#i'm writing this about scaramouche but to be fair it happens a lot with any short guy in genshin
torgawl · 2 years
maybe this is a hot take but i think there's a difference between having empathy for a character or feeling protectiveness over them and straight up infantilising the character in question, and i unfortunately see the latter quite a lot
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snow-slayer · 1 year
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice) D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Many thanks! I will enjoy most of these XD
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice) I'm just not a fan of Jack and Ashi. I was super hoping for a mentor/mentee dynamic and not a ship. Do I get why it happened and does it make sense that Jack fell for her? Yeah, but also I'm 100% busy shipping some bots.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice) For a fandom I'm not in: Soljiwan from Nevertheless. Sorry @nothing-of-a-builder! I wanted to be into it to read your fanfics because I know they're good, but I'm just not feeling it. Hit me up with Kirisaya though! Check out all the fics here (including some Franmouche content that stabs me in the heart every time I read it) For a fandom I am in: Probably Scaramouche and Demongo. I love Scaramouche and I'll take whatever fanart/fanfics exist of him with whoever, but this just isn't my ship.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike) Can I go with Vile (Megaman X) on this? Maybe it's sort of cheating by assuming people think I like him a lot more than I do. I don't really care for him and he's annoying and definitely didn't enjoy listening to him in Maverick Hunter X BUT I love what he represents, and that's not being on either side, which was especially well done in Maverick Hunter X. It's funny because I did cosplay as him and it's one of my better costumes, but it's honestly because I went to a foam armor making class for beginners and we made a helmet that suited him so perfectly. I don't think he would have been an option otherwise. Long story short, I like Vile as a concept, not a character.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why Sorry, calling out Scaramouche and Demongo again (which I want to say the ship name for is Fandango, not to be confused with the OC character Fandango XD). I wrote a fanfic for it (and also, sorry everyone, 'tis my least favorite fic I wrote with Scaramouche) and consumed all the content, but after I was blessed/cursed with Franmouche, that was it. This is the ship!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything) You will see a theme later but I'm too tired to want to defend fandom stuff that hard, especially since this is headcanons ask. I will say I love writing Francis as a demiromantic, sex-neutral ace. Love seeing him other ways, too, but this is the primary way I write him.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms Francis the Mercenary - Samurai Jack (honorable mention to Scaramouche, always), Boomer Kuwanger - Megaman X, Mr. Freeze - Batman, Maximillion Pegasus - YuGiOh, N. Gin - Crash Bandicoot
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms Franmouche (Scaramouche x Francis) - Samurai Jack; Mr. Freeze x Nora - Batman, N. Gin x N. Brio - Crash Bandicoot.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships Franmouche - massage, hurt/comfort; Scaramouche x Fandango - interfacing while linked; Gal x Jared - mutual masturbation, voyeurism/exhibitionism; Fandango x Ginkgo - aftercare, cuddling, hurt/comfort, the finance pillow talk; Riddler x Devin (OC) - praise, pampering, katoptronphilia
X - top 5-10 characters who are yoUR PRECIOUS BABIES AND YOU WILL DIE DEFENDING THEM Immediately, I am rebelling because I've killed my favorites at least once, I'LL DO IT AGAIN! In seriousness though, I suppose if I read this in "I'm taking them away from you and you have to fight to keep enjoying them" then definitely: Francis, Scaramouche, Mr. Freeze, N. Gin, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Scooby-Doo, Freddy Krueger, Maximillion Pegasus, Joltik, Boomer Kuwanger.
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
Yoyoyoyo I absolutely adore your blog and I'm so happy to see one more awesome genshin impact writer here :3 May I get a Childe coming home to snez'whateveritscalled' only to find his siblings surrounding his s/o who he thinks let him go without a goodbye? :D I meed lots of angst with a huge happy ending 🙏🏻💜😭
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of familial death, possible spoilers.
Other comments - Hello!! I am so glad that you are enjoying my writing!! (//▽//) I did have a little bit of trouble really understanding what you were asking for but I think I got it in the end I hope!! I can only hope that this lives up to what you were asking for! Again thank you so much for the request!! This also ended up being a lot longer than I originally thought, but halfway through I just got so in the zone.
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      Childe was in a bad mood and everyone felt it. He had been summoned to go on another mission with the other Harbingers by the Tsaritsa and was expecting a goodbye from you. When he went to his place of residence though, you were absolutely no where to be found, with no note or anything said to his siblings about where you were going. To say the very least that was incredibly strange of you, but of course he had duties to attend to so he couldn’t try to look for you; so the best he could do was ask his siblings to relay the message to you and hope that you got back to him. 
      Now this of course soured his mood, not as much as getting a letter from his siblings stating that they were able to relay the message but still not hearing anything from you. For gods sake what has come of you?! No goodbye at all?! It is one thing to not be able to see you on the day he was leaving, but to not even try sending him a letter to explain yourself?!
      It was an understatement to say that Childe was pissed, there was a full blown fury raging inside of his head; though underneath all of this rage was concern. Had he done something to drive you away? Why had you disappeared from him without a trace? Did you regret being with him? He knew how dangerous it was to keep you around, and how frustrating it must’ve been for you to deal with his unruly work schedule of being a Harbinger, so it would make sense for you to try and leave. Now he wasn’t only mad at you, he was even angrier with himself. There must’ve been something he was doing wrong, why wouldn’t you have talked to him about it though. Was he really that unapproachable to you? Have you been lying to him when you said you loved him? 
      “Oi Childe what the hell has gotten into you?” Scaramouche was not one to inquire about the others personal lives, but this was getting really annoying and it was bothering everyone. 
      “Piss off Scaramouche.” Something flashed in Scaramouche’s eyes when he was spoken to with such disrespect. 
      “It’s Balladeer to you, fuckwit. Do not forget that even if you are a harbinger I am still superior to you.” In a flash Scaramouche was as in Childe’s face as he could, with of course a little trouble being shorter.
      “My apologies.” Childe sighed out through gritted teeth. At this point, Scaramouche had no more interest with holding conversation with the taller man, so he simply walked away for someone else to address. 
      Childe knew this was ridiculous, but he couldn’t get out of whatever funk he was in. It was starting to show to his ‘clients’ if you could even call them that. He was much more harsh when collecting debts and left almost no wiggle room for them to try and come up with such large amounts of Mora in the short amount of time he was giving them. 
      He wanted all of this to be over. He didn’t want to have to be in Liyue anymore, he didn’t want to have to keep scheming with the other Harbingers. He just wanted to see his siblings and you again; but in all honesty he doesn’t know what he would do if you had shown yourself to him right now. Would he reject you outright? Would he lose his carefully crafted temper? It was probably for the best that he wasn’t going back to Snezhnaya anytime soon.
      Unfortunately, it turned out that he was going to be back to Snezhnaya a lot sooner than he hoped, rage bottled up in him ready to pop like a fizzy drink shaken for hours on end. He knew it wasn’t a good idea for him to go back to his place of residence so soon; and there was a part of him that was hoping you wouldn’t be there when he got back. He knew it would hurt even more, but it was probably the safest thing for you; now of course his siblings wouldn’t let you get hurt and you had a vision too so you knew how to defend yourself but still he didn’t want to let it get to the point where any of that was necessary, you would for sure leave then.
      You on the other hand had just gotten back to Childe’s residence, and were surrounded by his siblings all asking you questions of your whereabouts; Teucer being especially nosy as ever. You always had a special relationship with the little boy, as he was the first to warm up to you. You didn’t hesitate to tell them where you were, and continued to apologize profusely for vanishing so suddenly. You also explained that you had tried to find time to write Tartaglia many times, but was never able to finish a letter. The siblings warned you of Tartaglia as they knew he was going to be upset when he came home, but you could only hope that he would let you explain.
      Soon enough, while you were surround by the siblings telling stories and giving out souvenirs from your trip, a loud door creaked open. You all knew who it was, as the sound of Tartaglia’s heavy footsteps were hard to miss, as well as seeing Teucer bolt from his seat to find his beloved older brother. Your blood ran cold when you made eye contact with Tartaglia, the air thick and uncomfortable. You slowly stood up taking a couple steps forward.
      “Um... Hello Tartaglia-” You immediately stopped in your tracks as you watched Tartaglia’s fists curl up into a ball.
      “Out.” You eyes widened in disbelief as you let of an uncomfortable laugh.
      “Don’t you want me to explain-” You were in complete and utter shock with how the copper haired man was acting.
      “Get out (y/n). Get out right now before I do something I might regret later. I leave for weeks and you don’t even have the decency to write me a goodbye? Just get out.” In the time span of this exchange, Teucer had made it back over to you and was now clinging to your hand. You looked down at him, then back at the other siblings giving them a small smile and mouthing the words ‘I will find a way to get you the rest of your souvenirs I promise’.
      You knew you had began to overstay your welcome when you saw Tartaglia’s fist tighten even more and begin to shake. Without another word and a quick ruffle of Teucer’s hair, you ran out past him, for the first time actually scared of him. You made it a point to not look him in the eyes as you ran past, scared of the look on the tall mans face.
      Was this really how your relationship with him was going to end? With a misunderstanding? For now you needed to find another place to stay so you didn’t freeze to death in the cold, so as of now Tartaglia was the least of your worries.
      “What were you all doing just now?” Tartaglia approached the quiet group.
      “(Y/n) had brought us souvenirs from her trip!” Teucer was the first to speak, quite oblivious to the obvious tension in the room.
      “Well throw them away.” This dark tone in Tartaglia’s voice made everyone uneasy. There were many loud protests including Teucer.
      “They are from her family! Her mother made them for us!” One of the older siblings voices, Tonia the older sister, rang through the now quiet room.
      “What?” (Y/n)’s family? They never talked about their family with Tartaglia before. That’s where their were? Had something happened to them?
      “Yeah! (Y/n) was saying how they had gotten a very urgent letter from their mother, stating that their father had fallen incredibly ill, and that he was likely not  going to last much longer. They left to visit with them and make sure that the funeral ran as smoothly as possible for their mother’s sake. In return their mother made all of these. You would have known that if you let them explain themselves. But of course you didn’t. This also explains why they weren’t able to write you. They have their own life to attend to Tartaglia.” Tonia’s voice was loud and harsh.
      “You of all people should understand what it is like to have a family member fall ill, you know the situation with father and all.” They were right, Tartaglia was being incredibly selfish. He didn’t even let you explain yourself, too wrapped up in his own feelings to even try and consider yours. God how could he have been so foolish. He knew you wouldn’t have just gotten up and left without a good reason, he was supposed to trust you! How could he have done this. Not only did he just send you out completely alone in the freezing cold, you father just passed away!
      “I’ll be right back I have to find them.” Tartaglia left as quickly as he arrived, already fearing the worst.
      You on the other hand weren’t fairing too much better. 
      “How did I just lose two of the most important people to me in the span of a couple weeks? He didn’t even let me explain myself! I just... I don’t know.” You were sitting in the neatly made bed, inside of the nearest Inn you could find. You couldn’t stop the hot tears from running down your already red face from the cold. Stifled sobs wracked through your body as you held the small Tartaglia doll your mother had knit for him. You shoved your face further into your fathers old scarf, trying desperately to stop the tears.
      It was deadly silent, besides the sound of your soft crying and sniffles when you heard a loud banging against your door. It sound frantic and urgent, which scared you as you pulled out your weapon, your vision coming to life. You slowly approached the door, rubbing the last of the tears off your face. When you looked through the small peephole through the door, standing in front was a panting and shivering Tartaglia, once again desperately pounding on your door.
      “(Y/n) please! Please answer the door! I know this is your room, I asked the Inn keeper!” You quickly stowed away the weapon and hid the small doll before cracking the door open. Even though you had stopped crying, it was still very evident with your puffy eyes and red face.
      Before you could open the door any further Tartaglia shoved his way in, immediately wrapping his arms around you in a vice like grip; scared that if he let go you would disappear. 
      “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, I should’ve let you explain I am so sorry. (Y/n) please forgive me. I just thought you didn’t enjoy being with me anymore and I got so scared that you had left with someone else. I know now that, that was indeed stupid of me to think. I trust you and I know you wouldn’t have done that I just-” You silenced him by shoving your head into his chest, beginning to cry once more. 
      “Please it’s my fault I should’ve found time to write you I was just so busy with the funeral and with mom I just..” Your words came out choppy as you tried to speak through quiet sobs. Tartaglia’s hands found your cheeks as he cupped them and forced you to look up.
      “Do not blame yourself my love. I know how hard having an ill parent is like.” Soft leather covered thumbs began wiping away tears, as you continued to cry.
      After a while, you finally were able to calm down and decided now would be a good time to show Tartaglia his gift.
      “My mother made you a gift too. She knits when she is stressed which is why all your siblings have knitted souvenirs like scarves or hats, she knows it gets cold here. I asked her to make something special for you though.” You extend a shaky hand with the small knitted doll to Tartaglia as he stared, eyes flicking from you, down to the doll, back to you, then down to the doll again. A wide bright smile finds his face, as tears begin to well up in his eyes; gently taking the doll from you.
      “It’s wonderful I must meet this woman, I have to thank her not only for this gift, but bringing the love of my life into the world.” A rosy blush dusts his face as he rubs his eyes, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, then your nose, then your lips.
      “Come now, we must give the rest of the gifts out. I apologize for interrupting. You must also resume your stories from your trip.”
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