#i meant vol 0 earlier*
Diabolik Lovers Do-S Kyuuketsu CD Vol. 4: Sakamaki Laito
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Original title: ドS吸血CD・逆巻ライト
Source: Diabolik Lovers Do-S Kyuuketsu CD Vol. 4 Sakamaki Laito
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: HOLY SHIT. I think I finally know what people meant now when they claim that the original Do-S Kyuuketsu CDs are far worse than the games. The first three CDs were pretty on par with Haunted Dark Bridal in terms of sadistic/creepy level in my opinion but of course Laito has to scare the living hell out of me. He is much less cheerful than his game counterpart and really just wants MC-chan to have a bad time. :’’) The one thing I was pleasantly surprised by was the relatively low number of ‘nfu’ in this track. I guess that might be something which they added to his character later on? 
*Rustle rustle*
*Knock knock*
[0:06] “Hello~ Laito speaking!”
Laito enters the room.
“Hey there! I’ve got nothing to do so came to hang out~ (1) ...Wait, fufu..fufufu~ Bitch-chan, what a sexy look you’re rocking today.”
You try and cover up.
[0:21] “I wonder why you’re wearing nothing but your shirt~?”
You explain.
“Aaah~ You were getting changed? You just took off your skirt, didn’t you? I see, I see. ...But I knocked, didn’t, I? I entered the room in a very gentleman-like fashion. I didn’t particularly come to peek on you, so please don’t get the wrong idea there.”
You puff out both cheeks.
[0:51] “Ah...My bad, my bad. Don’t mind me and go ahead. You’re going to take off that shirt as well and change into your homewear, right?”
You prompt him to get out but he ignores you.
[1:04] “I wonder if you’re the type to keep their bra on at home...or are you the type to take it off? ...In my humble opinion, no bra feels better to the touch so I’d prefer that.”
You flinch.
[1:19] “But then again, that anticipation leading up to taking it off is hard to pass up on as well. That slight jiggle after they’ve been released from their tight confinement when the hook around the back becomes undone...I love that~”
You frown.
[1:39] “Aaah...But unfortunately, amongst the millions (2) of Bitch-chans in this world, you happen to have a rather petite bust.”
[1:50] “I guess they won’t jiggle just from unhooking the bra, huh? ..What do you think?”
You seem dumbfounded by his question.
[1:57] “Well, I suppose rather than thinking about it, actually trying it out would be faster. ...Bitch-chan, come over here. Let’s try taking off your bra.”
You try and get away.
“Huuh~? You don’t want to? But I’m just dying to see your bouncing breasts.”
Laito grabs hold of your wrist.
[2:22] “Hm...You’re saying no? ...In that case, I don’t mind making a compromise and allowing you to take it off yourself. ...Fufu~ I really am nice, don’t you think?”
[2:45] “Eh? You don’t want that either? Uwah...What a selfish girl you are. ...I wonder if you want to be killed by me? Defiant girls are of no use to me. They should just drop dead...
He corners you.
[3:07] “What will you do? How would you like to die? ...Sleeping drugs or something boring like that are a no-go though. Where’s the fun in that for me? Personally, I think being whipped to death would be rather nice. What do you think? Don’t you think dying at the hand of my whip would be a really unique experience?”
You suddenly answer his question from earlier.
[3:37] “Hm? You’re the type to keep on your bra on even at home? ...Hmm. I see. Oh well, I guess that works? I heard that wearing a bra when you’re young helps keep the firm shape. Ah, but I believe it’s better to take it off when sleeping. If not, the pressure on your breasts will be too great and they won’t grow, apparently. That might be exactly why yours are so small.”
[4:11] “You poor little thing...But you’re going to die right now. I guess this no longer matters, huh? ...Eh? Your answer from earlier referred back to my question about wearing a bra or not? I thought we were done talking about that so why did you bring it up again? I wonder if you’re desperately trying to change the topic because you don’t want to die?”
You shake your head.
[4:44] “Hm...Mmh...I see. You wanted to say that you prefer wearing your bra, so that’s why you didn’t want to take it off? Fufu...Ahahaha...Hahaha! Fufufu...So basically you didn’t want to die, so you endured the embarrassment and actually answered my question! Fufufu...I see~
You get even more flustered.
[5:12] “Look at you getting all red just from answering a simple question like that. You’re so cute, Bitch-chan~ ...Geez, I almost want to gobble you right up.”
[5:26] “Well, I suppose in return for that cuteness, I’ll let you off the hook for today. Uwah! I’m so generous! You won’t find many others Vampires who are quite as nice as I am, you know?  
He lets go of you and steps away.
[5:43] “Well then, you can continue changing. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you from over here. ...Come on~ This is the part where you take off your shirt, right?”
You seem hesitant.
[6:00] “Hmm~? I wonder why you won’t take it off? Did you perhaps forget how to unbutton a shirt? In that case, I don’t mind lending a helping hand.”
[6:19] “Fufu...You look very displeased. Hm? You don’t? Hahaha! No point in telling such obvious lies. Your expression looks stiff and I can tell that your body temperature has gone up because you’re nervous.”
Laito takes a deep breath.
[6:51] “Mm~ Just as I thought, the scent of your sweat is mixed in with the air. Fufufu~ ...Aah, no need to panic. Vampires have a good sense of smell. Whether it’s the slightest hint of sweat, or the fragrance of blood being spillt miles away. We can pick those up...right away.”
[7:27] “Convenient, don’t you think? Which is why I can tell that your skin’s coated in a slight sheen of sweat right now.”
[7:39] “Fufufu...Fufufufu...”
He grabs hold of you.
[7:46] “Ahaha! Caught you! Aaah~ ...You really did work up a sweat. See? Even the palms of your hands. Fufufu...I wonder if this is all because of me? Fufufu...Being sweaty feels disgusting, don’t you think? ...I’ll clean you up like this.”
He laps it up.
[8:23] “Mmm~ Aah...Haah...”
[8:31] “It’s the taste of Bitch-chan’s sweat...A mix of tension, anxiety and fear, yet so very sweet~”
[8:44] “When I think that I’m the one who gave birth to this flavor...Fufu...”
[8:55] “I’m so happy...Haaah...”
[9:06] “What’s the matter? Your body tenses up ever so often? Your breathing’s getting quicker as well. To think you’d react this strongly just from having the palm of your hand licked...You really are adorable.
[9:25] “Say...I wonder what would happen if I were to lick somewhere different?”
[9:39] “Fufu...Your earlobe’s so very soft...Haah...Mm...”
Laito nibbles onto your ear.
[9:55] “Mm~ Seems like it’d be great to sink my fangs into as well. Right! I just had a great idea. Say, Bitch-chan? Wouldn’t you like pierced ears? ...Shall I puncture your ears with my fangs right now?”
[10:20] “I think it’d hurt quite a bit and bleed as well, but you know, it’s cheaper than getting it done at a clinic and you don’t have the guts to pierce them yourself, do you?”
You flinch.
[10:35] “What do you think? I think it’s a lovely suggestion of mine though~ ...Eh? If I use my fangs, the holes would be too big? Fufu...Good point. However, nothing wrong with being unique, right? Having large holes in your ears might be the next trend. Well, it’d be one I wouldn’t understand in the slightest.”
You tell him you don’t care for pierced ears.
[11:12] “...Hm? Eeeeh? You don’t plan on getting pierced ears any time soon, huh? ...I see. That truly is a shame. Tell me if you change your mind, okay? I’ll gladly help out.”
You sigh.
[11:35] “Fufufu...You felt relieved just now, didn’t you? The scent of your sweat has changed, Bitch-chan~”
You try and get away but bump into something.
[11:49] “Woah...!! What’s wrong, Bitch-chan? DId it tickle? Or did it perhaps...feel too good? ...Tell me. What would have happened if I licked you any longer?”
[12:08] “Slowly losing the strength in your limbs, being embraced by me and eventually getting swallowed by your own carnal desires...Something like that, perhaps? Fufufu...That’s why you tried so hard to fight back, didn’t you? Right~ Bitch-chan~?”
You shake your head.
[12:30] “Hm? That’s not it? ...You don’t like me lapping up the sweat? Eeeeh~? Why? You sweat is just as sweet as blood, and very interesting in how it reflects your feelings directly.”
[12:53] “To think you have all of these bodily fluids which drive me crazy, but you refuse to give them to me...”
[13:00] “Say? Did you already forget what I said earlier? Girls who don’t listen to me have no value. Fufufu...”
Laito steps closer, grabbing hold of your wrist.
[13:22] “Exactly. You don’t, do you. Then, you’ll let me lick you, won’t you?”
[13:34] “Haah...You still insist on fighting back? Heeh...Is it really that embarrassing? Can’t say I relate to that feeling. If you told me you wanted to lap up my sweat, I would gladly let you do so. Fufufu...”
You retaliate.
[14:03] “I know, I know~ You don’t like it, right? I heard you loud and clear, no need to repeat yourself over and over. Geez...Guess you leave me with no choice. When you tell me with such a terrified tone.”
[14:20] “I don’t mind showing you a little mercy, you know? Only a tiny bit though. ...That being said, come here.”
He lifts you into his arms.
[14:36] “Heavy-hoh...Fufu~ What do you think? Swept up in my arms like a little princess~ (3) Girls are weak to this, aren’t they? Even though human females will spread their legs for just about anyone, they’re still fussy about little things like this, aren’t they? I guess it’s nice because it makes them easy to deal with.”
Laito starts stepping forward.
[15:05] “Now don’t struggle and just keep still, okay,? Bitch-chan, I’ve decided we’re going to take a shower together now.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Woah...Fufufu...Fufufufu! Ahahaha! I just told you to keep still and now this? You must really be begging to die, Bitch-chan!
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah...Or would something like this work better on you, huh?”
*Rustle rustle*
His voice suddenly drops.
[15:30] “...’If you make too much of a fuss, I’m gonna fuck (4) you up.’ ...Like that?”
You immediately stop moving.
[15:37] “Mmh~ Thank god. You calmed down. ...You are much cuter that way, Bitch-chan. Nufufu...Fufufu~”
You arrive in the bathroom.
[15:55] “We’ve arrived at our destination~”
Laito puts you down.
[16:02] “You were such a well-behaved, good girl just now. ...Well then, take off that shirt of yours.”
You seem hesitant.
[16:12] “...Hm? ‘Why’, you ask? I told you, didn’t I? We are going to shower. No matter how stupid my little Bitch-chan may be, I’m sure you know your clothes will get wet if you keep them on? No need to get embarrassed. Not only am I used to seeing girls naked, but I already know that your breasts are small.
[16:39] “From your point of view, there isn’t anything that shouldn’t be seen, right?”
You protest.
[16:46] “What you want to ask is...Why we are taking a shower? Nfufu~ Come on~! You don’t even know that much? You’re the one who brought it up, aren’t you? That you didn’t want me to lick your sweat. Which is why I’ll rinse it off in the shower instead.”
[17:08] “Then any licking that comes afterwards should be fine, right? ...While I do like sweat, of course. I get really excited just from being able to lick your skin. Did you know? The skin has a distinct flavor as well.”
You flinch.
[17:27] “With the sweet flavor of the sweat washed off, I wonder if it’ll taste more pure? ...I suppose slowly tracing your freshly-washed skin with my tongue wouldn’t be bad once in a while, don’t you think?”
[17:44] “When I lick it slowly, I can tell how your blood underneath starts bubbling and slowly rises to the surface. Following the same track as my tongue, it gradually starts heating up...whispering to me, begging to quickly flow inside my body.”
[18:07] “Your blood is so very honest, huh? ...It must be happy to be able to become energy circling through my veins? Just by approaching, your blood promptly starts begging me to be sucked by me.”
He runs his fingers across your skin.
[18:27] “What’s this~? You’ve worked up a sweat again. Fufuf...Ahaha! Haah...I want to lick it off so badly. Your fear-laced taste...However, I can tell. Amidst the fear, anticipation and ecstasy are mixed in as well!”
You shake your head.
[18:58] “No matter how scared you may be, when you recall the pleasure of having me feed off you...Your body starts to slowly heat up, right? The joy from being dominated and sought after by me...”
[19:13] “Come on...Try remembering it.”
[19:22] “The sharp pain emitting from your neck as I bite down, and your precious life which flows out of there. ...At first, it may in fact be somewhat scary. However, you know, don’t you? Soon enough, the intense pain will turn into a sweet tingling, steadily taking control of your entire body.
[19:48] “From your neck to your collarbone, then your chest. To the very tips of your breasts. Trailing down your soft belly, to deep inside of what makes you a woman.”
[20:04] “Going even further down, tickling the inside of your thighs, Taking all strength from your knees, down to your ankles. A sweet sensation runs through every nook and cranny of your body, until you will never again be able to get away from me.”
[20:24] “Even though the blood your life depends on is slowly being drained, you beg me to suck more.”
[20:35] “You can no longer be stopped. ...Fufufu...Fufu...Does it ring a bell? Those are the reactions you gave me when I sucked your blood last time.”
[20:54] “You were so cute~ Truly. Fufuf...Fufufufu.”
You push him away.
You start running.
[21:06] “What’s the matter? Suddenly dashing off toward the bathing area (5) with your cheeks flushed a dark red like that! You haven’t even taken off your shirt yet! Is showering with your clothes on a personal preference of yours, perhaps~ Ahaha~”
Laito walks up to you.
[21:22] “That might be rather interesting as well. In that case, I suppose I’ll follow your example and go in with my clothes on. While I’d prefer to connect skin-to-skin, I’ll adjust to your tastes for once. I’m a gentleman after all.”
[21:43] “Well, I will take off my jacket though...There we go.”
He tosses aside his jacket. 
[21:52] “Fufufu~ Mmh, mmh. Standing face to face wearing only a shirt might be nice as well. I’ve never stepped inside the bathing area with my clothes on, so it feels very refreshing.”
[22:12] “Well then, it’s a waste, but let’s rinse off this sweat. ...Come here.”
Laito turns on the shower head.
[22:23] “What’s the matter? I told you come here, right?”
You refuse.
[22:29] “I wonder why you’re shaking your head?”
You explain. 
[22:34] “You came running in here because you want to take a shower with me, didn’t you? ...Come on. I doubt any good will come from upsetting me.”
You try and get away but bump into the wall. 
[22:52] “You’ll only hit the wall over there~ I wonder where you’re trying to run away to? ...I’ve had enough of your pointless struggling.”
He walks up to you.
[23:04] “Come on!”
He grabs hold of your wrist.
[23:09] “Aah-aaah~ You got drenched in the blink of an eye! This is what happens when you try and get away from me. And here I was thinking of holding you in my arms, carefully rinsing off the sweat bit by bit. You totally ruined my kind mood, Bitch-chan.”
He turns up the water pressure.
[23:29] “Ahahahaha!!! Does it hurt? Hey, don’t turn your head! Look this way! You have to endure it! ...Hm? What? Ahahahaha!!! You’re trying to say something? But if you open your mouth, the water will get inside and you’ll only struggle breathing even more! Ahahahaha!!! Look at you crouching down...Fufu, looks rough. What’s wrong? Having a hard time? Come on! Why don’t you try your best and beg for my mercy!? ‘Please stop, I’m begging you...!’, just like that! Ahahahaha!!”
He turns off the shower head.
*Splash splash*
[24:17] “Aah-aaaah~ You really were suffering out there. I’m sure you must have downed quite a bit of water. Fufufu...”
[24:30] “Are you crying? I just loooove that expression. It really gets me going. ...Furthermore, take a look. Get a good look at yourself. Your shirt’s clinging to your skin and it has become see-through.”
You try and cover up. 
[24:49] “You’re so erotic, Bitch-chan~ ...When I look at you like this, keeping your shirt on really was the right choice after all. The sex appeal you’d lack when naked, has increased quite a bit with that see-through shirt.”
You start panicking. 
*Splash splash*
[25:07] “Fufufu~ No point in still trying to hide it! From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I already got a clear grasp on your body, down to your three sizes. Besides, this wouldn’t be the first time I see you naked either.”
[25:23] “I seriously don’t get why you get embarrassed time after time?”
[25:30] “...Hm? ...Huh~? Are you shivering, perhaps? Fufufu...So you’re cold, huh? Of course you’d be! I used cold water after all! Ahahaha!!”
“On top of that you’re sitting in the tub filled with water! Your drenched clothes must be so incredibly cold, I bet it feels like you’re freezing?”
[26:00] “Your hair’s completely soaked as well, sticking your skin. You poor little thing...You look as if you’re freezing.”
He runs his hand across your cheek. 
[26:14] “Your skin’s this cold as well...It’s almost like the dolls Kanato-kun puts together. All color has faded, making you look alarmingly pale. You can’t suck blood from a doll though, so I definitely prefer this option.”
[26:40] “Come on. How long are you gonna remain seated? You’re in front of me right now. You have to properly stand on your legs.”
Laito pulls you up.
[26:54] “You’re shaking on your legs...Fufu...Seems like you’ve lost quite a bit of strength. I’d love to lock you up in here and observe as you slowly become more and more weakened. You have water so you won’t die so easily. Don’t you think that sounds rather fun?”
You shake your head.
[27:15] “Aah...But if you die, I won’t be able to indulge in your sweet blood anymore, huh? That would be troubling. You are my favorite prey after all~”
[27:31] “Your blood, you see, it melts on the tongue like sugary candy, but it’s rich just like fresh cream. Regardless, it’s juicy like the strawberries on top of the cake, and stickingly sweet like chocolate. To think such a feast would be lurking underneath the unsighty and filthy flesh of a human female.”
[28:00] “It’s almost like a nightmare...I can barely stand it by this point. I wonder why you are like a first-rate prey to me? Even though you’re a rebellious, stupid, disgusting human...On top of that, you are very dishonest. While you pretend to enjoy having your blood sucked by me, you are also happily offering your body to the other guys after all.”
[28:35] “I doubt there are many other girls who are quite as sly as you are?”
*Splash splash*
[28:41] “Fufufu...Why are you desperately trying to defend yourself? You’re exactly what your name leads to believe, right? (6) You’re buttering up those stronger than you, making yourself at home at our manor like this.”
[28:56] “Which is why...I think you’re so very cute, Bitch-chan...”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
[29:06] “Hah...Hahaha! No need to be that surprised! I’m always telling you, aren’t I? How you’re so very cute...I do that because I truly feel that way from the bottom of my heart. You are cute. Very much so. Your horribly spoilt, rotten personality is very charming. When I look at you, I simply can’t help but want to make you cry! I want to crush you with my hands, or trample all over you with my feet...Dragging all those erotic cries out of you!”
[29:42] “Or...have you already allowed the other guys to do that to you? You would accept just about anyone if they drive you in a corner, wouldn’t you? Whether that person is a human, or a Vampire, even a beast you probably would give a pass. That’s just how shameless you aren’t, right?”
You remain quiet.
[30:04] “Fufu...How about you actually say something instead of just shaking like a leaf? ...I wonder if you’ve grown faint from the cold? Becoming tired as your body cools down is something you hear often, right? Fufufu...Are you okay?”
[30:29] “Your body temperature has dropped. ...Aaah~ How nice. Those hollow eyes as if you could die at any second. Why are you giving me that look? Simply because you’re cold? Or are you in shock because you’ve finally reazlied just how ugly you really are inside?”
[30:55] “It’s okay, you don’t need to make that kind of expression. In my eyes, that unsighty side of yours is very precious after all. Mm~ I’m so kind, aren’t I? After all, I love this Bitch-chan~ Nfufufu...Ahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!!! Ahahaha!!!!”
[31:39] “...Have you awakened, Bitch-chan?”
“You suddenly fainted on me, you know? That’s so boring, I totally lost interest. Geez...Get yourself together, okay? You can’t just remain spoilt forever. Honestly, humans who only get doted on are filth. You shouldn’t assume that there will always be someone there to save you.”
He turns off the water.
[32:07] “However, only for today I helped you out. You better be grateful, okay? This time I made sure to use warm water. If I left you be, you might have actually died after all.”
[32:24] “I made a careless mistake, but humans are even more fragile than I thought, you see? How boring. I was hoping I’d be able to push you down into the water, enjoying the sight of you suffering as you gasp for air.”
[32:42] “I could easily spend the whole day watching your face twist in pain, you see? Playing with you really is so much fun, I can’t stop. New ways to mess with you just keep on popping up in my head one after the other.”
You frown.
[33:00] “Fufu...You just scrunched up your face in disgust, didn’t you? Aah, that expression just now was so nice! Try doing that one more time! ...No! I don’t want to see it twisted in fear! Look at me with disgust!”
You flinch.
[33:16] “I’m not upset or anything so relax. Come on...Give it a try. ...Aah~ No good. A forced expression just can’t match with the real deal at all. If I had to put it into words, right now only your eyes are glaring at me. I do think it is good to be headstrong though. I’m the type of guy when someone gives me that look, I want to force them on their knees, humiliating them to the core.”
You shiver.
[33:52] “The fact you still chose to defy me is so incredibly foolish and naive. (7) I’m sure your brain knows that no matter how much you struggle, you can never stand up to me, right?”
[34:03] “But your feelings just can’t catch up to that, right? ...You just can’t accept my actions, so you grow frustrated, barely able to contain your anger, right!? Aha...ahaha!!”
You seem appalled by his words.
[34:18] “Amazing...Come on, try and give that frustration and anger shape to turn it into hatred...You see, I just love provoking those who defy me! The more they look at me with disgust, the more turned on I get. It really lights that flame within me! Makes me want to rip both their body and soul to shreds! ...What do you think? Still lacking hatred? In that case, shall I teach you everything I did to you while you were out cold?”
You look at him in pure fear.
[34:55] “You can’t possibly think that all I did was give you a shower, right?”
You suddenly jump up.
“Nfufu~ You only realized just now? Exactly...The buttons of your shirt are undone. You woke up while I was wondering whether I should fix them or not after all.”
[35:20] “However, I did put your bra back on, you know? It’s unbelievable how much of a gentleman I am, don’t you think? ...Ah! The hook goes into the furthest slot, right?”
You flush bright red.
[35:34] “Bitch-chan, you have to ensure you don’t widen your band size (8) any further, okay? If your cup gets any smaller, I wouldn’t know what to do. ...I wouldn’t want your blood to turn all oily and greasy either.”
You return to the previous topic.
[35:51] “Eh? What I did while you were unconsciousness? ...’What’, you ask? Fufufu...So you really don’t remember anything. I see~ ...In that case, it might be more fun to keep it a secret~?”
You protest.
[36:13] “It’d be much more fun to try and imagine what I might have done to you while you had fainted, don’t you think? Go ahead, let your imagination run wild. Make sure to include the worst case scenarios as well~”
You think out loud.
[36:31] “Hm...? Ah, yeah. I licked you. Of course. After all, I brought you here to lick your skin after washing off all the sweat. I had time to kill anyway, so I made sure to lick you all over.”
You flinch.
[36:52] “Even though you were asleep, your body was twitching, you know? ...Geez~ You really are so lewd.”
You ask if he is telling the truth.
[37:06] “Mm~ Exactly. Not missing a single spot. From head to toe, you see. ...I don’t think there is still a single spot on your body left which my tongue has not touched. Nfufu~”
[37:28] “You must be happy, right? ...I’m don’t exactly feel the same though. Since you were out cold, even if your body would react, you wouldn’t make any noises, so it was rather boring.”
[37:46] “Hmm~ I know. ...Right now you are awake, right? Perhaps I should do the same thing over again? ...Exactly! Let’s do that! If I do that, I’m sure you would strongly oppose me, right? Ufufufu...”
You try and escape.
[38:10] “...Woah there! ...You little fool~ No way I’d let you go. Well then, where should we start? ...I know. The back sounds good. Come on. Lay face down...!”
Laito pushes you down face first into the water.
[38:37] “What is so charming about the back, you see...Is the outwardly visible line of your spine. When you trace your tongue across, you can clearly feel the little bumps, I think it is very sensual. Fufufu...”
[38:56] “Starting from the base of your nape...”
“Mm...Haah...I’ll carefully run my tongue all the way to the middle of your back.”
[39:14] “Nfufu~ ...Does it feel good? Or does it feel that disgusting, you’re boiling with hatred? Ahahaha...”
[39:29] “Your expression tells me you don’t like it very much. Great! I love it! While you were unconsciousness, I was doing these kind of things the whole time, you see? Ahaha...Hahaha...I want to just lick your entire body...Every single part...Lick it all over...Mm...”
[39:58] “After I passed the middle, it’s finally time for your lower back. When I dip my tongue inside the curve, doesn’t it feel like someone just lit a fire inside of you?”
[40:17] “...Right? Mm...So delicious...It’s so delicious...Nfu~ I can tell your blood has started to grow restless. You may look at me with disgust, but both your body and blood are crying out, begging to become mine soon.”
[40:56] “Your obviously slutty attitude...Makes me gag. Say? How many guys have you seduced this way? I’m sure you’ve had some of the other guys living in this manor play with you as they please, haven’t you?”
[41:18] “But you didn’t fight that. Exactly. You don’t dislike it, do you? After all, you’re a Bitch-chan. ...You might be possessed by a sex demon, you know? After all~ You’ve become heated all over.”
[41:46] “I’m sure you can at least tell the changes occurring inside your own body? Right? Bitch-chan. Look this way!”
[42:00] “Ufufu...I knew it. Your eyes are watering. Your breath’s ragged as well. ...Is it rough, being teased and left waiting like this? I like it when you fight back too, but seeing you long for me like this is simply irresistable as well.”
[42:26] “...Huh? Have you forgotten how to beg, Bitch-chan? When there’s something you want...What do you have to do again~?”
[42:42] “Fufu~ Exactly, exactly. You stick out your tongue like a bitch (9), and start by kissing me, right?”
[42:56] “Licking your lips...”
"Entwining our tongues...Haahn...”
Laito kisses you passionately.
[43:13] “Exactly... Mmh...Nn...”
[43:24] “You’re a great kisser per usual. You’ve always been, ever since the first time we kissed. Mmh...Aahn...”
[43:40] “Bitch-chan’s tongue...is so delicious...Ahn...Scrumptious...Haahn...You are also...begging for more and more, right? I can tell. I can. As to be expected from a lewd slut who is a natural at seducing men. You pretend to be an innocent maiden, but the way you use your tongue...Just how many men have you wrapped around your finger this way?”
[44:23] “You really are...unsighty. Like an overripe, rotten fruit which has dropped to the ground. Even though you’re tainted to the core, only your fragrance remains this fresh and sweet. ...When I look at you, Bitch-chan, a bright red poisoned apple comes to mind.”
He kisses you again.
[44:55] “Mm...”
[45:02] “Fufu...So, what do you want to do? Do you want me to lick your back more? Or would you prefer someplace else?”
You protest.
[45:22] “No..? Fufu...Thenー This? ...Do you want my fangs pierced deep inside your flesh, toying with your body?”
You shake your head. 
[45:45] “Fufufu...’I never said that’, you claim? Even if you don’t put it into words...Your blood is preaching it. I was just starting to get a little peckish myself. I’d love to latch onto various places of your body and quench this thirst of mine.”
[46:16] “Won’t you show me more...More of that appalled expression of yours, Bitch-chan?”
[46:24] “You have to continue struggling in vain, or else it is no fun for me. ...Come on. You don’t want to submit to me, do you? Haahn...Mmh...”
Laito kisses you deeply.
*Splash splash*
You bite his tongue.
[46:53] “Fufufu...Ahaha...That hurt, you know? Hahaha...You sure have guts to bite down on my tongue like that.”
[47:13] “Exactly, just like that! You have to fight back more like that! Fufu...Look at that disgusted expression of yours! Even though your blood is practically begging for me! You continuously refuse to accept me! Fufu...”
[47:36] “That side of yours is truly foolish, and oh-so lovable, Bitch-chan. Aha...Ahahaha! ...Well then, let’s see how long you will last. Your true self is thoroughly corrupted and obscene after all. I wonder how long it will take until you start crying and begging for me? ...Try your best enduring it, okay?”
[48:09] “Well then, it is time for your long-awaited...painful pleasure.”
He bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
[48:47] “Per usual...It’s so sweet, it might give me heartburn...Haah...It’s delicious, Bitch-chan...”
[49:06] “Aah...It keeps on flowing out, doesn’t it? It’s oozing out of your body, my tongue can’t keep up. The bright red against your wet skin is very beautiful.”
[49:26] “I can’t just watch...”
[49:41] “Aah~ Take a look! Your blood has dissolved into the water, spreading slowly...It almost resembles the wings of a poisonous insect. 
[49:59] “It’s a perfect fit for a dirty Bitch-chan such as yourself...”
He continues sucking your blood.
[50:17] “Your shirt’s been dyed a deep crimson as well...However, a darker shade of red would suit you much better. Say...Do you know where I have to bite for dark red blood to gush out?”
[50:35] “...I know very well. The dark red blood on its way back to the heart isn’t as fragrant as its bright red counterpart, so I’m not exactly the biggest fan of it. However, it’s a color which fits you so perfectly, so I’ll make an exception and color you with it. ...See?”
Laito bites your chest.
*Gulp gulp*
[51:18] “Aaahn...Mmh...”
[51:29] “Regardless of the type of blood...Yours is always so sweet...Say? Can you tell? This delicate taste...Mmh...”
[51:57] “Pft...Aha...Ahahaha! Isn’t it delicious? Furthermore, you became cuter in the blink of an eye. Those lips stained with blood, almost as if you’ve died.”
[52:21] “I’m not into necrophilia, but seeing you weakened to the point of dying gets me really turned on. I can’t get enough of it...”
[52:38] “The blood just keeps on flowing from your neck, doesn’t it? ...However, you feel so incredibly good right now, don’t you? I can tell that your whole body is shuddering with excitement. ...Yet, those eyes are still as defiant as ever. Fufu...I’m happy you’re willing to loathe me this much. ...Makes me realize that I have to return the favor and suck you even more.”
[53:22] “I wonder where you would hate it the most~? Fufu...Here, perhaps~?”
He bites you once more.
*Gulp gulp*
[53:51] “Haah...Your shoulder and...your armpit as well...”
[54:05] “Come on. Does it hurt? Or does it feel good perhaps?”
[54:16] “Fufu...Why are you holding back so much? Because you keep your fists clenched so strongly, the delicious-looking veins on your wrists have become visible.”
[54:32] “Exactly...Come on, rejoice.”
[55:43] “Right over here...I’ll give you a mark which will forever remain. 
[54:51] “Go ahead, struggle as much as you’d like! No matter how much you fight back, you’ll never be freed...! Mmh...”
*Gulp gulp*
[55:07] “Haah...It’s so delicious...It’s almost as I’m eating your pulsing life as a whole. It feels the best. Haahn...Mm...”
*Gulp gulp*
[55:40] “Ahaha...Hahaha! What’s the matter? Have you lost all strength in your body? Makes sense! I’ve been draining your blood after all...You poor little thing. I feel for you. However, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop just yet. You have to hang in there until I’m satisfied, okay?”
He leans in.
[56:10] “Next up is...this place. I’ll go for these white, plush-looking thighs. I like this area quite a bit.” 
*Gulp gulp*
[56:31] “You see...Mmh...”
[56:40] “I’ve already made up my mind that the moment I choose to devour you...I’ll start with the thighs. Fufufu...It’s where your flesh is at its softest, it just triggers something inside of me.”
[56:54] “Besides, you just love it when I lick your thighs, don’t you? Like this...”
[57:10] “Ahaha! Your eyes just lit up with passion, didn’t they!? I saw it crystal clear! Fufufu...So cuuuute~ Even though you’re running low on blood and could die any second. Even though you hate me, you still thought it felt good, didn’t you!? Must be so frustrating! I bet you’re dying from humiliation right now! Ahahaha!”
[57:37] “Your eyes are shooting daggers at me!  Even though it felt so good, you feel like you could just lose your mind even right now! ...Haah...”
[57:52] “When you glare at me that much, it actually gives me the impression that you’re tempting me. Say, are you? Do you want to be sucked dry by me? Mmh...”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
[58:20] “I don’t mind...I’ll suck you as much as you like...”
[58:37] “Just by sucking your blood like this, it feels so good for me as well, my head’s spinning...Mm...”
*Gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
[59:01] “So good...”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
[59:10] “Haah...Aah~ ...Hey. Shall we play a little game? We’ll place bets on whether you’ll die from blood loss first, or if I’ll get exhausted before that.”
You frown.
[59:33] “I’m quite persistent you see, so I’m sure it’ll be a thrilling match~ Fufufu...Come on, I’ll let you choose first.”
[59:47] “What will you bet on?”
You remain silent.
[59:56] “Aah, I see. Are you no longer able to think straight from the pleasure? Or perhaps you’re lightheaded from losing too much blood?”
[1:00:09] “Either way, you can’t answer like this. Perhaps...my words are already no longer getting through to you? You really are so incredibly foolish. Fufu...Haahn...”
[1:00:36] “I’ll suck from your thighs again, okay?”
*Gulp gulp*
[1:00:49] “Geez...Look at you spreading your legs wide open...You’re fully exposing yourself to me, but you don’t even realize because you’re totally out of it. Mm...”
Laito continues sucking your blood.
[1:01:15] “I wonder if you’ll still be alive the next time you open your eyes? Or will you be dead? Fufufu...I’m looking forward to finding out, Bitch-chan~! Ahahaha! Hahahaha! Ah, geez! You’re just too cute! I can’t get enough! Mm...”
*Gulp gulp*
[1:01:53] “I wonder if you’re pretending to be dazed because you want me to have my way with you? I guess you’re not that cunning of a woman, huh? I’ll suck from your other thigh as well...”
[1:02:26] “Mm~ ...Just as I thought, you won’t wake up. In that case, I’ll suck you lots while you’re out cold, okay? Bitch-chan~”
He leans in close. 
[1:02:45] “I hope you have the most frightening of nightmares...Fufufu...”
[1:02:55] “Well then...Goodnight.”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) The word 遊ぶ or ‘asobu’ in Japanese has many different connotations. The core definition is ‘play’, but it can also mean to ‘hang out (with friends)’ or even ‘mess around’ in a more...’adult’ manner, so to speak. *cough*
(2) Literally he says ‘as many as the number of stars’.
(3) In Japanese the term お姫様抱っこ or ‘ohime-sama dakko’ refers to a man carrying a girl in his arms, similar to the English ‘bridal’carry’.
(4) Laito uses the term 犯す or ‘okasu’ here, which is (amongst other things) also used to refer to rape/sexual assault.
(5) Most Japanese bathrooms have a little in-between area between the door and the actual area with the bath/shower/etc. This is where you are supposed to take off your clothes and put them in the laundry basket. So even though they entered the bathroom already, they aren’t standing by the shower itself yet.
(6) Laito drops the line ‘Bitch-chan, you are a ‘Bitch-chan’, right?’, which is basically him implying that she is a slut/a girl with loose morals. Even though I do translate his nickname as ‘Bitch-chan’ because it’s so iconic by this point, any other translation would seem strange. However, the word ‘ビッチ’ (Bitch) in Japanese is actually what you would call a ‘slut’ in English.
(7) Even though he uses the term 可愛い or ‘kawaii’ here, I chose not to translate it as cute given the context. While everyone obviously knows this word as ‘cute’, it actually has a lot of hidden connotations like ‘naive’, ‘weak’ or ‘dependent’.  
(8) When measuring for someone’s bra size, you actually have to take two sizes into account. The first is the band size (called ‘under’ in Japanese) and refers to the measurement right underneath your chest. The smaller the difference between this measurement and your actual bust size, the smaller the cup.
(9) Laito says 雌犬 or ‘mesu-inu’ here which means ‘female dog’ but since another term for that is ‘bitch’ in English, I couldn’t resist but use the pun here. xD
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nopperabounet · 4 years
音楽と人- PHY vol.15 February 2020 Personal Interview with Hoshino Hidehiko Text by Kanemitsu Hirofumi Translation by Lola
  Before you perform live in Yoyogi Stadium for the first time (this interview was conducted on December 26th), I'd like you to tell me about how "THE DAY IN QUESTION" tour has been going.
Doing these lives at the end of the year is something we've been doing  fairly constantly for twenty years so I think it's sort of just what we do each year by now.
Rather than only play old songs, I had the impression you mostly played songs from the middle of your career, and a lot were from your time with BMG Fan House.
That wasn't our intention but it certainly looks that way. It just turned out that way with the songs we chose, and with the order we arranged them in. Like . . . . . . I'm sure Yuuta was the one who said to start the show with "Muma - The Nightmare" because we hadn't done that before so we thought it'd be a compelling start, so then based on that we made our other song choices for the set list with what we figured would fit.
Which songs did you request be on the set list, Hoshino-san?
I didn't especially request any *smiles*. However, I think I did say we should do "Dokudanjou Beauty - R.I.P. -" as it wasn't on the set list yet. I also said I wanted to play "Snow white" but Yuuta had that on the list as well. It's not like I wanted it especially or anything though *smiles*.
Even though it's your own song *smiles*. What kind of year did you find 2019 to be?
Because it wasn't filled with lives, it felt like the flow of the year was completely different than usual. Looking back on performances within the first half of the year, we did "Locus Solus no Kedamonotachi" at Makuhari, and it's from that point that I think things changed, like ok come on, we gotta do more. But you know I think it's been many years that we've wanted things to go like that, but it just had to fit our schedules.
If it were up to me to describe it, I'd say this was a year that you all looked towards creating with renewed vigor.
I see what you're saying, but that's not it for me *smiles*. Like when we were putting together the presentation for our most recent single, I just happened to have a couple songs sitting around on my computer *smiles*. Once "Datenshi" was decided on as the single, I looked for a song that could be paired with it, and it was just like oh, this will work.
So what, you were just like oh well, guess this will do?
Well, no *smiles*. I just had bits of it done already like the riff and stuff.
Regarding "Datenshi", what sort of impression does it give you?
It feels kind of new wave-y to me. It's not super energetic rock, but it's not really that light either. That's why it sounds like new wave to me. It's not stiff, it has more of that sort of relaxed nuance to it which makes it great I think.
Imai-san's been using words like "veering from the norm". Even with this song, if you think of how the bass would be typically in a song like this, he didn't do that.
In other words, I think he's interested in pursuing the unexpected, but is that something you guys talked about before recording?
He hadn't really said anything about it when we were listening to the demo but, when we were sitting around drinking afterwards, I think he might have mentioned something along those lines? Something about how . . . . . both the songs and the perspectives expressed in "No.0" were too stiff because he hadn't done everything that he had wanted on it, so for the next album he wants to loosen the restrictions, have it give that feeling of putting people at ease. At least I think that's what he said. I don't really remember now *smiles*.
I wonder what's made you so fuzzy all of a sudden? *smiles*
We were drinking *smiles*. So anyway, typically that kind of riff would come off hardcore but, he wanted to stray from that a bit.
What do you mean by that?
For instance if you're talking about the key of a song, typically if it's middling pitch, you'd make the guitar higher than that, but this time he deliberately gave it a sharper sound. Going into the next album, I think there's going to be more of this kind of approach to the sound. Imai-san's always playing around with sound and finding new ways to turn it on its head, it's what he buys all those weird effectors for *smiles*.
But don't you think that without this, there would be no room for change within the band?
Right. So when we're all aware of that as individuals, then we can move forward to once again create something new, and I think that comes across in the album a lot. This is just the direction we ended up going in somehow. It feels like we're all in sync when it comes to this.
But like with "Luna Park" as an example I'd say it doesn't break away at all from your style.
Yeah but I mean that's because it was never meant to go on the album from the start. Its purpose was to be paired with another song in the end. It just happened to fit well with "Datenshi".
Ah, so it was deliberately made with the intention of being a song that balances the single.
Yeah. I guess you could say that when I was working on "Luna Park", for me personally it had this feeling of liberation you know? Even though I had worked on it a little earlier, I think I wanted it to have that break through feeling.
I see.
It's just because before this one ended up being used, there was another song we were considering for the single, but my song had a too medium tempo to go with it. I thought it wouldn't work if it was paired with the single so I had briefly set it aside as an option, but after laying about on my computer "Luna Park" was released.
Oh, so you were the one who thought it wouldn't work?
I kind of think it went without saying you know *smiles*.
Because you're the one who brings the balance *smiles*.
But isn't it more that I just want to make good things with the band? I certainly intend on creating a greater variety of songs for the album.
Of course in regards to what you put out with BUCK-TICK, there must be things that end up being rejected as not being right for the album that you might not have thought would be initially. But the whole basis is to at least try things out and see, right?
Right. But I don't think that's really . . . . . .what's happening now. It's more like if we've done something, then we'll take that and make it good you know? We have a pretty positive way of thinking. It's because of that positivity that our sense of moral responsibility has broadened, and that our songs will be even better because we're not just focused on our own experiences. We will not deny the experiences of others. And I think it will be interesting to pursue this with the band.
So that's why if you think it doesn't fit, it's you who decides to withdraw a song.
Yes, exactly. Plus recently we've had all these people helping us out in terms of manipulating the music like Cube-kun (Cube Juice), Yoko-chan (Yokoyama Kazutoshi), and YOW-ROW-kun (GARI). Each of them brings their own special touch to the music and that in turn makes it different, and it's these very changes that make the songs enjoyable in part as well. We've had a lot of great chemistry with them recently as well.
In other words,  you've shifted your focus with the foundation of the music to a certain extent by having others help with the arrangements a little. You've returned to having heart be at the centre, but would you say that that's because you want to create inspiring songs?
Yes. I mean it's a recent thing but it's something I'm really looking forward to doing.
So these two songs were both influenced by Cube Juice then?
Yeah, I mean it just happens that way sometimes.  Like, hm, I think Cube-kun could really give me what I want from this song.
I see. This issue will come out in 2020 but it feels like you guys already know which direction you'll be going in.
Well, there's also a huge possibility of us doing a complete 180 *smiles*.
Ha ha ha ha ha. But that's because you have so many things coming up this year isn't it?
Yeah. We'll be working on an album, then we plan on going on tour too. You know I thought it'd be nice if we announced our plans in Yoyogi. (They announced that they would release an album in summer, and then do a national tour in autumn.)
It would. You've also got a third tribute album, and personally I was very impressed by all the different artists that came together for it.
Right? I think it's our most varied up till now. Because we had more women on it so it changes the impression of the songs, more so than in the past. It also has a wide range of genres on it.
Was there any that really impressed you?
Ringo-san's "Uta" is incredible. Her approach isn't like anything we'd do right, what with the singing in English and her arrangement of it so it really astonished me. And I was happy with Fuji Maki-san's song.
Imai-san mentioned that too (in an interview for Ongaku to Hito's February issue), that this tribute album had two Fuji Makis on it *smiles*.
Ah *smiles*. True. Of course Fuji Maki-kun's song was good too, but I was referring to the Maki-san that made "Konayuki" *smiles*.Once in awhile we meet up to watch soccer, and we ended up talking about that, and I was saying how singing to your own accompaniment is what gives that song its power, and that you can't be self-conscious when you do that sort of thing.
That's some insight from BUCK-TICK's acoustic master *smiles*.
I thought he did an amazing job.  All the other artists did too, because everyone was kind enough to make the songs their own, and show us their distinct styles and voices, and to me that's what makes the album so good. By listening to their versions of the songs, I can once again see the goodness in them.
That's true. You've also already begun recording your new album.
It's early for us. Because we'll be having the Olympics in 2020.
Will you go watch them? *smiles*
I doubt I can *smiles*. There will probably be too many people for me, there will be no room to move so I'll just stay and work in my basement like a hermit until it's time for the tour and all that.
I guess you can't be going to the Southern Isles then.
Not during the Olympics but, maybe I'll go once recording is over *smiles*.
Will you? *smiles* You do have a rather packed year coming up with BUCK-TICK.
Yeah, the latter half.
It seems like you set the bar pretty high with the degree of perfection executed in the creation of "No. 0" so I had thought that all of you would want to break away from the band a bit and want to do something different but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I wonder why. We all have various things going on in our minds right, but I think we all agree that making "No.0", and then the lives we did, it felt complete you know.  Maybe that's why they didn't even think about wanting to do something outside of BUCK-TICK?
I don't know, I mean it might be? I know that for me personally, it was being on stage during "THE DAY IN QUESTION", and realizing that we've been doing these lives for twenty years, and when I look out at the audience and I see their smiling faces, or see them crying, it hits me once again that yes, this is why I make music. That was our whole basis in the past for making music and doing lives you know, and I thought it's why I want to keep doing it. I mean I guess it's a huge ego boost too, but when I look out at the audience, and see their faces, I know that they're happy we exist, and that makes me want to share more with them and be in the same space together and enjoy it with them.
I see.
I think this is something we've come to be aware of in the past, that if this was something we were sick of, then we wouldn't be able to keep doing it our whole life.
Those are powerful words. You've come to be well established with your fans so would you say that's a strong motivation for you?
Yes, yes, exactly. Personally, I think I just want to see the faces of those who come to see us. I've just come to have this feeling you know. Like oh, you were able to come see us again, I hope you have fun. Because I feel like we're connected now.
What a nice thing to say.
I tried to make is sound epic *smiles*.
Don't be shy about it *smiles*.  Well then, it looks like there won't be a Hoshino Hidehiko solo on the horizon for now.
Or ever again.
Because you just confirmed it *smiles*.
Because I'm pretty sure there won't be *smiles*. I just don't feel a burning need to do one. I think that's how we're all feeling now.
Certainly. I feel like ever since "No.0" the five of you have become more united as a band, and that you've become stronger for it.  It's like no matter what you guys end up doing, you'll do it together.
Because we rely on each other. I think that's why, and I think that might be why we can do so much together you know. We're older too right, so we also understand that it's important to direct our energy outwards. Like in 2019, Sakurai-san and I were both sick right? When I think about that I feel like I just want to do the best that I can, with honesty. Because I don't know when BUCK-TICK won't be able to continue.
That's what happens when you look back on things right.
Right. That's why I think it's better to direct that energy outward. I guess that's how it is for a lot of people though *smiles*. But now I know, this is what I want to keep doing for as long as I can.
I feel like I understand.  Because you have no idea how long you can keep doing this for, now of course you want to keep doing the things that you can do.
Exactly, and now I think that's how we're all feeling. I mean I didn't ask if that's what they were feeling but, somehow I'm conscious of it, and I know it's true. I've had this feeling for a long time *smiles*.
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[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 4 - Track 2 - Part 1
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Here’s track 2 of SOARA’s 4th drama CD~! The actual track is 23+ minutes long so it’s cut into two parts again ^^ This track runs from minutes 0:00 to 15:04. Still quite long but, it was kinda difficult to actually cut it into parts XD
A special thank you to @ryuukia for sharing with me~!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [~現在~今日も元気にレッスンです!] “~Present~ We’ll face our lessons excitedly today, too!”
  DANCE INSTRUCTOR (JUNYA): Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
JUNYA: Sora-kun, you’re a bit too fast.
JUNYA: Ren-kun, don’t look down. Look in front.
JUNYA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… (laughs) Nozomu-kun, that’s a great smile! Can you still do more?
NOZOMU: Yes! I can still do more~!
SORA: (tired) Nozomu-kun’s really lively, huh?
NOZOMU: Leave it to me! Being lively is my specialty!
NOZOMU: Spin here and then a killer pose!
SOSHI: Sensei, looks like it’s okay to make Nozomu do 10 more of these.
NOZOMU: Are you a demon?! I might be lively but 10 times is too much!
MORI: Soshi, too… The fact that you can speak normally after this… You have a lot of energy, huh? (sighs)
SORA: (panting) Well, Mori’s more fit than I am…
REN: A-a-are you okay, Sora-senpai?
SORA: Ren-kun, the pretty boy at first glance is actually a kendo boy so obviously, you have a lot of stamina.
REN: Obviously, you say…
SORA: This is bad! At this rate, I’ll…! I feel like I’ll be the only one who’s super weak…!
JUNYA: Ah, no~ To me, Sora-kun seems super energetic!
JUNYA: Alright~! Let’s do one from the top again!
JUNYA: Okay, that’s a great response~! I’ll be dancing with you in the next one so try to keep up.
JUNYA: Here we go! Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
  SORA: (sighs) It’s over.
SORA: I overcame… a lot of things.
SOSHI: I think you mean that you did your best but I feel like that sounds like something else.
SOSHI: Hey Sora, don’t sleep on the floor.
SORA: But the floor’s cold and feels good!
MORI: I understand that but, you’ll get dirty, Sora.
MORI: Here, a towel. If you wash your face you’ll feel refreshed.
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~! Nozomu-kun will also wash his face, be sparkling clean, and be dripping with water~!
SOSHI: What a good puppy. (Soshi starts petting Nozomu) There, there, did you get all clean~?
NOZOMU: Woof, woof, woof—Hey, Soshi-paisen! When I said ‘dripping with water’ I meant like, the way hot guys do, not like dogs do!
(Nozomu spills water)
SORA: A-a-ah…! That’s cold! The water’s splashing!
REN: Ah, geez, Nozomu. Your hair’s dripping wet. (Ren wipes Nozomu’s hair with a towel)
NOZOMU: Ah, sorry, Sora, Ren.
REN: I wonder why even though you dried your face, you didn’t dry your hair.
NOZOMU: I wonder why, too~!
REN: You don’t know either? Ah, come on. You’re getting wet here, too.
NOZOMU: Eh, which? Where, where?
REN: Your nape. Give me the towel. If you don’t dry off properly, you’ll catch a cold.
NOZOMU: (laughs) That tickles!
REN: I’m not playing with you! Stay still!
NOZOMU: Y-yes…!
SOSHI: He really is a dog. I’m sure he is.
SOSHI: A big dog that’s a lot to deal with.
SORA: Yeah, I can tell. Nozomu’s a dog. A puppy.
MORI: Come now, you guys. Don’t treat your cute kohai like a dog.
MORI: Come on Sora, go wash your face, too.
SOSHI: Guess we have to take care of the clingy toy dog, too.
SORA: Who ya callin’ a clingy toy dog, hey!
SORA: I am a man who is a wolf at heart!
SOSHI: (with a sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, sure. A wolf. Got it. So cool~ (he pats Sora’s head) There, there, good boy~
SORA: Awoo~! Hey! Don’t come at me just ‘cause you’re tall!
MORI: That’s becoming common for Soshi now, huh?
  (water splashing)
SORA: (sighs) I feel so refreshed~ My body will be super sore tomorrow for sure. Ah, is it time to head back?
SORA: Ah, I was right on the mark. 6 PM.
SORA: Time to review “LIFE IS AMAZING”.
SORA: (breathes in) Finally, huh? (sighs)
SORA: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not alone this time.
SORA: It’s what everyone decided.
SORA: It’s a song that everyone agreed to and supported me with.
SORA: (sighs)
(Sora’s phone vibrates)
SORA: Hm? It’s from Wakatsuki-san. What’s it say?
SORA: “Everything’s all in place~!” (laughs) What’s with this sticker?
SORA: Wakatsuki-san’s really good at finding appropriate stickers. That calmed me down a little.
SORA: Let’s see… (Sora starts typing on his phone) Thank you for going out of your way to report to us…
NOZOMU: What? What are you looking at, Sora?
REN: Sora-senpai?
SORA: Uwah! You startled me… Nozomu and Ren?
REN: Sou-nii told me to go wring Nozomu’s hair.
SORA: His hair’s that wet? Geez, what were you doing?
NOZOMU: (laughs) It was wetter than I thought~
REN: You were checking your phone, Sora-senpai? Did something come from the agency?
SORA: Ah, yeah. Wakatsuki-san contacted me about our preview video.
SORA: The PV was supposed to be released at 6, right? SOARA’s RE:START Series. A song with all five of us after a while. For “LIFE IS AMAZING”
NOZOMU: Ah, I see! That was today, wasn’t it?
REN: Nozomu… It’s important so you should remember it…
NOZOMU: I knew the day but I couldn’t remember the exact time.
NOZOMU: Alright~! I’ll go retweet it to help advertise, too~! Ah…! I left my phone there.
SORA: I already did it~ Advertising’s important, right~?
REN: Yes. I’ll do it later, too. So, uh, senpai…
REN: How was the reaction…?
SORA: It looks like they’re saying “it’s amazing!” or “it’s cool!” That’s great, huh~
SORA: Well, there are also some so-so reactions.
REN: Ah… Is it a reaction that says something about how it’s different from usual?
SORA: Well, that’s right. I understand anyway~ They’re people who have been listening to our music since the beginning after all.
SORA: Compared to a solo or a duet, it’s easier to tell a unit song’s atmosphere.
NOZOMU: You know, Sora? I really love our new song.
NOZOMU: All our songs before were good but this one is exceptionally good!
NOZOMU: Singing and performing it is super fun and it makes you excited! I wanna hurry and perform it live.
SORA: Nozomu…
REN: Me, too…! I love it too, senpai. “Life is Amazing” is a song that we can sing because of who we are now.
REN: The past me wouldn’t have been able to sing such a grand song. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to follow with all the challenging and powerful lyrics.
REN: No… Even more than that, I couldn’t imagine myself even singing back then.
REN: If I did sing, I’m sure that it would have been with a small voice.
REN: It’s not only because I lacked skill then but my feelings about it weren’t strong as well.
REN: This song is important to me because it’s proof of how much I’ve grown by being able to follow with such a strong song.
SORA: Ren…
SORA: Ah, um… Am I being comforted by you two? I wasn’t really…
SORA: I guess I was…
SORA: Yes, I’ll admit it. I was honestly curious about it. Also, a little bit scared. Like, a lot of things might happen again…
SORA: But, I know now.
SORA: Just like when I told everyone that I’ll be sharing my burdens, I challenged it while knowing the consequences.
SORA: I have to receive those results properly, too.
REN: Senpai…
  SORA: Hm, Sensei? You’re still dancing?
JUNYA: Ah, I just thought of starting the choreography for my next work.
JUNYA: Your lessons are already over so, rest assured.
JUNYA: Review the parts you had trouble with and try to work on it, okay?
SORA: Yessir~!
MORI: It’s already this late but you’re still working. Sensei, you had another lesson before ours, didn’t you?
JUNYA: Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, those boys are from TsukiPro, too.
JUNYA: They were going to start filming a PV next month. They’ve started practicing the choreography for that.
JUNYA: It’s got a lot of steps so we had to start earlier.
SOSHI: From the same agency, huh… So that’s why I thought there was someone who looked familiar when we were arriving…
MORI: Eh? You greeted them when you weren’t aware?
MORI: I knew who they were.
MORI: You need to remember the faces of the people who work at the agency. It’s an important part of this job, too.
SOSHI: Ah, damn. I got lectured.
SORA: Yeah~ Sou got scolded~ I knew who they were, too~!
SOSHI: Shut it.
SOSHI: I entered the studio last so I really only got a glimpse of them.
MORI: Sou, that’s not an excuse.
SOSHI: Yes, I’m so sorry.
SORA: (laughs) He got scolded again.
SOSHI: You better remember this later.
JUNYA: I’ve been having lessons since this morning with a lot of TsukiPro artists.
JUNYA: TsukiPro is such a good agency to actually secure rehearsal times early, huh?
JUNYA: That kind of method is the best in the long run so I’m not regretting doing a lot.
MORI: You’re right. I think so, too.
MORI: Normally, we perform as a band and don’t really dance. But, during the joint live, we all had to do a dance.
MORI: That time, I thought that it was good that we did lessons beforehand.
NOZOMU: Ah~! You mean for “Dear Dreamer.”? When the song run was done, they sudden;y said, “okay, let’s start counting!” and they started adding choreography! That totally surprised me!
REN: Exactly. The other units followed easily as if it was a given.
REN: They do dances normally and they could remember the choreography easily. I was really panicking then.
SORA: Like SolidS’ Tsubasa-san and those three from Growth, right?!
SORA: I really panicked a lot then! The dance was only showed once and they could already dance most of it!
SORA: It made me think, “What are these people?!” y’know?
SOSHI: And then, the one who’s panicking and dancing desperately behind them was our Ohara Sora.
SORA: Shut up! Even I… knew that much!
REN: So you knew?
JUNYA: Well, remembering choreography is a talent but it’s also something that takes getting used to.
JUNYA: Dance is a fixed form to a point. But it can also be freestyle so I understand the feeling of not knowing what comes next.
NOZOMU: Oh~! Is that so?
JUNYA: It’s pretty simple but there’s really not much steps that are very showy, you know?
JUNYA: Plus, dance should be something that anyone can dance regardless of the costume they’re wearing, and skill level, when the music plays, right?
JUNYA: Today’s should’ve been adjusted to your level, though.
NOZOMU: Oh ye~ah! The choreography lesson today didn’t scare me so it must’ve been that.
SOSHI: Oh yeah. Whenever we go to rehearsals or to a venue, the production staff were dancing along at the end, too.
REN: The chorus is pretty lively after all.
JUNYA: I think it’s important for idols to have dances that are easy to remember even for normal people, rather for your fans.
JUNYA: If that happens, the song will be a big hit, too.
NOZOMU: And then we can go wild together during the live!
JUNYA: Exactly. That’s important, right?
NOZOMU: It totally is!  
JUNYA: That’s exactly why we choreographers do our best to make dances easy to copy but unique at the same time.
MORI: I knew it was obvious but, making choreography requires a lot of thinking too, huh?
MORI: We don’t really know much about dance so that was very useful to know.
JUNYA: I tend to talk a lot when it comes to dance, y’know~?
JUNYA: Like, for example. Even though they’re all idols, there’s a lot of difference between the choreography of idols from Japan and those that are K-Pop idols. There’s a lot of instances where they go all out with their dances that they’re pretty hard to copy.
JUNYA: A lot of those steps are kinda cool so I try to incorporate them sometimes, too.
MORI: I’ve seen those in videos, too. They all look like they’re professional dancers.
JUNYA: Yeah! Over there it seems like dancing is a must-have skill so if you try to debut as an idol there, the hurdles are definitely higher.
JUNYA: That sounds troublesome, doesn’t it?
MORI: Now I feel so glad that we’re a band in Japan.
JUNYA: You guys do a lot of work that are similar to idols but under the agency label, you’re “artists” aren’t you?
MORI: Yes. There’s never really been a division between those who do idol work and those who don’t.
MORI: But, the work we do receive is somewhat different.
MORI: There’s a possibility for us to actually do work like acting in dramas or stage plays but our main focus is music.
MORI: Though I think there would be opportunities and things that we want to do that would play to our strengths, too.
JUNYA: It’s wonderful that you want to do and your visions for the future won’t be imposed on you by the agency but rather something that you’ll be discussing together.
JUNYA: But I’m sure that there a lot that might not be easy to do.
MORI: It looks like it, yes.
MORI: It makes me so glad to have joined an agency where we could learn a lot about things like that.
JUNYA: (chuckles) I guess you could say that. TsukiPro is quite a large agency so I guess it’s flexible and kinda stable, too.
JUNYA: And so, everyone in SOARA, please relax and just make good music. I’ll be supporting you as a fan, too.
To be continued~
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ayearofpike · 6 years
Spooksville #13: Creature in the Teacher
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UK title: Alien Invasion Pocket Books, 1996 114 pages, 12 chapters + epilogue ISBN 0-671-00261-9 LOC: CPB Box no. 507 vol. 2 OCLC: 35769024  Released November 1, 1996 (per B&N)
Sally warned her friends that the teachers at Horror Halls could be weird and frightening, but none of them are fully prepared for Mr. Snakol, the science teacher. It’s even worse when he informs them that they’ll be expected to kill and dissect animals pretty much every day, and those who object disappear mysteriously — including Sally. It’s down to the Spook Squad to figure out what is happening and how they might negotiate with Mr. Snakol, who, they quickly discover, is not of this earth but does want to find a home for his people, who are:
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(And yeah, I took this picture in my own classroom. Who says I can’t keep up with photography while I’m working?)
Real quick side note: I feel like the creators of Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide might have taken some inspiration from the cover of this book.
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We were wondering when school was going to start, right? Well, here it is, after a year’s worth of adventures. Literally — The Secret Path came out in October 1995. And if you thought the start of school meant the end of weirdness, then you haven’t been paying attention to anything Sally has said the whole time. Here, too, she notes that teachers at Springville Intermediate School tend to be just as bizarre and unsavory as the other adults in town (e.g. the creepy librarian who forces calcium-supplemented milk on anyone who visits, the ice-cream-shop owner who refuses to serve anything but vanilla). 
This becomes clear right off the bat with Mr. Snakol, who seems to slither from the prep room to the blackboard and has brighter green eyes than Adam has ever seen, even though he’s met a magical cat, a dragon, a crocodile alien, a fucking leprechaun, and a literal witch this summer. (N.b. Have I already noted Pike’s predilection for green eyes when someone is special or unusual? It was a lot more common in the early going, and it’s back in Spooksville.) He starts in on his method of teaching about anatomy through dissection, and immediately Sally speaks up against it. She encourages the new kid, who looks like he’s about to piss his pants, to do it too, and Mr. Snakol responds by asking them both to stay after class. Sally basically tells him where to stick it, but Pee-Pants can’t say no.
The Spook Squad meets up at lunch and discusses their weird teachers, and Adam wonders what happened to Pee-Pants. He’d invited him to have lunch with his friends, but now he’s not here. When he’s still unfindable after school, Adam tries to peek into the science room, but it’s locked, so he goes to Pee-Pants’ house to see if he went home already. And of course he didn’t. (Remember when you could look up someone’s address in the phone book?) So now Adam’s really worried. When the friends meet up for a celebratory first-day-of-school movie, he instead wants to break into the school and try to find the new kid.
Bryce knows how to pick locks, because of course he does, and the crew makes it to the back room of the science class without much trouble — where they find Pee-Pants’ clothes, stained with blood. And suddenly the door slams shut and they’re locked in. Watch has already spotted the alternative exit, a duct that leads to the roof vent, but Adam is the only one small enough to fit through it. When he’s up there, he peeks off the edge and sees Mr. Snakol with a gerbil cage. Correction: He sees Mr. Snakol unhinge his jaw to EAT A LIVE GERBIL.
So now they have evidence that Mr. Snakol is a weirdie and a danger to the students, and they go to the principal the next day to get him fired. Only the principal, a supremely unqualified leader with shocking orange hair, refuses to take responsibility because denial is easier, and isn’t worried about the missing kid because the mom is still young enough to have another one. I feel like there’s an analogy here if I could only find it. So Sally takes matters into her own hands and confronts Mr. Snakol directly ... who realizes she knows too much and will have to be dealt with.
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When Sally doesn’t show up for lunch, Adam doesn’t wait another day — he barges right into the science lab. No bloody clothes this time, but the kids find a weird computer box in the closet. Watch immediately starts pushing buttons, of course, and a beam shoots out of the side and vaporizes a nearby hamster cage. Don’t worry, Watch says, it’s just a transporter, which how the fuck could he know that, but sure enough he brings the cage back, but the hamster is dead. So obviously this means that the cage was transported to outer space where there was no air for the hamster to breathe, as the kids make the kind of logic leap that Pike usually reserves for the grand finale. Obviously Mr. Snakol is an alien, and his ship must be nearby, and this box has transported Sally and maybe Pee-Pants to it. Now if they can just find the ship in the sky, Watch can start to calculate where to send themselves.
Sally wakes up in a cell with Pee-Pants, with no obvious door but a window that looks down on the Earth. So ... good guess, Bryce and Watch? They’re both wearing white robes, but otherwise OK. Pee-Pants tells Sally that Mr. Snakol forcibly took a sample of his blood and then made him change clothes and warped him to the ship, and maybe did the same thing to her earlier in the day. (She doesn’t remember any of this, because she passed out as soon as Mr. Snakol came after her.) He also tells her that the aliens (who call themselves “Lizzies,” I swear to fucking god) have been forced off their planet and are looking for a new place to live. This means invasion, and Sally has to stop it. She rips a strip off her robe and then starts screaming to lure a guard into the cell. As soon as he comes in, she hurls herself at him — to no effect, because he throws her back across the room and then leaves. But this was just a ruse to get the cloth wedged in the door so it can’t seal, and now Sally and Pee-Pants can bust out.
They find an armory and get a couple guns, then make their way to the control room and take it over. Sally forces the pilot to bring the ship in for a landing, and directs her to land in Africa for some goddamn reason. Only just then the view screen changes from a view of the planet to another room, where Adam and Bryce are being held at gunpoint by some officers. They managed to get warped aboard before Sally took over, and now they’re hostages in the demand for the Lizzies to get their ship back. So Sally has no choice but to hold the power source hostage, turning her gun up all the way and pointing it at the fuel cube or whatever, and instructing the pilot to keep going.
Meanwhile, Watch and Cindy go looking for Mr. Snakol, and find him dejectedly sitting on the steps of the school. He knows they know what he is, and so he feels comfortable sharing his worry that he’s been abandoned on the planet, as his ship is no longer in orbit. But he’s not just worried for himself; he’s worried for all of his people. Their planet was impacted by a comet and is basically suffering the early throes of nuclear winter, and if they can’t find a place to live, they’ll all die. They don’t want to take Earth by force, though; his role as a schoolteacher was to see whether humans and Lizzies could coexist. But he’s pretty sure the answer is no, and it’s maybe too late to find another place to live before his people go extinct.
It’s a good thing Watch knows some weird shit. He has an idea, but he needs to figure out how to get himself and Mr. Snakol to the ship. Mr. Snakol got final coordinates before it went missing, and beams them over to Africa, where the ship has landed in the middle of a pride of hungry lions. And of course Sally immediately opened all the doors upon landing, so the Lizzies have had to evacuate the ship as the lions climbed aboard looking for food. Watch explains his crazy idea: what if they share the planet, but in different timelines? The Lizzies can all beam to Spooksville and then immediately take the Secret Path shortcut to 70 million years ago, where they can live until they find another planet that works for them. This is amenable to the Lizzies, and the Spook Squad is cool with it as long as the Lizzies don’t mess with our evolution.
So they spend the rest of the day getting an entire civilization across space and into the ancient past, which seems way more efficient than something humanity could do. And then they head home, because they’re exhausted, but first Sally wants a snack — a big, juicy frog that’s sitting in the road. The rest of the kids freak out — did the Lizzies change something subtle about our genetics that now makes Sally hungry for amphibians? Nah, she’s just fucking with us.
As often as the MFLAs have recurred in Pike books, I have to say that I’m enjoying it more in this series. These ones especially are not just plain cold and evil: they’re people, trying to survive, but respecting the right to life of other people while they do it. But: this means the TITLE of this one is misleading, even more than the back copy for once (at least in the US release). The creature isn’t IN the teacher, the creature IS the teacher. For all intents and purposes, the creature IN the teacher is ... well, a gerbil.
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State Sen. Tate Censured by Local Democratic Party
State Sen. Tate Censured by Local Democratic Party
VOL. 133 | NO. 144 | Friday, July 20, 2018
By Sam Stockard
Updated 3:08PM
Amid early voting, the Shelby County Democratic Party is censuring state Sen. Reginald Tate for comments he made about Democrats this summer and for calling himself a “black Republican.”
Tate, who represents Senate District 33 and faces Katrina Robinson in the Aug. 2 Democratic primary, was caught on an open microphone during a Fiscal Review Committee meeting in Nashville earlier this summer telling Republican Sen. Bill Ketron that Democrats are “full of s–-,” in addition to saying he identifies himself as a Republican.
At a Tuesday, July 17, meeting, the local Democratic executive committee voted 12-4 to censure Tate specifically for the comments, describing them in the censure as “vulgar,” “detrimental to the party” and “unbecoming of a Democrat.”
“These remarks stepped over the line of acceptable behavior for a Democrat, and a substantial majority of our Executive Committee felt that censure was the appropriate response,” Corey Strong, chairman of the Shelby County Democratic Party, said in a statement after the vote. Strong said the decision came after a lengthy discussion.
“We just wanted to make a statement basically … because we’ve had a lot of issues with Tate,” said Amber Sherman, a member of the executive committee. “It was basically the things he said about the Democratic Party and not being a Democrat.”
The censure is not an endorsement of Robinson, since the party doesn’t endorse during primaries, according to Sherman, who chairs the Young Democrats of Tennessee Women’s Caucus and is Women’s Caucus secretary for Young Democrats of America.
In those positions, Sherman said she communicates frequently with legislative representatives but usually has problems tracking down Tate. He doesn’t respond to emails or phone calls and, to make matters worse, is rude to constituents, she said.
“The only time I ever saw in the five years I’ve lived in the area where I can vote for him was at a town hall meeting, and he told me he was a grown-ass man first before he was senator and I need to know my place. So I don’t have a good relationship,” she said.
Tate is a former member of the local executive committee and lists his membership on the General Assembly’s website. He could not be reached for comment on the executive committee vote. A message was left with his legislative office.
Robinson responded by saying, “It just confirms there’s one real Democrat in this race. Every four years, Senator Tate campaigns and markets himself as a Democrat here in Memphis and then goes back to Nashville to vote in lock step with Republicans – against health care, against women and against public schools.”
The Democratic Party’s censure illustrates the need for voters “to respond at the polls,” added Robinson, who is focusing on issues such as Medicaid expansion and workforce development to ensure high school students can find jobs..
In a previous interview she said Tate’s comments in the legislative meeting were “appalling,” considering the 33rd District is 73 percent minority and largely Democratic.
Robinson further noted she has had trouble holding a conversation with Tate, even though she has been cordial to him in public meetings.
Their relationship got off to a difficult start, she said, when they met at a Christmas party last year where she introduced herself and he said, “Oh, you this Katrina, I’m going to take my belt off to you.” Then, a few minutes later he said, “I’ll see you on the killing floor,” according to Robinson.
Robinson said she was “taken aback” and found his comments offensive. She wasn’t certain what he was talking about but assumed he meant he was going to spank her.
Tate did not respond to a phone call earlier this summer about those comments either.
Meanwhile, state Rep. G.A. Hardaway is endorsing Robinson in the Democratic primary, saying Tate’s “arrogance and ignorance is just overpowering.”
“This is just a raw, naked truth,” said Hardaway, a Memphis Democrat whose 93rd District includes part of Tate’s district. “The way that the circumstances have changed up on (Capitol) Hill, we can’t carry dead weight. In Tate’s case, we have worse than dead weight. We have an individual who, when he feels like it, actually sabotages Democratic efforts that would advance the legislation that supports and adheres to our principles and our values. At that point, you’ve gotta go.”
Hardaway contends Tate provides Republicans, who hold a 28-5 supermajority in the Senate, cover for “extremist” votes, enabling them to point to Tate and say they have a black legislator and a Democrat supporting their legislation.
In one of Tate’s most controversial votes earlier this year, he backed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.
Robinson said she isn’t criticizing Tate for his vote on the matter but said she believes it is “an issue of services being available to low-income women.” She pointed out Tate’s response was that women could receive services at the Shelby County Health Department, which she says is unable to accommodate the number of Shelby women who need health-care treatment.
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riffrelevant · 7 years
(By Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker, Lead Journalist/Writer, RiffRelevant.com)
Musician Dan Lorenzo (guitarist) was a highly integral component to many of my own earlier, formative music years. His song writing abilities and guitar playing talent were the creative catalyst for the legendary Eighties power metal / thrash band Hades. In that band he helped pioneer the music and sound of the East Coast’s own take on underground music.
Active for over twenty years, Hades released six revered official albums and myriad singles and splits, while also being included on numerous compilations. The band holds a highly revered place in the heads and hearts of metal lovers both old and new to this very day. From Hades, Dan’s creative Jones led to the formation of the amazing Non-Fiction, a band that was quite ahead of its time in my opinion.
Non-Fiction‘s early Nineties existence resulted in three incredible, forward thinking studio releases (1991’s Preface, 1992’s In The Know and 1996’s It’s A Wonderful Lie…). The band’s take on darker progressive metal registered quite well with listeners and fans. It was another so-called feather in the cap for the artistry that Dan Lorenzo encapsulates.
During the early to mid 2000’s, Dan worked as a solo artist and released three phenomenal full-length albums and one EP. On these, he explored a vast swath of differing styles of music and blurred the lines for those obsessed with genre-labeling. Before that decade was over, Lorenzo was part of The Cursed alongside fellow New Jersey staple, Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth (Overkill). Their one and only album to date thus far, 2007’s Room Full Of Sinners, was another landmark where Dan’s creative prowess was displayed.
Now it is 2017 of course and recently, news broke about a new project that Dan Lorenzo is part of. From far out of left field comes the revelation of Vessel Of Light, Dan’s new musical partnership with Nathan “Opposition” Jochum of Ancient VVisdom. As unlikely a pairing that anyone could imagine, Vessel Of Light‘s debut single “Meant To Be” (streaming below) is a somber descent into heavy Doom music with psychedelic, sludge and atmospheric nuances. The duo’s self-titled debut EP will be released through Argonauta Records on November 3rd and promises to be one of the year’s most intriguing offerings.
So, as a long, long time fan and appreciator of all that is Dan Lorenzo musically, I was recently given the opportunity to speak with him. It goes without saying that I jumped into such an exchange without hesitation for Dan really is a major component within several musical outlets that have (and do) mean so much to me. Without further ado, let’s get to the goods that got us here, shall we? It is my pleasure to present you….
The Riff Relevant Interview With Dan Lorenzo!
Pat Riot – Vessel Of Light. Your new project with Nathan Opposition..how did this project come about? You two seem an unlikely pairing as you all are coming from much different musical backgrounds (outside looking in anyway) so who did what, or brought what to the table, in VOL?
Dan – Back in December I was in Austin, Texas. Before I went, my wife was listening to a lot of stoner rock. Neither my wife nor I drink or smoke, but we both like Sabbath-y types of riffs. I Googled “Austin stoner rock” and came upon the video “The Opposition” by the band Ancient VVisdom. I had never heard of them and I rarely like “new” music. At first I was taken aback by the lyrics. I go to church and I have a Jesus tattoo and they were singing Satanic lyrics. I literally watched this video 10-15 times over the next two days. I consider “The Opposition” to be one of the top 20 greatest songs of all-time. I tried to figure out what label Ancient VVisdom were on or a contact address, but I couldn’t find anything. I’m not on Facebook. Eventually I found an email and I wrote saying how much I loved their song and Nathan Opposition wrote me back. I mentioned them in a NJ magazine I write for called Steppin’ Out. I mailed Nathan a copy of the magazine and a HADES and THE CURSED CDs. We spoke on the phone and hit it off. Then one day I got an email from Nathan about the new project he and I were starting! I had no idea what he was talking about as this was never discussed (laughs). I couldn’t say “no” to his idea though. I have hundreds of riffs and I started mailing Nathan some of them.
Pat Riot – What can music fans and listeners expect from the debut album? Do you think it will appeal to your own fans as well as those of Nathan’s?
Dan – Do I  have any fans? (laughs) Yeah, if people liked my riffs in Non-Fiction and The Cursed, they will be happy. Nathan’s fans will love it too.
Pat Riot – How did the label deal with Argonauta Records materialize? Can we expect to see VOL play some live gigs at any point?
Dan – I was about to leave for a vacation in Hawaii. Right before I left I was trying to find a doom label and I came across Argonauta. I sent an MP3 to Brian Slagel [Metal Blade] and Argonauta and nobody else. I was at the airport suffering through a United Airlines 12 hour delay and Argonauta wrote me that they were interested in signing us. Gero and I sent a few e-mails back and forth and that was it. As far as live gigs before we got signed I said “No way”…now I want to do some shows.  Pat Riot – In the mid-2000s you independently released a string of solo albums (3 full lengths/1 EP)..how were those received in your opinion? As both a solo artist and member of some major legacy-type acts / bands, do you have a preference for one over the other (i.e. solo vs. member of band) and if so, why?
Dan – They are both fun. My whole thing is I despise repetition. My solo stuff was a way to get 30 songs out in 13 months without having more than a couple of rehearsals. Nathan and I only had two rehearsals and then we spent a whopping seven hours in the recording studio recording 6 Vessel Of Light songs. Five days later we had a record deal. That kind of spontaneity is incredibly appealing to me. How were my solo CDs received? With contempt! (laughs) No, the “right” people loved my solo work. Bobby Blitz, Peter [Fletcher, guitarist] from Pigmy Love Circus. Cool people with good taste! (I’ll definitely take THAT as a compliment, ha! – Pat)
Pat Riot – Speaking of “legacy acts”..Hades. This year makes 35 years since the “Deliver Us From Evil” single surfaced, where it all started for Hades. Looking back, what’s your take away from it now, knowing what place Hades holds in the hearts of so many metal fans?
Dan – Oh wow! That was 35 years ago. Damn. It’s nice honestly. Dark Symphonies out of Massachusetts is re-releasing our first two CDs with Demos never released on CD and 20 page booklets inside. Hades was my first love so it will always be special to me.
Pat Riot – Hades’ last studio LP was 2001’s “DamNation” and while I know you are just one member of Hades, has there ever been any serious discussion of a reunion or new record? Dan – Nope. It’s over. I’m still friendly with the guys though and Jimmy Schulman might play bass for VOL live. Pat Riot – Dan, what was the catalyst event be it band, album, concert, etc. that ignited your interest in music as a youth? Who would you cite as some of your primary influences and what did you yourself learn or pick up from them? 
Dan – Ace Frehley of Kiss and Joe Perry of Aerosmith. I play nothing like Joe. My few solos are very Ace-like.
Pat Riot – Now, let’s hit upon 2 absolute favorites of mine: First..Non-Fiction. To me, NF was quite progressive in style and really ahead of its time I believe. What fueled the formation of Non-Fiction?
Dan – Trying to be the exact opposite of Hades. Non-Fiction were spontaneous. We took risks. I would write a riff in the dressing room before the show and then we might use that riff as the opener for that night. So much fun. We rarely rehearsed and when we did it was to write new songs. I fucking loved being in Non-Fiction. It was way more fun and way more “me” than Hades was. Pat Riot – And what ultimately led to the demise of Non-Fiction? I learned something in researching for our exchange here that I did not know, that a S/T EP was issued featuring Dan Nastasi (of Mucky Pup, whom I love) on vocals.
Dan – We came home from our 1993 European tour with Overkill and Savatage and things seemed to be moving backwards. Plus I fell in love with a girl named Gina. I was so poor that one day I couldn’t find a quarter for a bagel. I was so bummed. I knew I needed to get a job and I knew that would be the end of Non-Fiction. After that Nastasi and I reunited the original Non-Fiction line-up and called it #9. We got a deal with SPV. We were starting to record and Nastasi got a solo deal and his manager put the kabosh on #9. There is one rough mix from those recordings on my website. The song is called The Story Goes. #9 were the shit. So fucking bad ass. 
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The Cursed ‘Room Full Of Sinners’
Pat Riot – The Cursed. ‘Room Full Of Sinners’ is such a genre-diverse record..how did that project come to be? What kind of feedback have you gotten over the years since that LP was released? 
Dan – Well Blitz was a fan of my first solo cd and we always hit it off. It was weird because I’m not a huge fan of Overkill, but when he started writing to my riffs I realized how incredibly talented Blitz actually is. I think a lot of people loved our CD together, but I think Bobby felt a lit bit uncomfortable promoting it because at that time Overkill was starting a resurgence. All thanks to me getting Ron Lipnicki in the band! ( laughs).Pat Riot – I interviewed Blitz earlier this year and specifically asked about a possible 2nd LP from The Cursed ever happening. He lovingly passed the buck by saying “never say never” but also made clear it was not really his call. What say YOU? Dan – I would have done one, but like I said, Blitz…he didn’t even want me to pay to have a video done for The Cursed, so I’m not going to spend my time writing/rehearsing and recording something I can’t even promote when it’s done. We have a 4 song demo we recorded for The Cursed before we did Room Full Of Sinners. My wife’s favorite song by The Cursed is Lucifiction on that demo. It’s never been released. I would love for Blitz to tell me he wants to re -release the whole thing and include a new song or two. I think we write very well together. (For the record, literally, my fave is “Native Tongue”. – Pat)Pat Riot – OK, Dan..had you not been in Hades, Non-Fiction, The Cursed, Vessel Of Light, etc…what band throughout all of Rock / Metal History would you have liked to been in and why? 
Dan – I’d love to take Malcolm’s spot with Bon Scott era AC/DC or maybe The Plasmatics guitarist during A Coup De’ Etat.
Pat Riot – Outside of music, what type of things do you enjoy doing in your “normal, every day life” i.e. hobbies, travel, etc.?
Dan – I play pick-up basketball 4 days a week during the summer. Gina and I have been happily married twenty years and we love to travel. Pat Riot  – I have a tradition of ending interviews with the subject having the final say. Anything you’d like to say, share, state for the record, rant, what have you, this is all you:
Dan – I really wish people would stop smoking cigarettes. It’s expensive, ages you and is disgusting!
There you go, people…Be like Dan and do your smoking on the frets of a guitar! I want to wind down here be saying what a pleasure it was speaking with Dan Lorenzo, a musician whose music via multiple projects has been a staple of my own musical fanaticism for years. Thank you, Dan!
Now, we stand at the precipice of a whole new era of music from Dan via the upcoming Vessel Of Light S/T release (via Argonauta Records Nov. 3rd). My own review of that is coming soon but I’ll go on the record now saying it is going to surprise and astound listeners, and fans of Dan’s both. To keep up with all things Dan Lorenzo, visit his website and Instagram, along with Vessel Of Light’s Facebook page (linked below).
DanLorenzo.net   /   Dan Lozenzo on Instagram Vessel Of Light’s Facebook page.
Argonauta Records website.
  The DAN LORENZO (Vessel Of Light, Hades, Non-Fiction, Etc.) Interview (By Pat 'Riot' Whitaker, Lead Journalist/Writer, RiffRelevant.com) Musician Dan Lorenzo (guitarist) was a highly integral component to many of my own earlier, formative music years.
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bbhphoto-blog1 · 7 years
These lakes have been a thorn in my side, so to speak. with the high basalt content and sparse desert conditions, they’ve provided interesting challenges.  Everything from suffering from direct sun while working, to desert breezes flowing across the top of the ridge.   The conditions wreck havoc with my chemicals causing me to fight,  high temperatures, dry and humidity being blown off the water.  the crazed temperatures of 100+ degrees have only been compound by a thick layer of smoke from the constant fires throughout California and Northern Nevada, forcing me to pretty much stay inside.
Yesterday, Saturday, August 13th I was able to get out, and at least visit the lakes again, the last time before the fires were July 1st, where I proved the wide angle lens that I’m using was able to capture the same perspective that O’Sullivan had been capturing.  but again, my chemicals were being problematic.
The problems, I’ve had with photographing these lakes have lead me to believe that O’Sullivan, is telling me that I was using the wrong lens, and not finding the correct location to that my chemical mixtures are wrong.
In July, I was using a formula of collodion that only had about 25% more alcohol to ether. That formula worked great, it stuck to the glass, while giving me great contrast and half tones. Between that time, I mixed of the same balance of salts, but with 75% more alcohol.  Using more alcohol is ideal for the extremely hot weather as we’ve been having.  However,  while more alcohol provides a more playable collodion ideal for lifting from glass to transfer to say leather, it also doesn’t stick to the glass. and requires you to sub the glass plates with Albumen.  I’m not sure why I wasn’t thinking about that when I mixed my newer batch of collodion, that I attempted using yesterday with reasonable temps of 88 degrees. But for some reason,  I did think of the higher alcohol collodion not sticking and wasn’t calculating for temps below 100 degrees with my chemicals. on a side note, the higher alcohol mix fine for ferrotypes when using a ferrous surface such as metal, as compared to glass.
With my chemicals in hand, I traveled to edge of the greater soda lake, to encounter winds that wanted to play with my focusing cloth like a kite and flys the size of small horses that were threating to carry my camera away.  Needless to say, after some questions to the void as to why? I packed my camera and decided to see if I could try a different location, as I was determined to test my collodion and shoot a photo.
I ventured to the sister lake, simply identified as soda lake in Vol 2 Descriptive Geology published in 1877.
throughout the volumes of books published, on the 40th parallel survey, the ability to print photographs for publication had not been profected yet, thus photos were tipped in or very exact copies of the original photos were duplicated by an artist. the drawing that was included in the published book is a copy of the original photo, the original negative can be found in the library of congress. The descripion of the lakes are as follows.
The lakes are described as being 2 -3 miles northeast of Ragtwon, on the Carson River, Near the southern boundary of map V
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 Form one of the most striking features of the Carson desert.  the photographs represent the smaller lake, the larger lake. They lie depressed below the level of the plain, in what are probably ancient craters, and are observed until just before reaching the brink.  upon the south side of the of the larger lake, the bank slopes somewhat gradually to the water’s edge, with a fall of not more than 35 feet, but rising steadily on the east and west sides, until at the north it attains a height of 150 feet in nearly perpendicular walls.
To continue as I ventured into the day and Back to The Future of 1867 with temperatures reaching 88 degrees, the ideal temps for time travel, that is if you are driving a DeLorean.  which I wasn’t I located the spots near where O’Sullivan captured his original photo from.  according to the time lines of the survey, these photos were taken in the middle of July 1867, the Shadows in the photos of the Greater Soda lake indicate that they were taken around 10 am in the morning. and taken with the focus leveling on off on the left horizon then turning the camera to the right, this gives the greater lake a tilt that tilts downwards towards the right.  based on the shadows
The curious aspect, while I haven’t figured out the time of day the smaller lake was photographed, I would surmise that it was earlier in the morning, with the sun being more east and casting shorter shadows. you can see the greater lake from the smaller lake, the same is not true in reverse.
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if you note that the photo that’s looking at my not Delorean for time travel and the front of my camera, you can see a bit of water and the north eastern edge of the greater soda lake. with its nearly perpendicular walls that reach nearly 150 from the lake surface.
because the lesser lake is a little lower than the edge that O’Sullivan photographed the greater lake from, it’s also protected from the desert breeze, at least until the afternoon Washoe Zeffer blows in carrying as Mark Twain reported chickens and small cows with it.   to be honest, while Roughing it was published in 1872, Mark Twain does reference locations that were identified during the 40th parallel survey.
for me, I knew where the lake was, and more or less had an idea of where the original photograph was taken.  as I walked surveyed the area with the original photo in hand, I spied based upon the mountains in the horizon where the photo was likely taken however their big bushes in the way.   Also, the photograph was taken with someone sitting to provide a dimensional reference, but with minimal reference for leveling causing the lake effectively be tilting from the lower left to the upper right, which in comparison to the greater lake seems backward. there is only one clue, that shows that he was working again from left to right, focusing on the distant rim of the lake to level his photo.
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The confusing aspect, that the artist rendering, leveled the photo, and omitted the dimensional reference of the man sitting.
back to setting up and pour plates, remember I talked about using collodion with more alcohol than ether, meant for ferrotypes and temperatures of 100+ degrees and that I mentioned the temperatures of 88 degrees, now being hot, flustered by the wind, I wasn’t thinking and tried my new collodion. cleaned a plate took a picture and guessed on my exposure. the collodion slipped off the plate. plus I couldn’t figure out where he had leveled his camera from based upon the drawing I had as a reference, I again adjust the camera only this time I flowed collodion onto a plate that I had subbed with Albumen. the collodion stuck, but I put into my silver bath too soon for the alcohol based collodion at the 88-degree temps, plus I ended up with hot finger prints.
I swear this is a comedy of errors, with O’Sullivan just shaking his head, saying something like amateur. but the photo despite those factors was actually kind of, maybe even sort of decent.  So, at this point, excited that something worked, tilted, albeit the wrong direction, I laid the image on a black surface, and used my iPhone to take photo that I published on social media.
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At this point, as I Think I have things figured or, sort of  and knowing full well that I Can do better, I decide after a break of being in the direct sun to try another plate, I pulled my last plate that I had subbed with albumen, and well decided what I thought was the back of the plate looked dirty and cleaned it, the side that I didn’t look like or that I thought had albumen on it. I then flowed collodion on the opposite side of the plate, only to have it start and slip as soon as I took it out of my silver.  Anyway, I tried again, and once again most of the collodion just lifted in the wash, plus by this time it was reaching the hottest point in the day at close to 100 degrees, and the Washoe Zeffer was moving in with the chickens and small cows.
needless to say, I packed up for the day, headed home to adjust my chemicals and see if I could do anything with the one image.  I may still try today by going into the modern town formally known as Ragtown to test my mix of collodion.  At least O’Sullivan won’t be shaking his fingers at me for those photos
      The Soda Lakes These lakes have been a thorn in my side, so to speak. with the high basalt content and sparse desert conditions, they've provided interesting challenges.  
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junker-town · 7 years
Bengals are betting on speed in 2017
Cincinnati’s future was clear after the NFL Draft, and it’s going to be fast.
The Cincinnati Bengals could go in one of two directions this season. They could show last year’s 6-9-1 finish was an aberration, or they could turn the losing into a trend.
In 2015, the Cincinnati Bengals set a franchise record with an 8-0 start to the season. They went on to finish 12-4, made the playoffs, and had eight players voted to the Pro Bowl. Just a year later, down an offensive coordinator (Hue Jackson) and a few key weapons (wideouts Marvin Jones and Mohamed Sanu), the Bengals sputtered on offense. Their scoring declined from 26.2 points per game to 20.3, and they missed the playoffs for the first time since 2010.
Earlier in the offseason, it was clear the Bengals planned to reinvest in skill players. The team released several veteran players, and let others walk. During free agency and the draft, they loaded up on younger guys with outstanding 40-yard dash times. Now, Marvin Lewis’ team will see if going all in on speed will help them rebound from their disappointing season a year ago.
The receivers might be young, but they’re fast
The Bengals wasted no time adding speed to their roster in the 2017 NFL draft. With the No. 9 pick, Cincinnati chose wide receiver John Ross, who made waves at the combine when he broke the 40-yard dash record with a 4.22-second run.
His velocity was no surprise to anyone who tried to cover him in college. Ross was used as the Huskies’ Swiss Army knife, finding success as both a kick returner (three TDs) and at cornerback (18 tackles and an INT) in his first two seasons at Washington. Then he totaled 1,150 yards and 17 scores on offense his final season.
Ross, who’s still recovering from labrum surgery, hasn’t been able to participate in the Bengals rookie camp, but is expected to be ready to go this fall and can contribute right away on offense and special teams. Cincinnati is hoping he will come in and complement A.J. Green, and give Andy Dalton some additional downfield options — something that was missing last season.
Even when Green wasn’t sidelined last season with a hamstring injury, the lack of deep threats for the offense meant the receiver was often double- and triple-teamed, leaving Dalton’s options to short passing plays to merely extend the drive.
“With [Ross] we can line him up in the slot and he can take the top off. Put a ball in his hands and let him make the plays,” Green told Mo Egger of ESPN 1530. “I think the biggest thing with him is he’s so dynamic, we can put him all over the field.”
The team also drafted wideout Josh Malone out of Tennessee to help with the passing game. Malone is big at 6’3, and provides a good contrast to the smaller Ross. The Vols receiver was another top performer at the combine, running a 4.40-second 40-yard dash, and can be used to fill the hole left by Sanu. At nearly the same height and weight, the rookie will give quarterback Andy Dalton a similar offensive weapon downfield.
“I think both of those guys can be fun. I feel like both of them can run,” Green said. “Josh is a bigger guy, he can go up over the top of you to make the big catches, but he can also run. I think those two they’ll be fine because they both ran pro offenses in college.”
Speed was clearly a priority for the Bengals this offseason, and with Ross and Malone — as well as second-round running back Joe Mixon — defenses are going to have a tough time keeping up.
New skill players could help Andy Dalton deal with OL woes
The offensive line can make or break a team, and in just a year, the Bengals went from allowing the ninth-fewest sacks in 2015 (32) to the seventh-most (41) in 2016. The trend could get worse with last year’s top pass blocker (Andrew Whitworth) and top run blocker (Kevin Zeitler) no longer with the Bengals. Left tackle and team leader Whitworth joined the Rams and right guard Zeitler signed with the in-state rival Browns.
Despite the lack of depth, the team did little so far this offseason to bolster the line, aside from bringing back veteran Andre Smith and drafting Utah’s J.J. Dielman. Instead, the Bengals are banking on some of the younger guys who have struggled so far in the NFL, like Cedric Ogbuehi and Jake Fisher, to finally put it together. The two have earned early praise this offseason, but will have to prove themselves once the pads come on.
The 2017 OL draft class wasn’t as strong as in recent years, and the Bengals only added Dielman in the fifth round. Dielman was a center for the Utes and a team captain. The rookie will give the team a little depth, even as a backup, at center and right tackle. By bringing in at least one future anchor for the offensive line, the Bengals can continue to strengthen the group over the next few draft classes.
Instead of loading the roster with young linemen this year, the team focused on surrounding Dalton with skill players. Not only will these players help Dalton, but with the quickness of Ross and Malone, Dalton won’t need as much time in the pocket. Last season, the quarterback had the second-highest drop in completion percentage when under pressure:
What impact does pressure have on quarterbacks? Even the best see a dip in completion percentage when pressured. http://pic.twitter.com/cWjyCV1oR1
— Pro Football Focus (@PFF) May 15, 2017
Another saving grace for the line is the additional of Mixon. The rookie has the size, burst, and endurance to be a three-down back for the Bengals, and has a skillful eye in finding running lanes.
While Mixon is expected to share the load at running back, the lack of consistency from incumbent starter Jeremy Hill could force the team to rely more heavily on Mixon. The Bengals admittedly took a big risk in drafting Mixon, who punched a woman in the face in 2014. Video of the assault was released to the public in December. Team owner Mike Brown issued a statement shortly after they took Mixon, explaining their decision and admitting the risks and potential rewards that come along with the young talent.
Mixon only played for two seasons at Oklahoma, yet amassed over 2,000 rushing yards for 17 scores, and 894 receiving yards and nine touchdown catches. He ranked No. 2 in the Big 12 in rushing yards, yards from scrimmage, touchdowns, and touchdowns from scrimmage in 2016.
Mixon is also a better pass blocker than Hill. Pass protection was a fickle mistress for the Bengals last season, eventually leading to Ogbuehi being benched after allowing nine sacks (and 40 totals pressures) in just 11 games. With an early career filled with injuries and shifting from right to left tackle, Ogbuehi heads into the 2017 season with a full offseason of preparation to get him out of his slump.
By comparison, Whitworth allowed only 15 pressures in 637 pass-protection snaps, per Pro Football Focus. Left guard Clint Boling did offer a bit of a bright spot, finishing last season allowing 14 fewer pressures than the year before.
The pass protection woes of 2016 will likely veer their ugly head again this fall, but with more talent at the skill positions, the Bengals might be able to stave off any sort of regression in 2017.
Can it all come together for the Bengals?
It’s not just the offense that’s getting a little fresh blood, either. The team’s vision was clear when it released linebacker Rey Maualuga (30 years old) and let 35-year-old Karlos Dansby walk, and signed the 26-year-old Kyle Minter to play alongside second-year player Nick Vigil. The Bengals also drafted three linebackers: Jordan Willis, Carl Lawson and Jordan Evans.
William Jackson III, their first-round pick from 2016, is set to make his NFL debut after missing his rookie year with a torn pec, too.
However, the defense, which allowed the eighth-fewest points last year, still has its key players from last season. The Bengals will bring back Pro Bowl defensive linemen Geno Atkins and Carlos Dunlap, and locked down top cornerback Dre Kirkpatrick on a five-year extension.
The Bengals might be counting on youth to fill the holes on their roster, but they still need their veterans to help catapult the team back into the playoffs. They will soon see how the newer and faster players fit in with the roster. Whether it’s an immediate success or take a few years to foster, the Bengals seem committed to speed.
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/still-no-magic-at-disney-despite-box-office-hits/
Still no magic at Disney despite box office hits
Still no magic at Disney despite box office hits – Jun. 21, 2017
Disney continues to rule the multiplex.
“Guardians of The Galaxy: Vol. 2” and “Beauty and the Beast” are the two biggest box-office hits so far this year. And “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” could wind up being one of the biggest blockbusters ever when it is released in December.
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But all that movie magic has meant little to Wall Street. The stock is going to need a classic, happy Hollywood ending. Because right now, it’s more tragedy than feel-good comedy.
Shares of Disney (DIS) are now down for the year — and that’s after a flat performance in 2016.
Disney has lagged the Dow (which it is a member of) and big media rivals CBS (CBS), NBCUniversal parent Comcast (CMCSA) and Time Warner (TWX) during that time frame. (Time Warner is the owner of CNNMoney — and it is in the process of being bought by AT&T (T, Tech30).)
The House of Mouse is outperforming struggling Viacom (VIAB), though. And it’s also done as well (or poorly, as the case may be) as Rupert Murdoch’s Fox (FOXA) during the past year and a half.
So why is Disney still a Wall Street dud? It continues to be dragged down by problems at ESPN, the sports media empire that has been losing subscribers, ad revenue and talent after a series of high-profile layoffs.
Until Disney figures out a way to get EPSN back on track, the stock could continue to go nowhere fast. But there is good news.
Well-respected CEO Bob Iger, who has pushed back his expected retirement several times already, had his contract extended to July 2019 earlier this year.
Related: Iger quits Trump’s CEO advisory team
That gives Disney time to find another successor. The previous heir apparent, former COO Thomas Staggs, left Disney last year.
It’s also worth noting that even though ESPN’s woes are kind of like the old “Not Top Ten” blooper reel it used to run on “SportsCenter,” the rest of Disney is actually doing extremely well.
Revenue and operating profits at the company’s ABC broadcast network were up in the most recent quarter. The theme parks and resorts business is booming, and the opening of the new Shanghai Disney earlier this year was a success.
And then there are the movies.
“Cars 3” — the latest from Disney’s Pixar — opened at the top of the box office. Sure, the movie is part of a critically maligned franchise. But the movies help Disney’s consumer products business as young kids continue to want Lightning McQueen toys.
Pixar is also releasing another film later this year, “Coco.” And the company’s Marvel unit continues to churn out hits at the box office and TV shows for Netflix (NFLX, Tech30). The next Marvel movie — a sequel to “Thor” — hits theaters in November.
And then there’s the return of Luke Skywalker. At some point, Disney investors might look past the problems at ESPN and come to the realization that the Force is still strong with just about every other part of Disney’s empire.
CNNMoney (New York) First published June 21, 2017: 11:58 AM ET
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