tvrningout-archived · 2 years
     @violetueur​ sent: [ ALLOW ] sender sits in receiver’s lap and proceeds to play with their hair. ( satsuki! )           from: soft action prompts
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     deft fingers work at the fabric in satsuki’s lap, stitching up the tears quickly but no less neatly before moving onto the next uniform. repairs like these are always time consuming because there’s usually so many to take care of at once. but it can’t be helped, it needs to get done, so satsuki isn’t about to complain... even if she’d rather let nicolette pull her away from her work this one time.
     she has to be responsible, though. people rely on her -- she can’t let them down. 
     but rather than leave upon learning satsuki can’t abandon her current duties, nicolette takes the kakushi by surprise, sitting upon her lap instead. satsuki’s dark eyes meet nicolette’s innocent smile, one eyebrow raised as she wraps her arms around the slayer’s waist. she doesn’t touch her otherwise, knowing very well that this is a trap to capture all her attention. she can’t very well ignore nicolette with her so close, can she? well, satsuki can certainly try, so she keeps her hands busy with the damaged uniform and her needle. 
     of course, nicolette doesn’t make ignoring her easy. before long, her fingers are combing through strands the color of ink; occasionally the slayer’s nails even scrape along her scalp, and satsuki can’t help the way she begins to lean into nicolette’s touch. she doesn’t even care as she plays right into her hand, leaning her head against nicolette’s shoulder and humming contentedly when she’s rewarded with those heavenly fingers massaging her scalp. 
     satsuki would love to know how nicolette manages to do that, to make her not care. how is it her very presence tempts the kakushi to abandon her responsibilities; how is it her touch nearly convinces her? it’s a little scary and a little frustrating, she’ll admit, how easily she’d choose nicolette over her duties, but it’s nice, too. it’s nice to allow another to see her so soft and vulnerable and know she won’t judge her for it, that she need not be so strong and rigid.
     god, has she always been this mushy?
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     “ not fair... ” satsuki murmurs as she turns her head to prop her chin on nicolette’s shoulder, which is a total mistake because their faces are so close. her gaze falls to her lover’s lips before flicking back up to nicolette’s mismatched, purple eyes. “ just a few more uniforms. ” the kakushi kisses the corner of nicolette’s mouth, a teasing, satisfied smile curling along her face as she pulls away. “ then i’m all yours. ”
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