#he's so aziraphale kinnie core.......
chez-cinnamon · 5 months
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Ideas ideas ideas.................
After a while I've come to a realisation that I like poly Fionn and Cass......... so introducing a new OC for the Real World AU?? I will make a proper post for him but for now meet Hayden Palmer (or Mr. Palmer as he's most known) !!
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He is a big bifailure !!!
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dyketennant · 9 months
ok going to give my very muddled thoughts about the good omens 2 finale below the cut, i’m still processing but people are already having bad opinions about aziraphale and as a crowley kinnie who is in love with him i will not stand for it
y’all aziraphale is in love with crowley. he loves crowley more than anything. you can see it in how he looks at crowley throughout the whole season. and the thing is that when aziraphale leaves, he spends so much time hesitating. he is literally crying his eyes out, keeps looking back to see if crowley is going to wander back in, quietly hoping that crowley is going to change his mind and go to heaven with him after all.
and as he goes up you can tell he’s putting up an act: he’s so fucking heartbroken. and also scared. he said himself he doesn’t want to go back to heaven, but this comes back to the other core part of his character arc and his struggle: he wants to do good. he wants to make a positive difference so badly. he watches the other angels make awful decisions, and yet, at his core, he still naively believes that heaven is good, because he loves god, and an eternity of propaganda is hard to shake off.
it’s very cyclical, and aziraphale has yet to realize that it’s not the other angels who are the problem, but that the system itself is corrupted. crowley has had a chance to realize that because he fell; he’s asked questions; he’s seen both sides. aziraphale’s love for crowley and his strong desire to be a good angel, to fix the world and do something right, are in direct conflict with each other, because aziraphale still has hope—even if it is his downfall. he wants to be with crowley, but he also wants crowley to not be dammed because he thinks that will keel crowley safe, and that they’ll be able to be together without any consequences. and he wants to help people. that’s literally who he is—not to mention the fact that he’s a people pleaser, and if god’s voice offers you a job that would finally give you control over your life and allow you to protect the person you love, of course you would take it.
and god we fucking better get that season 3 because i think that’s going to be aziraphale’s character arc finally breaking down the wall and realizing what he’s been too scared to believe all these years: that nothing is black and white, and the whole system is broken, and he can’t just press a button to make everything right. no matter how much he wants to.
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