#it's 100% the way I read into characters to gauge any amount of personality atp
eluxcastar · 1 year
Three a.m. Riri thoughts I've suddenly decided I'm salty because five seconds ago it clicked that Kagami's idea of Urd and Rígr making up after a THOUSAND YEARS of animosity and fighting is just Rígr being like "wouldn't it be so cool if you trusted me 😇😇 dad was a wayyy bigger dick than me" and Urd was kinda just like "Yk what it would be cool" and then ig they just told everyone they kissed and made up in the span of one conversation which given its simplicity could've happened at any point??? Why a thousand years after it we know he knew where Rígr was??? I got mad WATCHING it go down in a different universe forget being on either of these fuckers' side and being told "That guy who was supposedly a traitor for the last millennium is fine now because he actually didn't mean it lmao"
It wasn't even that I knew and didn't realise how shallow it is but that I DIDN'T EVEN REALISE THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THEM MAKING UP. This whole time I've been waiting and only just now as I sit in my kitchen spinning on a chair did I realise that THAT was what I had been waiting for. Really??
I could genuinely see so much I liked in this because there was hints this was important to those characters. Rígr had elements of a person who burdens himself with responsibility and hurts the people he cares about in order to protect them while Urd was just a lonely guy who wanted someone who could understand him and would make having to live literally forever when he's not mentally built to do that a lot easier and I was like "maybe Kagami does have one subplot for me to look forward to" and then I remember he doesn't because he ends his subplots by suspending them or just snuffing them out in order for nonsense to take place instead
I can think of so many ways that he could've dragged the plot out if he really wanted to that would be far more fulfilling and contribute to the story more than whatever the hell he is dragging it out with 😞😞
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