#idk man. high fantasy and sci-fi disney movies get a LOT of shit. it's always been this way.
bipolarwitchcraft · 5 years
Awnser all the questions of the post you recently reblogged.
Yeet 1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?-water bottles. I like metal ones. 2. chocolate bars or lollipops?-lollipops3. bubblegum or cotton candy?-cotton candy4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?-a pleasure to have in class and a creative writer. I wrote a lot of stories and was told by a few teachers I could be a published author when I got older. I hope they’re right. 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?-cans the easiest 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?-boho goth county would accurately describe me7. earbuds or headphones?-earbuds but not apple earbuds Bc they hurt8. movies or tv shows?-tv shows under 30 mins bc my attention span is 2 seconds (excluding the Orville and 911 bc those are amazing shows)9. favorite smell in the summer?-well water and main and tail shampoo10. game you were best at in p.e.?-volleyball. If I didn’t have to play 2 sports to be in athletics I would have played it in high school. 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?-I don’t eat breakfast usually at school but when I work at camp I’ll usually have 2 eggo waffles and peanut butter maybe with a plum or something 12. name of your favorite playlist?-drive songs 13. lanyard or key ring?-key ring. I can’t stand having my keys on a lanyard 14. favorite non-chocolate candy?-Swedish fish 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?-the secret life of bees and of mice and men. They are the only two I actually read all the way through and didn’t sparknotes lmaoo16. most comfortable position to sit in?-completely slouched in a chair with on leg crossed 17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?-my serape ariat cruisers or my berks 18. ideal weather?-70s to mid 80s with a nice breeze 19. sleeping position?-I’m a stomach sleeper lol but I usually try to fall asleep on my left side 20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?-note book. My favorite are the 5-star note books. College rule. One subject. 21. obsession from childhood?-dinosaurs and rocks. Still relevant today as a geology major22. role model?-don’t have role models. They always disappoint. Just be a decent person and do what you enjoy. 23. strange habits?-I rub the corners of blankets and pillows and such on and under my thumb nail. But only my right. I also poke my tongue out of my mouth a little when I’m riding. 24. favorite crystal?-I’m a sucker for amethyst. But quartz is also a favorite. I have natural quartz clusters all over my backyard at home. 25. first song you remember hearing?-besides like baby songs it was probably something my dad was listening to so I’m going to say Loser by Beck or Sweet Home Alabama bc those have been staples of my life. 26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?-ride and then immediately jump in the lake 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?-read 28. five songs to describe you?-I don’t know enough about myself to know what describes me but my favorite songs rn are ‘99’ by Barnes Courtney, Colours by Grouplove, Pumped Up Kicks by foster the people, Talk Too Much by Coin, and Broken by lovelytheband 29. best way to bond with you?-talk to me 30. places that you find sacred?-nature, whataburger at 3am, and my room 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?-I always feel badass when I wear my show chaps 32. top five favorite vines?-omg so many. Road work ahead, Adam, any from that kid that wear his hoodie and has his ears sticking out (snoooooooooop), well when life gives you lemons, you either kill your self or get killed what you gonna do 33. most used phrase in your phone?-lmaooo34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?-tide pods with gronk 35. average time you fall asleep?-midnight ish 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?-ummmm it was probably some iFunny shit 37. suitcase or duffel bag?-duffle 38. lemonade or tea?-sweet tea 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?-lemon meringue pie from Bluebonnet Cafe 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?-some much. Some let a rooster loose in the main hall and no one could catch it, some left stink bait in the locker and the whole school smelled, some just showed up and gave my ag teacher a calf, we had a interim principal who we called Bernie Sanders which he hated and sent out a announcement video telling us to stop and we only got worse 41. last person you texted?-my mom42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?-jacket pockets 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?-oof I’m a sucker for a cardigan 44. favorite scent for soap?-lavender 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?-fantasy 46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?-over sized t shirt47. favorite type of cheese?-mozzarella 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?-I feel like I would be a strawberry bc im a strawberry blond/a redhead 49. what saying or quote do you live by?-sometime it just be like that 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?-this video has my gasping every. Single. Time. If you’re sad PLS WATCH: https://youtu.be/23B017ZVIx451. current stresses?-finals and getting my wisdom teeth removed 52. favorite font?-I only use times new roman lol I don’t type a lot 53. what is the current state of your hands?-dry but my nails are getting long which I’m glad about54. what did you learn from your first job?-I worked retail so I learned how to handle people at their worst lol 55. favorite fairy tale?-I like the Disney Rapunzel, but I also like the original telling if the little mermaid 56. favorite tradition?-watching the 24hours of a Christmas Story during Christmas 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?-self harm -body image -fighting 58. four talents you’re proud of having?-creativity through writing, riding, baking, common sense59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?-bro60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?-yoooo61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?-I’ve read too many books to have a favorite line from just one lol, but I heard “I’m a grown up ass man I can do what I want” on AP bio which was pretty funny 62. seven characters you relate to?-Nina Zenik from Six of Crows. That’s it. She’s the only one. 63. five songs that would play in your club?-I cannot stand clubs or bars so none lol64. favorite website from your childhood?-fucking moshimonster.com and girlsgogames.com 65. any permanent scars?-yep. I got burned as a baby and still have the scars on my fingers 19 years later. I have a lot more as well. 66. favorite flower(s)?-I’m more of a succulent person so cactus flowers 67. good luck charms?-I don’t really have any 68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?-I had ranch flavored soda once so that takes it. But I don’t like cheap beer either. 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? -a daddy long leg spider is the most poisonous spider but their fangs are too weak to pierce human skin 70. left or right handed?-right 71. least favorite pattern?-houndstooth 72. worst subject?-calculus 73. favorite weird flavor combo?-hot Cheetos and sour cream74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?-575. when did you lose your first tooth?- 5 y/o76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?-mashed 100%77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?-jade succulents 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?-I like sushi from HEB 79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?-school id80. earth tones or jewel tones?-earth times 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?-firefly 82. pc or console?-Uhhh idk??? 83. writing or drawing?-writing 84. podcasts or talk radio?-talk radio 84. barbie or polly pocket?-Polly pocket. Forbidden gummy 85. fairy tales or mythology?-mythology 86. cookies or cupcakes?-cupcakes with no icing 87. your greatest fear?-bugs crawling in my ear 88. your greatest wish?-to be successful and happy with a S/O and a daughter on lots of land89. who would you put before everyone else?-my parents 90. luckiest mistake?-There are no mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. 91. boxes or bags?-depends 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?-sunlight93. nicknames?-my dad calls me sissy bug and my mom calls me bamber and my friends call my dumb bitch lol so 94. favorite season?Spring or fall. They’re basically the same in Texas. 95. favorite app on your phone?-social media apps96. desktop background?-I don’t have a desktop but my laptop is just a pre downloaded galaxy ones. 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?-mine, my moms, my dads, and my dads business 98. favorite historical era?-ancient Egypt and the 60s
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ogbellarke · 6 years
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
i was tagged by: @livinladolcevita thanks a bunch, hun
coke or pepsi: neither, iced tea. but if i had to choose, diet pepsi
disney or dreamworks: disney
coffee or tea: coffee bc school, but usually tea
books or movies: both!!
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: marvel, duh
xbox or playstation: playstation
dragon age or mass effect: literally have no idea what either of those are
night owl or early riser: night owl, 100%. staying up til 3 am every night as if i don’t have morning classes
cards or chess: cards. chess is confusing
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!
vans or converse: vans, but like the knock off kind that i can get two pairs for 20 dollars at the mall
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: are these people’s names??
fluff or angst: both, bitch! catch me crying then smiling as i read 100k slowfurn fics
beach or forest: i feel like i give off a forest vibe but beaches are where it’s at
dogs or cats: both, don’t make me choose between my puppy and my kitten
clear skies or rain: rain, holy shit, love those gloomy afternoons watching the rain through my bedroom with a chill playlist on
cooking or eating out: eating out, i can only cook spaghetti, but i do prefer being cooked for
spicy food or mild food: depends on the food
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween!!! (happy first of halloween btw)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold, i’m always hot as hell, i’d much prefer bundling up in sweaters and blankets
if you could have any superpower, what would it be? teleportation is always my go-to answer
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: okay i don’t know video games other than far cry and gta
baths or showers: showers unless i’m home alone and have two hours to kill, love me a bath bomb
team cap or team iron man: team cap, bitches
fantasy or sci-fi: both, honestly
do you have three or four favorite quotes? if so what are they: idk oh my god, um i’ve always liked veni vidi amavi. can’t think of anymore sorry :/
netflix or youtube: netflix
harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter movies, percy jackson books
when you feel accomplished: after a bath, painting my nails, face mask--self care days always make me feel like an adult
star wars or star trek: star wars
paperback or hardback: paperback
horror or rom-com: rom-com, i’m such a baby with horror movies
tv shows or movies: both, honestly. but i watch tv shows more
spotify or pandora: spotify
zootopia or inside out: zootopia
favorite book: lmao lots. ‘i heart you you haunt me’ by lisa schroeder, anything by lurlene mcdaniel but my favourite of hers is ‘hit and run’, the entire divergent series by veronica roth, that’s just off the top of my head
favorite flower: orchids, pink roses, sunflowers, daisies
what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): i’m in the education program with a french bachelor, double degreeing is a bitch
song lyric you really love? “i hate it when dudes try to chase me but i love it when you try to save me” 1950 by king princess, love that gay love. “isn’t it lovely all alone, heart made of glass, my mind of stone” lovely by billie eilish and khalid, idk i just really love that line. okay that’s all i can think of
what’s your MBTI type? intj
fave movie: love rosie, set it up, tatbilb, this is where i leave you, the martian, catws, snowpiercer, jurassic world, crazy stupid love, ocean’s eight, big hero 6, the man from uncle, i give it a year, love simon, the age of adaline. okay i’ll stop now
favorite tv show(s): teen wolf (you can pry this show from my cold dead hands), voltron, sense8, the 100, b99, game of thrones, the walking dead (pre-glenn’s death)
top three authors: lurlene mcdaniel, rupi kaur, and i can’t think of another
favorite season? fall is when i flourish
favorite high school musical? the second one, hands down
silver or gold? gold
favorite food? spaghetti, the burgers from my favourite restaurant, 
dream vacation? finland, france, australia
green vs. blue? green
hogwarts house? slytherin represent
tagging (not 52 people because i don’t even know that many people) : @chancellor-valdez @rogue-hope @bklynbibi @bbybllmy @lydianski @peraltas-jake @ethandoians @rilliecool @griffinpuff @cchonis @holy-captain @judasrose @noice-smort-no-doubt @mythicalbellamy
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percent20-oddity · 7 years
ok i don’t normally do this kinda stuff but I got officially Tagged by @bunswithknives​ and it feels really rude to ignore my friend whom I peep a lot of test results from.
I’m not gonna add my own question or tag people because ehhhhhhhhhh feels like bothering people kinda
1. coke or pepsi: Pepis, coke is incredibly sweet and also their alternate lines are nothing to write home about while pepsi at least has the 1893
2. disney or dreamworks: I can’t remember a single good Dreamworks movie so that’s a win by default
3. coffee or tea: Coffee until it gives me stomach cramps then it’s tea time
4. books or movies: Hahahah oh man I haven’t done either in years. 
5. windows or mac: macOS High 🍁 Sierra 
6. dc or marvel: Injustice is a better fighter than Marvel vs Capcom could ever aspire to be
7. xbox or playstation: The one with the games.
8. dragon age or mass effect: I feel like I could write a shitload of words on Mass Effect’s amazingness and it’s fall from grace after the first game. Dragon Age Origins was okay, but it’s really not the same stuff.
9. night owl or early riser: I don’t KNOW i sleep in the afternoons!
10. cards or chess: Cards but only when actual money is involved.
11. chocolate or vanilla: If it’s about ice cream, then prolly vanilla, pais better
12. vans or converse: Vans. Converses are made for people with the most narrow feet ever :(
13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: ok this reminds me of that one furaffinity “shell of choice” field where nobody could explain to me what it was about.
14.  fluff or angst: All angst all the time
15. beach or forest: Beach, but only fully clothed
16.  dogs or cats: I wanna say cats but I think I’ve touched a cat maybe five times in my life? I like kitten videos though
17.  clear skies or rain: r a i n 
18.  cooking or eating out: Cooking owns. Even if whatever I make lasts me for a week and I get bored.
19. Spicy food or mild food: Spicy. Even if it triggers my inflammation every time, it’s worth iiittt.
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: i fucking WISH halloween was a thing here because it’s amazing and i’d love it!! But it defaults to christmas. Also there’s no gifts on halloween.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: i’m already too hot all the time
22.  if you could have a superpower, what would it be: shapeshifting? or idk, invisibility
23.  animation or live action: animation. Tho in recent days I’ve mostly been keeping myself to anime and Adult Swim stuff.
24.  paragon or renegade: The morality system in Mass Effect, despite being good as an idea, fails to understand that most of choices faced by Shepard are solved on case-to-case basis as the character roleplayed would have it instead of following a strict moral guideline
25. baths or showers: I shower like once few days (gross details just for u!) but I like sitting in the bathroom while the shower’s running and the steam fills the room and I feel like I’m in space
26. team cap or team ironman: BOTH ARE GARBAGE IDIOTS also i haven’t watched that movie but from what i remember captain’s idea was “hey maybe the self-appointed vigilante ubermenschen shouldn’t act on their own”? which seems like a good idea and Iron Man was just being a dick as always
27.  fantasy or sci-fi: eeehhhhhh both are okay
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes? if so what are they: I’m not dorky enough to list inspirational quotes even when dared to.
29.  youtube or netflix: Have you seen the polish Netflix offer? People are supposed to pay for this lmao.
30.  harry potter or percy jackson: I was the biggest potterhead in the WORLD when i was a babby. I’m glad the fanfiction site I uploaded my stuff to disappeared though 
31.  when do you feel accomplished: i only know bitter hatred at the fact that no matter what i do i haven’t accomplished enough
32.  star wars or star trek: Star Wars is a cool arthurian fable and all but people get laid more in Star Trek so ultimately it’s the better show
33.  paperback books or hardback books: paperbacks?? they’re easier to carry I guess. Who gives a shit about books.
34. horror or rom-com: Horrors, as long as someone holds my hand during the scary part.
35.  to live in a world without literature or music: I can’t imagine the sad person who answered “music” to this lol
36.  pastel colours or dark colours: As a true doom murderhead, I’m inclined to say dark
37.  tv shows or movies: shows shows shows
38.  city or countryside: I lived in countryside for the first 14 years of my life and it was the shittiest thing I can imagine inflicted on a person. 
39.  if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: I DON’T KNOW HOW OTHER ZODIAC SIGNS DESCRIBE PEOPLE HOMESTUCK WASN’T CLEAR ON THAT
40.  if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: Hot Sauce Committee p. 2 by Beastie Boys
41.  cinema or theatre: The modern theatrical division between the audience and the actors makes there be no difference
42.  if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: Doomguy’s, the one from Doom
43.  smiling or smirking: 😔
44.  are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: The all or nothing because honestly why even bother trying to do stuff when I can’t be good at it already
45.  playlists or your whole library on shuffle: Shuffle when I’m outside. I add a shitload of music to my library all the time that I don’t have time to listen to on the reg so if I find 
46. traveling or staying at home: staying home
47.  books or fanfiction: hhhhhhhhhhh
48.  If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: Dark Souls, but preferably not as some hollow asshole that wails on people with a hitstunning torch. I wanna practice my creepy laugh at people
49. your favorite cartoon: Does Homestar Runner count?
50.  name the weirdest five songs on your itunes, current or past: Jesus christ that’s some wankery of a question. Fine. “Aster” by OOIOO, “Szerencsetlen” by Venetian Snares, “Chittam Irangayoo” by Ruins, “Storyteller” by Maquiladora, “Dokonimo” by Miminokoto. I feel like listing albums would be easier but this is tumblr and I don’t assume anyone would listen to this shit anyway
51. mountains or plains: Plains (the american west kind when there isn’t a fuckload of allergizing plants and it all looks like Mars)
52. favorite anime (or tv show if you don’t watch anime): JoJo/Space Dandy/Steins;Gate
53. which social media platform are you most like yourself on: All my internet presence is a carefully crafted internet persona designed to make me look more interesting than I am in real life
54. What are some of your passions: 😔
55. What are some of your current goals in life?: Become a less worthless piece of shit, move to Portland with my gf, maybe go past being a freshman for once
56. A pet that you would like to have (or already have) that is NOT a cat or dog: A tegu. They’re super cool man
57. Body modifications you would like to have: Haha I think I’m pretty set on those. 
58: Describe the most bullshit fictional story you’ve ever read/watched/played: any story originating on tumblr that has people doing those overblown reactions in replies
59: Do you collect anything: It’s not really a collection per se but I like surrounding myself with rare/unique stuff. Handmade objects, limited runs of records, paintings, autographed books, obscure items
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bubblegumjetpack · 7 years
I’ve been tagged!
Thanks to @ghiraheeheeheem for tagging me
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions you feel like.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Dr Pepper, honestly. But I guess Coke if I have to choose.
2. Disney or Dreamworks: They’re both really good, honestly, but I guess Disney has more of a nostalgia factor. They also have AMAZING villain songs.
3. Coffee or Tea: Coffee, but since I injured my knee, I’ve had to switch to tea. Otherwise the acidity bothers it.
4. Books or Movies: Books yesssssssssssssssssssss
5. Windows or Mac: I actually really like Apple products, but the company is a giant bag of dicks that extorts their customers so I’m staying with Windows.
6. DC or Marvel: Yikes. I like DC more, but the comic reboot made me furious. I still haven’t forgiven them for their treatment of Tim Drake. I guess the Marvel comics are better, but the Marvel movies have become really bad lately. I know, that’s an unpopular opinion. I don’t hate them, I just think they could be way better.
7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation, definitely. Although I have been, and always will be, a child of Nintendo forever. As long as they keep making Pokemon and Zelda games, I’m theirs.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age has a lot of problems, but I like it way better than Mass Effect. I’m just not really into the story that Mass Effect brings to the table. It’s not bad, it’s just not for me.
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: look man don’t wake me up just let me sleep forever morning is for literally anyone else
10. Cards or Chess: I’m terrible at both, but cards.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Yes.
12. Vans or Converse: *extreme shrugging motion*
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Adaar was my first one, so yes. But Cadash and Lavellan are also amazing. Not a fan of playing humans in DA, it’s boring.
14. Fluff or Angst: Angst, I guess. I’m a huge fan of whump fics. 
15. Beach or Forest: beeeeeaaaaaach gimme that SUN
16. Dogs or Cats: why do you ask this question what kind of monster are you they are both perfect and wonderful and there should never be a choice
17. Clear Skies or Rain: rain because thunderstorms are so, so soothing
18. Cooking or Eating Out: i fucking LOVE to cook, it’s like mad science but you can eat it and i don’t always like to toot my own horn but i’m a pretty damn good cook
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: SPICY GIMME THAT HEAT also i lived in louisiana for several years so i had to get used to it or else just cry a lot
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween is my favorite month of the year.
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot : I despise being cold with every fiber of my tiny body. It’s the actual worst and it takes me forever to get warm again.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: Teleportation.
23. Animation or Live Action: Boy am I just NOT a fan of live action versions of animated stuff. Is that what this question is about? I dunno
24. Paragon or Renegade: The system is stupid and makes no sense but if we’re talking “lawful or chaotic” instead of some weird “good or evil” slider then I’m solidly chaotic.
25. Baths or Showers: showers, but i really enjoy a good bath once in a while, with bath salts and bath bombs and a cold beer 
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: This was a fucking awful movie. No.
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Okay, so, I like watching Sci-Fi tv shows more than I like watching fantasty shows, but in games and books, i prefer fantasy to sci-fi. I have no idea why that is.
28. Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?:
29. YouTube or Netflix: Eh, depends on what i’m in the mood for
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter forever and ever and ever
31. When You Feel Accomplished: Usually after I write. Working on my personal projects brings me the greatest sense of achievement. But hey, doing stupidly hard video game challenges also does that for me at the high cost of all of my suffering. Guess which one I do more often?
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: They are not the same thing! They are very different universes with very different focuses! We can like both of them equally! I have no idea why i feel so strongly about this
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback
34. horror or rom-com: Rom-coms are super boring to me. It’s always the same straight white couple that goes through the same storyline. No. Horror is my absolute favorite genre of anything! It’s so, so good and such a potent storytelling tool even in stories that don’t feature it as the predominant genre. I HAVE A LOT OF STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT HORROR
35. tv shows or movies: movies
36. favorite animal: A FUCKING DRAGON or snakes, snakes are cool
37. favorite genre of music: ???????i just listen to literally all kinds of shit?????
38. least favorite book: Unpopular Opinion - Eragon. My god I hate that series. It’s SO BAD.
39. favourite season: Summer!
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head: all the music from Breath of the Wild, Kass’s song that he plays is driving me insane send help
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? T-Shirt and pajama pants
42. Handwriting or Typing? typing
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be?: Some kind of insane rock song? Something ridiculously silly
44. What is your go to book/movie/tv show that you immediately find solace in when you feel down?: I generally play Zelda to make myself feel better, but I’ll also watch my favorite horror movies if I’m sick. 
45. “Yer a wizard/witch, Y/N” - your reaction? idk, it’s not that funny a meme?
46. Are you generally a messy or organized person?: Both, probably. I mean, everything LOOKS like a trash pit, but an organized pit.
47. What’s your go to comfort food?: Spaghetti, definitely.
48. Favorite musical instrument?: Guitar
49. Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?: Absolutely, lying takes way too much effort because you have to remember what your lies were and who has that kind of time?????
50: What’s your favorite video game, and why?: Zelda, obviously, because it’s a story about how you don’t have to be big or super strong or super capable, it’s about just having the courage to do the right thing even if you’re young and tiny, or stuck in the wrong form, or terrified and scared, or from a simple background. I have a lot of feelings about this series.
also now i gotta tag people or something so i guess @ushauz and @heavenbat and maybe @radioactiveferret???? whoever wants to, i guess, it’s just for fun
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