#i'm at the art gallery part... the establishment of the almost hand touch hold me.......
coolspacequips · 1 year
Rewatching bridgerton s1 since i first shotgunned it at the drop lol
Still so charming, the right side of campy in the context of regency, there’s some things that they were pretty heavy handed with but I can’t fault them, re things like having to make characters state their feminist agenda in awkward and broad terms, For The Casual Audience At Home Who Doesn’t Get The Genre
Still, my majorly unpopular opinion is that I don’t like Penelope at ALL lmao....... The reveal of who was writing the gossip rag rly shot my interest in the foot, and it took me a long time to pick up s2 bc of it, though I can at least appreciate that s2 did have a theme of ‘consequences’ for her, to some degree. It’s also the reason it’s taken me sooo long to rewatch s1, lmao, having to watch her ultimate act of cruelty, picking up her pen to play mean girl on anon and nearly ruining that girls life. Having to watch her pretend to befriend her all over again knowing what she’s going to do, in the end. Yuck! 
dgmr, I actually think there’s a lot of humor in Penelope and Eloise, and can def appreciate them as two privileged white children going into their woke teen era for the first time, while still being a little selfish about it. It’s realistic. I think watching them grow apart bc Eloise was ready to start maturing in her beliefs, while Penelope wasn’t, was also an interesting direction to take that in, though I’ve got Thoughts about how it unfolded... Hopefully, in her season, she’ll grow up and I’ll enjoy the romance, even if I can’t forgive her for outing that girl’s business, whether she was trying to baby trap a Bridgerton or not!!
Anyway, my real takeaway from Bridgerton is that every single old woman in this show ATE. Watching the primary trio of older women in this show bring so much dynamic life to their characters is so enjoyable, they played them perfectly from the start, and the depth and weight given to them beneath being genre standard Matchmaking Matriarchs is so cathartic even tho I am literally a young person  
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