#id like to be a psychologist there but it depends on. a variety of things
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sovindep · 5 years
Top Choices of Psychology Theories and Nursing
Top Choices of Psychology Theories and Nursing
The Unexposed Secret of Psychology Theories and Nursing
In the event the outcome of the change project is reached, then you find it possible to produce your change permanent. Ultimately the purpose is to encourage the delivery of the best quality of care. essay writer Although, it’s often simpler to describe development than to explain the way that it occurs.
The Downside Risk of Psychology Theories and Nursing
Science progresses as scientists are forced to modify their paradigms. Assistance may be in the form of teaching, encouragement or physical assistance. The Cognitive Behavioral Theory states that individuals have a tendency to form self-concepts that influence the behavior they display.
Top Choices of Psychology Theories and Nursing
The second phase of the nursing procedure is diagnosing. essay writer Additional a huge part of superior patient care is dependent on preventative measures. Caring for Patients Commonly thought of as bedside manner, the manner that you communicate with and care for patients can get an effect on the patient’s mental state and total awareness of well-being.
There are a lot of different child growth theories that are dedicated to various regions of growth and development. It is critical to bear in mind, that most jobs consist of multiple sub-sets of tasks from several domains, requiring a variety of skills. essay writer There are lots of different child development theories that are devoted to several regions of growth and development.
Then the ego works out the ideal approach to satisfy the id needs of the kid. In health care organizations, Knowles theory is vital for the reason it lets them look after any sort of health problem for a procedure for maintaining safety on the job place. Parsimonious theories reduce the reach of variables to take into account when making moment-to-moment decisions.
A Secret Weapon for Psychology Theories and Nursing
Nurses who are employed in the private sector often do the job for private organizations which are typically for-profit and several have religious affiliation. Take into consideration how children become adults. After acquiring adequate information regarding the subject, it’s easier for the student to think of a relevant and suitable essay topic.
The nurse assists anybody to adapt many unique stimuli. The procedure is more confusing once the writer cannot come up with the most suitable topic for their paper. The usage of the nurse as client advocate is going to be emphasized.
Want to Know More About Psychology Theories and Nursing?
The ego is often viewed as the typical sense portion of our personality and usually starts in the very first month or two of living. essay writer Some could have an excellent sense of humor, some can be perpetually fearful, and others might have a strong defiant streak. Let’s take a close look at a number of the essential theories of child development.
You may be dealing with a superb idea. If you’re knowledgeable about a theory and would like to make and maintain a page, please get in contact with us to speak about your ideas. A great deal of distinct theories are developed in a try to spell out the many facets of human growth.
Contemplating the importance of essay topics towards writing impeccable essays, it is critical for students to understand how to pick the best essay topics. Other people concentrate on specific elements of child development like personality, cognition, and moral growth. For instance, behavioral theories demonstrated how conditioning can be utilized to learn new info and behaviors.
It is crucial to comprehend how borrowed theory can help you in your everyday atmosphere for a nurse. The important concepts of a particular theory are its constructs. The significant concepts of a particular theory are its constructs.
It is crucial to comprehend how borrowed theory can aid you in your everyday atmosphere for a nurse. There are a number of methods to categorize nursing theories. Nursing theories revolve around the phenomena of nursing.
This mental wellness nursing examines the emotional and behavioral components of their illness to form a treatment program. An industrial psychologist needs a wide variety of professional skills to be prosperous. Just because practising nurses utilize nursing theories doesn’t mean they are theorising about nursing.
It might be difficult for the teachers who are accustomed to the conventional technique of teaching for many decades. There are several different fields of psychology that somebody can select for their career. Besides helping you build a wide foundation in psychology, our on-line master’s in psychology is intended to improve your knowledge in the region of concentration which best fits your career and educational objectives.
Nursing is many things to a lot of men and women. Nursing is a career which requires a whole lot of distinct skills together with a consistent degree of high-quality care for a patient. Nurses have to be able to be aware of the emotional reactions from patients and be in a position to take care of their patient’s emotional needs and their physical needs for optimal well-being.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
FOMO3D Ethereum ponzi game R1 ends as hot play outmaneuvers bots
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/08/fomo3d-ethereum-ponzi-game-r1-ends-as-hot-play-outmaneuvers-bots/
FOMO3D Ethereum ponzi game R1 ends as hot play outmaneuvers bots
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The $3 million jackpot goes to one clever human in a sea of robots.
FOMO3D has a little something for everyone. The psychologists can marvel at a study in pure greed, the anthropologists can trace it against the fascinating history of ponzi games on the blockchain and the engineers and gamblers can throw money into the pot for a chance at the jackpot. At the end of the first round, this turned out to be 10,469ETH, worth about US$3 million.
In its simplest terms, FOMO3D is a game where everyone throws money into a pool. The round ends when no one’s thrown money at it for 24 hours. At this point, the last person to throw money into the pool gets to walk away with a huge jackpot. There are a few more peripheral elements, like dividends paid out from the pool, to keep things interesting.
As you can see, people would be loath to let the timer tick down to zero if it means someone else walks away with the jackpot, so people just keep adding more money on top. To this end, most players ended up using bots that automatically pulled Ether from pre-funded accounts and put it into the game, just to prevent the timer from ticking away while they aren’t looking.
Enter the hot play.
Never send a robot to do a human’s job
The round ended, as FOMO3D founder “Justo” explained, when someone manually outplayed the bots, for a much more skillful and spectacular finish than anyone was expecting. The play involved manually filling up Ethereum blocks to prevent the bots from entering their transactions to the game. Easier said than done.
Scoping out the opposition
The player spent about 40 to 50 Ether (about US$12,000 to $14,000) on training in the week before game day. This training involved sending transactions to scope out the opposing bots and seeing how they react to different situations. Classic penetration testing, if you will.
The task given to the bot opposition is relatively simple. It’s just to make a series of transactions, automatically buying game keys (throwing money into the pool) before the timer runs out.
But like any Ethereum spend-bot, they need to know how much to attach in transaction fees at a given time. If it’s too low the transaction might not go through in time and if it’s too much it’s just plain expensive.
The human player found two main types of bot arrayed against them: the “fast” variety and the “standard” variety. Those names refer to this kind of thing:
Basically the fast bots attach higher fees to their transactions, while the standard bots attach lower fees to theirs. Fees are denominated in Gwei, each of which is a billionth of an Ether.
That 40–50 Ether spent on testing was intended to find out exactly how both of these bot types actually calculate their transaction fees. With that knowledge, the player can then look for a way to outplay them, by buying up all the space on each block in a way that the bots can’t respond to.
Game day
The bots would naturally adjust to current gas prices in order to keep making their transactions, but after all that testing the player found that they didn’t respond accurately to sudden spikes and that both bots would tend to submit transactions at the average price.
The play itself was to keep doing the following:
Buying gas for about 60% of the space on a block for 15 Gwei.
Then buying gas for about 35% of the space on a block for 190 Gwei.
Then buying the rest of the gas, that last 5%, for 500 Gwei.
The first two, with their relatively high transaction fees, would get picked up by miners almost immediately. The bots would then adjust their transaction fees to the new benchmark, of closer to 190 or closer to 15 Gwei in gas depending on whether it’s a fast or a standard bot, to get their transaction onto that remaining 5%.
But with the player following it up with a 500 Gwei transaction, neither was enough to go through.
“Now they panicked… a lot, and didn’t manage to do this flawlessly,” Justo said. “But it did work long enough to trick the bots.”
With the bot transactions locked out and the player’s transactions going through, they were able to run out the timer and scoop the jackpot. That’s $3 million well earned. Now that everyone knows about it, of course, the same trick is unlikely to work again.
Round two has kicked off and so far there’s about 1,300ETH in the pool. Only time will tell how this one ends, or if it ever does.
Disclosure: At the time of writing the author holds ETH, IOTA, ICX, VET, XLM, BTC, ADA
Disclaimer: This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of cryptocurrency or any specific provider, service or offering. It is not a recommendation to trade. Cryptocurrencies are speculative, complex and involve significant risks – they are highly volatile and sensitive to secondary activity. Performance is unpredictable and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Consider your own circumstances, and obtain your own advice, before relying on this information. You should also verify the nature of any product or service (including its legal status and relevant regulatory requirements) and consult the relevant Regulators’ websites before making any decision. Finder, or the author, may have holdings in the cryptocurrencies discussed.
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Picture: Shutterstock
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republicstandard · 6 years
Dear Liberals: It’s not "Rednecks" who are Inbred
The Inspector General (IG)’s latest report, capturing exchanges from as many as five FBI agents under investigation, exposed the intense hatred and contempt that the Deep State has not just for President Trump, but for the average American who voted for him. A sample exchange:
Agent One: “I find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you don’t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf.” Agent Five: “I forgot about Drumpf…that’s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him. Someone who can’t answer a question. Someone who can’t be professional for even a second.” Agent Five: “I’m trying to think of a ‘would I rather’ instead of spending time with those people.” Agent One: “stick your tongue in a fan??” Agent Five: “I would rather have brunch with Trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from Ohio that are retarded.” (sic)
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That last comment from Agent Five is the smug refrain of coastal cosmopolitans that America’s rednecks are incestuous retards, but the reality is quite different. You see, it’s not the working class whites -who actually make the country go- with average IQs literally at or below clinical mental retardation. The much-maligned “hicks” of West Virginia have an average IQ of almost 99. There are two population groups —one of them quite prominent in the media and entertainment industries committed to perpetuating such a portrayal of America’s working class— who have serious genetic issues related to inbreeding.
For point of reference, here is a list of the countries with average IQs at or below 70, which has been considered to be a marker of "definite feeble-mindedness" or "mild mental retardation": Sudan, Sierra Leone, the Congo, Zimbabwe, Senegal, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica, the Central African Republic, Tanzania, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Botswana, Rwanda, Togo, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Malawi, Niger, Angola, Burkina Faso, Chad, Haiti, Djibouti, Somalia, Swaziland, Dominica, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, the Gambia, Cameroon, Gabon, Mozambique, St. Lucia, East Timor, Ghana, and Equatorial Guinea. Nigeria would also qualify if you removed the Igbo. Does anything stick out to you?
Regarding inbreeding, globally about half of all Muslim marriages are consanguineous (blood related), usually between first cousins or an uncle and niece, while the rate is about 1% in Europe (largely attributable to the “migrants”) and 0.2% in the US. Carlisle du Rozel reports:
According to Bengali ex-Muslim essayist Abul Kaseem, the product of rampant phenomena of inbreeding in Islam is due to several things, but two stick out in particular: 1) interpretations of the Qu’ran which permits a Muslim man to marry and have intercourse with his daughter born out of wedlock (usually 8 or 9 years old), and 2) the popular and widely accepted practice of cousin-marriage initiated by the Prophet Muhammed himself, who infamously had relations with his cousins outside of marriage (Tirmidhi 5.3214).
The consequences can be severe. Medical data shows that while British Pakistanis are 3 percent of all births, they account for over 30 percent of children in the UK born with genetic illnesses, costing the NHS at least about 600 million pounds per annum. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55% of Britain’s Pakistani population was married to a first cousin; in Pakistan itself, 70% of all marriages are consanguineous. British scientist Steve Jones explains:
It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually closer than marrying your cousin. We should be concerned about that as there can be a lot of hidden genetic damage. Children are much more likely to get two copies of a damaged gene.
Consanguineous marriages result in an average IQ deficit of about 15 points. The risk for having an IQ lower than 70 increases by 400% among the offspring of first cousin marriages. It also increases aggression, lowers impulse control, and dramatically elevates the risk of a whole host of medical disorders. The Danish “migrant” community offers another illuminating case study. From the newspaper Jydskevestkysten:
Immigrant children are clearly overrepresented in Copenhagen’s schools for retarded children and children with physical handicaps. … 51 percent of the children in the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and mental handicaps have an immigrant background and in one of the schools the amount is 70 percent. … These amounts are significantly higher than the share of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. The many handicapped children provide clear evidence that there are many intermarried parents in the immigrant families.
From B.T.:
Disabled immigrant children costs Danish municipalities millions. In Copenhagen County alone, the number of disabled children has increased 100 percent in 10 years…[Social worker] Meredith Lefelt has contacted 330 families with disabled children in Copenhagen. She estimates that one third of their clients have a foreign cultural background.
The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit found that:
Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading abilities - 64 percent are illiterate. ... No matter if it concerns reading abilities, mathematics or science, the pattern is the same: The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.
From Kristeligt Dagblad:
In Sct. Hans Hospital, which has the biggest ward for clinically insane criminals in Denmark, more than 40 percent of the patients have an immigrant background.
In Denmark, the number of inbred Muslims ranges from Pakistanis at 40% to Turks at 15%. The rate of inbreeding in Turkey itself is about 25-30%. For Islam, this is pretty low. While in India the Muslim rate of cousin marriage is 22%, the rate spikes to 40% in Jammu and Kashmir. Between 20-28% of Morocco’s marriages are of the cousin variety. 35-50% of sub-Saharan African marriages are estimated to be between blood relations, with Nigeria’s rate highly variable depending on the tribe: Hausas (percentage unknown) and Yorubas (51.2%) practice it; Igbos ban it. 34% of all marriages in Algieria are consanguine, with Tunisia at 39% and Syria at 40%. About 40% of the population marries a cousin in Egypt, according to a 2016 report in The Economist. “Rates are thought to be even higher in tribal countries such as Iraq and the Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait,” says the Economist.
Statistical research on Muslim-majority countries shows that up to 42% of all marriages in Lebanon are consanguine (blood related), as are 45% in Yemen, 46% in Bahrain, 47% in Mauritania, 48% in Libya, 54% in Qatar, 54% in the United Arabic Emirates, 56% in Oman, 60% in Iraq, 63% in Sudan, 64% in Jordan, 64% in Kuwait, 66% in Palestine, 68% in Saudi Arabia, and 80% in Nubia. Arabs have one of the world’s highest rates of genetic disorders, with 66% of the abnormalities linked to cousin marriage. A Saudi study discovered that “90% of couples detected as carriers did not follow the advice they were given and went ahead with their marriages.” Executive Director of the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research, geneticist Dr. Stephen R. Schroeder, stated:
Saudi Arabia is a living genetics laboratory. Here you can look at 10 families to study genetic disorders, where you would need 10,000 families to study disorders in the United States.
In Afghanistan, where 46% of the marriages are consanguineous, Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels discusses some of the consequences:
A study from Kabul, Afghanistan, based on autopsies of the remains of suicide bombers, shows that close to 90 percent were suffering from severe illnesses or deficiencies such as blindness, cancer, missing limbs or leprosy. Many Muslim societies, including that of Afghanistan, have a low social acceptance of handicaps and mental illness. Being physically handicapped or mentally retarded often leads to exclusion. Becoming a martyr may be the only chance of achieving social recognition and honor. Some cases of Down’s syndrome may be another unpleasant effect of inbreeding and al-Qaeda has been known to use people afflicted with it. People with low intelligence may also be more easily convinced that Islam, with its promise of 72 virgins to Muslims who die fighting for their religion, is true.
The numbers for consanguinity in some Muslim nations such as Indonesia, Niger, Djibouti, Somalia, and Bangladesh are woefully incomplete, though we do know that 17.6% of marriages in the Teknaf region of Bangladesh are consanguineous. 37.5% of Iran’s marriages are consanguineous, as are 69% of Burkina Faso’s Fulani and 27% of Mali’s (admittedly a small sample at just 600 persons). We do not know the percentage of Azerbaijani marriages of this kind, but there is a tradition of inter-marriage, and a prevalence of certain diseases and disorders common to this practice. 30-35% of birth defects in Tajikistan are attributable to kin marriage. Dr. Bill Warner writes:
Think about this, Islam says it is destined to rule the world, and if it does inbreeding will be everywhere and humanity will actually devolve. And this can’t be changed, because the Sharia is Allah’s law. But why are we silent about Sharia, suffering? Why can’t we educate about this harm? How can we go about trying to show that this is wrong? Oh wait a minute, we can’t do this because this would be offensive to Muslims. So we won’t be including incest in part of the explanation about the beauty of Islam in our schools. Can we find a Muslim who will say that inbreeding is wrong, will he abjure this because science agrees it is wrong? Can we run a social program to educate immigrants who come here about genetic damage? Well, as good as that sounds, because it would reduce suffering, that would be Islamophobic. How evil does something have to get before we can talk about it? I want to prevent a crime against the next generation. Am I a bigot to talk, and are you afraid to talk? This is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed.
As Winston Churchill said, “The influence of [Islam] paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” It also retards —literally— the development of not just the next generation, but generations henceforth. The data bears this out. In addition to actually being incestuous, the Muslim world is intellectually incestuous, contributing precious little to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding outside of its own religious texts. The UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR) records that roughly the same number of books are translated within the country of Spain annually as have been translated into Arabic in the last 1,200 years. Eugene Rogan notes:
The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates. The cumulative total of translated books since the Caliph Maa’moun’s time (813-833 AD) is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year.
From the Nature International Journal of Science:
In 2003, the world average for production of articles per million inhabitants was 137, whereas none of the 47 OIC countries for which there were data achieved production above 107 per million inhabitants. The OIC average was just 13.
On the other side of the consanguineous coin, all Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the same group of 330-350 people who lived in the Middle Ages, a hybrid population of Levantine males and European females who ultimately turned inward and bred with each other in closed communities for centuries. This intense inbreeding has paradoxically had the opposite effect of cognitive impairment that’s afflicted the Middle East and Africa. The Jews are wildly overrepresented in terms of their intellectual contributions. From JINFO.org:
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At least 201 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 23% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2017, and constituting 37% of all US recipients during the same period. In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and Physiology/Medicine, the corresponding world and US percentages are 26% and 39%, respectively. Among women laureates in the four research fields, the Jewish percentages (world and US) are 33% and 50%, respectively.
This is not to say, however, that the inbreeding amongst the Ashkenazim hasn’t been without consequence. Jews are twenty times more likely than the average person to suffer from schizophrenia, and they are predisposed to higher rates of breast and ovarian cancer. There are a number of gene mutations found exclusively amongst their population that are attributable to the prevalence of other diseases, primarily Tay-Sachs.
The evidence is clear: the cousin diddling isn’t so much a West Virginia thing as it is an after-madrassa and shtetl thing.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2LBF1An via IFTTT
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brandbaskets · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://brandbaskets.in/the-new-idea-for-those-striving-to-find-a-middle-path-between-fomo-and-jomo-technology-news-ettech/
The new idea for those striving to find a middle path between FOMO and JOMO, Technology News, ETtech
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Nikhil Jois was always online. The 28-year-old, who joined almost every social network, believed that “your network is your net worth”.
“In my vanity, I thought that everyone wanted to know where I had that masala dosa. I was craving for validation. I wouldn’t just post something, I would wait to see who likes it, who laughs at my jokes and who is jealous of me,” says the Bengaluru-based tech entrepreneur.
It soon became a vicious loop that he couldn’t escape. He had a fair idea of what addiction meant, and social media had begun to feel like one.
“I put on weight, got unusually stressed and unnecessarily angry. I wasn’t looking good or feeling good.” He tried turning off his mobile notifications and uninstalling some of the apps but eventually ended up logging on to them from his desktop. “It was like I was trying to sneak past myself.”
Then, in April 2017, Jois asked his brother to change all his social media passwords and not disclose them to him. “That really worked wonders for my health and productivity,” he says.
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It’s been a year since and he claims he is no longer a social-media addict. “I sleep better. I feel healthier. I have regained two hours of reading time a day.” The web browser app on his cellphone has been replaced with Kindle just so he reads more long-form writing than bite-sized content. “I still get FOMO once in a while, though,” he says.
FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a two-decade-old phenomenon acronymised by a Harvard MBA, Patrick J McGinnis, in 2002, and bandied about by every third digital literate since 2014. FOMO is a feeling that if one is not online, one might miss out on what others are experiencing, learning or talking about.
People suffering from FOMO are tethered to their digital devices and are often found rigorously posting their life updates, and liking and commenting on other people’s posts. Some of them passively scroll through social timelines to see what everyone’s up to.
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Jois curbs FOMO by meeting people in person instead of going down the online rabbit hole. He’s moving towards JOMO, he believes. JOMO, or the joy of missing out, is a relatively positive belief that cutting off all social media and digital devices can be blissful. It was reportedly coined in 2012 by the American blogger and tech entrepreneur Anil Dash who briefly switched off his devices and went offline after the birth of his son.
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FOMO and JOMO are the two ends of a spectrum that includes other social media-borne emotions like FOJI (fear of joining in), MOMO (mystery of missing out), SLOMO (slow to missing out). To Karthik Srinivasan, a communications and digital marketing consultant, JOMO is more a glamourisation of privilege. It’s meant for people who can afford to miss out on opportunities and leads that social media has on offer.
“FOMO and JOMO are two extremes. One is harmful, the other unrealistic for most users. Nobody is talking about a balance between the two, the middle path,” he says.
ET Magazine has decided to call the middle path NEMO, which means Nearly but not fully Missing Out.
Jois is an ideal example of NEMO now. He is away from most online networks but hasn’t turned into a social media recluse. He occasionally logs into Facebook to run an ad for his digital agency. He follows a select set of people on Twitter to get a lowdown on what’s happening in the world.
Palak Kapadia, 22, is another young NEMO-ite. The Mumbai-based writer envied people who seemed to have a better life on Instagram until she became what she resented. In September 2017, she got an offer to teach English in a high school in Nantes in western France. It was a seven-month term that gave her a chance to visit 14 countries in Europe over the weekends. “Now I was showing off how great my life was.”
Travelling also made her introspect. “It was exhausting to stay updated and keep posting everything all the time,” she recalls. During a trip to Italy, she chanced upon a quote that said: “Would you continue to do what you’re doing if you knew nobody was watching?” She recalls: “I realised my fear of missing out on other people’s lives was actually making me miss out on my own.”
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Earlier she would post 10 Instagram Stories a day. “Now, I barely do one in a couple of days.” Completely disconnecting from social media was not an option for her as she likes to know what her friends and extended family are up to.
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Pankaj Malani, head of content at tech startup Dailyhunt, is a NEMO cadet, too. He quit Facebook four months ago because he couldn’t keep up with the stream of “fake happiness”. “People were getting married, having kids, going on vacations; it’s as if their lives were perfect when in reality I knew it was far from it.”
However, social media has also proved to be a great tool for him at work. “Every time I need a voice-over guy, a small-time actor, a translator, I just tweet it out and find someone within minutes.”
A lot of people depend on social platforms professionally, says Amrita Clements, a Mumbai-based clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist. A majority of them also try to perfect their image on social media. “Social media has proved to be an amazing tool to connect the older generation but has made the younger generation in big cities even lonelier.” 80% of her patients recognise its role in changing their behaviour and causing them anxiety and depression.
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Instead of asking them to clamp down on a behaviour, she puts them on the path of NEMO. “I tell them to create boundaries: avoid logging in when they are in a bad mood because it may end up making it worse.”
She encourages them to work on real relationships and focus on themselves. One-fifth of her patients who acknowledge social media’s role in increasing their anxiety are removing social network apps from their phones. Detachment from all platforms à la JOMO is still not advisable. “Social media has also helped normalise mental health issues. It’s hard to cut off something that can be so positive at times,” she says.
The middle path propagated by NEMO is finding takers around the world. According to Socialreport.com’s March 2018 report, around 400 million Facebook users are taking a social media detox on a monthly basis, as opposed to a blanket ban. Apps to help people track mobile usage or keep from distractions have come up.
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In 2014, Kevin Holesh created an iOS app called Moment to check his device addiction. The app, at 5.3 million downloads right now, tracks your iPhone and iPad usage and sets daily usage limits so you don’t waste time on the gadgets. In-app purchases range from Rs 200 to Rs 2,000. 6% of its user base is from India. “It’s been a wild ride,” says the Pittsburgh-based UI-UX designer who has seen a 100% year-on-year growth in user base in the last four years.
He sees a huge boost in sales early January because of New Year resolutions. The concern around data privacy after the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica debacle was also good for business, he says.
While the future is certainly mobile-based, the highly productive times of many are often on desktop. In 2009, a North Carolina-based tech company called Freedom created an eponymous software that could be used across mobile phones and desktops to block distracting websites and apps as per the user’s wish. A tenth of its 750,000 users are from India, says Fred Stutzman, founder of Freedom.
Neither Stutzman nor Holesh is a proponent of JOMO. “It is unrealistic to expect people to go smartphone-free. Limiting yourself to two hours on the phone daily is a good place to start with,” says Holesh.
JOMO may have been called the next big trend, but it is actually NEMO that is turning out to be a potential global industry, with the emergence of a raft of phone-tracking and meditation apps that helps you have a balanced digital life.
Digital wellbeing is being turned into an experiential business too. A weekend of digital detox retreat at select tourist locations across the world ranges between $200 and $4,000.
In India, even the internet de-addiction centres in metros don’t talk about completely cutting off social media and digital devices. “Complete abstinence will be met by complete resistance. We have to reduce the dysfunctional part of one’s behaviour that leads to addiction,” says Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma, a clinical psychologist at NIMHANS, who was instrumental in setting up the Services for Healthy Use of Technology (SHUT) clinic under the aegis of the Bengaluru-based medical institution that deals with mental health and neurosciences.
It’s also fashionable to look at social media addiction as a thing in itself when addictive behaviour is actually a lot more complex, says Dr Alok Sarin, a Delhi-based psychiatrist.
“People with addiction are prone to dependency behaviour. This dependency can be on a variety of things, including gambling, gaming and technology in general. It’s difficult to say if the problem is with the behaviour or the platform,” he adds. Companies like Google and Samsung are doing their bit to ensure their platforms offer a balance between digital connectivity and digital wellbeing.
Earlier this year, Arianna Huffington, cofounder of Huffington Post, launched the beta version of a digital wellness app called Thrive in India through the Samsung Galaxy Store and the Google Play store. “We will be officially launching the app in India this summer,” says Danny Shea, head of global expansion at Thrive Global.
Last month, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, announced a host of features for its upcoming products under the digital wellbeing umbrella while addressing the audience at the tech giant’s annual I/O conference. Finding a balance between FOMO and JOMO was key to his speech as well. A balance that, ironically enough, even the makers of apps like Moment and Freedom are striving to achieve. Everyone is indeed on a quest towards finding their NEMO.
Acronyms of Social Media Age
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
It is the anxiety caused by the assumption that if you are not online, you might miss out on what others are experiencing, learning or talking about
FOJI (Fear of Joining In)
It is the worry that your social media friends may not like or comment on your posts and pictures so you are less likely to post updates and could out of platforms at once. FOJI is exhibited by people who delete their post if it hasn’t received too many reactions within an hour of posting
MOMO (Mystery of Missing Out)
When you notice that your friends haven’t posted in a while and you feel anxious that they are having too much fun without keeping you in the loop
FOMOMO (Fear of the Mystery of Missing Out)
The feeling that you are missing out due to a broken or out-of-battery phone
SLOMO (Slow to Missing Out)
When you sleep through the night unaware of your friend’s party, only to wake up to a timeline full of pictures and updates from the same
BROMO (Bros Protecting you from Missing Out)
When your friends don’t post pictures from a fun gig just so you don’t feel left out
JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)
The belief that cutting off from social media and digital devices can lead to happiness
NEMO (Nearly but not fully Missing Out)
The acronym coined by ET Magazine to describe the balance a lot of users are trying to strike between FOMO and JOMO. NEMO is when you have not fully cut off from your devices or social media. (Source: theguardian.com and other media reports)
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
Healthy choices are neither good or bad; only thinking makes them so
Healthy choices are more complicated than a devil-angel contest suggests. Serggod/Shutterstock.com
Doing healthy things can feel like a battle between the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. The devil impels me to order the bacon burger for lunch, but the angel nudges my hand toward the salad.
This dichotomy goes way back in Western thought. Plato likened the process of making such choices to the charioteer of the soul commanding two horses, one “noble” and the other wicked. This allegory echoes throughout history in various forms. Other ready examples include reason versus passion as described by the Greeks, the Judeo-Christian battle between sin and redemption, and Freud’s account of the psyche’s superego and id. Our intuitions about healthy behaviors are deeply shaped by this history. Plus, hard choices simply feel like we are being pulled in two directions.
Getting to the root causes of healthy behaviors is important to science because they are a big part of individual and public health. The leading causes of death in the United States – cancer, heart disease and respiratory illness, among others – are all caused at least in part by our behavior. As a society, we could reduce the onset of these afflictions by learning new ways to change our behavior.
Despite the intuition, health behaviors are not the result of a battle between two opposing forces. So what are they? My colleagues and I recently suggested that they are the same as any other choice. Instead of a battle between two forces, self-control of unhealthy impulses is more like a many-sided negotiation. Various features of each option in a choice get combined, then the total values of the options are compared. This is kind of a fancy version of a “compare the pros and cons” model.
Problems with the battle analogy
These days, psychologists refer to the dichotomy in Western thought as “dual-process” models of health behavior. Such models come in many varieties, but they share two notable features. First, they describe behavior as a winner-take-all battle between two opposing forces. There is no compromise. Whichever force is stronger dictates behavior.
Second, beyond being in opposition to one another, the forces are also inflected with a moral tone, with one being good and the other wicked. The devil impels you to do bad things, the angel advises toward virtuous ones. Psychologists call the warring parties impulse and control, or hot and cold processes.
Casting behavior in the stark terms of pros versus cons is intuitive but might not be accurate. After all, our minds contain many more than just two systems for making decisions. As Walt Whitman said, “I contain multitudes.”
Plus, people have many ways to choose healthy options that don’t involve a battle. Avoiding a temptation in the first place is effective. If I know that I have trouble not ordering the bacon burger, then I can choose to go to a restaurant that doesn’t have one on the menu.
Also effective is fighting fire with fire by getting excited about a healthy option. And being healthy doesn’t need to be moralized. Indulgence can be a good thing, such as when it serves as a reward. Some people even plan indulgence in advance to give themselves a break. In studying healthy choices, scientists have learned that they are more complex than we previously thought.
Advantages of thinking of many choices
The cheeseburger is not bad. Only thinking makes it so. Michaylovskiy/www.shutterstock.com, CC BY-SA
Let’s revisit the burger-vs.-salad example. Sure, the burger tastes good (a “hot” feature) and you know that the salad is healthy (a “cold” feature). But many other features could be relevant, too. Not all of them will fall clearly into the hot-cold dichotomy. The salad will seem more attractive if you want to impress the friends you’re with if you think they value health. Or maybe I think of myself as a “bacon person,” so I know ordering the burger with that topping will affirm that part of my self-concept.
The key point here is that people can have many reasons for making the healthy or unhealthy choice. A good psychological theory will be able to account for that diversity of motives.
Beyond being more realistic than hot-cold models, there are several ways that thinking of health as a choice can help us better understand it. Researchers working across a variety of disciplines have uncovered what they call “anomalies” in choice. These anomalies are quirks where choice differs – predictably – from what would be optimal. If health is a choice, then these anomalies apply to health, too.
One of my favorites is the decoy effect. There are cases where having a third option in a choice, even one that someone would never choose, can change behavior. Suppose I always prefer a burger to a moderately healthy salad. A restaurant owner could add a decoy choice to the menu, such as an Extremely Healthy SuperFood Salad, that would nudge me to choose the moderately healthy salad over the burger when I considered all three options. This behavior is anomalous – why would an option that I never choose influence my choice between two others? – but it is also useful in helping change health behaviors.
Another anomaly that can be useful for changing health behaviors is realizing that the value of something good is not constant. This is called the law of diminishing marginal utility. The value of something good depends on how much of that thing you’ve already consumed.
This is intuitive, but technically irrational. If I like M&M’s, eating the first one (going from 0 to 1 M&M’s) should feel just as good as eating my 104th one (going from 103 to 104 M&M’s). But we all know that is not the case. The deliciousness of things like M&M’s wears off as you keep eating them – their utility diminishes. In a clever series of studies, researchers found that merely imagining eating tasty treats before being served them reduced the amount people ate. Imagined eating, it seems, caused their utility to diminish.
Casting health behaviors as choice also helps clarify their neural underpinnings. The brain systems involved in simple choice are increasingly well-understood. The science has even progressed to the point that researchers can use computers to predict what people will choose and precisely how long it will take them in specific conditions. This improved understanding will eventually lead to more effective interventions for behavior change.
But wait – if healthy is just like any other choice, why does it feel like being pulled in two directions? We tend to moralize health behaviors in our society. Part of that feeling is probably related to the anticipated guilt of choosing the “bad” option.
An angel expels Adam and Eve from Paradise for making a bad choice in this Benjamin West painting. Everett - Art/Shutterstock.com
And, morality aside, choice models show that people will feel torn when their preferences vacillate between options.
Just because there are two competing options doesn’t imply there are two competing systems. Feelings of conflict and indecision can arise even in a simple choice system such as the one described here.
Remember that your health is not helpless amidst a battle between temptation and grace. It’s your choice, and science offers solutions to making a better one.
Elliot Berkman receives funding from the National Institutes of Health. He is director of Berkman Consultants.
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