#i'm having exporting issues πŸ˜’
mileapo Β· 4 months
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MILE PHAKPHUM Be on Game | Special On New Year 2024 ✨
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danpuff-ao3 Β· 1 year
Following my office tour from yesterday, and my fanbinding adventure from Thursday, I figured I'd show y'all my extra space and another fanbinding update!
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It's just outside of my office area. By my shoe rack because we really are running out of space πŸ˜‚
On Friday, my partner placed an order for the bulk of my binding needs! Plus: the Cricut Joy! It might be a teensy bit too small for what I wanted it for, but we'll see if I can make do. Even if not, it's still a neat thing to have!
Most of what he ordered came in yesterday, but there are a few more items coming in within the next few days! Nothing worth showing off, but all the supplies are in that blue bin!
So with that: it was time to get my first big project ready! And thus the main source of this update, which is "silly mistakes." And was mostly me screwing around in Scrivener and Adobe with vague ideas because I'm stubborn and like to figure things out on my own. πŸ™„
What I learned is: I need to figure out a setting for viewing pages in Scrivener. Which I'm fairly sure is doable. And in the meantime do this sorta work in Google Docs.
There were 2 main sources of trouble I believe. The first being: this is a bigger project than the 2 small test prints previous, and so more room to find trouble areas. The second being...I exported the projects differently 🫣 In my defense, the setting I printed my test runs in was "paperback" and I realized yesterday that...that needs to be setup, or else it exports "default." So I went with "default."
Turns out: there are differences between "default" and "paperback" but it was such a relatively small detail compared to others, that it wasn't immediately apparent. As in: I spent all night fixing other problems and got to the end, thinking myself a champion, only to realize: the text here is way too small. Like tiny.
Before this, I'd had to shift a few things between pages (not fun), add blank pages (which screwed up my page numbering), and spent way too much time trying to figure out how to fix the page numbering before I realized: I have to manually update the page numbers, because all I can do in Adobe is fix how the pages are labelled in Adobe. And it was after all that I realized my text size issue.
I'm not sure how or why because Adobe tells me the text is the same font and size as I had it in Scrivener. But the "paperback" export option 100% will print bigger. Someone more familiar with all of this than me is probably laughing but oh well.
Also did I mention I only noticed this after printing all of my signatures?
I was checking that other issues had been fixed. And the way the text printed is as tiny as it looks in Scrivener. And I originally shrank the text in Scrivener because of previous test prints. πŸ˜’
Scrivener is great for writing, but not for fanbinding apparently. Or maybe it's fine and I just need to know what the heck I'm doing haha.
Anyway, basically I exported from Scrivener into a PDF like 20 times yesterday adjusting various issues in Scrivener. Then played around in Adobe Acrobat for hours. And even then, I still had to renumber my pages again. Manually. But I finished that this morning! By like 5 AM because I wake up absurdly early.
Which means: I can print today! Maybe I'll even stitch the signatures together, that way I can focus on new skills once all my other supplies come in!
My next step will probably be to learn whether I can use the Cricut for foiling the way I wanted, but I have to wait for my foil transfer kit to come in. Once I know whether I can or not, I'll be able to move onto the rest!
Also, like, why do I have to work this week when I have a new hobby to learn?? 😭
Bonus: the painting I have above my printer!
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My mom, sister, and I did some paint class thing together a few years ago. We were all painting a "street lamp in New Orleans." I wanted to give the street a Harry Potter-esque name, but my brain came up with "Blood Dr." and I'm still to this day giggling about it. It also amuses me how gloomy and morbid it is against the brightly colored backdrop.
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