#i'm back on my shenanigans again when in doubt just make someone cook
kitsunabi · 1 year
It started as another quiet evening of reminiscing. They say it's the journey that matters; the destination will come in time. For the traveler, sharing an unexpected evening with friends is the only way forward. And sometimes, that way forward requires everyone's joint effort at making the one thing that brings people together. Dessert.
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Good morning, lovely! (This is jojo-blurbs' main here to send you a request!) I'd like to request a matchup, please (M!). Characters from any part from 1-5 are fine, and I am a tremendous Stand lover, so you are more than welcome to include a Stand in my request~ I'm a straight female who likes to read and write, draw, and listen to music (older stuff mostly, anything from the 80's I absolutely love.) (1)
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I love you immensely for letting me go ham with Stand matchup for the first time hhhhh yes! I took a bit more time with yours because I was so indecisive on who would I end up choosing, for I had a few contestants high up in the ranks.
Alas! Here’s your matchup with an extra dip of Stand!
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Fanart used made by: @baie-moeg​
Josuke and Crazy Diamond!
Have you ever seen both a stand user and their stand make the same exact idiotic, love struck face upon seeing someone? Well now you have!
Josuke met you in a cafe he was working in for the summer, to earn some sweet dough yo. He did not expect, at all, to meet the biggest crush of the century while he scrubbed clean some used cups behind the counter.
You were quiet, your mannerisms gentle and adorable, he loved it, he was struck hard by Cupid the moment he saw you set foot into his workplace. 
He saw, delighted and with the most old style Grease pose he could gather up to seem cool in front of you, how you started chuckling quietly when you got close to the order bar. You looked at him, feeling a slight blush rise to your cheeks upon seeing such a handsome guy getting your order and smiling so gleefully at you. You had to take mental note to come more often to this cafe. 
He looked at you with a most comedic, classic flirtatious smile and a raised eyebrow. “What’s so funny, beautiful?” He asked, clearly not used to speaking this way due to the slight pink staining his cheeks now. You raised an eyebrow at his utterance and answered. “I just found it funny that, right the moment I come in, they’re playing Take on Me.” He beamed at that; he was the one in charge of playing the store’s music that day!
“I’m glad you do miss! Yours truly chose the playlist today.” He cooed, his posture now turning more relaxed, resting his elbows on the counter to hold his head with his palms under his chin, the silly smile still not leaving his lips. You noticed he must have had taken some interest in you, which made you snicker in both amusement and giddiness. “Well, you’ve got great music taste, handsome.” You retorted, making him chuckle and promptly steady his posture, ready to take your order with two quick claps and a pat to the small apron on his waist. 
He took your order while exchanging flirty, stolen glances at you, which you returned almost equally playful. When your order was done, he gave you what you’d ordered for takeaway, noticing he’d scribbled with a black sharpie both his name and a number with X’s and O’s on the brown paper bag.
You directed a tiny smile at him as you waved goodbye, noticing he waved back and quickly brought his hand to his ear in a phone gesture, wigglin it gently and mouthing “Call me!”
You did call! It took great mental effort but you did it! And oh, were you glad you did. He answered almost immediately with a “Yes?? Are you my pretty cafe angel?” You were about to sink into the ground by those words, how cheesy could he be...
Upon exchanging a few words regarding a meeting soon for a date, mostly on his part, noticing he was the chatty, bubbly type; you hung up. You didn’t know he’d be set on conquering your heart by all means! Nor did you know he was a stand user until your first date.
When you met, he was waiting for you at the square’s fountain, casually sitting on the fountain while nervously playing with his phone in his hands. When he spot you, he wanted to spring up so fast from his seat he was about to fall back onto the water. Imagine your surprise when you saw a pinkish humanoid figure appear out of thin air and hold him back up. The man’s strange savior turning to look at you and give you what you interpreted as a clumsy smile before disappearing again.
Josuke was a bit troubled. You could see Crazy Diamond? Were his chances with you be ruined now that you saw his stand? Well, picture his face when you mentioned how kind of the stand it was to help you up with such a trivial thing as falling into a fountain. You weren’t afraid? This was a first.
You enjoyed a wonderful, casual stroll around the city, walking aimlessly through the rural streets and chatting about whatever the topic shifted to. You both liked the same music, you shared your love for certain shows, and you even introduced him to some of your favorite books! He was set on changing his ways and start on reading those asap to impress you.
He loved the way your face lit up when talking about your interests, giving you an almost dumbfounded smile while nodding like an idiot. You sometimes even doubted he was listening, but he looked so invested and focused on you speaking you quickly shook away your small insecurity. 
Sometimes, when you kept meeting up other days for dates, you noticed he’d started to let his stand linger around for longer; the intense yet very gentle gaze of it on you making you curious as to ask about them. “What’s the name of the big guy, Jo?”
Josuke seemed to ponder for a bit before muttering an almost too quiet “Uhm... Crazy Diamond.” He and Crazy were both surprised upon your cute giggling in response and your following words. “Well, isn’t this one lovely and cute music reference manifestation.” Josuke laughed and felt his body ache with relief as he did, immensely thankful you liked his stand. Crazy Diamond looked at you with a cute grin, before it sneakily closed in and, without Josuke being able to help it; gave you a gentle hug while nuzzling its face against yours, feeling your cheek rub around in circles with the surprisingly warm being’s.
You didn’t mind, if anything, you found it endearing, tentatively placing one hand on the stand’s other cheek and squeezing lightly against yours. It seemed to really like that, for it seemed to let go of you and turn to Josuke while doing a heart sign with it’s hands over his chest, turning to you once more and guiding his “heart” hands to your own chest. 
Josuke panicked because his stand was acting mostly on behalf of his own feelings. But relaxed once he saw you laugh and pat Crazy’s hands tenderly while giving it back a heart shaped hand gesture. 
Days went by, and finally, one day, Josuke decided he had to come straight with his feelings and tell you all about it. He’d tried his best to style perfectly his pompadour that day, dressing as best as he could and even wearing his newest designer shoes. When he knocked on your door, quickly held open for him with you right there, he did not expect to find the bouquet behind his back snatched by his own stand, who offered it to you with a cute smile on it’s face. While he seemed to struggle with how to react for a second, and while you took the flowers from Crazy with a smile, he said it, almost  a bit too loud. “I-I want you to go out with me, Y/N! ... If you want to, of course.” 
Of course you wanted to! You left the bouquet on the side before leaping into his arms, feeling how you were now held tightly between Josuke’s gentle embrace and Crazy Diamond’s slightly stronger one. Josuke was overcome with joy and couldn’t hold back an excited “Hell yeah!”.
When already dating, Josuke liked to hold you close from behind when standing in lines, be it in the supermarket, the amusement park, the cinema, or just at home when you stood up to do anything. More than once earning an annoyed whine from you since he wouldn’t let you move properly. You loved this gesture though, he just liked to feel you close.
Get ready for countless evenings where you’ll blast out 80′s bangers in his living room and he’ll drag you around, spin you and move you up and about with him as he had the time of his life dancing along. Laughter filled the house, and Tomoko was more than happy to hear you both enjoy yourselves, giving you your space as she quietly left the nights you stayed over.
Speaking of Tomoko, she adores you! Be prepared for motherly spoiling from her, from baking and cooking for you to take home for the next day to buying you new clothes every now and then when she went to the mall once she’d learnt better about your tastes.
Josuke thought it was embarrassing that his mom and his stand liked to pamper you so much, the first with her motherly shenanigans and the later with constant lingering around you, be it peeping over your shoulder into your sketchbooks, gently massaging your shoulders when you read. Damn it, his stand was almost taking his place when he did that!
You assured him with kisses and gentle smiles that it was not the case, for you loved him very, very much. More than anything, you dared say, which made the man melt and drop his face into your lap, letting you run your hand along his broad back to help him recover.
Maybe you didn’t know, but Josuke had it very clear. “She’s the one, and I’m going to keep her happy for as long as I’m possibly allowed to.” He thought to himself, quite often.
Hope this was okay dear! If you wanted more stand moments, or Josuke for a fact, do tell me! I’ll comply asap! 
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