#leaving that typo. okay i sleep now. my sleep schedule is fucking atrocious these days it's 5am
burinazar · 9 months
To whoever submitted that fic prompt about Tiktok a few weeks ago i am so sorry and I tried my damndest to be enough of a Tiktok Understander to write it but it was like pulling teeth. i simply do not think i can write this based on what i know about the site, and furthermore i also can't do what i initially thought i could, which is do a bit of research and at least come to understand it enough find an idea to to squeeze out a few hundred words of fic out of. might as well ask me to write about them doing some light coding or something. (the joke is i don't know how to code) i'm sorry, feel free to ask for anything else and don't take my inability to fulfil this one as any greater indication of lack of interest in prompts. (and ofc that goes for anyone! but with the continued disclaimer i may be unable to or uninterested in any given prompt or fandom/character etc)
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