#i'm sooo invested to see how he is after this next time jump i hope he's well i hope he's getting better every day
felixcarlucci · 2 years
criticizing danny for cheating on his wife is 100% valid and necessary but acting like he’s evil for being taken advantage of at 19 by a woman literally old enough to be his mother who had a hand in raising him, and then him becoming an addict after that trauma + the death of his parents is Not a hot take. justice for him 😔 
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reaction2whatever · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD S1E4-S1E7
This show is looking interesting. Skye is hot, Ward is hot, May is hot too.
Up until now, they are just working on one case per episode. I'm wondering if there is a point to everything. I hope they have a bigger objective later on.
Agents of SHIELD S1E4
-men in red face masks are creepy as fuck
-Skye taking "me time" in the car is so relatable
-I love FitzSimmons hanging out with Skye, the three nerds are so adorable
-"Not the water bottle" "our parts aren't p*ni**s" the way I laughed
-"Stupid tall person" loool as a small person myself, Skye I feel your pain
-"Safety off" and magazine off lmaooooo Skye please pay attention to your training
-Gotta admit Ward in a suit is handsome
-Her eye is the camera?! oh fuck so gross and I so skipped this part
-"Superspy is ticklish" I love Skye have I mentioned that before?
-I don't understand why that eye thing doesn't also transmit audio. like if it can transmit images, then surely it should be able to transmit audio too, but I guess not, the super evil organization just happen to have forgotten about that
-EyeDoctor!Simmons is sooo cute
-This organization that controls people is definitely gonna appear again isn't it
-The card game lol Fitz is the most adorable person ever
Agents of SHIELD S1E5
-Oh no the rising tide again. Skye pleaseeee don't do anything to help them. (She's totally gonna do something to help her former friends ugghhh I can feel it approaching
-She didn't say no to knowing him ugghhh she totally knew him it's all over her face
-They are in a relationship huh. she's gonna get busted
-Skye is stunning but i'm just waiting for her to get busted at this point
-Busted by May
-Honestly busted by anyone is better than busted by MAY
-MAY is hot but she scares me
-Seeing Coulson being disappointed in Skye hurts and I'm surprised by that emotion
-Ward arresting Skye also hurts I hope she contributes to this mission and makes things right
-Simmons is the sweetest angle she's the only one still friendly to Skye and telling her about the missing button.
-Oh this boyfriend is such a hypocrite. Skye will definitely break up with him after all this
-Another episode, another person who doesn't want to be rescued
-The Chinese dialogue is soo awkward lol, especially Chan's "天生我材必有用" That's so cringe. who wrote the Chinese dialogue lol. May's Chinese is pretty good tho.
-The girl scientist deserves that tbh. She was pretty evil from the beginning
-They've tried two kidnap cases so far and both ended up with that person getting rescued dead. The success rate is not that high
-Skye's motivation was understandable. I'd also be trying to find my parents if I'm an orphan.
-She also deserved that jail bracelet lol
Agents of SHIELD S1E6
-I'm glad that FitzSimmons are still friends with Skye
-FitzSimmons mimicking Ward is the funniest thing ever
-Is it my illusion or is Fitz having a crush on Skye while Skye is shipping FitzSimmons together lol
-The cat incident between FitzSimmons is so hilarious
-I would have been pissed if someone put a cat's liver next to my lunch too Fitz, I feel you
-Oh no not Simmons! She's the cutest cinnamon roll this is not fair
-The way Fitz charged into the lab is so heroic I cannot
-Imagine charging into a lab with a possible deadly virus inside
-Fitz is my man he is so good oh god
-When Simmons talks about telling her dad first ohmyheart I cannot
-oh Ward is so handsome when he just jumped
-Jemma Simmons I'm so glad you didn't die
-oh wow the Skye and Simmons hug is so good. They are going to be such good friends aren't they
-I'm not very invested in how Coulson was brought back to life. I know it's like a thing in the plot, I just am not interested
Agents of SHIELD S1E7
-We are going to the hub huh. What is a hub anyway
-I finally figured out why they had a character like Skye
-She's basically the viewer, asking questions a viewer would, because she's an outsider like "what is a hub" "Is this level thing necessary"
-Fitz with his cart stuck is soooo funny I cannot
-Simmons packing Fitz a sandwich that's so sweet
-Fitz is too much of a sweetie to do something this dangerous I don't want him to get hurt
-Fitz and Ward are going to develop an unexpected bromance by the end of this episode aren't they
-Skye is insanely beautiful someone please send help How is she this pretty Who gave her the right
-"Bad-girl shenanigans" Simmons you are so cute
-"You certainly have a gorgeous head don't you" "I like men that are about my height but heavier than me" That's absolutely gold. Jemma Simmons please never change
-meanwhile, Skye is dying inside lmao
-Honestly Fitz is soooo brave in this mission. I feel bad about him losing his sandwich but man was he courageous and smart in this episode
-I feel like Ward finally started to respect Fitz in this episode
-Thank god Skye and Simmons figured out that there is no extraction plan
-I'm getting emotionally attached to this team ugghhh
-May is sooooo cool
-So Skye's mom is shield?
-more secrets about Skye's past? she's just a girl? why?
-I have so many questions
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 2 - “I'm gonna jump of a cliff. A relatively small cliff, but that's not the point”- Amanda Lynn
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Ruthie is a cracked ass mofo. Ashley must have gotten into her ear. Looks like me Will and Amanda have to band together against this evil.
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Remember when I said I was gonna create some chaos? Boom bitch
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I will not go through that shit show ever again that is not happening i will dismember myself before being a target again mark my words
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What the fiddlesticks?!?! I'm over.
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I don't drink but I need a glass of wine smh
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Tribal? I don't know her. Okay so the vote looked like it would be Ashley going home. I told Ruthie to vote Ashley. Obviously, Ruthie must have told Ashley and began to spin a web to vote out Zoe. They got Bryce and Abbey and Ricky along with the plan. Ruthie said Ashley had an idol, but Ashley didn't. I don't trust her and want Ruthie gone. She needs to go.
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im good at jumping to conclusions
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Tonight was CRAZY but so much fun! ALL THESE LITTLE RATS KEPT TELLING ME TO VOTE ASHLEY!  But the same little rats were telling her to vote Ricky or ME, so anyway, I told her that they were all voting for her, and I don't know she seemed busy or something, but once she finally answered me I asked her if I could tell people she had the idol... or maybe I didn't ask her that but I told people she had it and that she was going to play it.   Then I asked her if I could call her out in the tribe chat and she said YES!  So I just acted very paranoid like I just KNEW it was going to be me and that she was playing an idol, and I really think these people think I'm freaking crazy so I really tried to act the part by calling her out and saying 'DON'T WRITE MY NAME DOWN' over and over.  If someone did this that wasn't me, I would probably write their name down just because but I don't know.  Everyone kept telling me to vote Ashley and I started telling people to vote Ricky.  Ricky got wind of this and he and Abbey told me to vote Zoe, so I gladly did and Ashley and Will (I think?) voted with us and it just worked out SUPER nicely.   I feel bad for Zoe, she was really sweet and I hate being mean to a newbie when I'm like more than twice her age but I wanted to stay and I really wanted Ashley to stay.  I know I have a HUGE target painted on me for next week but I'm hoping that by then me or Ashley find the idol! I'm going to tell her to like tell people to get rid of me because I'm insane or something, and then if we find the idol we'll use it in our favor during the next tribal council! 
This is the CRAZIEST I've ever acted this early in a Survivor and the last time I played this insane it got me runner-up and I didn't win because of how cuckoo everyone thought I was but it's fun to cause a little chaos and I want to give all these newbies a game to remember!!  I hope we win this next challenge but if we don't I'm going to figure out a way to keep Ashley and I safe again.  There is ALWAYS a way to manipulate people into doing certain things you just have to like find the right buttons to press and really think things through!
OH MY GOSH, how crazy is Raffy?  HE WANTS TO ALIGN WITH ME. He says that I make things interesting and I'm SURE not gonna turn down an alliance.  I think Ashley is going to be my number one because idk how much I can trust Raffy but this is still exciting!!
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Me, Will, and Amanda are starting to form an alliance to go against Ashley and Ruthie. I've also decided that Mo should join up, since he was one of the votes that kept Zoe. It'll be hard, but we also need to somehow flip either Bryce or Abbey onto our side. Then we have majority. For now, though, I've also wanting to align myself up with Ruthie. If she truly is working with Ashley, I could see if there is any info that she could share. I don't know if I want to be a rat, but I'm going to set myself up to at least play the middle.
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Emily is a fraud and playing everoyone:))))) that is all
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So last night we had a challenge that i didn't contribute on because I fell "asleep" and I'm very scared that if we lose they might want to send me home also Michael keeps asking like is our alliance real when we haven't lost anything so there's no reason to really be plotting anything this makes me suspicious of him
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I love how well our tribe gets along. I haven't seen too much in the way of strategy becoming, like, a thing yet from what I can observe. If we lose this challenge then it will definitely emerge. I'd like to see a bit more complicated gameplay but not if it means we lose this immunity challenge
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So Michael keeps adding people to the alliance, like hoe calm down we are good we gonna be okay like I love Michael but he needs to calm down and Emily omg this girl is way to messy she's like "too much small talk lets talk game" I've also heard she's make alliances with everyone so she's messy. Ray omg I like him too but he's a inactive and Amanda Lynn is kinda bossy and I don't think she likes me lol we'll see I think if we do go to tribal it's gonna be messy
If I get voted off this round I deserve to be on all stars yas
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so besides accidentally searching for an idol in the challenge chat (sorry kids) i'm in two (2) alliances and playing the middle and literally playing everyone at the same time (except for ricky bc we're telling each other everything) and it's just... it feels right!
The Salao tribe loses immunity
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YESSS!!! We won and I'm so happy we don't have to have a messy tribal for at least a few days! Iconic.
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I'm so glad we won because I think I would actually die if I had to go to tribal again after everything last night jesus christ
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I'm glad I made an appearance for the challenge even though it was just for like 5 minutes so they can see I'm INVESTED!!  I felt so awkward when I got on and they brought up last night but oh well, I'm just glad that we won!!  Now we just have to win the next challenge!
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BITCH I AM LIVING FOR LOSING THE TRIBAL! I have a solid alliance with Amanda l, Emily and ray. Me and gwen have gotten super close. Amanda l and nayeli. And Emily and ali have as well. We have the majority of numbers and we're planning on sending aundra home! Bye bitch!
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Losing is almost always disappointing. I think it's going to be hard going into tribal because it's going to be hard to choose someone to vote out. I just hope that, however the vote goes, it doesn't cause too much tension in the tribe
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Bitches ain't shit! If no one is gonna be OTTN5 then I'll take that role!!!
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So I forgot to write this yesterday but that tribal was so iconic. Me a minority voter? its more likely than you think. At least someone liked my parchment... Ruthie is an icon and I love her. One of me/Will/Amanda/Zoe didn't vote Ashley so that's sus. But we just won a challenge so that's good. Plus in a new alliance with Mo and RATphael so here's hoping I'm set up well.
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My alliance says Francie and I couldn't be happier even though I'd much rather get out Amanda L since she a comp beast. We need her for challenges once we get close to a merge we'll cut her
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I can't believe this tribe wants to vote off francie, it might be me I don't know but these people are messy af like I was gonna vote ray cause he doesn't like Tumblr and didn't even participate but the tribe wants to vote Francie! I know this vote is gonna get messy
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TBH I wanna vote amanda out, but she actually is good at the challenges compared to a lot of these flops 
literally everyone is wanting to vote out the flop that is Francie, but I don't want to vote her out at all because what has she done? She literally is so under the radar and inactive that what does it matter?? My downfall in this game is going to be playing too hard too fast and I already know that so I need to take a back seat to this tribal.
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I read the edgic thing and im gonna try to do shit like that with in mind!<3 but anyways how do i feel? i love michael and nayeli!!! and its perfect that francie is being discussed to go home bc 1. thats not me 2. idc about her sooo yeah super sexy.  anyways tophie is super sus and we all know emily too (yes i know im in multiple alliances but its only ok when i do it). tophie was talking about leaving the bad ass alliance already like... girl theres been no conflict really theyre just not doing much and were on the same page as them with francie!!! theres no need to do shit !!!! things will probably change but atm its pretty fine
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After some confusion with my alliance I feel like I'm going home Michael is being very suspect and truthfully I'm starting not to like him like that If i go home tonight they will definitely regret it  
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The people I want to protect this week are Toph and Amanda Lynn. I'm closest with them. If Toph keeps playing how he's playing, that makes him a much bigger target than me. And I'm all for taking that boy to the end if he keeps being messy.
Francie brought up Ray to me. I'm technically in an alliance with Ray but I don't feel that I have to actually be loyal to him. If I felt that Francie could be a number to me, I would vote with her, but I don't know where her loyalties are, or if she has any. But I also feel that her not having any loyalties at the moment is beneficial to me because she would be a number in the future. The Bad Ass Alliance (Aundra, Gwen, Michael, Toph, and I) have all been talking about getting Francie out. I feel like this week we should play it safe. Toph, on the other hand, really wants to expose the Bad Ass' plan to the Four Amigos (Amanda Lynn, Ray, Toph, and I) then vote out Aundra, but I don't see any benefit in that. I was very worried about going to tribal because I KNEW Toph would explode. He's going to go crazy and I need to calm him down. A reason that Toph's plan is beneficial is that I don't feel that Aundra is going to be loyal to me and giving her name to Amanda Lynn would improve our trust. Like, Amanda Lynn, I'm looking out for you girl. (For now, at least.) I'm going to lay out the pros and cons because this is stressful. My options at the moment are Francie or Aundra. Francie pros: an easy out, no loyalties, wants to vote for someone who I am currently in an alliance with. Francie cons: could be a number to me in the future, pretty helpful in challenges, she's seventeen and once (if) I get to the merge, I want to make an alliance with all the seventeen year olds just for fun. But for real. Aundra pros: tighten my bonds with Amanda and Francie (establish loyalties with Francie), get rid of someone I'm uneasy about. Aundra cons: currently in an alliance with me, making a semi-big move very early Okay, so, what I have concluded here is that I want to get Aundra out over Francie. I could get Francie to vote with me. She could be a number. Blindsiding the Bad Ass Alliance is risky but you gotta risk it for the biscuit you feel. Someone please vote me off for using that phrase in my confessional--I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm overwhelmed. Tootles.
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Henny, I am misting everyone into voting aundra out. I literally am doing #THAT. I don't wanna say I'm controlling the tribe right now, but I am controlling the tribe right now.
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I am so glad we won!!! Strategy never fails!!! I'm glad that we can have time to get to know each other. It seems like they really know survivor so I'm a little nervous about that but I'm hoping others will be more open cause some seem a little cliquey.
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Coming at you with another voting confessional because I have MORE TO SAY. Toph has informed me that Gwen wants to make a chat with just the three of us to discuss possibly getting someone not Francie out. I'm into it.
Also, I have asked Ali if he would like to work with me and I am awaiting a response. I trust him a lot for some reason??? He just gives good vibes. I like him. And I think I could get him to vote with me. Any relationship I can form is good because I want numbers. I think I'll withhold some of these bonds I'm forming with people from Toph because he's going a little crazy and he needs to stay mellow. But he's also worrying me because he keeps telling people he trusts me like bitch didn't you want everyone to think we weren't working together?? Okay.
But now Toph is telling the Bad Ass Alliance we need to vote Amanda. I know he doesn't want to vote Amanda but he wants to make sure Michael and Aundra do, then pull Gwen to our side to flip. I can get Francie and Ali to vote Aundra, and things could go well? I hope? I'm overwhelmed.
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Holy shit. So much as changed already. So this "badass" alliance is gonna be quaking in the loafers. We plan on blindsiding the fuck out of them. After planting a little seed in aundra's head about getting about out Amanda L. That hunty actually went will the idea and now is targeting her. The whole alliance jumped in on the idea but little do they know that I rallied some double agents. Me gwen and Amanda are voting for aundra to leave because we plan on telling Amanda about aundra dragging out her name and we pln on getting francie to vote with us too because this bitch is dragging too many names boo boo. The end of the tribe will be a little like this 7 votes for aundra and 3 for amanda. Lets just say the bitch will be blindsided and shookth. Bye bye bitch!
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These hoes are so messy I'm about spill so much scalding tea here rn, so it's been like 20 minutes and already people be targeting eachother! I'm so done 
Lets finally talk about Amanda, she's okay. But she thinks she's a bad ass bitch lol I mean I don't want her out asap but I feel like she doesn't like me for some reason so what I'm gonna do for this vote is go with the group and try to blindside this chick next she's not with me catch the tea ON THAT
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Another confessional because things are moving so fast: Toph and I discussed for a while whether or not to tell Amanda about Aundra bringing up her name. I said that it was a smart move and it strengthens our bonds. So, Toph spilled the tea to Amanda about Aundra putting her name out there. I messaged both Ali and Francie and told them what's going down. Ali and I have agreed to work together and I made Francie aware that I like her, trust her, and, if she would like to, would like to work with her in the future. I don't know how she feels about me. I hope she appreciates me keeping her updated on things in the tribe since no one else seems to talk with her. I am withholding me vote at the moment just in case things change again. But, at this point, I think everyone has agreed on Aundra. Poor girl didn't realize Toph was just WAITING for her to say something like that to he could expose her iafkdjafnd. I'm glad my name has not been brought up. Better Aundra, Amanda, and Francie over me.
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I'm screaming. This vote has gone from francie, to amanda, and now to aundra. I AM LIVING FOR THESE FLIPS
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WE WON THE CHALLENGE! I'm so happy for our tribe. If it wasn't for Will and Abbey we would have never gotten this far. Though Jay did say that there is something special after tomorrow's tribal. I'm scared it might be a tribe swap. I just situated myself in an alliance with Amanda, Will, Mo, and Bryce. Ruthie is also a side ally. I'm using her to know her idol searches and so she keeps me posted about the other side. Ashley and me don't really get along. Not like we hate each other, but we haven't really connected that well. The outsiders of the tribe I feel are Ricky and Ashley. I don't know anyone who frequently talks to them. However,  last night's tribal proves that Ruthie is cracked and Ashley is strategic. I don't know if they are working together. It doesn't seem like it based on my conversations with Ruthie, but you never know. It is likely. I'm just happy I can take a break for once.
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I might be going home lol
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Have I mentioned that I hate Guess Who? Because I really hate it. .5 seconds after the challenge, Toph bursts on our alliance with Emily saying AUNDRA WANTS AMANDA OUT BC SHE'S PLAYING TO HARD TOO FAST and I'm like ???? <insert the math meme here> Like I've only been doing the challenges and trying to avoid tribal? How is that playing to hard too fast??? So I spring into panic mode and talk to everyone and theyre all saying they don't wanna vote me out but like how do I know? So I get Nayeli to form an alliance with me and Michael and she wants Gwen and he wants Ali so now I have a 5 person alliance with them, as well as a four person alliance with Toph, Emily, and Ray. I'm in an alliance with everyone except for Francie and Aundra, which honestly is fine, bc Aundra can go now and Francie can go next, since I'm sure she's been idol searching. Ugh I hate this. I'm currently trying to get everyone to vote early so I don't have to spend all day tomorrow panicking. If I get voted out over Guess Who, BECAUSE OF FREAKING JT THOMAS, I'm gonna jump of a cliff. A relatively small cliff, but that's not the point.
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My grub is voting Amanda L off which is what I wanted and I couldn't be happier but if someone flips I'll know who it is
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I still love Will with all my heart and he's my number 1.
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I'm hungry and am craving chicken tenders
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It's 6am and I'm still just as paranoid as I was last night. My name has never been thrown around this early and I hate it. I didn't think I could do worse than my Malaysia placement, but I just might here. In my own series. That bothers me a little, but what bothers me more is that I might not get to play with Abbey and that's really the main reason I wanted to play in this game. I dont know I guess I'm just worried because I am a seasoned player. Everyone else on my tribe has never played a Survivor game, or ORG in general, before this one (besides Ray, but nobody seems to care about that). I feel like being the only veteran player on this tribe can be a disadvantage because if enough of the newbies feel threatened, they can just team up and take me out. I feel confident that Emily and Toph won't vote against me. I feel like I can trust Ray. I'm hoping I can trust Michael (since he was one of the people that told me Aundra was coming after me), Nayeli, Ali and Gwen. I'm really sketch about Francie. She's been searching for the idol early in the mornings and I'm fairly confident she has a clue. Which I don't care about her searching, but if she has it and played it on Aundra, I'm screwed. IF all these people are telling me the truth and IF I can trust them.... it might not hurt to throw my vote at Francie, in case there were an idol play. All 8 votes for Aundra would cancel out, and it wouldbe a 1-1 tie between me and Francie. But do I want to raise suspicion? Do I actually trust that everyone is telling me the truth and my misvote wont send me home? I dont know. I really hope everyone votes early and we have an early tribal because I dont know if I can last another 14 hours with my anxiety this high.
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Amanda is so paranoid like girl Calm tf down you're good, watch this girl be paranoid and watch me get voted off 1-0 by aundra using an idol I'm so not here for it
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Okay I feel a little bit better after going over numbers in my head. I know I have Emily and Toph. And Ali and I are really close. I think I talk to him more than anyone else, honestly. I expressed my concern to him about people lying to me, and he said everyone has told him they are voting Aundra, not just the people in our alliance. He said Ray and Francie both said they are voting for Aundra. While I'm still sketchy about Francie, I am confident Ray is on my side. That's 5 anyway. The worst that could happen if people are lying to me (besides and idol play) is that it ties. And at that point, I need to beg for my life that my side doesn't flip. 8 hours and counting until tribal. Ugh.
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I have submitted my vote! Aundra was targeting an ally of mine, Amanda, and that's not something I'm down with. But I have to acknowledge that everyone likes Amanda and everyone was willing to vote Aundra out the second they heard Amanda was in danger. She has a killer social game and while I think that I could be at the top of her allies list, I still need to watch out. She seems trustworthy, loyal, and overall a good ally, but she is still a huge target and it would be foolish of me not to recognize it.
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I feel really solid about this alliance I just hope these people are loyal you don't know anything in this game to be honest
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I FOUND THE IDOL!!!! I am ecstatic about this. Rafael helped me extremely by telling me where he has already looked and we exchanged the places we looked at and thanks to him, I found it! I owe him big, but I know that I can't tell anyone about my newfound discovery. He can easily throw me under the bus if he's in danger and I can't have that happen. I love the kid, but you can't trust anyone except yourself in Survivor.
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LAST WORDS:  Well... I was the second person out which is not how wanted this experience to go but I'm not bitter and the fact that they thought I was a threat means I did something right. Truthfully I was to excited to play the game and that's what put a target on my back. Hopefully Toph or Gwen wins cause I liked them Michael is a rat a hope the door bite him and Amanda where it hurts
Aundra becomes the second boot of the season.
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