#hey. did you know that i had a 50%+ absence rate in high school. i don't know shit about physics or chemistry.
1tbls · 1 month
science isn't my specialty but the fact that the pale seems to target radiowaves and human memory before anything else/they are most vulnerable to it..... wonder if you could technobabble some shit about how both are transmission of information through electrical signals, when you get down to it? [spoiler for end of post: i realized that radio and light waves are both electrical transmissions of information so i dont fucking know if this makes any sense. but im tired and i liked thinking out loud so take this anyway.]
makes me wonder how marine life that uses electroreception would be effected in the near pale...... imagine u are a shark swimming through porch collapse, when u are suddenly struck by human consciousness for a split second like a lightening bolt. or would it be more background radiation, like radio chatter.
okay but hold on after like an hour of research i have just learned that radio waves and light waves are technically the same things but at different frequencies, and i feel like my brain is getting twisted into pretzels. it's all fucking electrical signals sending information. fuck.
well. anyway. i learned some very interesting things about how radio signals work, and electromagnetic fields, and the doppler effect. so i will publish this anyway.
oh also. the earth has its own electromagnetic field, right, because of the friction of the core. but we know elysium probably isn't even a sphere anymore, however their planet works, based on joyce's description of the satellite pictures. yada yada, more technobabble fodder about how the lack of global electromagnetic field encourages the scrambling of electromagnetic waves and information transmission via the pale....... well that was a fun little rabbit hole, good night
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nameless-stick · 5 years
So, I’ve got a lot of explain to do for my long absence :P
So I started my junior year of high school on my birthday, August 13th and it’s been difficult since. I started off with 4 project in the first week and it’s been rough since, As many would know, I am in Scouts of America(Boy Scouts) and this year I managed to convince myself to join my schools girls weightlifting team...yeah...I’ve made a mistake....my season for weightlifting started in October and dats a few days way and I’ve just got down with a camping trip and I’ll have to get ready for another one coming up and I’m expected to stay after school and train and I’m also expected to go out a do thing with my troop and attends meetings since I’m the only girl in my troop asked for another one but her showing up is alway 50/50 so I’ve got to be there to be informed of things happing just in case she doesn’t show up and I don’t have any clue when my competitions start or when we’ve got meetings.
I’ve been fading in and out of so many fandoms, like I just recently joined the DanPlan fandom just before that I was binge watching Kwite and Bluesdank and Wildspatonz and all of his gang and I’ve been dealing with and art block, a writers block, and just Stress in general. I’ve been trying to get over my crush and that isn’t working, I’ve got to find my new spot at lunch because my one this year we got kicked out of and my other got taken over and holy fuck there’s just a lot going on for me and it’s stupid.
Anyways, here’s some sketches I did in like an hour from my Demon AU!, just some quick ideas I had about the members. Like I have said, I’ll go more in depth about it later but I’ve finally figured out who/what this will be fouces around and for those of you who are think H2OVanoss then I hate to burst your bubble but I now think that ship is kinda over rated so sorry :P it’s going to focused more or less around my OTP Ship, VanLadd, OhmToonz and WildMoo.
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paulsletters · 6 years
Dear Rovert46 no 3.
You probably do have a point regarding women travelling in India. I hadn’t thought of that. I was only thinking about men. Selfish of me really. Hopefully my apologies will be received that I now profusely offer to all those of the fairer sex. However it goes without saying that it can be quite dangerous if the poor go off the rails. Obviously not all poor would be like this. But it’s not the rich who beat the people up, is it. Mug em. Kill em. Take their stuff. This is obviously so, because the rich aren’t getting beat up by a harsh life thats in the minds of the poor, and therefore they aren’t hanging out for their retaliation. Wealth and poverty is relative isn’t it. Maybe 80% of today’s poor in the West are richer than 100% of of middle class of the 50’s. Today they have, TV’s, iPhones and iPads, micro ovens, cheap automatic cars with electric windows, power steering, power brakes, power seats, air conditioning. Better than what the Happy Days Fonz had. That’s today’s poor for you. But the other guy has got more stuff. Or better stuff. And that’s the problem. So it’s give me more and more. If only I had more stuff I could smile and whistle a happy tune when I see the other guy with less. Today’s poor with are invariably richer than Henry the 8th who suffered a life of pain from being unseated from his horse in a jousting match. His medical condition could be fixed today in a jiffy. Christ said the poor will always be with us. Was he rich? However, India has many poor people but on a whole they won’t turn on you because you have more. Essentially they are a nation of good people, that is, if you define good as being reasonably law abiding types And they are hard workers with good attitudes. Perhaps you are right about the those other countries such as Scandinavia and the Netherlands. I don’t know why this is so. Maybe they don’t have much of the poor mentality because of being highly civilised. I don’t know what the answer is. If I went there for a look-see I would be able to perhaps make a more informed judgment. The USA might say that 75% of the population is religious but I personally doubt that as a true statistic. As for Christianity in the US, as a guess, I think there might be a solid core of maybe 15% but its probably less. And this 15%, this salt, this light, is holding back a flood of evil that would completely flood the USA and turn it into a banana republic. A lot of behaviour in society is usually controlled by peer group pressure. The off the charts divorce rates is happening because there is no stigma anymore for getting divorced. But there used to be. And that stigma kept marriages together. The ancient Chinese custom of foot binding whilst seeming cruel did serve the useful purpose of making it too difficult for the wife with her little feet, to run away when married life became intolerable. There will times when married life will be unbearable but without the stigma of peer group disapproval the high divorce rate will continue. And added to that stigma, women didn’t work so therefore they couldn’t really make it on their own, thus making divorce unaffordable for them to leave. A man was a cad, a fink, a mutt, if he got rid of his wife. Marriage is partly about duty. You go to war to do your duty. You stay married because of your duty. Does rampant divorce help or hinder society? It wrecks society doesn’t it. That’s not rocket science is it. Do your duty to God and your fellow man and of course your family. If we stick with the USA for a paragraph or two, I think we can say that there is a marked difference between their society’s behaviour today, compared to that of the yesterday’s of a previous era. School shooting by school kids killing school kids. Road rage shooting. Drive by shootings. And plenty of other bad stuff that was completely unheard of in yesteryear. This is called madness because it is mad. They have gone mad. Are you happy with this? You’re to blame with you’re atheism. We didn’t do that kind of crazy Charles Manson, OJ Simpson stuff because our desire to look like decent citizens in the eyes of our peer group, made us restrain ourselves to indeed be those better. people. And we were better people. You with your atheism have taken that away. You have removed this useful peer group pressure to do the right thing. But you say “oh golly gosh if that’s true then that’s just way too bad isn’t it. Shucks too bad how sad”you say “but hey it’s survival of the fittest don’t you know.” Thanks buddy. You’re a peach. But regrettably you’re not wise enough to realise you’re to blame. Now there is no one to stand up against and fight back against this unleashing of evil that is ruining the children of today. Such as pornography. If you don’t actually realise that pornography is ruining society then hey Pal you’re definitely 2 or 3 sandwiches short of a picnic. That’s why guys like you aren’t allowed to be in charge. It’s because you don’t know what you are doing which means you don’t know the harm you are doing. You have destroyed the good effects that Christianity was producing in the USA, So instead of saying hey you know what, Christianity is a good thing it’s helping society, you say we gotta get rid of it. That’s how unwise you are. You unwisely say that atheism is the way to go and look what you’ve done. You’ve ruined society but you’re probably unwisely proud of it. And you with the complete absence of wisdom want to rule the world. Another Hitler huh. Please give us a break. I think we’ve earned it. Congratulations on the brilliant job you’ve done. A smart person would say ok let’s fix this mess. But you can’t do that. Because you’d have to admit that you’re wrong. And you’d rather let the whole thing go down the tubes than admit that you are wrong. So you say, let it be. Let it be. Maybe that was ok for John Lennon. But even he cared.
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