#it's on the paper but marvel doesn't actually want to delve into it in any meaningful way.
sciderman · 6 months
Being told Daniel Ways Deadpool is just a crazy™ idiot from a looney tunes show just to read it (for a third time, now as an adult, after seeing something past the first two issues) and see that while YES, Wade is crazy™ in the book, to the point of just randomly having halucinations and a second voice (whitch both still kinda piss me off, because while NOW it's supposed to be Madcap, back then it was just kinda offensive), he was also a pretty fucking smart individual, to the point of tricking everyone on a bunch of occasions, that whole scene of him alone on a boat after killing a shark, his sometimes dark and kinda depressing inner thoughts, it was just kinda a shock.
And while Wades jokes don't always land for me, the book actualy got me to laugh a bunch of times, while the portrayl of mental illness outside of depression is out-dated and offensive, at least he wasn't JUST a crazy idiot, and Medinas art for Wade is so good imo.
(Also the Bullseye arc was so fucking fun, with the look into Wades backstory, the more and more cartoonish violence, the art, the jokes, the pay-off at the end of the story too)
do we think that the white box is something inherently offensive? because i mean - i write wade with the white box. it's not related to madcap - it's something that's part of him - but i don't think it's anything that isn't just, part of any human – the voice of self-doubt that makes you question your worth. the intrusive voice in your head that makes you fall into destructive habits – i think it's something very real (for everyone) but it just manifests in different, more extreme ways for someone who's been through as much as wade wilson. (that's why peter has red, too. peter has his own boxes of self-doubt.)
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i think there's a lot to enjoy about way's run. i love the boxes, and i think they're something that sets wade as a character that's kind of unique. yeah, it wasn't exactly handled in the most sensitive way in regards to proper representation of mental illness, but – i think it's a huge loss that it was erased. because wade could be such an interesting, unique representation that you don't normally see taken in a sympathetic and likeable light. you always see these sorts of disorders as something terrifying - something only in horrors and tragedies - you don't see it manifested in the characters you're meant to root for. the characters who are striving to do better.
i think white box was such an interesting device that gave deadpool a unique voice - gave us an in into his head - kept an entertaining dialogue going with wade even when there were no other characters present - and gave us opportunities for comedy in unexpected places. and i honestly kind of feel like it's some sort of erasure to get rid of those boxes, and make wade just like every other marvel character. i think a writer who's sensitive and creative could do something so, so interesting with those boxes.
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i miss you, wade's boxes. i could write an essay on thi
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mudkippey · 11 months
I watched Thor (yes in the year of our Lord 2023) the other week with my friend and I'm SEETHING at how it handled Jane Foster. Thor is an alien yet I don't think Marvel understood that ZERO astrophysicists would take that revelation as calmly as Jane did. It's saved for the end, when it would be so fun to see it right from the start. It's SUCH wasted potential that the movie doesn't delve into the dynamic that is "Alien who Vikings thought was a God crashes on Earth and he's being housed by an astrophysicist". Imagine if she was a scientist working at SULI. It's like Contact, except this time the contact is the alien crashing into the radio telescope array. Even if she isn't into researching extraterrestrial life, "there's an alien in my house" is the kind of thing she'd want to research more as someone who SPECIALIZES IN STUDYING SPACE.
By the end of that movie she realistically would've been fully in Deranged Scientist Mode with all the new discoveries she's made. SHIELD would have to physically fight her for the remains of Loki's Evil Gundam. We got a taste of that in the start when she drove through a lightning storm for that sweet sweet data, and her following Thor to that government base, but I Need More.
Adding in the whole "he's an alien" aspect, and most importantly, her BELIEVING he is an alien, as a big plot point would actually make her interest in Thor not come across as immediately simping for a possibly crazy dude she hit with her car. It starts as her wanting to STUDY him, only for her to realize she enjoys his company and wants to know more about him as a person. As it is I get the impression she just likes him because he's hot, buff and nice. And I get that, but I'm also aromantic, so I don't think it's good that Jane seems to follow my logic when it comes to what's supposed to be romance.
And the whole "government stole my research" thing would still make sense because that's a classic part of any story with aliens. Bonus if it involves Jane leading the feds on a wild goose chase because how dare the government try to also confiscate my boyfriend/subject of my new research paper. It would also make her getting shoved stage left in the Avengers feel better, because otherwise she would devise a plan to lock Loki up in a cage and study him like a chimpanzee the moment she found out he's an alien who can use MAGIC.
Agreeing to watch Marvel with my friend was a mistake. I get why there's so much fanfic, there are SO many missed opportunities. I majored in physics and astronomy and like unhinged women, so seeing Jane not get lost in my favorite flavor of science sauce when she realistically would have is painful, especially because it would have made her one of my favorite characters of all time. I get that this all is not what she's like in canon but one look at Thor's chest seems to have messed with the part of her mind that she spent 6+ years in academia developing and it's disappointing.
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serpent-sariah · 3 years
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Isabella, 15+, female, straight, was born and raised in a small town called Green River, Wyoming. Her birthdate is January 24th, 2001.
Isabella is one of the main protagonists of her teenage years. She's a caregiver, the main reason for this knowledge is because one of her best friends since her toddler year was brutally attacked by his parents. Another reason is because one of her best friends turned her back on their mutual best friends and became a literal gang member and started ghosting her mutual former friends whenever they tried to plan an evening or day or afternoon together.
Isabella is 5'4, curvy yet skinny, she's white, her skin being fair to the point it would burn and be easily bruised. She has small and tiny pink lips, a small nose, is baby-faced and has chocolate brown eyebrows. Her hair is lower-waist length, and natural, wavy, hot chocolate brown hair with light brown highlights to compliment her hair. Her eyes are upturned, small, and they are a near translucent periwinkle blue color. She wears glasses but prefers contacts to glasses, and will wear sunglasses most of the time to protect her light eyes. She tends to wear something black and pink but will wear other colors, too. She prefers pants over dresses and short-sleeved shirts over long-sleeved shirts. Her hair is normally is either in a braid, or a ponytail braid. She has a scar on the side of her right arm caused by her classmate Krysta Reynolds. She has tiny pale scars lacing the palms from her hands by picking at the skin with the ends of paper clips out of worry and concern. She also has a scar lining on her left collarbone from breaking her collarbone in a motorcycle accident. It hasn't healed right, yet she keeps proving to her dad that she still can do tumbling.
Isabella has lived in Green River her entire life and is considered the loner of her high school. She gets pretty good grades, which has allowed her to get into Honors Classes at the last year of her high school years. With getting good grades, not has only allowed her to get into Honors Classes, but when she turned 15, she immediately began getting ready to take her driver's ed class and get a blue Honda car by the time she turns 16, despite her father's wishes on getting a car and getting herself a job. She's done as much as she can to prove to her dad that she can do things on her own yet he doesn't believe her and continues to try to keep her under his control up until a year later after she gets married to her high school boyfriend and good vampire, Jonah Ledger, she moves into her best friend's (Victoria Stone's) house by 17, after Jonah and Victoria's psychotic parents tried to kidnap them.
Isabella is a very kind, helpful, funny young girl, who also sports the personality of being very stubborn, upfront, honest, and she will speak her mind. When she's honest, she won't apologize for being honest and speaking the truth. She'll say it how it is and she won't back down from a fight.
She's one of those rare people who will actually stay with you and be there for you through all the good times and the bad, and won't do anything to cause someone harm. But besides that, she's also a damaged girl after what an ex-friend caused, causing her to become more of a loner in the first few months it happened than normal and almost cut off her friends because she also had developed a defense mechanism just so she doesn't get hurt again. She's also known push you to do something that she knows they'll be great at (she pushed her best friend Kaydence to start training up for the police force when Kaydence was indecisive of it, but Isabella has a great sense of support for each and everyone of her friends to the point she 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 if someone's gonna go far with something. She's pushed Luke to try out for track and field, and after high school and college, he's begun doing marathons, triathlons, and so forth).
As she's been in tumbling, she's gotten awards each year that she keeps in a box under her bed. She's also a really good writer (her best friend Jonah and herself work together on a lot of stuff, she'd write it, and he'd draw pictures for references). She works at her grandpa's fast food joint (Bernard's Roadside Burger) and has created a new delicacy delight when they were out of spaghetti sauce for their lasanga, using Alfredo sauce instead, and it was a huge hit for the fast food joint. She's known for making/baking a lot of treats for each school party she goes to to contribute to it, or just for her circle of friends if they hang out somewhere or go on a picnic together. But she also bakes a lot of treats for each holiday of the year, including Valentine's Day, Easter, and the Fourth of July. Some people in Green River are surprised at how well she can bake and how fancy/creepy/and into detail her treats and goodies are, that it makes the people at the high school super jealous of her (which is why a lot of people are cruel to her at school, but it also isn't the only reason why).
She also makes fancy (non-alcoholic beverages) which are called mocktails, because she doesn't want any underage people drunk, or any person drunk and/or high off their rockers.
She is a huge fan of reading, and likes to delve into all kinds of mystery books she can get her tiny hands on, especially if they have a hint of romance in them. She'll even read superhero books, like, Marvel and DC. She'll read magical books like Narnia and Harry Potter. Action-packed books like Michael Vey and Percy Jackson.
She is also a huge fan of music and likes a variety of bands/singers, but her most favorite is the Christian rockbands are Skillet and Superchick, for their messages they say.
Her most mistake she regrets is ever meeting her ex-friend, and she knows she shouldn't say or think that, but it's what she feels in her young teenage life. The reason for this is because her group of friends and herself noticed that their mutual ex-best friend started drifting away from them (I know this happens sometimes, but there's more to the story), that said ex-best friend started rumors about Isabella and her group of friends, causing the whole high school to gossip about them, like, spreading false rumors that they lied about Jonah's parents being locked up which got to Isabella's family into the mix, even the marks on Jonah were there. The friend finally apologized in a senior graduation letter on the last day of high school. But with all the crap that friend put her and her friends through, it was too late for their friendship to heal back.
Isabella absolutely hates bullies, because of what that friend did, and just stories of what backstabbing friends did. She also can't stand mushrooms, and is allergic to them, she can't stand peppers/hot peppers, and ketchup. She hates it when her dad gets mad at her, even though she's right, trying to guilt trip her, telling her that she's too young to understand, stop trying to grow up so fast (that almost made her want to leave her birth house).
She's afraid of hurting anyone, even on accident. She's afraid of doing something wrong by the way she was raised. If it wasn't for her friends, she wouldn't know anything that she needed to know out in the real world. She's also afraid of spiders, but where there's fear, she has hope for a brighter day.
Her motivation is her belief in God, trying to prove to her dad that she's not a baby anymore, getting out of her house, going to college with her friends (to teach her how to live on her own), and make it out of Green River without another scar on her scar-filled heart.
(Questions are welcome)
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