#it also helped me flesh out Mae's backstory more in a part that I knew I wanted to be important
freesidexjunkie · 2 months
Thank you!! This one is actually something I've tried to put some thought into so I'm excited to answer it! Based on Durge past life asks here.
8. What was their relationship with Orin like? Did it change at some point?
I had to do some googling again to make sure I wasn't talking out of my ass and breaking canon but for the sake of this, let's just make some assumptions about Orin's age and (my) Durge's age. When Maevris' urges manifested and she killed her foster family, gets taken to the temple by Sceleritas, etc etc, Mae and Orin were roughly the same age (at least in terms of being children together and growing up together, differences of aging between races aside). With Orin being born and raised among the church and being the progeny of Sarevok, she probably feels as close to blue blooded royalty as Bhaalists get. And Mae, being raised in a relatively normal environment with no clue about her lineage, who goes from thinking she was an unwanted tiefling child to learning that she is the flesh of the god of murder almost overnight, is a little overwhelmed to say the least.
I see Orin as imagining she was taking Mae under her wing, in the same way the kid who's king of the playground might. She sees Mae as an equal in status, if not quite an equal in situation - after all, Mae is some pampered, quaking Baldurian child who can barely hold a knife at this point. Mae clings to who is probably the only other child around, probably the only person who isn't bowing to her unholy destiny. They're raised side by side as sisters, trained together the whole time. Over time that feeling of being Mae's superior in status probably starts to slip, with more people deferring to Mae over Orin and Mae rising to leadership over the church. This culminates in Mae becoming the Chosen of Bhaal - something that everyone, including Orin, expected, but it still stung nonetheless.
As they reach teenage years and into adulthood, they start to grow apart a little. No animosity between them, but not as attached at the hip anymore. Maevris has more responsibilities heaped onto her shoulders, while Orin is concerned more with her ideals of glory and her "art." Orin famously has much less self control than Mae and tends to put people outside the cult ill at ease, so she is often overlooked by her sister and by Bhaal for more serious matters. From her perspective, no one respects her anymore and everyone thinks Mae is somehow better than her; and from Mae's view, Orin has the freedom to do whatever she wants without expectation and duty holding her back. I don't think Orin blames Mae or holds this against her at this point, though.
Then Mae starts spending more time outside of the temple. Doing what? Who knows; she's so secretive about it. She brings back some torture racks that had been lost to the Gondians, sure, but doesn't seem keen to explain how she pulled it off. Slowly, she starts bringing up that she's been meeting with the leader of Bane's church. Does this mean we're allying with them? No, she insists, it does not; his support is for her to utilize. Odd, but the Dead Three have worked together in the past. And Mae is more composed than the rest of the Bhaalists to deal with...diplomatic relations.
Orin sees the difference in her sister, though. She sees concessions being made to the god of tyranny's Chosen where sacrifices should be made to Bhaal. She sees Mae withdrawing from the church, withdrawing from her. This petty arms dealer is clearly trying to lure her beloved sister away from her destiny, confusing her thoughts. She was always a bit too soft, too sweet, dear thing; it must be the Baldurian childhood. But the tyrant lord and his peons are strictly off limits; no one would dare to defy their god's chosen, his direct progeny on this cursed planet. That wouldn't stop Orin, however; she's just as much Bhaal's progeny as Mae is. She's got the same training, tutoring, the same bloodright as her sister. She doesn't criticize her publicly, but in private, Orin does little to hold her tongue. Mae doesn't listen, however. And once the Absolute plot is underway and the formal alliance between the Dead Three has taken shape, it only worsens. Mae isn't even bothering to hide the relationship (if you can call it such) between herself and Gortash. It's sickening to Orin.
Maybe she feels petty, or maybe she wants to send a message, or perhaps just testing how far her dear sister is willing to push for her external alliances. Orin stages a small attack on a group of people Mae has expressly forbidden. Not important to Bhaal's goals, only to her sister's little plaything and his own earthly goals. Bodies flayed and displayed, sacrificed to Bhaal (who is rather pleased with this, actually). Mae can do nothing but grit her teeth, but it's clear that the wedge is only being driven deeper between them. When Orin gets too close to Gortash, a warning strike of a few of his personal guards, is when Mae snaps. "You have everything you could want! Why can't you let me have one damned thing for myself?"
Everything she could want? From Orin's perspective, Mae has everything. Mae has the power, the respect, Bhaal's favor. Mae can do no wrong, even when she's flagrantly disrespecting their lord by bowing to the chosen of Bane. Mae is the one holding everything Orin wants in her hands, and she doesn't even deserve it.
And that's the moment that Orin snaps. There's no plan, no grand coup, no lying in wait or laying of traps. The pounce is quick, but the act itself is agonizingly drawn out. Orin flashes between different forms - Gortash, Sceleritas, Mae's shaking child self - anyone she thinks will drive the point home as she taunts and torments her sister. Because this tiefling, this ungrateful little orphan, her sister, has turned her back on her and on them all for a treasonous fling.
And when the Chosen meet the next day to discuss their plans, Orin attends on behalf of Bhaal. Casually, as if she was always meant to be there. Because she was meant to be there, she knows, as she carelessly twists an engraved gold-and-ruby locket in her fingers that she knows the lordling will recognize.
And while Gortash's anger and rage are plain for all to see, less noticeable is the shaking in Orin's hand as she paws at the necklace, or the quiver in her voice when Gortash demands to know where Mae is. The sneer in her voice as she answers the human's demands is easily mistaken for disdain of one so beneath her. "Your little playmate has lost Bhaal's favor," she answers outloud. Because you ruined her, she repeats in her mind. Because you took my sister away from me and you ruined her.
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phirephox666 · 6 years
Weekly Fic Recs - FMA
After doing these recs for a couple weeks I figure I have enough recs to do that I can do these bi-weekly for a bit, so! Bi-weekly fic recs commence! This Wednesday’s fics are FMA, a whole bunch of Ed/Roy, mostly. Enjoy y’all.  
Weekly Rec Lists 
i'm giving you a nightcall by clairedearing
Edward/Roy, Alphonse/Winry, Reincarnation Au, Modern Au, Superhero Au, Complete, 124k
Edward Elric (the second) has always had to balance the two sides of his life; on one proper flesh and blood hand, he's a genius working as a crime scene investigator, putting his younger brother through university. On the other not-actually-flesh-and-blood hand, he's also the red-hooded vigilante Fullmetal, protecting Central City from criminals and assholes like 'the Dragon'. But mutilated bodies have stared showing up, and now he has to deal with his estranged sorta-maybe-ex-boyfriend (who's in charge of hunting down Ed's alternate persona), keeping the public from various levels of hysteria, and stopping a mysterious group who seem to be echoing the one his mother used to belong to...
the catwoman to your batman by clairedearing
Edward/Roy, Vigilante Au, Complete, 6k
Ed had his mission - to escort the Ishvallan refugees to the camps. Then he could get back to his research. Except, a mysterious masked man keeps screwing everything up.
Diplomatic Excursions and Other Ways to Die by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Complete, 53k
Conceptually, attending Emperor Ling's coronation celebration is simple enough. In practice, it involves far too much trekking, yearning, bleeding, burning, hoping, running, and dodging of diplomatic catastrophes for Roy's tastes.
Catalysis by aventria, iluxia
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Maes, Edward & Alphonse, Trisha Lives Au, Fix It, Friendship/Gen, Families of Choice, Backstory, Worldbuilding, WIP, 210k
Work in progress. "Search for the value of that which you seek, for alchemy already knows." Alchemy knew what Edward wanted when his fingertips touched that circle, but Edward did not yet understand how value differs from price, how equivalent differs from equal. The Gate calculates with one small difference, and Trisha Elric lives - but the cost may be too high for Edward to afford.
[ In which Edward Elric becomes Roy Mustang's ward in a different context; Trisha Elric is alive but is as good as dead to her sons; Alphonse Elric grows in a human body under Izumi's tutelage, struggling to understand just what it is they have done right; Hohenheim's past is more complicated and intertwined with the tapestry of Amestrian history; Envy dances a very fine line between his loyalty to Father and a growing obsession/addiction; and Amestris is so not ready for this bloody revolution. ]
Part 1 of Catalysis 'verse
Button Up Your Overcoat by Skinner (psiten)
Edward/Roy, Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Team Mustang, Fix It, Friendship/Gen, Bamf Riza, Complete, 140k
Ed could untie knots in the fifth and sixth dimensions -- blindfolded. He could convince the military he fell through a rabbit-hole, and he could even shut down a Drachman invasion (with a little help), but he can't seem to avoid dating Roy Mustang (and maybe is kind of okay with that). But here's hoping they can collar a General trying to trigger a three-way war, and that they can stop him before he destroys the world.
Making himself walk instead of run took every ounce of composure he had, especially when he got far enough to see the city blanketed in a strange layer of dust and dark thunderclouds. The weather had been clear for miles around. Those clouds had the smack of weather alchemy about them.
He had to find his brother.
The Universe Just Doesn't Know What the Hell to Make of Edward Elric by queerstang (rosethomass)
Edward/Roy, Soulmate Au, Soulmate Marks, Complete, 5k
Everyone Edward's age gets their tattoos, gets to know who their soulmate is, and it's just one more thing to remind Edward of all the things he's lost and never got to have.
Major spoilers for Brotherhood.
Two Months and Counting by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Harry Potter Au, Magical Au, Worldbuilding, Complete, 4.4k
Given that Ed is past words and beyond belief, surely it's fair to break the rules right in half.
[Vague situational spoilers for '03/CoS.]
Part 1 of Bending the Rules
The Maestros of Misuse by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Harry Potter Au, Magical Au, Fluff, Complete, 6.7k
Ed spends a day with the Improper Use of Magic Office, and no one loses their mind more than a little.
[Vague situational spoilers for '03/CoS.]
Part 2 of Bending the Rules
The Twelfth Cup of Coffee by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Coffee Shop Au, Modern Au, Mundane Au, Complete, 44k
The thing with Roy is founded on coffee snobbery and stupid text messages and seriously awesome makeout sessions in the car. Oh, and the love of a lifetime, or whatever.
From the Worst of Times by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Team Mustang, Roy & Team Mustang, Bamf Roy, Bamf Ed, Complete, 38k
"From the worst of times," someone had once told a young Roy Mustang, "always come the greatest of gifts." There were times in his life that was all he had to cling to, but it always seemed to hold true, one way or the other.
This Lion is in the Garden by Xyriath
Edward/Ling, Xerxian Ed, Royalty Au, Arranged Marriage, Complete, 26k
Ed’s duties as a prince of Xerxes right now really aren’t that complicated. Establish favorable relations with the nation of Xing. Learn to get along with his betrothed. Don’t offend anyone. Especially don’t offend anyone. What he didn’t predict was getting along with his fiancé perhaps a little too well.
Son of the Desert by ShanaStoryteller
Edward/Roy, Edward & Alphonse,Trisha/Hohenheim, Ishvalan Ed, Ishvalan Al, Friendship/Gen, Bamf Ed, Backstory, Worldbuilding, Complete, 10k
Every time Edward sees the circle on the back Mustang's hand, he wants to scream, wants to reach across the desk and shake him, wants to wrap his hands around the older man's throat and ask if it was worth it, if this desk and his rank is worth the screaming, crying, writhing, burning bodies of his people -
"Something to say, Fullmetal?" Mustang drawls.
Edward snaps the file shut, "Nope."
Part 1 of Ishvalan AU
Sins of the Father by ShanaStoryteller
Trisha/Hohenheim, Hohenheim & Edward, Hohenheim & Alphonse, Edward/Roy, Ishvalan Ed, Ishvalan Al,  Friendship Gen, Worldbuilding, Feelings, Complete, 8k
Hohenheim has been gone for fifteen years. It's time for him to go home - his wife is waiting for him.
Dreaming in Red and Gold by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Complete, 96k
When Drachma agrees to meet for peace talks at Briggs Fortress, General Roy Mustang is the one sent to represent Amestris. It just so happens that the Drachmans have their own Amestrisan, who is far too skilled at turning the most tedious of discussions into an exciting time.
But Not Buried This Time by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Bamf Ed, Complete, 95k
Once Ed decides that he is categorically not going to rot on the Drachman tundra, dragging his ass out of the jaws of death is actually pretty easy.  ...except when it's not.  At all.  Which is most of the time.
(AU from end of Brotherhood.)
Come What May by Batsutousai
Darius/Heinkel/Edward, Edward & Roy, Edward/Roy, Friendship/Gen, Families of Choice, Post Canon Au, Bamf Ed, Military Au, Complete, 
After the Promised Day, with his alchemy still intact thanks to Hohenheim's sacrifice, Ed finds himself and his chimera team getting dragged into the shadowy world of military secrets in an attempt to keep Bradley's legacy from causing a civil war.
Part 1 of Our Sinner's Redemption
Reverti Ad Praeteritum by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Maes, Friendship/Gen, Mute Edward, Bamf Ed, Bamf Al, Time Travel, Fix It, Complete, 289k
Unwillingly forced to serve as a human trial for a crazy alchemist experimenting with time travel, Edward Elric finds himself standing across from Truth in the moment it takes his leg from him. Armed with the knowledge of what's to come and burdened with guilt for the choices he'd made as an adult, Ed sets out to fix every mistake he ever made and save every life they ever lost, no matter what it takes.
a terrifying clamour of trumpets by ShanaStoryteller
Edward & Alphonse, Edward/Roy, Edward & Izumi, Bamf Ed, Fix It, Complete, 12k
Edward grabs Marcoh’s arm and says, “That stone – what can it heal, exactly?”
The old man’s eyebrows rise to his forehead, and he looks like he already knows the answer when he goes, “Why do you ask, Edward?”
There's no metallic footsteps so there’s no way Al’s close enough to hear them. “I’m sick,” he admits after another moment of deliberation.
Accidents Happen by metisket
Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Harry Dresden, Alphonse & Harry Dresden, Crossover, Crack, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 14k
It’s not so much the strange children falling from the sky that are worrying Harry. It’s more that the children don’t seem to think the situation is all that weird.
“No matter where I go,” Ed said thoughtfully, “there’s a goddamn pyromaniac there waiting for me.”
Repaire du Diable by Batsutousai
Darius/Heinkel/Edward, Edward & Alphonse, Post Canon Au, Complete, 9k
Ed and Al weren't the sort to settle down, despite their best intentions, so they travel, eventually finding Noah again, this time working with a circus that has its share of familiar faces, but also some new ones. Can the Elrics finally find people to settle down with?
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