#if either of these men wore lipstick it'd be ALL over their face
survclaimd1 · 3 months
woe gay kissing be upon ye
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
hockey!Abby x dancer!reader pt3
Tags: modern au, fluff, fem!reader, shy reader, reader is into sexy/girly dances, Abby is a sweetheart, switching pov
Notes: drinking, swearing, kissing, mention of smut if you squint (they get a little worked up but nothing happens), feminine reader, men being creepy. There's a mention of Dove Cameron's song - just want you to know it's "Boyfriend", because it's not mentioned in the text and this stupid (affectionate) song has been stuck in my head for days.
Also, Abby calls reader "dancing queen" in her head (just as reader calls her "the hockey girl") because she thinks it's a funny reference to the Abba song and she laughs every time she thinks about it.
"(Y/n), you going to the party?" Ellie asked when you were leaving the building after the game.
"Yeah. Oh wait." You said, noticing Finn's jacket still around you. You looked around, trying to notice him in the crowd to return the jacket. "Fuck." 
"Don't stress, he'll probably be at Manny's." Dina calmed you down. "Are you going straight away or..?"
"I'm going home first, I need to change. Stockings are slipping all the time." You pulled them up on your thighs as you spoke. 
"They look good on you." Ellie protested (she knew Abby liked this kind of stuff, and she really wanted to see her face when she'd see you). 
"Yeah, well." You shrugged. "I'm definitely not spending half of the time fixing them, so I'm going home first."
"Do you need a ride?" 
"To home or to Manny's?"
"Both." Dina clarified. "It's like, a five minute ride, Ellie can manage it."
"Oh, so I'm the driver today?" Ellie asked, raising her brows. 
"You are." Dina looked at her with her Ellie eyes, and Ellie gave up. 
"Simp." You laughed and got in the car. 
"Fuck you." Ellie said and you laughed even harder. 
Ellie and Dina dropped you off at your apartment, promising to pick you up in two hours - you figured out the party won't start right away and you should come a little late to be on time for the fun part. So you spent your time going over every dress you had, trying to find something comfortable and cute. You really wanted to make a good first impression on the hockey girl. 
Usually you'd be too shy to actually talk to someone you liked, but tonight you had a good excuse - you could just come up to her and congratulate her on the win. It'd be easy, right? Just say hi, congratulations, I'm (y/n). That's it. You just needed to chill and manage your anxiety. 
God wouldn't it be awful if your tongue stopped working and you'd say something stupid? 
You were worried if she was okay: she got a penalty in the second period, and in the third period someone boarded her. It probably hurt, right? Even if she was a hockey player and was used to it, pain was still pain. She didn't need a doctor, which was good, but still. You couldn't imagine how it felt, being slammed into the boards by a 200 lbs man whose weight was multiplied by his speed. 
Yeah, that was why you were a dancer and not a sports player. You had your fair share of injuries (you've sprained your ankles so many times that they now recovered in a few days, so used to being injured. Still hurt like hell, though), but you didn't have to experience this kind of aggression or competitiveness. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, happy with your dress - it was mid length with an accent on your waist, which immediately brought up your hips and chest. It had a flower pattern on a milky fabric, and it was perfect for both feeling cute and comfortable - you were a dancer after all, so you planned on dancing tonight, and anything too tight would either restrict your movements or get ripped (that poor miniskirt). 
The hockey girl would probably like it, right? 
You didn't give yourself time to panic and change, focusing on your makeup. You eyed the red matte lipstick you usually wore, not sure if you should wear it tonight. But you did look good with it, and it didn't leave any strains even if your lips got wet. Fuck it, you thought, and opened the tube. 
You were ready just in time when Dina texted you to come out. 
"You look good." Ellie said approvingly, looking over your outfit. 
"Oh fuck you." You laughed. "But thanks."
The ride was short, but even in this short amount of time Ellie managed to prove she had the worst taste in music, again.  You could hear the music just as you left the car, and you felt nervous and excited, clutching your purse in your hand. You held Finn's jacket in your other hand, determined to return it right away and then get some drinks and maybe look for the hockey girl. You wanted to catch her before everyone got wasted, because you felt like you wouldn't be able to introduce yourself twice if the hockey girl didn't remember you in the morning. 
Manny met you the second you entered the house and went for a hug. You congratulated him on the win and asked if he had seen Finn. He shrugged and told you no, so you went on to find him. 
Abby was sitting with her teammates on the couch in the living room, talking about the game and the asshole who boarded her. She was relaxed after the first beer, and the thought of you was burning in the back of her head, but she decided to be patient. She could wait. Not all people came to parties on time, some people liked to come when everyone was already having fun. Maybe you were one of them.
So Abby relaxed and talked, drinking her beer. Boys were making stupid jokes and she laughed along, until she spotted Williams in the crowd. 
Ellie and Dina were here, did it mean you were here too? 
Abby's hands itched from the desire to stand up and go look for you to finally introduce herself, maybe get you a drink and get to know you better. Fuck she wanted to bolt out of the living room and find you. 
But apparently Abby didn't have to: you appeared just as she got ready to stand up. It was clear for her you were looking for someone (for her?) and just in a second, Abby connected the dots. 
That guy's jacket was in your hands. 
Abby heard a clank of metal and looked down: she got so worked up with jealousy she almost crushed her beer can. Fuck she needed to have better control over herself. 
You found Finn next to the living room. He was chatting with a group of your classmates and when they noticed you, they all said hello and hugged you. Finn looked a little too happy, and when he hugged you, his hand went dangerously close to your ass.
That you didn't like at all, but ignored for now. 
"Thank you for your jacket." You said politely and handed it over. 
"No problem, (y/n)." Finn smiled, and now you've started to notice how his smile was actually not friendly, but flirtatious. "What are you drinking? I will bring you whatever you say."
"No thanks." You chuckled, trying to play this situation as peacefully as possible. "I like to make my drink myself."
"Come on," Finn smiled and put his hand on your waist. "Tell me how to mix it and you won't be disappointed." 
His smile told you he didn't actually mean the drink, and you were getting more angry by each second.
"As I said, no, thanks." You said. "Thank you for your jacket again. See you." 
"You are not leaving now, are you?"
You looked at his hand on your arm as he was holding you back. Now it was getting into dangerous territory, and a lot of memories started to make sense. 
You were pissed off and dropped the nice act, wanting to end this situation as quickly as possible. 
"Listen, if you think you're gonna get it, you're deeply mistaken. And this," you pointed at his hand. "Is getting creepy. Let me go and we will continue with our respective lives." You said angrily. 
Finn let you go, and it looked like he did it only because people were around. 
You huffed, still shocked at the audacity of this bitch, and strode to the kitchen. You needed a fucking drink. 
Abby saw the whole situation play out, and even though she got furious with the guy (if he was your boyfriend? He won't be anymore, Abby will make sure of it), she was even more impressed to see your usual sweet self getting pissed off and telling someone off. You were so polite even when you were uncomfortable, but today you snapped, and Abby's never wanted to buy a wedding ring as much as she wanted now. 
Her sweet dancing queen had claws after all. 
Abby wasn't sure if it was a good moment to go and talk to you, but the Dove Cameron song felt like a sign from the universe - she definitely could be a better boyfriend than him. So Abby got up and went to the kitchen. 
You tried to calm down, but there was no orange juice and you couldn't find any vodka, which only made you more irritated. Great, this evening was off to a great start. 
You've stopped and looked around, finally spotting the juice.
"Fucking finally." You said to yourself and grabbed it, still searching for vodka. 
"Are you looking for something?" Someone said behind your back. You were too busy to turn around, but the voice was female, so you didn't get annoyed.
"If there's no vodka I'm going to fucking kill someone, I swear to God." You answered and turned around, not seeing any bottles in front of you.
The hockey girl.
She was standing in the door frame, chuckling, and you felt your face turning the same colour as your lipstick. She was dressed in black jeans and black sleeveless shirt, her toned freckled arms for everyone to drool over. Her hair, usually in a braid, was down and she looked so fucking good.  You closed your mouth, embarrassed. That was definitely not a good first impression.
"Have you checked the freezer? Manny usually keeps it cold." The hockey girl crossed the room and opened the freezer and took a bottle of vodka.
"Thank you." You said, getting painfully shy. That was not how you wanted your first meeting to happen. 
The hockey girl opened the bottle and handed it to you. It was such a sweet gesture you felt your heart flutter. 
"I'm Abby." The hockey girl said, smiling at you. You smiled back, holding to the vodka bottle for dear life. She was taller and broader than you, and it made your knees weak.
"I'm (y/n)." 
"Are you okay? I saw you back there." Abby said, giving you a glass for your drink. She was casual in her care, your heart was melting. You've felt like a lady within a minute of your conversation. 
But the mention of Finn got you back into an angry mood. 
"Another asshole thought that I'm easy just because I dance to Doja Cat. Not that there's anything wrong with being easy, you go queens, but I'm built differently. Like, what in the fuck shows that I'm easy? My dress is so long I could be playing Lizzie Bennet instead of Kira Knightley. Fucking assholes." You vented, pouring vodka into your glass. "Sorry." You said, getting a little too conscious of your rambling. 
"Felt like you needed to get it out." Abby laughed. "You do have an audience."
"But that's what it is - an audience, y'know." You smiled and added the orange juice. 
"I thought he was your boyfriend." Abby said way too casually, and you both knew it was not. 
"No. I'm single." You said way too casually as well. 
Abby moved and stood next to you as you tasted your screwdriver. You almost felt her warmth from how close she was, and your heart was raising because of it. You wanted her to touch you. 
"Too much?" 
"Just right." You looked at Abby's empty hands. "You don't drink?"
"I do." She said and grabbed a glass to fill it with whiskey. 
You didn't know why Abby drinking plain whiskey was hot, but it was, and you couldn't not think about it.
"I- um. I was at your game today. Congratulations on the win." You said, getting shy again. 
"Did you like it?" 
"Yeah! I've never been to a hockey game before. Much more enjoyable than soccer."
"Everything is more enjoyable than soccer." You giggled at it, hiding your smile behind your glass. 
"Are you okay though? You were slammed into boards." You remembered and tried to see if there were any injuries. 
"I'm good. The fucker wasn't that strong."
"Well, he would crush me to death, so I got worried." 
"He definitely would, he is thrice your size." Abby chuckled again and you barely held your giggle. 
Abby looked at you and tried to suppress her cute aggression: you were too sweet and you looked so innocent, even though you clearly weren't. She wanted to pinch your cheeks and fuck you senseless, but she felt like she needed to earn the right to touch you. Abby wasn't dumb, she caught on to your words: you were definitely a wine and dine girl, someone she'd need to take on a few dates before something could happen. 
Surprisingly, she was very okay with it. 
The song changed, and Abby got surprised when you turned to her with excitement in your eyes. 
"Do you want to dance with me?" You asked, and in that moment Abby knew she was fucked. 
Because even though she was a terrible dancer, she couldn't say no to you. Couldn't say no to a chance to spend more time with you.
Abby followed you to the pretend dance floor, and she stood for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what was happening, because the song was slow, and your hands were suddenly around her neck, and Abby wasn't ready for it. 
She thought she wouldn't be able to touch you in this century, and now she felt your body against hers and it was breaking her brain in all delicious ways. 
"Are you okay with this?" You asked, and Abby came to her senses.
"More than okay." She said and put her hands on your waist. "I'm not a good dancer though."
"So no dip?" You asked, smiling, and started swaying you both from side to side. "I think you'll manage."
Abby laughed, because your words reminded her of an old vine. But when you looked up to her, all pretty doe eyes with white eyeliner that made you even more cute, she felt like she'd devour you right then and there. Her grip on your waist tightened and she moved you closer, flush against her body. You blushed and Abby wanted to kiss you so fucking bad it was getting unbearable, but she controlled herself: she really didn't want to be like all those guys who hit on you. She wasn't even worried about the red lipstick on you - if anything, it only made her look at your mouth more.
But God fucking damnit she wanted to kiss you. Oh, but she could be such a gentleman, right?
So Abby leaned down to you, getting as close as possible, and waited for your reaction, giving you time to back out. 
But you didn't want to back out, so you leaned closer too, letting Abby close the distance completely.
Abby finally kissed you, demanding but soft, and you went pliant in her arms, pressing even closer, feeling her belt buckle against your stomach. Abby kissed just as she played, confident and unyielding, keeping you in one place, just as she wanted. She cupped your cheek as she deepened the kiss, her tongue soft and warm on your tongue, her other hand on your waist, kneading your soft side. The taste of her whisky mixed with the taste of your screwdriver, making something spicy and dark, dangerous. You wanted to press your thighs together, the heat building up between your legs. 
No one kissed you like that before. No one treated you like that before: the kiss was dirty and wet, but Abby didn't touch you too far, so polite and respectful. Your heart was beating in your ears and in your core as you weaved your fingers into Abby's hair, not pulling but holding gently, massaging her neck. She let go of your cheek and used two hands to get you closer, chest to chest, her thigh between your thighs, making it so tempting to just rub against her. But you didn't, too shy and too nervous, not sure yet if you could trust Abby like that. 
You pulled away breathing heavily, and smiled bashfully at Abby. She was smiling too, and even if her eyes were too dark with want, you didn't mind. 
"You're so fucking cute." Abby said, feeling like she didn't have to hide it anymore. She tucked away a strand of your hair behind your ear, and you blushed.
Fuck she was gone. How did you manage to dance such dirty dances and be so innocent? You've looked like you've never been kissed before, all blush and shyness and trembling hands around her neck. But somehow your innocence didn't come from naivety - you clearly weren't naive and could handle yourself just fine if you had to. You looked strict, not stupid. That was why Abby was so drawn to you. 
"And you have freckles." You said and caressed Abby's cheeks with your thumbs. "So you're cute too. That's what the law says."
"Yeah?" Abby laughed. 
"Yes. Ask Dina, she is a law major, she'll tell you." You winked. 
And then the song changed.
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