real...But here’s the key word : “was”. We both knew it was a mere infatuation. There’s a deep friendship between us, yes...but no love. Not romantic at least. I can’t lie to you and tell you I don’t care about you, because I really do...But I don’t love you. I love her. I won’t be uselessly cruel by explaining to you how much I love her, but...You know don’t you ? And so please, she’s already so...unsure of herself, so leave her alone. I thought I was clear on that...
Selina takes a quick look at you (oh you’re just so damn cute, blushing and not really knowing what to do, planted in front of them like that !) and then back at Bruce, yawns (for good measure, because his speeches are always so damn serious and boring) and says : 
-You were clear. I was just...Curious. Who stole the Bat...bachelor’s heart ? Genuinely and fully stole it ? Not just like me, not just conquering a part of it...earning it completely. I was just curious. And you sweetheart -she turns to you once more-, I got nothing on you. You know, you can call me a lot of thing, but what I’m not is modest. I know I’m beautiful, I know I’m intelligent, I know I’m great really...And I am completely honest when I say that, if you’re not better than me, at least we’re equal. Oh but why are you so cute ? Don’t make such a face I’m serious. Besides, I see the way he looks at you. He never looked at me like that. And I just used all my quotas of compliments for the year so...If you’ll excuse me, I have to go steal a few things. I mean...I have to go...mingle...With...rich men. 
You can’t help but smile at her, and feel a surge of...confidence ? Is that how it feels ? Surely, if even a woman like Selina Kyle said all those things, it must mean there were (part) true right ? 
Elegantly and nonchalantly (this woman was a total badass), Selina takes the glass of champagne from the hand of a man and turns around back to you and Bruce and says, a mischievous smile on her lips :
-If you ever break up, call me. 
You narrow your eyes at her and Bruce groans : 
-Oh Brucie, you thought I was talking to you ? Oh no my dear, I’m talking to your girlfriend there. I quite like her really...
And on that note, she winks at you, making you blush like crazy, and leaves behind a very stunned Bruce and a quite flattered you. 
On that night, thanks to Bruce and his speech, that sprawled the Catwoman herself to shower you with compliments...You were completely and utterly cured of your insecurities towards her. 
Yes. Yes maybe you weren’t better than her but...Bruce chose you. He refused her. He told her he loved you. Only you. And his speech...
Yes. Insecurities cured. Gone. Forever. So much that you became quite good friends with Selina (it was funny how Bruce was now the jealous one). 
And it was all because Bruce had decided to show you how amazing you were. Because he had decided to chase all your insecurities away...
This was a good first step. 
But the biggest and most important insecurities your Broosh was able to eradicate from your mind, was the one concerning your writing abilities. 
Things were getting really really serious between you and Bruce (he was more and more thinking about asking you to marry him), and he realized that it was probably time to introduce you to his best friend...Clark Kent. 
And so here you were, on a fucking helicopter, direction : Metropolis. 
You’ve never been to Metropolis. It was quite an interesting city really...Like a cleaner, safer Gotham. Though the gargoyles were replaced by neons and huge flashy adds, the rain by a blue and clear sky, the dark color of every building by glass windows that reflected the sun...Yup, it was like a parallel universe, a Gotham that wasn’t gritty and dark. 
A city for a Superman really. 
And here he was, in front of you (though you promised Bruce not to even make a hint about the fact that you knew he was Superman...that too, you guessed yourself, and you thought it was hilarious that he wrote all those articles, in the daily planet, about himself !). 
You met them at a diner in the outskirt of town, a calm place where no paparazzis would try and snatch pictures of you all. 
You sat down and...immediately, you felt a bit uneasy. 
Why were they both looking at you like that ? With a stupid smile on their face, and a bit of...weird...awe ? What ? 
Was it because they never thought Bruce would settle down ? Yeah, it probably was that...
But of course, it wasn’t. 
Without your knowledge, Bruce had sent one of your novel to Lois Lane, famed journalist and best seller author (she even won a pulitzer price !). 
It was driving your boyfriend crazy to know that you were so full of talent.
He was one of the only person, along with Alfred, that read your stories and he thought they were the most brilliant things in the World ! 
Bruce wasn’t much of a big reader, because he never really had time to do so but...your stuffs ? 
It made him feel like he was a kid again, who was dreaming about adventures and had fantasy about being a hero and such ! 
Your stories made him feel like he was in them, like he was truly part of them, like he was...transported in another world ! The way you wrote, your style...it filled him with so many emotions ! 
You didn’t believe him when he told you, and he wished you had been there when he was reading it (but of course, whenever he was reading one of your work you’d make sure not to be there, in fear of dying of cringe while he’d read something you wrote in front of you) so you could have seen him laugh, cry, be angry etc etc while reading your stories ! 
He wish you could see the effect it had on him, and that you’d believe him when he said he loved them, that you’d believe his excitement when he finished one and ran to you to tell you how great it was ! 
After all, he was a man with the reputation to be quite stoic and serious ! Couldn’t you see how childish and boyish your stories rendered him ? How he almost jumped on his spot talking about all his favorite characters and how that particular twist blew his mind away ? 
Couldn’t you see that your stories turned him into a huge fanboy ?! 
No. No of course you couldn’t see it. You rarely believe him when he was complimenting you...Especially not on your writing. 
Oh it just tore him apart to know that you thought you were a talentless woman ! And so he did something, that maybe he shouldn’t have (he didn’t know how you were going to react)...He decided to send one of your manuscript (his favorite of yours), to Lois Lane, a renown literally critic at that. 
And when he received a call from her, at three in the morning, while he was on patrol, and she started to ramble about how great the plot was and how she love this character and hated that one and blahblahblah could she send it to her publisher already ?! ...Bruce knew he had to arrange a meeting. 
Clark read the book a few days after, and Bruce received the same excited call...The bat totally surprised his friends by being as enthusiastic about it as he was ! It wasn’t often, that you could hear the mighty Batman sound like a little excited child ! 
And here you were, unaware that you had in front of you your second and third biggest fans (the first one was Bruce of course), and wondering why they just couldn’t stop staring at you like that ! 
-It’s so nice to finally meet you ! 
Clark starts, as you all sit down around the diner table. Lois continues : 
-Yes yes ! We couldn’t wait to finally...meet you ! 
You’re a bit weirded out by their enthusiasm, but with a little smile you answer : 
-Yeah same. Bruce told me lots about you two, I was looking forward to finally see you as well. 
Bruce shifts awkwardly next to you and you give him a curious look...that quickly turns into a suspicious one. You narrow your eyes at him and say :
-Ok, what’s going on ? 
Clark and Lois can’t help but be impressed at the inflexion in your voice, at the glare you give Bruce and the way he reacts to you...You’re the first one that seems to intimidate the goddamn Batman ! 
Very fast and almost inaudible, your Broosh says : 
But it doesn’t matter that he spoke fast, or that he barely made a sound...you understood enough. Suddenly, a horrified expression spreads across your face and you look at the couple in front of you, genuinely scared. 
-Wh...What ? Ho...How could you Bruce ? I trusted you in...keeping those...for...For you...
You’re actually pretty hurt, that he would do such a thing. Sending one of your book to “strangers” ? Sure they were his friends but...you didn’t know them. 
And Lois was one of your idol. Ever since you were young you loved reading her articles in the Daily Planet (that was also published in Gotham), her writing style was so eloquent and elegant ! And the book she wrote about Superman ? It made you tear up so many times, it was so beautiful ! 
And Bruce knew you admired her ! In fact, you were so nervous about that lunch date ! And here he was, giving her your goddamn shitty book, giving her one of your terrible writing and...
-I’m sorry my love but it just killed me that you thought it was bad. You were never going to believe me, I just had to...To show it to someone else ! 
-It’s not that I don’t believe you Bruce ! It’s just that...well you can’t give me an impartiale opinion, because I’m your girlfriend ! Of course you’re gonna like what I write, or pretend to like it ! 
-Yes well you’re wrong but you know, you won’t believe me anyway. Now if I send it to someone who doesn’t know you ? Who isn’t friend with you ? Then you know you’ll have an honest opinion right ! You read her book reviews in the Daily Planet, you know she always says what she genuinely thinks about a story !
You gasp and hide your face in your hands, shaking it vigorously ! Oh my God he’s right ! She’s a really good book reviewer and never lies ! And now it’s going to be the worst time of your life, your idol telling you how your book sucks and how you should stop writing and...
-I just have one question for you, (Y/N). 
Slowly, tentatively, you tear away fingers by fingers from your face and shyly look at Lois. She smiles at you warmly, and you sit up a bit in your seat (not before giving Bruce a reproachful look though...he sinks a bit in his own seat and avoids your gaze, stunning Clark like...The Hell ? Bruce was shrinking in his seat, embarrassed ? Wow, you must really be something...but that he already knew, after all, he read your book too).  
-Hum...What ? 
You ask in a little scared voice. Lois’ smile widens and she says : 
-The ending totally killed me, please tell me you wrote a second book ? 
Bruce sprungs up in his chair and says : 
-Yes ! Yes it’s suppose to be a trilogy ! She’s almost done with writing the first draft of the second book ! I read it over her shoulder when she writes in bed, it’s even more brilliant than the first one ! 
Your boyfriend’s actual genuine enthusiast surprises you. He...reads over your shoulder when you write in bed ? You haven’t even noticed, to engrossed in your writing. And the way his eyes suddenly shone with excitement...Could it be ? 
Could it be that he actually really likes your writing ? 
All of a sudden, Bruce, Clark and Lois speaks all at the same time eagerly, talking about their theories of what might happen in the next installment of your stupid and terrible book and...Wow. 
Slow down a minute. They...like it ? They actually like it ? 
They speculates about what might happen ? They’re thrilled about it all ? THEY SHIP SOME OF YOUR CHARACTERS TOGETHER !? HELL THEY EVEN GAVE NAME TO SAID SHIPS ?! WHAAAAAAAT ?! 
You listen to them for the next hour, rambling about your story, about how great it is and how amazing your writing style is, how entranced by it they all are and...you start to believe them ? No...impossible ! And yet. 
Yet you cannot hide your idiotic smile, or the way you just want to laugh, or the sudden surges of happiness that attack you. 
They like it. They genuinely like it. No one can be that good of an actor...They...They actually fucking like it ! 
-Yes (Y/N), no joke ! I think it’s amazing ! In fact, I was really excited about this first meeting because I wanted to ask you if you’d allow me to show it to my publisher ? I think they’d love to publish this story of yours ! They really would ! But I know Bruce didn’t even tell you that he’d sent it to us so...Thought I’d ask first of course. I can’t believe you thought it was bad ! 
Lois tells you, and you’re too stunned to react. You hazily listen to Bruce saying : 
-Right ? It’s crazy that she thinks it’s awful right ? Tell her it’s not just me being in love with her talking, please tell her how fucking great she is ! 
It makes Lois and Clark smile, how smitten with you their friend is, and...well, they tell you the truth. 
Yes. You’re writing is great. It made them feel a wide range of things, and left them wanting for more. 
For the entirety of lunch time, you discuss your stories with them, they give you all their honest opinion and...you believe them. Sure, you don’t think you’re the best writer ever and such, like they keep saying but...maybe you’re not so bad ? 
It fills Bruce with happiness, to know that you’re slowly changing your mind about yourself. It fills him with..so many things, to see you smile as your idol, Lois, is telling you in details why she loves your stories (feedbacks are so important for a writer) and to see you laugh at Clark’s comment on why he hates that particular characters of yours (that of course, he’s suppose to hate). 
In that moment, you’re overly grateful that Bruce crossed your path one day. 
Because day after day, hell hours after hours, he makes you feel like you’re worth something. He makes you feel like you’re...Someone important. 
Talented. Beautiful. Intelligent. Sexy. Smart. Witty. 
Like you’re someone who’s special. Genuinely and utterly special. 
Bruce Wayne was curing, one by one, all of those insecurities that plagued your life. All of those insecurities that slowly ate you from inside, and made you believe that you were never worthy enough. 
Those insecurities that made you date only toxic people who made you feel like you were less than nothing. Those insecurities that stopped you from sending any of your novels to a publisher. Those insecurities that made you stare at the mirror every morning, thinking you were the ugliest of them all. 
All of your insecurities, he was fiercely chasing them away. 
Because to Bruce Wayne, you were the most special woman in the World, the most unique and talented one, and he’d be damn if he didn’t try to show you how amazing you were. 
Slowly, but surely, you started to believe him. 
Maybe, just maybe, you weren’t a talentless worthless human being. 
Maybe, just maybe, you deserved all those good things happening to you, you deserved to be with a man like Bruce Wayne...You deserved all those praised about your writing. 
Maybe. Just Maybe. 
Yeah. So...There’s that. As usual it got out of hand and ended up being way too fucking long. I didn’t proof read (as usual as well) and I feel like I might erase it. I know I often say that but...eh it’s too fucking long and cringy. SO MUCH CRINNNNNNNGE. That’s what I get for writing such a self-indulgent fic. 
Anyway, feedbacks are always welcome (super important once again), hope you liked it and thank you for reading. 
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