#i've been wanting to explore revie's religious side a little more
dalishborne · 5 months
DRABBLE: A Prayer In The Woods
Tendrils of incense smoke curled into the air like fading tree roots, and wrapped Revenelan in the smokey-sweet scent of myrrh and sage. In the midst of the dense woods, she knelt before a great oak tree, her head bowed. Streaks of blood dripped through the ridges like red rivers where her hand pressed against the grooves of old carvings etched into its bark. Revenelan, now Keeper of the word of the Creators, recognized this gift left by her people of the past—a tribute to The Merciful One, to whom she brought incense and bird feathers as an offering.
“Falon’Din, Our Guide,” she whispered reverently, her eyes tightly shut, reaching into the depths of her desperation for the Gods’ favour. “Bestow your holy light on our path, guide us thither from plague and famine, from scarcity and fear. Lead us not to the Beyond, but beyond the hardships that threaten our strength and safety. Grant us the swiftness of the Owl’s wing and the vigilance of its sight. Falon’Din, Lethanavir, I earnestly beseech you.”
After a deep breath, Revenelan peeled her hand away from the tree, revealing the complete etching. Pointed-eared figures bowed to a larger, greater character that bore the head of an owl, encircled by swirling shapes signifying a benevolent power—the red, bloody imprint of Revenelan’s palm on Falon’Din’s face; her pledge of servitude. She took a moment to reflect, then picked off the pieces of wood from her wound, and engulfed it in the warm, green glow of a healing spell. Soon, the burn and ache of split skin prickled into a comfortable numbness as it mended at her command. Then, with a final farewell, Revenelan gathered her things, and vanished into the forest to rejoin her clan with a strengthened resolve.
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