#i prefer my fictional men bloodthirsty and arrogant and *actually* threatening so i'm a bit biased in favor of game vaati
name-that-isnt · 11 months
Wait‼️ I do still have stuff left to say
I both like and dislike how vaati's level of respect for ezlo was changed in the mc manga. Vaati regularly addresses ezlo as master in the manga, but he never does so in the game (aside from referring to ezlo as his old master when he first encounters him with link). I like this change because it makes him feel more human. Despite his ill will towards ezlo, he still sees him as someone to be respected deep down (or maybe calling him master is a habit acquired from living with him so long)
I simultaneously dislike this change from the game to the manga because I feel like it lessens vaati's overall impact as a villain. Him being unapologetically condescending towards ezlo and refusing to ever truly address him as master anymore in the game speaks volumes about how much vaati really hates ezlo (and it's also a good source of hc fuel for what happened between them). Sure making him more emotionally human is nice, but I think one of vaati's main appeals is that he doesn't want to be like that, he'd rather conquer the world and watch people suffer than be below someone else. So him vocally still having some degree of respect for ezlo in the manga makes his actions and the anger behind them feel,, petty? Childish? Like it was just a small bout of dissatisfaction without a true cause for anger. In contrast, him making his detestation of ezlo very clear in the game conveys that there really was a reason for him to be mad, and I think that's what manga vaati really lacks. Real anger. Real motivation. A true sense of hatred and the gall to fully disrespect anyone that isn't himself. Ffs, his reasoning for being evil in the manga involves him seeking approval from ezlo, it almost feels woobifying
The mc manga overall really softens up vaati and takes away any real intimidation factor he could've had. It's kinda confusing that they gave him a redemption, considering that he still returned in the fs manga. It's almost like simply telling him that he did wrong and putting him back in the same home situation he was in before didn't do anything to help him. And the fact that ezlo didn't change at all and just said that everything he'd done was out of "tough love",, it feels like no lesson was really learned. Tbf ezlo didn't really change in the game either, but something about the way it's handled in the manga just pisses me off a little more 🤏🏽
This ended up getting kinda off track but basically what I'm saying is that vaati's manga characterization.. has its ups and downs (mostly downs, but his manga sorcerer design being better than his canon sorcerer design balances it out lol)
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