#i'll add a legitimate bio here some other time hello
clarawilmore · 1 year
clara faye wilmore, 40, executive director of  true colors. an introduction under the cut!
tw: miscarriage
After the loss of their child, Clara began to foster dogs and cats from DC's local animal shelter. It gave her companionship and her new best friend; a spunky 7 year old Boston Terrier named Harley who was a foster fail from the first moment he came into her life.  
Clara's hair started turning gray a few years before she turned 40, but it hasn't been until recently that she finally felt the need to stop dying it every few months. Now, it's growing out gray, and she can't help but like what she sees when she looks in the mirror.
 Has a pretty fun habit of ordering takeout or doordashing whatever she's in the mood for instead of cooking, but she's hoping that moving to a smaller town will give her the need to cook for herself more often. 
Takes her work at True Colors very seriously, and definitely has a vision board of all of her ideas for the organization she can't wait to get going. Clara got really into fixing up furniture she found at estate sales, garage sales, and antique malls as soon as she started living alone again after she broke it off with Maisie, something about taking something tarnished and dingy and making it perfect for her own space was a pretty soothing way to work on moving on from her loss.
 10/10 biiiig virgo energy. 
Clara volunteers at the wolf rescue in town at least once a week. Her philanthropist ways made volunteering feel like the most effective way to meet people in a new town. 
tldr: a soft little gray haired non profit champion who’s pretty damn rich and grew up entirely privileged to the point where i would probably hate her, but she’d also give me a 100 dollar bill she found on the street if she thought i was having a bad day. 
age: 40 
current residence: downtown. 
hometown: washington DC 
ulma mater: georgetown university. 
occupation: executive director at true colors. 
sexual orientation: homoromantic, bisexual. 
piercings: ear lobes. 
tattoos: none, girly hates needles. if her parents didn’t pierce her ears at practically birth, she’d never get them done herself. 
languages known: english, semi conversational french, (thanks duolingo) and ASL, even if she hasn’t used it in years. 
zodiac sign: virgo. 
plots and connections
probably hasn’t been in providence peak very long, so i’m open to anything. right off the bat, volunteers or people who work at/frequent the wolf center, anyone who could work in and around true colors. 
she’s already maisie’s ex, but i’d love to have her attempt to date around, mess around. she may be 40 and gray, but she absolutely doesn’t mind playing the field. 
maybe connections who are teachers if they’ve ever thought of utilizing true colors with their classes or anyone who might go. 
she could of course also really use friends!
or neighbors!
or maybe she swiped on a dating app or bumble bff in providence peak before she moved there to meet people! (she absolutely pays for dating apps). 
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