#i can see mormor outfits
sixmapleleafs · 4 years
bedtime // frederik andersen
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Summary: A special bedtime story for your four kids turns into a night of reminiscing and possibly an addition to the family...
The kids cheered in front of the TV as Freddie blocked yet another shot from the opposing team, he’d had an amazing game and the kids had been cheering him on from the couch since it was a school night. The microwave dinged behind you and you grabbed the now warm milk, pouring it into your daughters sippy cup, walking out of the kitchen into the family room in order to make your presence known.
“Ok kids” you said making them look at you, “time for bed” they all whined causing you to chuckle, “its a school night and it’s already past your bedtimes”.
“But mommy, daddy’s not home yet” your seven year old son says.
“I know Ethan but he will be home soon and I’ll make sure he tucks you in when he is, ok?” He nodded his head pulling himself up and running past you as you picked up your three year old daughter, handing her the sippy cup.
“Can we have a bedtime story, mamma?” She asks you.
“Yeah! In you and daddy’s bed!” Your five year old son, Nathan, shouts excitedly as he jumps up from his spot on the couch.
“Yeah! Yeah!” Your daughter says from your arms as she claps her hands as best as she could.
“Of course baby, get Ethan and Harry to help you pick one” you say nodding towards your oldest son who was still watching the post game stuff that was playing on the TV. Harry looked up at you and nodded when you gave him a look silently asking him to help his youngest brother. He was just like Freddie in almost every way, a gentle giant and already an amazing goalie at only age 9, he was also a giant mommas boy and you’d found him playing dress up with his little sister or partaking in her tea parties many times.
You headed upstairs with your daughter in your arms making your way straight to your room since she was already in her pyjamas. The boys come running in, Nathan has a large book in his hands that you don’t recognise from their bookshelves.
“What have you got there baby?” You ask him as they all climb into the bed. You grab the blanket that was folded at the end of the bed, getting ready to pull it up over all of you as you get comfortable in between the four of them, so they can snuggle into your side.
“We found it earlier and we didn’t know what it was” Harry explains as he takes the book from his brother and hands it to you. That’s when you see it. It was your wedding album. You hadn’t looked at it in years. You ran your fingers over the gold lettering that spelt out Frederik and Y/n.
“It’s daddy and I’s wedding album” you tell them as they look at you confused.
“What’s a wedding album?” Nathan says looking at you with his big brown eyes.
“Well in this book is all the photos from the day we got married, from start to finish, it’s all in here” you told him and a giant smile broke out onto his face.
“I want to see your wedding mommy, can we look through it?” Haley says from beside her oldest brother and you smile brightly looking over at her.
“Of course, if that’s ok with the boys?” They all nod and smile as they snuggle closer together on either side of you.
You opened the book, waving your hand as dust flew into the air, you hadn’t realised it had been so long since you last opened it. The first four pages were covered in signatures and messages from everyone who came to the wedding. You smiled as you read a few of them quickly. You turned the page and the words the groom were written in the same gold lettering as the front of the book.
The next few pages had photos of Freddie and his groomsmen, there were loads of shots the photographer had taken of Freddie getting ready in his suit and styling his hair. The next page had pictures of Freddie and his family, a few with his dad and his brother then one with all the men from his extended family. There were a few of Freddie and the boys all together in their suits, then one of just Freddie and Auston, who was the best man of course. The kids immediately burst into laughter when they saw the picture.
“Look at uncle Auston’s moustache” Ethan said in between laughs and you laughed along with them, remembering how Auston proudly wore that moustache everyday with no shame. You had no idea why he had decided to get rid of it to be honest.
“He was daddy’s best man, in fact mommy and daddy introduced him to Aunty Elise that day and now they’re married” you told them, referring to how you had introduced them at the wedding and they’d immediately hit it off.
“And we’re getting another cousin soon” Harry said making you chuckle.
“Mhm any day now there will be a third baby Matthews” you told him as he smiled before returning his attention back to the book in front of you. “Doesn’t daddy look handsome?”
The kids all nodded in agreement and Harry joked about how he looked like he was the prince of Denmark making you all laugh. It was a common joke in your family that Freddie looked more like royalty that the actual royal family. You turned the page, the bride was written in gold in the middle of the page and you smiled as you remembered the day and how you felt getting ready to marry your best friend.
“Are these pictures of you mamma?” Haley said and you nodded, turning the page.
The first photo was of you getting your hair curled as you sat surrounded by your mother and grandmother, both of them smiling with tears in their eyes as they looked at you. It was a beautiful shot and you were thankful that the photographer had managed to catch that moment.
The next one showed you stood in the middle of all your bridesmaids, standing in your matching robes and styled hair with your make up done perfectly.
“There’s all your aunties with mommy whilst we were getting ready” you told them as they looked intently at the photos on the page. “And there’s grandma and great nana” you said pointing at the photo.
You turned the page, showing them the photos of you with Freddie’s mom and sister and they all immediately pointed and asked if that was mormor and you nodded. Next there were pictures of you in your dress looking in the mirror as you teared up.
“Why were you crying mommy?” Nathan asked you looking concerned.
“Because I was really happy baby” you explained and he nodded, his face relaxing as he looked away again. “Look there’s grandpa, that was the first time he ever saw me in my dress” you said as you pointed at the next picture.
“He’s crying like you” Haley pointed out and you chuckled, “was he really happy too?” She asked and you nodded. You turned the page again.
“What’s a first look?” Harry asked reading from the page.
“It’s when the bride and groom get to see each other for the first time on the wedding day, it’s just them and they get to share a moment together before the wedding begins” you explain, “sometimes they give each other gifts but daddy and I decided to write letters to each other and read them before we saw each other”.
The next pictures revealed exactly what you had just described, you and Freddie stood back to back reading the letters. The photographer had captured a shot of each of you smiling, then tearing up, then reaching down to your side to grab each other’s hand.
You remembered how Freddie had spun you around to face him, taking in every inch of you in your dress. His eyes had filled with tears and he’d crouched down covering his face with his hand as his emotions took over him. It was one of the rare occasions where you had seen him cry, since that day he’d only really cried like that when each of your kids were born. You remembered how you had reached out to rub his shoulder giggling even though your own tears were threatening to spill over. He’d stood up and immediately wrapped his arms around you, telling you he loved you and he was the luckiest man alive. The photographer had captured every moment.
“Now daddy’s crying” Ethan said with a laugh, snapping you out of the memory.
“Daddy never cries” Nathan pointed out and you nodded.
“It was a very emotional day baby, everyone cried even daddy” you explained smiling softly at your son, suddenly feeling extremely grateful for your family in that moment.
“You look so pretty mamma” Haley said running her small figures delicately over the photo of you in your dress.
“She looked like a princess” you heard Freddie’s voice from the doorway, he was wearing his game day suit and leaning against the doorframe to your bedroom.
“Daddy!” Haley squealed as she climbed down from your bed and ran into her fathers arms, he immediately lifted her up and she wrapped her small arms around his neck, the sight made your heart melt as he carried her back over to the bed.
“Congrats on the win dad, you played really good” Harry said.
“Thanks bud, did you guys watch the whole game?” He asked as Nathan moved from the spot beside you where the two of them had previously been and Freddie scooped him up in his other arm. He sat down beside you, the kids getting comfortable in his lap as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
“We all wore our jerseys too daddy” Haley said bringing her fathers attention back to her, she’d had him wrapped around her finger since the day she was born, in fact since the day you found out you were having a girl and Freddie had immediately started painting the nursery pink and buying her little outfits. Freddie chuckled as he kissed her forehead.
“How long were you stood there?” You asked him.
“Since you called me handsome” he said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes, not being able to stop the smile from spreading across your face. You continued looking through the album until you got to the last page and noticed the kids were struggling to keep their eyes open. It was well past all of their bedtimes and you looked up at Freddie to find him already looking at you smiling softly.
“C’mon lets get them in bed” you said but he didn’t budge, instead he leaned down to kiss you softly.
“I love you” he said and you smiled bringing him into another soft kiss.
“I love you too” he kissed your forehead before you were burst out of your little love bubble by Harry.
“Ewwwwww” he said making you giggle and blush a little bit, you didn’t think he had been paying attention to the two of you.
“Come on big man, it’s time for bed” you said as you carefully moved Ethan so he was standing, he was seconds away from falling asleep but he followed his brother down the hallway anyway.
Freddie picked up the younger two and carried them to their beds. You followed Harry and Ethan to their bedrooms, tucking Ethan into his bed and kissing his head softly as he mumbled a goodnight and love you. You moved next door to Harry’s room where he was already tucked into bed waiting for you to say goodnight as he did every night, you kissed his forehead and said goodnight before closing the door quietly. You walked down the hall to Nathan’s room where he was already snoring softly, you kissed his forehead gently so you wouldn’t wake him then headed to Haley’s room.
“I love you daddy” you heard her say in her tiny voice, you peaked your head around the door to see Freddie’s large frame knelt beside her bed, her small hand was in his giant one and she had her Carlton the bear stuffed animal under her arm.
“I love you too princess” he said placing a small kiss to her forehead.
“Goodnight mamma” she said causing Freddie to look over at you, a content smile on his face. He looked truly relaxed. Like this was where he was meant to be.
“Goodnight baby” you said as Freddie stood up, switching the nightlight beside her bed on as he did so.
You made your way into your en suite bathroom, Freddie not far behind you. You both brushed your teeth in a comfortable silence before he headed towards his closet to get changed into something he could sleep in.
When you finally made it under the covers you were hit by how exhausted you really were, you closed your eyes and were just about to fall asleep when you felt Freddie’s strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest. You looked up at him sleepily and he pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
“Thank you” he said quietly and you looked at him confused.
“For what?”
“For giving me all of this, our family. I love you so much and I never want you to feel like you aren’t appreciated because you are, baby, you really are” he said before you pulled him down for another kiss, suddenly not feeling so tired anymore. The kiss quickly got heated and Freddie was in top of you in no time. Let’s just say your family of six was about to become seven...
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