#hideo akaishi
kanelune · 1 year
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[Kamen Rider Revice as Text posts 8/?]    
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banqanas · 2 years
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During the 2nd performance talk show, Hashimoto Jun (Akaishi) wore the furinkazan tshirt and also promoted it during his departing speech.
But turns out it doesn’t stop there! Apparently after the performance ended, Hashimoto Jun went to the merch booth and promoted the furinkazan tshirt and was doing hand shakes/fist bumps with those who bought the tshirts.
He said, “I said a lot of weird things through out the series but Bandai still kindly produced a tshirt for me (Akaishi). So I have a responsibility (to help sell the tshirts.)” source
A twitter user who bought the tshirt said, “Thank you for raising Hyuga-kun.” to Hashimoto but he replied that “It’s by his own effort.” source
All the furinkazan tshirts have sold out!
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corruptimles · 2 years
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director Akaishi is the funniest character why did he do that
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Remember last week when the gays undeniably won? Good times, good times.
HanaSaku content shall be strong and plentiful in the future! I want a 5K word oneshot about them adopting a puppy on my desk by tomorrow! ...and no, I don't mean Tamaki, he's well and truly established himself. Now hop to it!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Bro, let Gifu go, he's not gonna fuck you.
-He's real.
-Ah yes... "Salvation."
-Well, it probably would've helped if you brought your Driver, man. Just sayin'.
-Then again, either way, we might be right fucked, Dai-chan.
-Grocery time :)
-Idk man, I'm terrified of a woman who can handle a man like Genta.
-Operation: Akemi Rescue is a go!
-Ohhh yay, bestie content~!
-"Uhhhhh, Hikaru-kun, I like this here... cloth."
-"Heck yeah, Tamaki-kun! I sure do love me some... fabric!"
-I didn't expect to see Hikaru-kun as this fun and likeable presence, but honestly he's really growing on me, he's just a vibe, y'know?
-Third and fourth-wheelin'!
-...y'know, Hikaru, I understand that you have a lot of important duties, but I'm pretty sure Sakura is the last person in the universe who needs a body guard right now.
-"Yo whaddup, people of Japan! Hideo-sama ridin' the airwaves about to drop the hottest collab ever on your TV!"
-I mean, he is the Director, his influence is
-My man Daiji out here being the ultimate public servant, God bless. Hiromicchi would be proud.
-I'm also sure Akemi would appreciate the lengths you're going to.
-Vice on the Bice. ...er, Bike.
-Ooooooh, there it is! Demons Driver!
-"Ah crap, he got us."
-Putting your own life on the line for the sake of protecting those who can't protect themselves... that is a hero.
-Vice with the groceries. Epic.
-Get out of here, progenitor!
-Oh wow, they're really going for the "Dad" angle!
-Oh shit, playing the "Wait until he stops caring" card.
-And Vice is really affected by that lie.
-"Act like a devil."
-That is horrifying.
-Talk to him, man!
-Dai-chan's heart might just pop right out of his chest.
-...is it possible Kagerou might pop up again during this arc? ...ohhhhh, I hope so.
-...not even strong enough to be her meatshield... goddamn, that is cruel.
-Hana's right, man! You gotta have faith.
-Using your own devil power.
-Ohhhhhhh, fuck, Akemi!
-...there is... so much horrifying implication, holy shit.
-Fenix isn't just inextricably linked to the Deadmans organization... Fenix is the Deadmans!
-That's Gifu. The granddaddy of all Devils.
-You sold out all of humanity for your own safety, you bastard!
-Jun Hashimoto is killing it in this episode, holy fuck
-Thunder Gale was the only thing that even slowed Vail down, how the heck can we possibly handle Gifu at the end of our long road?
-Dai-chan :(
-She has well and truly given up.
-Woooooow, that suit is incredible looking though.
-35, next week. I'm starving for more, goddamn.
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toku-explained · 2 years
The Fire and Ice Rex Pair
Trigger: Darrgon escapes his restraints, and Carmeara informs him she destroyed Hudram. Sickened she would kill a fellow Dark Giant he goes to leave, but she uses her increased darkness to turn him into her puppet. GUTS-Select take a photo together, and Akito is happy. Darrgon appears to rampage, and Akito and analysis can see he's powered up. GUTS Falcon flies into and Yuna tries to reach Darrgon unsuccessfully, so Kengo goes to Trigger, soon switching to Power-type. Akito calls out for Darrgon to remember learning strength came from the desire to protect, to no avail, Yuna is sent flying, but Darrgon catches her dedpure his possession, breaking free, but Carmeara seems amused. Darrgon tells Yuna he has been drawn to humanity's strength in bonds, and they ask him to join them, he wants to settle his rivalry with Trigger first. As the two Giants prepare to fight, Akito asks Tatsumi to let the fight go on, which is accepted but putting everyone on alert. Kengo goes straight to Glitter, but soon Carmeara enhances the curse, sending Darrgon wild he even targets Yuna directly, and GUTS Falcon launches, but Yuzare's power barely protects her. Darrgon struggles with himself, and tells them they have to stop him, before losing himself for good. Carmeara attacks Trigger, stopping him fighting Darrgon further. Yuna runs, chased by Darrgon, and is cornered. Akito fishes out the Ribut Key and requests Nursedessei use Battle Mode, and requests use of the gun himself, and uses the Ribut key to prepare the Maxima Galaxium. The point blank attack defeats Darrgon, whose last wordsare gratitude. Trigger is on the ropes from Carmeara, and defeated, Yuna picking him up as Carmeara consumes Darrgon's darkness. Shegoes human size, beating Kengo, grabs Yuna, and vanishes. She places Yuna on the alter, manipulating her body to open the gate to the Eternity Core. Ignis seeing this, swears not to let earth wind up like Lusharia. Czrmeara begins to absorb the Eternity Core, her body mutating and earthquakes start, the gate returns to tower form, and Megalothor emerges, Carmeara's new form.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Sora finishes a report to Queen Izaba about using music to empower Warriors of Light. Izaak points out a letter in a file Sora has, which she opens to find is from Daada mentioning the many nearby tourist destinations and offering to take her on a day off. Sora is unsure what to do, Izana recognising, even if Sora doesn't, that she loves another, obviously Ribut, though Sora denies it. Ribut pops by, accidentally scaring Sora, sees the invite, and tells her to have fun. Sora, confused, says she will and leaves. Izana asks if Ribut is okay with that, him seeming genuinely oblivious. He reports Dark energy traces in the base the recent days, they worry something has snuck aboard. Privately, he seems concerned about Sora going on a date.
Revice: Looking at the Giff statue, Kadota contemplates to George if it would have been better to destroy it. Director Akaishi Hideo wants them to focus on eliminating Olteca, Julio and Aguilera. Julio tells Aguilera the thing he hates the most are traitors. Olteca asks a cultist to gather fellow members. Sakura is contemplating the Ushijima house, she never stepped into the basement, when a man comes in asking to find Julio, AKA Tamaki Gou. Daiji notices Kadota's still in poor shape as Ikki arrives, asking George for a way to separate the remaining 3 Giftex, George has a new ViStamp that might do it. George puts Ikki and Vice into a simulation, the first test is against Revi Rex Genome. The man explains to Sakura he had been friends with Tamaki in high school, and his smile quote comes from himself originally. Ikki and Vice defeat Revi, and Vice freezes as George explains the new stamp should put them both on Remix level in terms of power, and they'll suffer if not in sync. Another Revi appears, and once defeated Ikki starts burning. YouTube admits he betrayed Tamaki, pressured by the bullies into destroying a gift, and he never apologised. Sakura promises to try and help. Ikki and Daiji hear from Sakura. Julio has Aguilera recall their first meeting, driven to Giff by Yousuke's action, and he is now driven by hate for him and Olteca. Olteca has gathered cultists, and shows he has the Giff Stamp. Next day Ikki and Vice continue training, and as George has them break they are witness by an alert to Olteca stamping a cultist with the Giff Stamp, transforming her directly into a Deadman. Live and Demons are soon on scene, and seeing Demons struggle, Olteca attacks, but is attacked in turn by Julio. Yousuke and Sakura arrive, and she leaps into the fray, trying to get him to listen to Yousuke unsuccessfully. Cultists grab Live and Demons, making it easier for the Deadman, Olteca defeats Julio and Jeanne stops Yousuke running to him. Ikki arrives last minute, and Olteca reveals that the Giffterian consumed the human it was born from. Ikki uses Barid Rex, then combines the new Volcano ViStamp and goes further, Revi Volcano Rex and Vice Barid Rex. Their combined power and contrasting temperature allows them to beat the Giftarian, but the human is home. In a rare, Revi charges at Olteca.
Zenkaiger: Everyone discusses kotatsus, Yatsude mentioning how they can bewitch people, when Kotatsu World appears, trapping everyone under a kotatsu. Zyuran gets free because he can't handle the heat, and goes in search of wearable ones for the others. Before he can tind any everyone affected starts turning into cats, and his attempts to energise everyone fall flat, despite his efforts being appreciated, until Secchan finds Kotatsu World. ZenkaiZyuran fights, but then Barashitara appears, in order to get to Zyuran they use the Patranger gear to combine their kotatsus, Secchan commandeers the CrocoDaiOh to get them to the scene. Everyone arrives, still hound to the kotatsu, just in time, and changes. With the battle still difficult with everyone trapped, Kaito uses the new Donbrothers Gear, summoning DonMomotaro on his bike, who helps Zyuran fight Kotatsu World. Vroon manages to move enough to annoy Barashitara, Zenkaiser uses the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon and Fighting Power to summon Battle Kenya, Kibaranger and GekiBlue, holding Barashitara off until Kotatsu World is destroyed. Dai Kotatsu World appears. DonMomotaro offers the use of his Enya Rideon, which combines with Zyuran into Don ZenkaiOh, eventually winning with a Don Zenkai Crash. All of the attacks make use of the Donbrothers Gear. DonMomotaro has a laugh afterwards before taking off. Everyone is being considerate to Zyuran later. Stacey is in jail bemoaning his condition, when Gege approaches, and seemingly takes control of his body.
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dryedmangoez · 2 years
Recap: Kamen Rider Revice, Episode 17 - Deepening Betrayal, The True Value of Buddies
Recap: Kamen Rider Revice, Episode 17 – Deepening Betrayal, The True Value of Buddies
Commander Hiromi wonders out loud to George if they should’ve just destroyed the big Gifu sarcophagus. But Fenix director Akaishi Hideo pops in and says he disagrees. Their priority should be destroying Aguilera, Olteca and Julio. The government is demanding the Deadmans be eliminated as soon as possible. (more…)
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kanelune · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Revice + A Softer World
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kanelune · 2 years
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The Front Bottoms - Father || Daiji, Orteca, and their daddy issues
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kanelune · 2 years
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Orteca & Akaishi || Episode 25
“You carry my hopes, my little boy genius.”
“That goes without saying.”
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