#i'm sorry this took so long anon-chan i got lost in the bayverse sauce for a bit there
luckycharms1701 · 6 months
Okay but imagine rise!Mikey painting but using your skin as his canvas.
I mean, he's always painting on his brothers' shells so what difference would your arm or the length of your back make?
anon-chan. it's like you read my mind. how does it feel to be a telepath?
i just. imagine. the first time is just a funny moment. he draws a silly little face on your hand while you're sleeping. you laugh about it when you wake up.
after that he gets more comfortable, and you are regularly as decorated as his brothers. he loves how the difference in skin tone changes the colors, and spends a lot of time experimenting on you.
you don't tell him, but you take a picture of every single doodle and painting before you wash it off. they are your treasures.
then he tells you he wants to try a larger painting, can he paint your back? you honestly don't think much of it until you are taking your shirt off. he's waiting for the go ahead that you're ready on the other side of his door.
maybe he won't notice your blush when you're on your stomach, you hope as you lay down and tell him you're ready, come on in!
he bounces in and is so normal about it that you find yourself relaxing, at least until the first brush stroke against your back. he asks if it's too cold as shivers wrack through you. you tell him it's fine, you'll get used to it, please continue.
so mikey continues as you try to keep your suffering to a minimum. you hadn't expected this to feel so intimate. every brush stroke feels like a caress, and when his fingers go to smudge a line or remove some stray paint you feel faint.
when he's (finally) done and the paint is dry and you see what he's painted, you can't breathe.
a giant bouquet covers your back. sunflowers mix with marigolds and daffodils dance along with orange tulips. in the middle of the bouquet is a large, highly detailed orange rose.
you reach for him and his lips meet yours halfway.
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