#it's for saying you don't tolerate that type of harmful bigoted shit
cottoncandytomu · 11 months
As I would assume most of you have seen, there's a lot of shit going down in tlou2 fandom rn. Especially when it comes to writers and as a writer in the fandom I wanted to share my thoughts.
First off, I've seen this happen before. To make an entire fucking account to hate off of a creator is diabolical behavior. Not only that but it's the biggest way to tell everyone that you're a minor. No normal adult would make an entire account to slander writers. ESPECIALLY when it comes to their race. Adding onto that, racism is fucking disgusting behavior. It always has and always will be. The fact that this stemmed because POC want writers to be more inclusive in their writing is on another level.
Please take a moment to realize the privilege that comes with reading fan fics as a "stereotypical white person." A lot of fan fics (not just in this fandom) cater to a specific type of people. You have to recognize how frustrating it can be for someone who doesn't fit that type to be engrossed in a story to then read that the reader "blushed as red as a tomato" when they have a darker complexion.
Ellie is a fictional character and can be written with whoever the writer wants them to be with, it's a fucking video game. Stop treating these video game characters as REAL PEOPLE and putting ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE down. It's that simple. To attack creators based off of their race is bigoted disgusting foul fucking behavior and that will not be tolerated in this fandom.
Go seek professional help, please. As to all the writers who are not POC please, it's not that hard to be inclusive. Just stop writing to things that pertain to blushing, hair as well. Not everyone has luscious smooth hair that Ellie can run her fingers through. Just take a moment to reread what you're putting out there. And if you don't want to be inclusive at least be courteous enough to warn the readers that your said story pertains to a certain type of reader.
Another issue is minors in this fandom as well. I've talked about this loads and it seems to never stop. I know minors go and look at spaces they're not welcome and that none of you will stop because who will stop you. But please take into consideration that we are hell bent on keeping you off our page for our safety and yours. There are people out there who want to cause you harm, please be aware of this. And they will start with using the fact that you're in these spaces. An adult who is looking out for your safety will not interact with you, so please just wait till you're old enough and stay away from our spaces. It's infuriating to have to keep saying this. But respect our boundaries as we respect yours. You can seriously get someone in trouble just by simply interacting with their 18+ content. Be mindful!!
With all that being said, this will be the only thing I have to say on the matter unless it goes out of control again. My page does NOT TOLERATE BIGOTED RACIST BEHAIVOR. NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL.
Also if anything in my writing makes you feel as if you're not included please let me know. I try to the best of my ability to make my writing inclusive to the WLW part of the fandom.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this! <3
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thatwaywardwolf · 4 years
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This is a bit old to bring up, but the topic of TERFs came up in a group I was in because someone was facing transphobia and it reminded me of this lovely individual who left this remark on a question I got asked about what it a TERF is.
I rolled by eyes at this and never thought about checking their blog out to see what else is going on. Well, there's another user to look out for now amongst the pagan community if you're looking for someone to follow. I've said this before, but I'll say it again for anyone who is new here in case I didn't get the point across.
If you're a TERF or you align with such values, you aren't welcome here. If you're biphobic, transphobic, or ace/arophobic, you aren't welcome here. Just like with Nazis and white nationalists, I want nothing to do with you if you uphold hateful and bigoted values; especially when it comes to attitudes and agendas that affect my trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings.
hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið
“When you see misdeeds, speak out against them, and give your enemies no frið”
- Hávamál 127
Don't try to argue with me either if you fall in line with this ideology because I see you for what you are, nor do I want to be associated with you. Unfollow me and don't let the door hit you on the way out. As a very queer trans man, I refuse to let this type of bullshit slide. I can't change your mind because some thought processes can't be reasoned with, but I can put my foot down and speak my peace about it.
So, to this person who replied to me and considers bigotry to be radical, please unkindly fuck off; especially when others in the notes so eloquently said why this type of thing is a problem in some pagan oriented circles. This behavior is unacceptable and it shouldn't be tolerated, period. We're a community, and as such, we should stand to support one another from oppressive systems that seek to harm marginalized individuals, not cast them aside and treat them like shit.
- Adam
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familiaralien · 5 years
Re: your tags on that one post- I think you're 100% correct in most of their ideology being performative. Like it's very clear that this issue doesn't actually affect their life at all if they can so easily ignore it so WHY continue to be so hateful? I don't get it at all
Indeed :/. The only thing I can get out of it is people are two faced because they think they can be friends with everyone all at once by constantly shifting gears depending on who they’re around. For me people like that with such weak morals are... well in risk of sounding like a complete narcissist well below me as human beings.
Like really I absolutely DESERVE better than a friendship with the very reason transphobes say things like “No one actually accepts what you are they’re just politely tolerating your delusion!” when I’m forced into a conversation with one. Bigots are not as stupid as many people think; they see how often folks like my ex-mutual go from being ok with trans people and gendering us correctly to calling us various slurs and insults when they’re in a different social group. Whether people want to accept this or not shit like that gives bigots the impression trans acceptance is nothing but a politically correct charade and “normal” people won’t actually care if they haul off and stab the next trans person they see at the bar.
Sorry for getting a bit long with my reply I just felt like ranting a little bit about this type of gross behavior I see a lot. We get a lot of talk about how bigotry in jest is harmful but all performative bigotry is indistinguishable from the genuine thing in the damage it causes. If someone IS an actual good person they should have no problem prioritizing their friendship with say asexuals over their friendship with aggressive ace exclusionists, this isn’t a complex issue as much as people like to pretend it is.
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