#i see blue and white palette i can't resist
aprilblossomgirl · 9 months
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Dangerous Romance (2023) Episode 7
Today, we’ll give it our all for you, Teacher. Thank you so much. You all can do this.
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haeryna · 5 months
thinking about idol!gojo and rockstar!geto (tw: mentions of underage drinking, implied abandonment, implied homophobia from gojo's parents, vague mentions of illness)
how you three, along with shoko, lived in the same ratty small town in the middle of nowhere. you'd moved when you were six, all shy and scared of the house your parents had moved to in order to help your sick grandmother that you barely remembered because the last time you'd seen her was when you were four. you were from the city; you'd never seen fireflies, or grass that stretched out as far as your eyes could see, and so when you saw the first firefly appear just as the sky turned to dusk, how were you supposed to resist it?
so you chased it down to the creek, all smiles and filled with excitement, until you realized it was dark, and you were in the forest, and you were scared. you couldn't help but start to cry, and that's where geto found you.
"are you lost?"
sniffling, you peered up at the dark haired boy, whose soft brown eyes filled with a sort of concern. "y-yeah," you hiccupped, and geto offers up a gentle smile. "it's okay, i know the way back."
and so, you'd taken his hand, let him tug you out of the creek bed, and lead you back toward the house that still didn't quite feel like home. you'd learn, his name was suguru. suguru geto, and wherever suguru geto was, satoru gojo was never too far behind (although you didn't know that, yet).
"you crying?"
you'd let out a startled yelp, still clinging to suguru's hand, twisting to look at the other boy who was staring at you with unrestrained curiosity. even at the age of six, you found him beautiful, with the piercing blue of his eyes, and the soft white down of his hair, even as he mocked you. satoru hadn't known how else to express the sort of silent jealousy that had torn its way through his chest once he saw you holding suguru's hand.
the two of you bickered, all the way back until they left you at your front door, much to suguru's displeasure. yet satoru was beaming; nobody but suguru and shoko dared to speak to him that way. he was too young to understand the way his heart seemed to churn every moment he saw you after .
later, you would meet shoko ieiri, who instantly took a liking to you, defending you with the stubbornness of an older sister you never had.
later, you would realize just how beautiful suguru and satoru were, as they grew. you were the one who pierced suguru's ears (a decision made at 1am in his basement), who bought satoru his first eyeshadow palette (his parents would have died if they'd ever see him use it). and it was eventually you who brought them into music, as you stared up at the ceiling of suguru's basement. the lights grew hazy as you blinked up at them, empty bottles of stolen beer surround you. suguru and shoko were busy smoking a pack of (also stolen) cigarettes, and satoru was on his phone.
"what if we like. made a band?"
you were only 16, and dreamed of leaving the small town you'd moved to. the temporary stay had turned permanent after your grandmother had inevitably passed. shoko immediately snorted. "i love you, but i can't sing for shit."
but you were persistent. you thrifted an old guitar that you gave to suguru as a birthday present, encouraged satoru's angelic singing.
you should have known they would outgrow you.
you're 21 now, still living in the old house, taking care of your parents. the dreams you'd had years ago turned into ash in your mouth. even shoko had left, off to pursue medical school.
you can't stomach looking at the news anymore. satoru has broken into the idol industry, creating equal amounts of chart toppers and scandals. an idol like that only comes once every one hundred years, they say. with the way he moves, the way he acts, you're inclined to believe it.
(when you watch him for the first time, on some variety show, you see him, see the way they've done his makeup, and you're brought back to sitting on the couch, telling him to stop moving or he'll mess up the eyeshadow you attempting to apply. you wonder if his parents were furious at the decision. you wonder where the eyeshadow palette you gave him went. did he take it with him before he left for good? bile rises heavy in your throat, and you shut off the television, unable to stomach it any longer.)
the radio is equally as traitorous. you know suguru has been dominating the indie charts, to the point where it's simply suguru and satoru competing against each other. you hate how whenever you go to the local bakery, you can hear his voice again playing through the speakers. hate how when you make the long drive to pick up your parents' medicine, how you can hear him through your car's speakers. it feels intimate in a way that you cannot bear.
(still, you hear the guitar and remember the look in his eyes when you gifted him the one you'd found in the thrift store. suguru had treated it reverently, telling you with an earnest sort of smile that, "the first song i write will be for you." he's traded out acoustics for rock. he has no need for that guitar anymore, you think absentmindedly. just like he no longer needed you.)
but what you don't know is that every time satoru's makeup artist gets to his eyes, he has to keep them firmly shut or else he'd burst into tears. she didn't do it like you. she never would. every time he steps onto the stage, he looks for you, though he knows he'll never find you. it never stops him from looking. how he sings his heart out in the hopes you'll hear him, unaware that despite his popularity, you avoid his music like it's deadly.
what you don't know is that every time suguru writes, he realizes how he lied to you. "the first song i'll write will be for you," he remembers, and yet now every song he writes is about you. now, girls he doesn't even know, screams his name, screams along to his songs that he wrote for you. they pretend that they're the girl who was left behind, the girl that he's never stopped loving.
(he'll never forget the way your hand fit into his, how even at the age of six he knew that you were the only one who ever had his heart along with satoru)
how on days he misses you particularly badly, the piercings you'd given him burns. he writes his love into his music, the music that you shut off every time you hear it come on the radio.
it changes nothing, if they come back, you tell yourself. suguru and satoru have each other. they don't need you.
but one day they do come back, come back for you, and it changes everything.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 day
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I love it when the wheel lands on a character and gives them a drastically different talent from their original counterpart. Cause here we have Emma as the Ultimate Firefighter!
This one was interesting to tackle cause Emma is a pretty feminine person, but has a swapped talent that has a lot of dress codes and regulations for safety reasons as being a firefighter is quite dangerous. And it turns out through my brief research, Emma's OG design goes against a lot of regulations for firefighters: you can't wear giant earrings but you can wear tiny stud ones or very small hoop earrings, you're not allowed to wear makeup, if you're going to keep your hair long, you have to tie it back (and it's recommended to put it in a braid-bun or a ponytail), contact lenses are prohibited, and I had to try and tie in the firefighter uniform with how Emma dresses in her OG design. So here's what I came up with for Emma: I tied her long wavy hair back into a hair bun, she can't wear contact lenses anymore so her eyes are no longer aquamarine but are instead her real gray eyes, her round earrings were too big and hung from her eyes so they had to be changed to smaller stud ones, and since she wore a coat in her OG design, I decided that she'd have her jacket on her instead of being loose around her waist like Shinji's (although his looked like a one-piece suit in his sprite). I removed her makeup, gave her a shirt underneath her uniform, gave her pants and boots fitting for said uniform, and some fire-resistant gloves, not only as part of her uniform but also to...well, hide some certain scars that she wouldn't dare show to anyone unless it's someone she trusts. Just in case, you know? Her hair gets to remain blonde, though, since you are allowed to dye it but only a natural color...Which doesn't mean much when you live in an anime world like Danganronpa where hair and eye color can range from black to white to literally neon green, but hey. Regulations are regulations. I gave her uniform a blue, yellow, black and gray color palette with dashes of dark red on her boots and she is done.
Next up is Sora!
So, in Emma's backstory, she's living in poverty, her mom is basically out of her life and her sperm donor of a father is the worst EVER. That's still the same. However, when Utsuro blessed her with Divine Luck, on her return home after being forced to steal alcohol for her shitty father, she sees that her own house had caught on fire while she was away. She would later find out through the authorities that the fire happened due to a stray cigarette landing on some trash and the dirty environment went in flames in the blink of an eye. Two witnesses, who were a foreign couple from England, just so happened to see this and called the fire department but by the time they arrived, the only occupant inside the house had already died. Emma is...relieved that she will NEVER have to see her father again, but at the same time, she had NO idea where to go and has essentially became an orphan in a blink of an eye. However, that concern is quickly washed away as the two witnesses approached her and asked if she was alright, which is when she broke down crying. Realizing that she was in a horrible condition, the couple decided then and there to take her under their wing and adopted her. While living with them, she finds out that her adoptive father was actually an ex-firefighter that had to retire due to a career-ending injury and ends up getting inspired by him to become a firefighter herself. Something that both of her new found, loving parents encouraged and supported, even as they pray for safety in such a dangerous career. Like OG Shinji, she worked as an apprentice, which was quite easy thanks to her father's connection to the firefighting community, and she's made something of a name for herself in her career. However, like in her OG backstory, while she may not be in an acting career anymore, that doesn't mean that she wouldn't come across racist co-workers, which is what causes her to dye her hair blonde to try and fit in more. And Emma would mostly be surrounded by adults in her firefighting career, so she wouldn't really have many friends her age and some people may put her on a pedestal due to the work she does as a firefighter, saving lives and all that, which only isolates her from her peers even more. Poor Emma, she just wants to be treated like a normal girl.
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sonicasura · 3 years
Balan Wonderworld Review - Favorite Costumes Part 1
I have officially beat the game with every single Gold Balan Statue in every level, got the Balan Costume, got all the main game costumes and the latest section of the Tower of Tims that I need to unlock being the sixth section.
I had quite a ball playing the game despite Square Enix being backstabbers to Balan Company and the game. Now, this huge ass review will split into different categories and will have their own page. These categories are:
Favorite Costumes
Level Design and Level Music
Boss and Boss Music
Now, these picks will be my personal opinion. I'm starting with costumes because it's probably the hardest out of these to choose from since every costume has incredible designs to them.
There will be two picks for each Chapter: a Common Costume and a Rare Costume.
Common Costumes are those you can easily find in each act. If you can find them in multiple spots in one act or they can seen im both acts then they count as common.
Rare Costumes are ones you have to go the extra length to find. Some are hidden while others require certain costumes to get.
The Balan Costume isn't being counted for obvious reasons. It is the only costume found on the Isle of Tims and it's requirements are staggering.
How To Get Balan Costume
First you need to feed the Tim Statue on the isle a certain amount of Rainbow Drops. Once it's full, you need to get a white Crowned Tim. This very Tim can be acquired by getting Tims with three badges.
A Tim can get a badge for consuming the equivalent of 30 Tim Drops(3 large drops) in either blue, pink or red colors. You need at least 2 Tims with all 3 badges and then breed them together. It is trial and error so I suggest getting multiple Tims with badges but also exit the game if ya fail to get a white Crowned Tim.
Once you have the Tim, do a level and it should be the proper size to pick up. Throw it at the statue and it will become the Father Tim. That big Tim will fly you up to the costume so you can get. If ya lose the costume, then give the Father Tim more Rainbow Drops. Rainbow Drops can be given by redoing stages, bosses or Tim Statues scattered about the levels.
Now let's get started.
Chapter 1
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Common Costume: Tornado Wolf
An obvious choice for me. Wolves are one of my favorite animals and werewolves being one of my favorite mythological creatures. Tornado Wolf can be found in Act 1 and in the Boss Level. A simple jump engulfs the player in a mini tornado that can reflect wind projectiles and break blocks.
Powerful, agile and cute plus Tornado Wolf just gives me Werehog nostalgia since I'm a Sonic Unleashed fan.
Rare Costume: Jumping Jack
You can't just give me an adorable kangaroo and one of the better costumes when it's comes to movement. Jumping Jack can only be found in Act 1 so it's actually rare. This costume allows the player to do a flutter jump, great for getting extra air, reaching slightly far platforms and a decent recovery.
It's a costume I suggest stocking up on since you can't get the better mobility options until Chapter 6 Act 2. Also love there's a plushie in the pouch and the white patches of fur. Kangaroo are marsupials who do carry young in their pouches, and the silver tufts just add extra charm to the design.
Chapter 2
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Common Costume: Jelly Jolt
Very useful! The Jelly Jolt is the perfect costume when it comes to electric resistance and make enemies stay five feet away while you shock them to hell. Can be found in Act 1 and the Boss Act. First time seeing an adorable jellyfish that actually doesn't mean harm.
Jellicent, Frillish, and Healslimes don't count considering the former have a habit of wrecking ships and the latter is a pain in the ass in boss fights or tough opponents. Also, all of these attack you! Case in point.
Rare Costume: Double Jumper
Definite pick for many reasons. This costume can only be found in Act 2 and requires the Fixer Upper Costume in Chapter 12 or the Frost Fairy Costume in Chapter 8(harder difficulty for reaching it).
It allows you to double jump, a godsend when it comes to reaching Balan Statues, costumes, recovery and careful platforming. You can get some major air with this costume and makes backtracking for certain levels easier.
I love the demonic imp design too. Imps are agile and mischievous creatures after all. Just like the basis, this costume is difficult to grab like the imp.
Chapter 3
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Common Costume: Sickle Slicer
Slickle Slicer are one of your first go-to for fighting spiked enemies. This costume can be found in Act 2 and the Boss Act, it allows you to throw sickles that act like a boomerang. If you do a combo, these sickles can go farther than their already decent range.
The design is a very nice touch since the praying mantis can be considered a high level predator amongst insects. The costume is quite agile which helps in a pinch against fast opponents.
Rare Costume Itsy Bitsy Elf
A mini chinchilla perfect for tiny doors. Costume can only be found in Act 2 and takes some careful platforming to get. Suggest using the Jumping Jack costume if you don't want to wait for the better option in Chapter 6. This costume lets you enter tiny doors that often hold Balan Statues or Balan Bout inside. Very adorable, very fast (probably second fastest in the main story) and super fun.
Chapter 4
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Common Costume: Aero Acrobat
Holy Balloon Popping Batman! This costume can be found in Act 1, Act 2 and the Boss Act. It allows you to pop balloons and even jump kick enemies caught in the crosshair. Balloons are scattered about in various levels and this guy is a great option of transport to reach these specific areas.
The aviator outfit makes it even better and I love bats. Probably my favorite flying mammal of the bunch since I often have a bat ally in games like Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, a Crobat for hunting escape happy Legendaries in Pokemon and Hidabat in Yokai Watch.
Rare Costume: Happy Horn
My first performing costume. It can be found in Act 2 and performs on special stage platforms scattered throughout chapters. A good way to gain some extra drops and hear a different version of stage clear. Not only is the costume charming, this is the first time I actually like listening to a marching band.
Chapter 5
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Common Costume: Guardian Bird
The first costume to find in Act 1, can also be found in Act 2 and the Boss Act. The Guardian Bird costume lets you throw a mini whirlwind in midair. A nice costume to have for hitting far off opponents and counter wind projectiles.
I love the purple and yellow of the feathers and that orange mimics the bandana and ponytail of the costume's human equivalent. This costume is quite quick and good for dodging, the ability can act as a last second recovery should the need arrives.
Rare Costume: Sickle Slayer
A much stronger version of the Sickle Slicer that can be found in Act 2. One of the early options for breaking iron blocks or fighting iron coated opponents. The extra bulk does slow down the player but the payoff is worth it.
The larger size, serrated sickles and the color palette proves that this is a costume you rightfully earned. A sign that you can handle the much stronger costumes that can be found in the game. The general amongst the Sickle race.
Chapter 6
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Common Costume: Pumpkin Puncher
The Fruity Boxer! A costume found in Act 1, 2 and the Boss! This costume lets you punch opponents from afar with straight Rayman equivalent punches. Doing a combo even extends the range. A faster hitter than the Sickle Costumes but also great at getting tons of Drops from Negati. If you take out tons of Negati in a single costume without changing or getting hit, the number of Drops they give increases.
I love the design since it's practically a scarecrow boxer. The outfit is cute, has a sort of fanciness you can only find in medieval periods in wealthy districts.
Rare Costume- Air Cat
The princess of platforming. This costume can only be found in Act 2 and allows the player to walk on air for a short amount of time. A perfect option for reaching far off areas, recovery and even avoiding ground hazards.
I've used this costume A LOT for most of my playthrough of the game. Even go back to Chapter 6 just to restock if I run out. This costume is that good. Very adorable too, just has this Artistocats nostalgia to it as well. Also I am a cat lover, literally got 5 cats at home and all are rescues as well.
That will be it for now. Part 2 of Favorite Costumes will be out sometime this week. I would've put the whole thing here but Tumblr limits how many pictures you can add to a post, 10 to be precise. Also, I don't want to make this too long for any fellow readers.
Until next time folks! See ya back in Wonderworld.
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Color theory in the Karate Kid Universe
What the colors say about each character, and what will be Hawk's next hair color?
So, as Eli "shed his loser skin", and grew a mohawk, there was a significant change in the character, obviously the colors wouldn't be random, the character may not have a clue, but today I'm gonna walk you through what I think could be the meaning behind all this. Before we get into Hawk, we gotta go way back to 1984, and start this with the fisrt Karate Kid movie.
Red v.s. Blue
These two colors are very strong in the franchise, and we'll start by the fisrt time we see Daniel LaRusso, he's wearing a blue shirt, which means he is not trying to show power or strength, in fact he never wanted to be there so he doesn't care.
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That day he goes to the beach, wearing the same clothe, but he meets Ali and when he changes, he's wearing red, to look strong for her and make a presence (by the way, I don't think the characteres actually chose the colors to say something, I think that the people who work with the art and clothes of the movie did, but just so it's easier, we're gonna assume that the characters did.). Someone else is also in red: Johnny Lawrence. He gets into the fight and loses. The next day he's wearing red again, this time to show power and resistence. Even though the shirt has some blue in it, it's mainly red. That day in school, he gets into a little fight and comes out as the wrong guy A couple days later, he tells his mom about his interest in karate (to get revenge as he assumed later to Mr. Miyagi), he's once again wearing red, and he sees Johnny in the dojo, later that night, the cobras make him fall down the mountain with his bike. So basically, so far we have the dynamic of, wearing red, and getting your ass kicked.
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After that, he goes to a phase that he wears colors like Mr. Myiagi does, which are brown-ish, yellow-ish, basically what I think they mean, is that you don't want to be noticed or you don't want to show off.
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Later in the story, in the Halloween dance, the shower costume Daniel is wearing is red, but there's something very interesting about it, inside he's wearing a blue shirt, the mirror scene is the perfect representation of that, when he has the shower opend he's vulnarable, and he's afraid, but when he closes it he feels powerful enough to make Johnny wet, as he runs and the showers opens, he starts losing the courage, until the shower falls, all the red is gone, he's not feeling cool, he's terrified, and he gets his ass kicked, so now we know, blue means weak, or at least that's what he thought.
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After Mr. Miyagi accepts having him as a student, and asks for Kreese to pohibt his students to hurt Daniel, he feels weak, but also he's not afraid to show it, because he knows he won't get hurt. So he pretty much only wears blue.
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Untill the day he had a date with Ali, and wanted to show off, because when he went on a date with her for the first time, he was wearing blue and her rich parents saw the sittuation of his mom's car, so he felt embarrassed. He tries red, but guess what? It doesn't go well.
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After that Daniel carries wearing pretty much only blue, and Johnny red, as we can see in episode 9, season 1 of cobra kai, "Different but same" and in episode 2 of season 3 "Nature vs. Nurture", with the only difference being that the colors get even stronger in the second one, while in the first they both had shades of grey.
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Black v.s. White
The next super import colors are black and white. Their head bands are the perfect example of this, because Johnny's is black, and Daniel's is white and blue also their gi are colored with these two extremely contrastant colors, but I think that there are a lot more sutil ways in which both show and movie show this contrast. If you take a look at the photos that daniel is wearing red, there's always some white in it, and pretty much all the time Johnny has some sort of black in him, like in the club day, where he's wears more neutral colors to blend in the crowd, he even wears a shade of blue to look like a nice person to Ali, but if you look closely, you'll see the tie is black.
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There's a very interesting analogy to that in Cobra Kai, when Miguel is trying to find Johnny good clothes to take pictures, he finds a bunch of white shirts, but we never see Johnny wearing them, so I guess that's a metaphore to the good he has inside.
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But there's another image that I think is the perfect representation of that, see, the only place Johnny wears white is at the dojo, and I believe that is, because the only person that Lawrence fears/respects is his sensei, the only one in the room that wears black. This single frame says so much about the caracters:
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There we see Mr. Myiagi and Daniel almost out of the frame, they're being repressed by the whole dojo. Kreese sees Miyagi as a small old man, and that is showed in this frame too, by his position, Mr. Miyagi though looks at Kreese in the eye, fearless, but Daniel is really scared, wearing blue and he can't look at anyone's eyes, while Johnny assumed the "pronto" position as all the other students, like an army. About the clothing now, as I mentioned, Kreese is the only one wearing black, because one, black means bad and dark, which he surely is, and two, he likes feeling like the strongest man, and black causes fear in the students. Johnny is all in white showing visually what Mr. Miyagi said: "There's no such thing as a bad student..." Here, Johnny is just another student, a good one following orders, but both head band and belt are black, showing the influence Kreese has on him, it's almost as if the black was a stain caused by Kreese in Johnny's good heart. It's interesting that Johnny holds the red flag, we know that there's a white one too, but since nothing is random as I mentioned, him holding the red one means that he'll always have violence with him, that he carries that. And Mr. Miyagi is as always wearing the same color palette, not showing anything.
Next post I'm gonna get into the new generation and how they show themselves with their clothes based on this.
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