#i have a(n online) gf they're just from canada
god!reader cinematic universe conceptー
no one in mondstadt believes venti is married for the longest time.
even as barbatos the identity of his spouse is debated by scholars and even the most devout nuns of favonius. geographically, it made no sense with amur hailing far west from sumeru. there isn’t much physical evidence of your existence in mondstadt either. according to the church, just as barbatos wished to leave the cultivation of mondstadt completely in the hands of his people, amur respect his philosophies and let the lands of mondstadt develop on its own.
but as venti the windborne bard, the locals of the city of freedom find it hard to believe that he isn’t a bachelor. it was one thing to finally convince the bartenders and tavern patrons that he was of drinking age. it was another entirely to believe he was anything but a bachelor. it doesn’t help that you’re out of the country either.
he swears you’re just back home in sumeru visiting family. that you write to him often and he sees you in his dreams, very literally on the first part, also literally very metaphorically on the second. that statement only garnered him a pint of dandelion wine from angel’s share. “it’s on the house,” charles patted his shoulder with a look of pity.
that occasion was probably the first time venti only accepted a drink begrudgingly. it is something your husband is quick to share the next time you visit him in his dreams. it never fails to fascinate him how you’re able to craft them so meticulously that it almost feels like reality. that you’re both truly sitting atop the shroom heads of mawtiyima forest, the moon and stars reflecting in the pools gathered in their centers. but that wonder takes second place to his annoyance and yearning.
“everyone thinks i’m making up a fake lover from sumeru because you’ve been away so long!” he drapes himself across your lap, a far cry from his regal image as the god of freedom that paved the way for lady vennessa. a far cry from the brave and noble sylph that sided with the rebels against decarabian. it’s so cute and ridiculous that you can’t help laughing.
“[first], this is serious!” you snicker even more at the sound of your personal name. “wow,” venti huffs in disbelief, tone more playful than not. “you’re laughing. people think i’m making up a fake sumeran lover and you’re laughing. some soother you are.”
“oh don’t be such a baby, i’ll be back just in time for windblume” you coo, caressing his soft navy locks through your finger tips and cecilia buds sprout across his hair. “i can’t hover over buer forever, she’s adjusting well to running sumeru. it makes me proud as her oldest friend, i almost feel like a proud parent.” but every child had to leave the nest and every parent had to believe that child would be carried by the wind beneath their wings. we’ll have to visit later this year for her birthday. “i’ll make sure everyone knows that you aren’t making up some fake spouse that needs extra drinks on a lonely saturday night.”
blue eyes gaze as you sourly at the comment. “it’s rare but there are bards in mondstadt whose ballads spurn the idea of love, you know.”
“go ahead,” you grin widely. “they’ll just think you made up a fake divorce with your fake lover as well!”
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