#if the author of fucking 'only the strongest shall rule' agrees that its not a cult its basically canon. btw. i don't make the rules
hinderr · 1 year
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lisinfleur · 6 years
Wrong Choices - Chapter 2: Cacophony
Inspired by @honestsycrets and @mixedwiththemoon wolves.
Author’s notes: Not everything is flowers and things will get hot for these two now.
Warnings: Mature content, a lot of violence, fucking lots of blood and pretty more. +18 ONLY
Words: 1496
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You ran between the trees and he hunted you. You laughed and he giggled and your voices became a single sound.
He was your mate. You were his muse. And for the days of your heat, you lived a paradise with Sigurd near that lake.
Like wild animals, you two spent the days of your heat playing, knowing and enjoying each other and the new bond you discovered between your souls. But now it was time to go back to the pack.
Your heat was over, so you thought you could live a normal life once again, as you always did, having Sigurd by your side as your companion now that you marked each other and settled as a couple.
However, the not so unexpected came. You were still laughing, your arm around Sigurd's waist, his arm over your shoulder when you two came into Kattegat's central square. He was talking about leaving the Hall to live with you instead of bringing you into the Hall with his brothers, which would be a problem with Ubbe and Ivar as alphas around and Hvitserk sneaking around you whenever he could. And you were agreeing with his idea of a simple life together. It would be good to have him around and you never longed for a room among the royalty as Margrethe always did. He stopped a second to touch your face and you were about to exchange a kiss when that infuriated growl came from the crowd giving Sigurd nothing but a few seconds to think before that infuriated creature came for him.
With claws and fangs exposed and his wolf entirely in control, Ivar attacked your prince without a single warning, causing the people of the market to pull away of you all, opening a clearing in the middle of the square that, for you, looked like an arena for a combat you knew your Sigurd weren't prepared to fight.
A combat you knew he couldn't win.
Ubbe came for Ivar trying to prevent him to go forward, and Sigurd used his poor time to push you back over Hvitserk before he was thrown on the ground with that savage growling and barking over him. Despite Ubbe's efforts, Ivar was going full strength against Sigurd, who had no choice but answer his attacks, placing his legs on Ivar's belly and pushing him vigorously behind, launching him some few meters away and getting some time to at least prepare himself for the next attack.
You screamed his name, but someone in the crowd screamed louder and you saw Ubbe being forced to pull back.
"Single combat!!"
It was a challenge... The alpha had challenged Sigurd and with his hit, he accepted the fight, forbidding anyone to interfere until one of them was declared the winner.
Or until one of them was dead.
And you knew pretty well who was the weaker part of that fight. Not because Sigurd was weak or anything like that, but Ivar was an alpha in frenzy, furiously attacking his opponent with that thirsty for blood in his eyes that always pushed you away from him. Hit by hit, you saw Sigurd's clothes staining in blood. Ivar wasn't clean, but he was pretty worst.
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You fought against Hvitserk's grip, trying to break free from him and stop that madness. Trying to hold you away from Ivar, Hvitserk ended up uncovering your marking spot and seeing his brother's mark in your neck... He called Ubbe's attention and Ubbe tried to interfere to invalidate that combat.
"Ivar stop! STOP! She's claimed! They're mates! STOP!" he tried to hold Ivar back, invading the arena and pulling his little brother from Sigurd with all his strength.
But even for him as an alpha, it was hard to keep Ivar under control
"He stole my female! I can kill him for doing this!" Ivar kept screaming and with the fight stopped you finally managed to break Hvitserk's grip and run towards Sigurd on the ground.
He was terribly wounded. Some moments more and Ivar would have killed him. His arms and face were marked and some scratches and bites in his jaw and shoulders were pretty near his neck, causing shivers down your spine when you started getting him seated, not even trying to lift him up.
With his remaining strength, he still tried to face Ivar, at least trying to be brave in front of you, in a stupid demonstration of an honor you didn't care about: it didn't matter what people would say, you loved him and you wanted him alive!
"She wasn't yours! We claimed each other. She's my mate! It was the gods' will!" he tried and you cupped his face with your hand trying to make him stop.
Ivar laughed, debauched.
"The gods' will? My ass! The gods would never mate the most fertile of our omegas to a beta! Even more you, Sigurd!" he said, breaking free from Ubbe's grip to pull you away from Sigurd by pulling your wrist, dragging you to himself "She's the best female of our generation! No way I would..."
His voice silenced in a growl of pain and the crowd gasped around you when you bit his hand on your wrist forcing him to let go of your arm. With claws and fangs exposed, but not even a third of Sigurd's strength in your voice, you growled, furiously, against the strongest alpha of your pack, fearlessly showing ambers to him in order to protect your mate. You barked, furiously, but not even an octave of Ivar's barks. You growled, infuriated, but not even close to scaring him away. However, Ubbe and Hvitserk saw what you were doing. They saw the tears in your eyes. They saw your bravery and when Ivar intended to advance for you, they stood by your side. Hvitserk was ready to fight his brother if necessary. And Ubbe placed his hand in the middle of Ivar's chest, pushing him back.
"I won't let you fight her, brother. I won't let you even touch her. She's claimed. And you know the rules: mates are mates. She chose Sigurd and they claimed each other. It is over."
"You can't be serious!" Ivar giggled, infuriated "You can't be telling me we gonna let our best female to bear his children! His! The most useless and dismissable shit between us!"
You growled infuriated again.
"I rather die dry than bear your children, you savage!" your wolf screamed out of your throat, your ambers facing Ivar's with anger and courage.
"What you need is a good knot to put you in your place, you..."
"Ivar!" Ubbe's growling voice sounded louder cutting Ivar's voice and remembering he wasn't the only alpha in that place "A mate is a mate... It's over. The rules are for all of us and you will respect their bond. She belongs to Sigurd. This way the gods decided and we shall accept. Now back off. I won't say it again."
Ivar's ambers turned blues and he looked at you, disgusted.
"I overestimated you, (Y/N). So beautiful... So dumb. If you had mated with Ubbe I would understand. Even Hvitserk. But Sigurd? What a waste of life!" he cursed.
But you only kept yourself looking at him, your ambers glowing, ready to fight him for Sigurd if necessary.
"It's better this way, after all. I wouldn't like my pups to have a chance to be dumb as you are," he said, acid, still throwing a heavy gaze to Sigurd before turning into the wolf of black pelage he was in his wolf form and leave, running across the crowd.
"You can go back to your activities. There is nothing to be seen here. Go" Ubbe dismissed the crowd while Hvitserk was trying to help Sigurd to get up.
And so you turned to him once again, trying to help him, passing his arm over your shoulders once again, nuzzling your nose on his wounded face, with tears in your eyes and little whimpers on your nose that were breaking everyone's hearts.
It was easy to feel the love you had for your mate and the way you were so despaired of seeing him so wounded that way.
Ubbe touched your shoulder, taking Sigurd's weight over his own shoulders to help Hvitserk to carry his brother to the healer's cabin. His placid blues fell over your eyes with a sigh.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to hold him. But don't worry. Ivar will respect your bond from now on."
"I just wanna take care of my prince" you answered, caressing Sigurd's face, removing some of his curly strands from the sweat in his forehead.
"I'll be fine..." he panted, touching his forehead on yours as a way to keep you calm.
But even then, you followed him to the healer's tent as a lost pup would follow its mother.
All you wanted now was your precious peace back and your place into his arms.
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