#i'm pretty sure eddie could ask buck to help him hide a body and buck would still love him and they would still be best friends
buckttommy · 2 years
Just a question if the 118 would be in the walking dead who do you think could be the first to get bitten? (And if you think none of them will why) i'm just curious lol
This is the best question I've ever gotten. *cracks knuckles* Okay, lets get into it!
Eddie = lasts 5+ years. I mean, do I even need to explain this one? He's an army man, and he's got a son he would literally fight God to protect. He's a soft, tenderhearted boy, but he can tap into his inner murderer if he needs to. It helps that the walkers are already dead, because our boy is nothing but a master at compartmentalization, so putting them down becomes easier when he starts viewing them as sacks of rotting meat.
Buck = lasts 3+ years. His chances increase once he and Eddie join up (assuming they didn't know each other at the time of the outbreak). On his own, I think Buck would do pretty well. He's smart, he has a unique way of viewing the world, and he's a much better strategist than people give him credit for. So, I think he'd survive for a good little while once he got used to using his body how to fight.
Hen = 1 year. Honestly, I was going to say six months for Hen, but that felt pretty disrespectful. Look, the only things Hen has going for her in this scenario are the facts that she's buff and she grew up in the hood, meaning she's got street smarts. The street smarts could help her against rogue/violent groups/scavengers, but actually killing walkers? Maybe she'd do okay one-on-one, but if she has to fight off three or four at a time? RIP Hen.
Chimney = 3+ years. Now, see, this is an interesting one because Chimney's greatest strength here is going to be the fact that he is short and lean. Strong af, but lean. And since Kenny knows gymnastics, I'm just going to extrapolate that little factoid and say that Chimney is agile, so he could get out of a situation if he needed to. Can he kill a walker? Nope! He will throw up! But that's okay because his wife can.
Maddie = 10+ years. Maddie is a mama bear. She was already a badass but now that she's got a partner and a baby? Man. I almost feel bad for the walkers.
Bobby = 6mo. Well. You know, Bobby, it was nice knowing you. I'm sorry, I love my dad, but aside from strategy and leadership, this man has nothing going for him. He would not survive a zombie outbreak unless he was apart of a group that could defend him. He would absolutely make himself useful in several other ways, but when it comes to getting bitten? Well... I'm sure he'd be really tasty.
Athena = 2 years. Athena would be good at fighting and killing walkers because she is a cop and all they do is kill people hehe :)xx But as for her other strengths? I don't know. She's only 5'2". Her legs are short, so running from walkers (especially a herd) would be a bit challenging for her, I think, but like Chimney, since she's small, she could hide. I really don't see her living much longer in a world without her husband and children, though (assuming May and Harry are bitten) so.
Michael = 0 days. Man is dead on the first day fr. He steps outside before the world even knows what a walker is and gets bitten on the arm while getting some mail. RIP Michael.
So I guess that's your answer!!!
honesty hour. ask me anything
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