#i can imagine cuno now. 'pig can't eat a pig because he's a pig' or something
o-wyrmlight · 3 months
Sometimes I think about the idea of Harry being a picky eater and Kim not being picky at all for the most part.
Literally me projecting on Harry here but just imagine it.
"I like eating bacon. I like hotdogs. I like ribs but not too much of it. I don't like pork roast or ham. I also don't like pork chops at all. If I have to eat more than three bites of ham I will lose my mind."
"Okay, is it the taste?"
"Pork roast is often way too bland and ham's a little salty but, you know. No."
"But bacon is very salty by nature."
"Bacon's fucking good. I'd eat a whole plate of bacon for breakfast."
"Is it the texture, then?"
"I don't know what the fuck that means." (It is the texture.)
Forgot to mention but this also makes Jean-Luc calling Harry's race the Ham Sandwich Race like 10x funnier. What do you mean, Jean-Luc? There is no ham in this vessel. I hate ham. Now, BACON, on the other hand--
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