#it's kinda sad
crvknight · 8 months
Yall wanna hear my favorite thought? Too bad, I'm writing it anyway.
My favorite thought is that humans are all just self-replicating machines. We're an organism, made up of organs, which are in turn made up of tissues, which are made of cells, which are FUCKIN ORGANISMS AGAIN and who have THEIR OWN ORGANS but this time we call them organelles because they're ittybitty and we needed a word for the ittybitty ones.
We are, collectively, a giant dogpile of billions of instances of the grey goo scenario. I mean really, we're nothing else. How do you make a human? Oh idk maybe throw together a bunch of organic cells that share dna and tell them "Hey you guys, you have exactly three things to do. Go eat, replicate, and for god's sake try not to die" and all our biological building blocks were like "yeah ok" and so it was that the *planet earth* was made into one giant calculation on how to make the most efficient and effective scavenger it can out of some spare *carbon* and whatever else it had in the fridge at the time.
Not to mention how the entire food chain is just a massive nutrient extraction and refinement process. Plants eat nutrients in dirt, herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores, and whatever is the easiest to eat gets sliced up, prepackaged, and shipped to your local superstore. The bible says adam was made of mud or some shit? Yeah ofc he was. We all are, Adam. Get in line. We're a bunch of bipedal machines made of billions of smaller machines, designed with the sole purpose of eating things that eat things and *getting on with it* it's wonderful.
And we fear things like zombies, or werewolves, or the borg, etc that would take us and use what they find to make more of themselves *like we haven't already been doing that ourselves*. The human equivalent is something like a bunch of humans exploring deep space and finding a planet populated entirely by cattle.
"Hello, meat planet. Welcome to our bellies.", they'd say, their eyes glinting with subtle malice and overt hunger.
"Look man, I have no idea what you're planning but please don't kill us for food stock", the cows would reply
Too bad we don't speak cow.
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helmarok · 1 year
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thepeculiarbird · 11 months
Random MPHFPC stuff #3 :
You probably know that Millard likes Lilly right ?
I also really like the ship Villard.
What if Lilly looked a lot like Victor but genderbend so that's why he loves her ? Because she reminds him of Victor.
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
Me, looking at all the garbage isekais out there: None of you will ever have what FFX had.
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yandere-demon-cat · 4 months
heya not sure if im too tardy to the party but i was wondering what happened with cannibal sweetheart and honey hotline too ! i didnt even know they had a discord that was suddenly deleted. i tried searching on tumblr a bit and saw a post that implies the creator of CS had some difficulties (prob writing/direction-wise?) with their game so they pulled it and have started a new proj entirely. its a def a bummer bcs ive only just seen @/omgrenhasfriends and it wouldve been so fun to be in the male-yan fandom then ;v; I have no clue what's happened to honey hotline though and all links to their seem to be totally gone, unlike CS. I just assume its the same thing as what happened to CS, and not for any friendship/community issue :<
I'm pretty sure I actually had the creator of CS post a reply to my post(I think they deleted it cause I can't find it anymore??) that the game was stressing them out and they decided to back out for the time being but plans on coming back some time in the future.
Honey Hotline on the other hand I'm not so sure, I believe there was drama and said drama caused the creator to get rid all their stuff on tumblr, Its strange because at least with HH the other VNs they've made/working on are still accessible(Not including Love letter which files were suspended by admins???), I wasn't following them all to closely so don't take my words as law on that
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doesitmatterluv · 11 months
Lately, I can't go a day without thinking about Aditha, idk why he's got me addicted or smtng. I can't sleep, listen to music or watch a movie without thinking about him.
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12am-motivation · 1 year
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so we get his birthday UR in a nightmare banner this year huh?
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kweza · 1 year
the way my days have been work + eat + sleep
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zaya-mo · 2 years
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I rewatched TBB and finally saw Echo's hammock on the right side of Tech's bunk :(
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
“do you have a wife?” 
“Yeah, but she’s dead.”
Okay, so Michael used his son’s loss of a mother to avoid dating at first and then seems to self-sabotage every relationship even after George Michael says he’s okay with him dating, including eventually Sally Sitwell, the woman he was the most into of all of his relationships in s1-3. While part of the Sally thing is most definitely from him wanting to be a martyr wrt Maggie’s pregnancy, I do think it’s a pretty powerful thing that he’s obviously not over Tracey at all. Hell, even when he meets Rebel, one of his first comments is “my dead wife had red hair”. Tracey’s never an “ex”, never his “former wife”, she’s just always his “wife”.
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Imagine how fucking sad you have to be to make amputee ragebait art of Leo/Chase to upset people lmfao
especially as i was tentatively down for the clown as always
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healution · 1 year
I expected more votes for Belgium oops
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pica-corvidae · 2 years
does anyone else have 105.000 minutes on their spotify wrapped?
or am i the only one because all my friends got around 20.000 give or take a few thousand
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
It's kinda funny how much time I spend drafting, writing and editing my fanfics, only for my most popular post to be a shitty meme that it took me five minutes to make.
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imk1ra · 2 years
5 chapters until Tokyo Revengers ends?Help,I refuse to accept that.
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soineffablygay · 2 years
Mir ist gestern erst aufgefallen, dass ich die neueste Tatort Stuttgart Folge verpasst habe. Aber sie soll wohl eh schlimm sein? :/
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