#it's a shame bc i'd buy him in a heartbeat if it wasn't for his freaking eyes
lesbianlorna · 9 months
god i really wish i could find a way to make finn rosado's eyes less... creepy. i think he's a really neat character and i love his signature color, but those eyes.....
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
hi hi! the “you have to get through me” grim request was SO good, i was wondering if you could write the same prompt for Idia, Floyd, Jade, Ruggie and Jack?? thanks!! :)))
【 you're gonna have to get through me first ! 2 】
author's note: hello hello ! first, i'd like to thank everyone for their support on my very first headcanon post ! i'm really glad you requested another one, bc it was hella fun to make <3 this is a bit longer bc it kinda doubles as a 200 follower special + 10-day-aversary of the first one, so i hope you enjoy !
characters: idia shroud, floyd leech, jade leech, ruggie bucchi, jack howl
gender neutral! prefect, headcanons, request <3
part 1 of this (kind of) series! (ft. leona, azul, vil, & malleus)
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Grim knew he had to stay vigilant at all times. Somewhere out there was someone who wanted to take away his henchman, and that was absolutely not happening on his watch!! Grim's Henchman Protection Program was formed take down all potential threats to his and his henchman's peaceful life, and he wouldn't be stopping now!
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Idia Shroud
idia wasn't the most experienced guy in terms of irl romance. but he was quite the aficionado of the romance genre- from light novels to animes to even otome games. you name it, he's seen it.
and yet the first time his heartbeat starts wildly acting up in his chest, and his cheeks flush and his hair flares up pink, idia thought, "oh no. am i going to die?"
it wasn't until he had ortho perform a search on the symptoms that he realized that he was in love. he was less thrilled to find out that, no, he wasn't in love with one of his waifus or husbandos. instead, he was in love with the ramshackle prefect.
the prefect who took a liking to him despite him being a NEET, and a weirdo. the prefect who brought over treats just for him when they had free ti-
wait, wasn't he just playing an otome game route ? these were all events, he rationalized with what little braincells he had after he figured out he had a crush.
great seven, the next interaction event would be coming up soon! he had invited them over to watch his favorite anime. he had to get full affection points so that he could start dating them! who knew who else was also vying for their attention?
when the day came, he had his game plan: to end the event by holding their hand.
as they sat together, idia swallowed. they were on their fifth episode now, and he had been slowly inching closer so that he could complete his mission. besides, he made them laugh earlier, which meant that this interaction had a less likely hood of failing, right?
now all he had to do is reach over and grab their hand. it was easy. just like in those games, smoothly reach over, and-
"not on my watch, gamer boy!" there's a cat biting him. there's a cat biting him??? "don't you dare try to put your grubby hands on my henchman!"
idia almost passed out with shame when they stare at him confused. he should've known that every elusively easy boss fight had a trap to it! and the prefect just came with...an overly fluffy cat-monster.
"grim, let go of idia-" "but he was lookin' at you with those...heart-shaped eyes, blergh i was about to throw up! no way he can date my henchman! he has to get my approval first!"
thankfully for grim, idia liked cats. or else maybe he really would've really fainted by now from the prefect's embarrassed expression to the way a cat confessed to his crush for him. talk about top 10 anime betrayals!
instead he swallowed his pride. it's not like he was against trying to earn grim's affection points. so he started buying snacks specifically for grim after having ortho scout out what the little creature liked.
every time the prefect came over, idia would have the treats waiting like a peasant offering goods to a god. (and it's not like grim dislikes being called the "great lord grim", so he's chill with it)
he convinced himself it was necessary for a perfect clear. if he can start dating the prefect and get a new cat friend? that sounded like an ending worth all the hours of his attention.
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Floyd Leech
floyd liked the little shrimp. he knew that from day one, he was super interested in them. now, what he didn't know was when that interest and like turned into a fondness and love. it was too complex for him to think about so naturally floyd just took it in stride.
it wasn't like anything would change now that he knew he loved them, right? except, something did change.
he didn't like it when his shrimpy would get close to those other small fries. he was clearly the better choice! why would they hangout with them when they had him?
after much deliberation (aka jade stepping in and telling him he should confess), floyd decided to tell the little shirmp exactly how he felt.
he found the shrimpy at lunch and decided to carry them all the way to mostro lounge for a special snack.
"floyd, i don't think this is safe-" "don't worry~ i won't ever drop you, shrimpy!"
as soon as they were sat at the bar, he set off to work on making them something: a delicious plate of steaming takoyaki.
why? well...he figured that maybe if he showed that he was good at cooking, they would accept his confession faster. (floyd logic is logic all the same, everyone)
and so he walked out with the biggest grin and the most beautifully plated takoyaki that he had ever made, "i have your special snack little shrimp! it's extra specially made by yours truly~"
he placed the plate down in front of the prefect, watching as their eyes sparkled at the dish in front of them, "floyd, this is-"
what..? was that... the baby seal? floyd blinked again and yes, that was baby seal...with his mouth full of his takoyaki. the one he made for shrimpy.
"nice try seafood, but you can't just lure my henchman with the promise of good food!" the baby seal folded his arms. "what about me, we're a 2-in-1 package deal!"
the prefect grabbed him by the scruff, "grim, that wasn't for you! i told you, you could order anything else! i'm so sorry floyd!"
"l-look i bet he was going to confess his undying love to you after. and n-no way his love is more undying than my care for my henchman! he doesn't have my approval," the seal hunched closer to the prefect. "b-but please don't squeeze me..."
floyd was as confused as the little shrimp looked. he stared at the baby seal and then back at the prefect, then at his ruined takoyaki. he was both angry and sad and it seemed that today, his sadness won, because-
"the delicious takoyaki i made for shrimpy is ruined..." floyd sniffed, tears lining his eyes. he seldom cried unless he got too overwhelmed. this was exactly one of those times. "imma squeeze you later baby seal, i'm too sad to squeeze you right now- wwaahhhhh~!"
safe to say the prefect was left to deal with a bawling eel and a complaining cat creature, which wasn't a good combination. (jade had to step in because floyd started clinging onto the prefect while still sobbing uncontrollably)
from then on, it seemed floyd and grim had an intense rivalry over who loved the henchman/shrimpy more. whenever floyd was in the mood, he'd tussle with grim over menial things as the prefect watched on.
when floyd wasn't in the mood it got a bit tricky. sometimes, he would just...give up, which makes grim feel just a little bad as the eel stalked off with a sad look on his face.
but it's more likely he would pick his shrimpy up and carry them off into the sunset. nobody could get in the way of him and shrimpy's love! not even the baby seal!
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Jade Leech
at first, jade wasn't even that interested in the prefect. he knew his brother was charmed, but he didn't really see the appeal. a magicless human who didn't have any redeeming qualities. that was as plain as plain would get.
now someone tell him why he ended up falling for such a human. was it the way they took floyd's moods in stride? or the way they helped take care of his mushrooms whenever he was too busy to?
over time he grew to be endeared by them and their smart quips that rival even his, and this is where it brought him: on a hike to a beautiful waterfall he had found last week with the prefect in tow.
now jade wasn't one to confess first, but he wanted to make sure that they clearly knew where his feelings lied for them.
after around an hour of hiking, they finally reached the waterfall. "woah, this is beautiful jade! you should set up a magicam account for all these places you find."
jade preened at the praise, "i hope you do enjoy the beauty of this place." he wanted to say that none of it compared to them, but the words had caught in his throat.
"prefect," he reached out for their hand, taking it in his. "truthfully, i brought you out here today to-"
the prefect jolted at the voice, "wait, grim?? how did you get here? and what do you mean eloping?"
jade, clearly perturbed, turned to see the small grey monster huffing and puffing as he made his way towards them, "i *huff* i climbed all the way up here! the slimy eel has long legs so it was *huff, huff* hard for me to keep up." the monster wiped his brow and jade felt something tick in his jaw at his words.
"listen up, ya overgrown pool noodle," jade readied a polite smile, which the monster flinched at. "t-that smile isn't gonna scare me! y-you're tryna run away and ask out my henchman in the woods, right? well i'm here to say that you won't succeed unless you get through me first!"
jade's perfect smile fell slightly at his words. did he just...ruin all his plans completely? he looked to the prefect, whose eyes were wide as saucers now. well. there was no hiding it now, it was better if he was forward with everything.
"my personal feelings for the prefect is none of your business, grim." if voices could cut, then jade's voice was a freshly sharpened kitchen knife.
"yes it is! me and the henchman are one person, so their business is my business!"
jade sighed, because arguing with grim was almost as pointless as arguing with floyd was. in the end, he accepted the monster's interruption, earning the small victory of holding the prefect's hand on their way down.
since then, jade would notice that grim would follow him around whenever he hung out with the prefect. whether it be in the gardens or even in mostro lounge the monster was there.
jade took it in stride, sending a menacing smile every once in a while, as he continued to court the prefect.
though he doesn't show it, he is a prideful man. and he wasn't willing to stoop down to a monster just to gain his approval.
and besides, if the prefect was already deeply in love with him, then there was no way that monster could convince them otherwise, right?
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Ruggie Bucchi
it was all fun and games for ruggie, at the beginning. i mean, a magicless prefect? someone who he could manipulate with his unique magic however he wanted? someone like that was bound to be the target of his amusements.
and it grew especially entertaining for him when they bit him back, retaliating against his jabs with ones of their own, even going as far as to purchasing what ruggie wanted to purchase first.
but what he didn't know was, while he was busy stealing their wallet, they were busy unsuspectingly stealing his heart.
his body stiffened the moment he realized that the clamor in his chest wasn't just from the high of a successful heist, and that it was from the feeling of affection instead.
he decided that, after weeks of dancing around them, he would confess to them. and he had a pretty good plan.
first, he would steal their wallet, as usual. "hey- ruggie, not right now, i need that!" "don't you always, shishishi~"
second, slowly lead them away to a quieter corner. that was easy when the prefect wasn't one to give up a chase.
and third, he had them successfully cornered when he used a little bit of "laugh with me" to make them stay still for a moment
"ruggie, what-" "listen, prefect," ruggie rubbed the back of his neck as he released his unique magic. "actually, i..."
"you're a kidnapper, that's what you are!" and there's a cat pouncing on his back- why the hell was grim so heavy, again?? ruggie was sure that his claws distended his uniform in some way as grim used him as a springboard, jumping toward the prefect.
"how dare you take my henchman while i was looking away! and to what? to confess to them in some dark corner, like a...a creep?" grim jabbed a paw to ruggie's chest. "and don't tell me you didn't! i saw that! you gotta get through me if you wanna get to them!"
now, ruggie felt stupefied as he stared at the prefect, the cat having taken all the words from his mouth. so he smiled, as easy going as he could with his literal stomach in knots, "well, that's the correct answer! i'm tryna date you, prefect~"
after the incident, grim would always be there to steal the prefect's wallet from him, which was getting unfair, so he would always hit twice as hard. he used "laugh with me" to make grim do silly dances or even to hand the wallet back to him before he booked it. all that mattered to him was that the prefect was still smiling exasperated at their antics.
their smile was something he wanted to protect, after all. it was precious to him. even if it meant making an absolute fool of himself to ward off some cat-monster.
it would all be worth it as long as they continued to smile for him.
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Jack Howl
(extra long bc i was having jack brainrot orz)
jack didn't know what to expect when he met them. a human who didn't have a lick of magic that dared to go against leona? he had to admit that they had guts. and it was proven to him again and again.
from being an instrumental part to foiling leona's plan, to challenging azul to free everyone from their contracts, they were someone fearless who also carried a bleeding heart.
a heart that bled even for him. they had shown their care for him on multiple occasions, which he wasn't opposed to receiving at all.
so uh...how did human's court again? jack knew exactly how beastmen courted, but maybe it was kinda different in the human realm.
he decided to ask for advice. and maybe ace wasn't the best place to ask for advice, but he didn't exactly know a lot of..reliable people.
ace had grinned, "if you wanna woo someone, you gotta show them your strengths!"
his strengths, huh. jack had just the thing. a magift match he would be playing in.
he was more nervous than usual. and well, it's not like he could help it! he already decided that he wanted to court them and in wolf beastmen culture, that meant marriage. they only ever had one partner in their lifetimes, so he was quite serious about this.
maybe it was the extra adrenaline from the nervousness, but he performed very well, tanking through a few enemy attacks and even scoring his own hits.
so he jogged up to the prefect, and they seemed equally as ecstatic, "that was...so awesome! i mean that goal? where'd you learn to play like that??"
his tail started to wag, "well, that's just because i was playing for someone. i...wanted to make them proud, so i did my best." and jack swallowed. maybe this would be the perfect time to tell them how he felt? he didn't need to play a long game, he just...wanted to know if they felt the same...
"well i'm sure i can play better than he can!" ah. grim. he was sitting next to them, tail swishing angrily. "the big bad wolf tryna impress my henchman hmm? well my henchman has me, so ya gotta try harder to impress!"
"grim, this is why you're not on the magift tea-" "henchman. i'm tryna save you from getting eaten by him! he's tryna date you, ya know?"
jack.exe had stopped working. he was trying to what? i mean. it was true. but he was planning on taking it step by step. and now that plan was thrown out of the window.
"is that true, jack?" they asked with a dazed expression. and what was jack supposed to say? no? so he silently nodded.
"no way you can do that without my permission first!" grim said and oh. was it a human thing that you needed your family's approval to date? jack could understand it though. how could he date them when their only kind-of-family member hated his guts?
jack was enthusiastic in all his attempts to get closer to grim, and win his approval. he was not one to cheat on anything, and he wasn't about to start now.
he tried to wrack his brain on what would sway the little guy, and all he could think of was making him stronger- both academically and physically. whenever he and the prefect would have study dates, he would do mini tutoring lessons with grim to make sure he won't fail. and whenever he asked them to come practice flying, grim would have to tag along for the jog.
(he would 100% try to teach grim to hunt. but grim is just. atrocious at it. because he can't shut up. well, at least jack tried.)
if this was how life with the prefect would be, with a slightly inconvenient cat around, then jack wouldn't trade it for the world.
after all, he wanted them to be his one and only beloved, so he was willing to give up this much for it to happen.
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want a request ? check out the request menu for details ! wanna read more ? check the masterlist for more works !
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