#i suppose lmao. wank in the tags at least
@alsosprachvelociraptor reblogged your post:
lmao this shit is old as balls but i’m gonna answer it anyway...
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While your defense of Paul Kaye is... um... an excellent one and very... fervent, I honestly have absolutely no clue why on god’s green earth you decided to reblog a 6-year-old post to do so.
...so just shut up and stop screaming at nothing. i wished i didn’t see this post go around on tumblr anymore and at the time i just decided to say nothing, but i won’t shut up anymore.
We have shut up and stopped screaming at nothing! More than half a decade ago! That post hasn’t gone around tumblr since the week it was written in 2012. Two American presidential elections have happened since that post was written. 5 seasons of GoT have passed since that post was written. Nobody has commented on that post in (again) 6 years, and the only person to reblog since 2012 was in 2015 without even tag commentary. Nobody’s cared about Thoros’s casting since 2012. Maybe you saw the post at the time it was made (when you were 14???) but even your own blog was created in 2014, 2 years after this post was written.
I mean, who the hell do you think you’re talking to? That post had only 25 notes before you reblogged it. Half the people who said anything on that post are deactivated accounts, and most of the rest inactive. The OP @panamanianmoon has gone private and I don’t think has touched any part of the fandom in years. Me? I thought Paul Kaye might be good despite the wank (and tried to point out book!Thoros isn’t described as a POC so it’s not whitewashing), and haven’t talked about show!Thoros since 2013. I personally have tried to avoid anything GoT since 2015. I don’t give a flying fuck about GoT casting of anybody anymore, especially not casting that happened in 2012 for a character that went off the rails in 2013 and (I’m told) died last year!
Truly, I can’t see any reason why you dug this post out of its long buried grave and brought it back from the dead to defend your beloved actor. Even Thoros himself didn’t want to resurrect things when they’d been dead only three weeks.
If you couldn’t shut up anymore, if you needed to go all Paul Defense Squad on the horrible terrible “ugh he’s white and looks like an action hero” statements made 6 years ago by long-deleted tumblr’ers, you could have made your own post to do so. Just saying.
Although, hey, thanks for one thing at least. If you hadn’t necro’ed this post, I’d’ve never have found out that the supposed “first Thoros”, Asim Ahmad, is a con artist and serial fake IMDB profile creator who very certainly was never ever cast in the first place. Life is strange...
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