#imagine you're dating rollo who is the most normal compared to all of them
merakiui · 2 years
thinking about the housewardens, but they’re an idol group and you’re their manager. OTL they all vie for your attention, but you’re too busy balancing manager work to even notice that their gestures are more romantic and flirtatious than friendly. they’re always making eye contact with you when they’re in the recording studio, sometimes even smiling or winking when they know you’re looking. and when you aren’t around, they’re bickering over how some of them spend too much time with you compared to the others. 
so imagine their surprise when they realize that they don’t know much about their manager’s private life. with seven idols, each with varying levels of fortune and all incredibly influential, it isn’t that difficult to pry. and when they learn you’re actually in a relationship, they’re all stunned. their manager is always working, so they never considered you’d have time for dating, much like how their agency forbids them from seeking romance. they always thought they might have a chance.
it was one thing to compete amongst themselves, but now they have to compete with your actual lover. this simply won’t do. they’ll have to find a way to have you all to themselves, and with the world practically at their fingertips it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge to achieve their precious manager’s heart, even if they must play a little dirty. 
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