#i am always ready to be converted to crackships
sunstar121 · 6 years
I have this strange crackship of Logan X Googleplier if you want to try it?
:) I call this ship Spellcheck, or Microsoft Office.________________________________When something bugged Logan, he would try and figure it out.Coffee machine broken? Turns out someone spilled water on its wires, and it short circuited.  Patton looking upset? He broke a bowl, and is feeling bad about it.So when he couldn't figure out how he was teleported to the Iplier mansion that one time, it drove him crazy.He deduced that the Mind Palace must be connected in some form to the manor, and the only place that could be connected (logically) was Romans room.So, early one morning he snuck into the creative sides room, stumbling a bit at the bright lighting.  In this room, if you could imagine something, it would happen, so he started thinking.He imagined a square-ish portal gaping before him, and soon he felt the whoosh of reality warping.  He opened his eyes to a swirling black and gray mass, and with a quick intake if breath, he stepped through.~~~G~~~️“B-blue’s log number four: I've gotten used to the others calling me Blue and Prime.  We call Green Chrome now. Re-ed is still Red, as Mail is a strange name. Ollie is, well, Ollie.“I have been experiencing strange feelings and thoughts as of late.  My chest feels fluttery, and m-y stomach feels as though I've swallowed a bee hive.  My head gets fuzzy and my cheeks warm up. T-they all occur slightly after I think about Logan Sanders.  After doing s-some searches, all i have come up with is the diagnosis of being in love. Unrealistic, as my brain is robotic.  I c-annot feel- !”Google was interrupted by a loud crash, and some familiar groans.  He whipped around, eyes glowing red and ready to fight, only to be met with Logan himself.“Ah, salutations, Google.  It seems that my experiment is successful.”  The logical side brushed himself off, looking slightly distressed from his crash landing.“Experiment?”  Google echoed, forcing his systems to convert back to neutral.  No need to zap his….. crush into another plane of existence, “H-ave you figured out how to tr-avel between M-Mind Palace and the manor, perhaps?”Logan looked pleased, and nodded enthusiastically.  It made Google's circuits heat up, and he willed his fans to go faster.  God forbid he started blushing like a human.“I hope that I didn't interrupt anything.  You seemed to be talking as I appeared, saying something about love?” Logan questioned.  Google froze, his mind coming up blank. A warning sign flashed across his vision, notifying him that he was overheating, and his emotional processors were acting funky.“Are you alright, Google?”  Through his haze of dizziness, he felt Logan's hand on his shoulder, and he knew his cheeks were quite pink.“N-no, Log-an, I a-am not alri-ight.”  He glitched out, his voice modulator taking a hit as well.He backed up so his backside was pressed against his desk, and he stared anywhere except for directly at his crush.“Oh,” came the others response, “Well, if you tell me what exactly is wrong, then I'm quite sure I can help with your problem.”No, no you can't help, Google thought, I cannot allow you to help.  Damn, why am I falling for a human?After fighting with himself for several minutes of awkward silence, he finally manned up with the help of Ollie.  It really did help that all the Google's were connected, and could message each other at any time. He really did appreciate the yellow android.“The-ere isn't anything inherently wrong with me.  I mean, my sensors are ha-aving a freak ou-ut, and my fans are working double time, but other than that, not-thing is wrong with my body.”“Alright then,” Logan said, taking to a softer tone that sent Google wild, “Is there anything wrong mentally? Or, with the other egos?  What's bothering you?”“W-What's bothering me is that my programming allowed me to fa-all in love like a human!” Google blurted out, and he recoiled when he heard his voice come out desperate and cracked, “What's b-othering me is-s that I thi-ink I love you, L-ogan!”Logan seemed taken aback, and he took a step forward.  “Me? You have a crush on…. Me?”“Y-Yes, okay? I have a-a crush on you. Is that w-hat you wanted t-o hear?” Google snapped, immediately feeling guilty, “I'm s-sorry, you did not d-deserve to be sna-apped at.”It was quiet for a second.  Then, he felt himself being hugged.  He wrapped his arms around Logan, watching as his sensors gradually calmed down.Logan stepped back, letting go, and put his hands behind his back.  “Even though it might not sound like it, as I am stuck in this informative tone, I would like to say that I, too, have developed romantic feelings for you.”Google felt a wave of relief wash over him, and he swore some coolant almost leaked from his eyes.  “I hope you d-do not mi-ind dating a garb-bage androi-id.”“Patton always tells me to pick up garbage.  Would two days from now at six be alright?” Logan smoothly suggested, and Google could feel his system heating up once more.“Y-yes, Logan.  I'd say t-that is more than alright.”
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