#i've seen a lotta ppl say it's a miracle dropout made it and not a replicable thing
skullinahat · 2 months
(warning: all phrases with quotes around them are things i dont fully understand.) the last thing is that watchertv is being run through vimeoOTT, the same service dropout uses. interestingly, vimeo was originally started within collegehumor, which means it was later owned by IAC, the "holding company" that sold collegehumour to sam reich and now is a "minority owner" of dropout. Dropout was started before IAC killed collegehumor and sold it to sam, so vimeo and collegehumor and dropout where all closely connected and owned by IAC when dropout began. vimeo was "spun off" of IAC in 2021. i'm very curious if the rates that dropout pays vimeo were effected at all by them both beginning in collegehumor and being owned by the same company, and if those rates changed after 1. collegehumor died and 2. vimeo was spun off.
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